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Hybrid quantum-classical systems make it possible to utilize existing quantum computers to their fullest extent. Within this framework, parameterized quantum circuits can be regarded as machine learning models with remarkable expressive power. This Review presents the components of these models and discusses their application to a variety of data-driven tasks, such as supervised learning and generative modeling. With an increasing number of experimental demonstrations carried out on actual quantum hardware and with software being actively developed, this rapidly growing field is poised to have a broad spectrum of real-world applications.
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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Machine learning (ML) has recently facilitated many advances in solving problems related to many-body physical systems. Given the intrinsic quantum nature of these problems, it is natural to speculate that quantum-enhanced machine learning will enable us to unveil even greater details than we currently have. With this motivation, this paper examines a quantum machine learning approach based on shallow variational ansatz inspired by tensor networks for supervised learning tasks. In particular, we first look at the standard image classification tasks using the Fashion-MNIST dataset and study the effect of repeating tensor network layers on ansatz's expressibility and performance. Finally, we use this strategy to tackle the problem of quantum phase recognition for the transverse-field Ising and Heisenberg spin models in one and two dimensions, where we were able to reach $\geq 98\%$ test-set accuracies with both multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) and tree tensor network (TTN) inspired parametrized quantum circuits.
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In recent times, Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) have been widely adopted to different tasks in machine learning such as Combinatorial Optimization and Supervised Learning. With the growing interest, it is pertinent to study the boundaries of the classical simulation of VQCs to effectively benchmark the algorithms. Classically simulating VQCs can also provide the quantum algorithms with a better initialization reducing the amount of quantum resources needed to train the algorithm. This manuscript proposes an algorithm that compresses the quantum state within a circuit using a tensor ring representation which allows for the implementation of VQC based algorithms on a classical simulator at a fraction of the usual storage and computational complexity. Using the tensor ring approximation of the input quantum state, we propose a method that applies the parametrized unitary operations while retaining the low-rank structure of the tensor ring corresponding to the transformed quantum state, providing an exponential improvement of storage and computational time in the number of qubits and layers. This approximation is used to implement the tensor ring VQC for the task of supervised learning on Iris and MNIST datasets to demonstrate the comparable performance as that of the implementations from classical simulator using Matrix Product States.
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We propose a classical-quantum hybrid algorithm for machine learning on near-term quantum processors, which we call quantum circuit learning. A quantum circuit driven by our framework learns a given task by tuning parameters implemented on it. The iterative optimization of the parameters allows us to circumvent the high-depth circuit. Theoretical investigation shows that a quantum circuit can approximate nonlinear functions, which is further confirmed by numerical simulations. Hybridizing a low-depth quantum circuit and a classical computer for machine learning, the proposed framework paves the way toward applications of near-term quantum devices for quantum machine learning.
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The interplay between quantum physics and machine learning gives rise to the emergent frontier of quantum machine learning, where advanced quantum learning models may outperform their classical counterparts in solving certain challenging problems. However, quantum learning systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks: adding tiny carefully-crafted perturbations on legitimate input samples can cause misclassifications. To address this issue, we propose a general scheme to protect quantum learning systems from adversarial attacks by randomly encoding the legitimate data samples through unitary or quantum error correction encoders. In particular, we rigorously prove that both global and local random unitary encoders lead to exponentially vanishing gradients (i.e. barren plateaus) for any variational quantum circuits that aim to add adversarial perturbations, independent of the input data and the inner structures of adversarial circuits and quantum classifiers. In addition, we prove a rigorous bound on the vulnerability of quantum classifiers under local unitary adversarial attacks. We show that random black-box quantum error correction encoders can protect quantum classifiers against local adversarial noises and their robustness increases as we concatenate error correction codes. To quantify the robustness enhancement, we adapt quantum differential privacy as a measure of the prediction stability for quantum classifiers. Our results establish versatile defense strategies for quantum classifiers against adversarial perturbations, which provide valuable guidance to enhance the reliability and security for both near-term and future quantum learning technologies.
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现代量子机学习(QML)方法涉及在训练数据集上进行各种优化参数化量子电路,并随后对测试数据集(即,泛化)进行预测。在这项工作中,我们在培训数量为N $培训数据点后,我们在QML中对QML的普遍表现进行了全面的研究。我们表明,Quantum机器学习模型的泛化误差与$ T $培训门的尺寸在$ \ sqrt {t / n} $上缩放。当只有$ k \ ll t $ gates在优化过程中经历了大量变化时,我们证明了泛化误差改善了$ \ sqrt {k / n} $。我们的结果意味着将Unitaries编制到通常使用指数训练数据的量子计算行业的多项式栅极数量,这是一项通常使用指数尺寸训练数据的大量应用程序。我们还表明,使用量子卷积神经网络的相位过渡的量子状态的分类只需要一个非常小的训练数据集。其他潜在应用包括学习量子误差校正代码或量子动态模拟。我们的工作将新的希望注入QML领域,因为较少的培训数据保证了良好的概括。
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高品质,大型数据集在古典机器学习的发展和成功中发挥了至关重要的作用。量子机器学习(QML)是一个新的领域,旨在使用量子计算机进行数据分析,希望获得某种量子的量子优势。虽然大多数提议的QML架构是使用经典数据集的基准测试,但仍存在古典数据集上的QML是否会实现这样的优势。在这项工作中,我们争辩说,应该使用由量子状态组成的量子数据集。为此目的,我们介绍了由量子状态组成的Ntangled DataSet,其数量和多分纠缠的类型。我们首先展示如何培训量子神经网络,以在Ntangled DataSet中生成状态。然后,我们使用Ntangled DataSet来获得用于监督学习分类任务的基准测试QML模型。我们还考虑一个基于替代的纠缠基数据集,其是可扩展的,并且由量子电路准备的状态与不同深度的状态组成。作为我们的结果的副产品,我们介绍了一种用于产生多重石纠缠态的新方法,为量子纠缠理论提供量子神经网络的用例。
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对状态$ \ lvert \ psi \ rangle $的对称性是单一操作员,其中$ \ lvert \ psi \ rangle $是特征者。当$ \ lvert \ psi \ rangle $是黑盒甲骨文提供的未知状态时,该州的对称性可用于表征它,并且通常会降级有关$ \ lvert \ psi \ rangle $的许多所需信息。在本文中,我们开发了一种变性杂种量子式学习方案,以系统地探测$ \ lvert \ psi \ rangle $的对称性,而没有对状态的先验假设。此过程可用于同时学习各种对称性。为了避免重新学习已经知道的对称性,我们引入了一种具有经典深神经网的交互式协议。因此,经典的网络针对重复的发现进行了正规化,并允许我们的算法通过发现的所有可能对称性终止经验。我们的方案可以平均通过非本地交换门有效地实施;我们还提供了仅使用本地操作的效率较低的算法,这可能更适合当前的噪声量子设备。我们展示了我们对代表国家的算法。
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