Action recognition models have achieved impressive results by incorporating scene-level annotations, such as objects, their relations, 3D structure, and more. However, obtaining annotations of scene structure for videos requires a significant amount of effort to gather and annotate, making these methods expensive to train. In contrast, synthetic datasets generated by graphics engines provide powerful alternatives for generating scene-level annotations across multiple tasks. In this work, we propose an approach to leverage synthetic scene data for improving video understanding. We present a multi-task prompt learning approach for video transformers, where a shared video transformer backbone is enhanced by a small set of specialized parameters for each task. Specifically, we add a set of ``task prompts'', each corresponding to a different task, and let each prompt predict task-related annotations. This design allows the model to capture information shared among synthetic scene tasks as well as information shared between synthetic scene tasks and a real video downstream task throughout the entire network. We refer to this approach as ``Promptonomy'', since the prompts model a task-related structure. We propose the PromptonomyViT model (PViT), a video transformer that incorporates various types of scene-level information from synthetic data using the ``Promptonomy'' approach. PViT shows strong performance improvements on multiple video understanding tasks and datasets.
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最近的动作识别模型通过整合对象,其位置和互动来取得令人印象深刻的结果。但是,为每个框架获得密集的结构化注释是乏味且耗时的,使这些方法的训练昂贵且可扩展性较低。同时,如果可以在感兴趣的域内或之外使用一小部分带注释的图像,我们如何将它们用于下游任务的视频?我们提出了一个学习框架的结构(简称SVIT),该结构证明了仅在训练过程中仅可用的少量图像的结构才能改善视频模型。 SVIT依靠两个关键见解。首先,由于图像和视频都包含结构化信息,因此我们用一组\ emph {对象令牌}丰富了一个可以在图像和视频中使用的\ emph {对象令牌}的模型。其次,视频中各个帧的场景表示应与静止图像的场景表示“对齐”。这是通过\ emph {frame-clip一致性}损失来实现的,该损失可确保图像和视频之间结构化信息的流动。我们探索场景结构的特定实例化,即\ emph {手对象图},由手和对象组成,其位置为节点,以及触点/no-contact的物理关系作为边缘。 SVIT在多个视频理解任务和数据集上显示出强烈的性能改进;它在EGO4D CVPR'22对象状态本地化挑战中赢得了第一名。对于代码和预算模型,请访问\ url {}的项目页面
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最近,视频变压器在视频理解方面取得了巨大成功,超过了CNN性能;然而,现有的视频变换器模型不会明确地模拟对象,尽管对象对于识别操作至关重要。在这项工作中,我们呈现对象区域视频变换器(Orvit),一个\ emph {对象为中心}方法,它与直接包含对象表示的块扩展视频变压器图层。关键的想法是从早期层开始融合以对象形式的表示,并将它们传播到变压器层中,从而影响整个网络的时空表示。我们的orvit块由两个对象级流组成:外观和动态。在外观流中,“对象区域关注”模块在修补程序上应用自我关注和\ emph {对象区域}。以这种方式,Visual对象区域与统一修补程序令牌交互,并通过上下文化对象信息来丰富它们。我们通过单独的“对象 - 动态模块”进一步模型对象动态,捕获轨迹交互,并显示如何集成两个流。我们在四个任务和五个数据集中评估我们的模型:在某事物中的某些问题和几次射击动作识别,以及在AVA上的某些时空动作检测,以及在某种东西上的标准动作识别 - 某种东西 - 东西,潜水48和EPIC-Kitchen100。我们在考虑的所有任务和数据集中展示了强大的性能改进,展示了将对象表示的模型的值集成到变压器体系结构中。对于代码和预用模型,请访问项目页面\ url {}
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该技术报告描述了无回报(PNR)时间定位挑战的EGO4D点的SVIT方法。我们提出了一个学习框架的结构(简称SVIT),该结构证明了仅在训练过程中仅可用的少量图像的结构才能改善视频模型。SVIT依靠两个关键见解。首先,由于图像和视频都包含结构化信息,因此我们用一组\ emph {对象令牌}丰富了一个可以在图像和视频中使用的\ emph {对象令牌}的模型。其次,视频中各个帧的场景表示应与静止图像的场景表示“对齐”。这是通过“框架夹一致性”损失实现的,该损失可确保图像和视频之间结构化信息的流动。SVIT在挑战测试集上获得了强劲的性能,并具有0.656绝对时间定位误差。
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这项工作的目的是学习以对象为中心的视频表示形式,以改善对新任务的可转让性,即与动作分类前训练任务不同的任务。为此,我们介绍了基于变压器体系结构的新的以对象为中心的视频识别模型。该模型学习了视频中以对象为中心的摘要向量,并使用这些向量融合视频剪辑的视觉和时空轨迹“模态”。我们还引入了一种新型的轨迹对比损失,以进一步增强这些摘要矢量的物质性。通过在四个数据集上进行实验 - Somethingsometh-v2,Somethingse,Action Genome和Epickitchens-我们表明,以对象为中心的模型优于先验的视频表示(对象 - 敏捷和对象感知)看不见的对象和看不见的环境; (2)小型学习新课程; (3)线性探测到其他下游任务;以及(4)用于标准动作分类。
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Large-scale multi-modal training with image-text pairs imparts strong generalization to CLIP model. Since training on a similar scale for videos is infeasible, recent approaches focus on the effective transfer of image-based CLIP to the video domain. In this pursuit, new parametric modules are added to learn temporal information and inter-frame relationships which require meticulous design efforts. Furthermore, when the resulting models are learned on videos, they tend to overfit on the given task distribution and lack in generalization aspect. This begs the following question: How to effectively transfer image-level CLIP representations to videos? In this work, we show that a simple Video Fine-tuned CLIP (ViFi-CLIP) baseline is generally sufficient to bridge the domain gap from images to videos. Our qualitative analysis illustrates that the frame-level processing from CLIP image-encoder followed by feature pooling and similarity matching with corresponding text embeddings helps in implicitly modeling the temporal cues within ViFi-CLIP. Such fine-tuning helps the model to focus on scene dynamics, moving objects and inter-object relationships. For low-data regimes where full fine-tuning is not viable, we propose a `bridge and prompt' approach that first uses fine-tuning to bridge the domain gap and then learns prompts on language and vision side to adapt CLIP representations. We extensively evaluate this simple yet strong baseline on zero-shot, base-to-novel generalization, few-shot and fully supervised settings across five video benchmarks. Our code is available at
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Different video understanding tasks are typically treated in isolation, and even with distinct types of curated data (e.g., classifying sports in one dataset, tracking animals in another). However, in wearable cameras, the immersive egocentric perspective of a person engaging with the world around them presents an interconnected web of video understanding tasks -- hand-object manipulations, navigation in the space, or human-human interactions -- that unfold continuously, driven by the person's goals. We argue that this calls for a much more unified approach. We propose EgoTask Translation (EgoT2), which takes a collection of models optimized on separate tasks and learns to translate their outputs for improved performance on any or all of them at once. Unlike traditional transfer or multi-task learning, EgoT2's flipped design entails separate task-specific backbones and a task translator shared across all tasks, which captures synergies between even heterogeneous tasks and mitigates task competition. Demonstrating our model on a wide array of video tasks from Ego4D, we show its advantages over existing transfer paradigms and achieve top-ranked results on four of the Ego4D 2022 benchmark challenges.
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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We introduce LaViLa, a new approach to learning video-language representations by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs). We repurpose pre-trained LLMs to be conditioned on visual input, and finetune them to create automatic video narrators. Our auto-generated narrations offer a number of advantages, including dense coverage of long videos, better temporal synchronization of the visual information and text, and much higher diversity of text. The video-text embedding learned contrastively with these additional auto-generated narrations outperforms the previous state-of-the-art on multiple first-person and third-person video tasks, both in zero-shot and finetuned setups. Most notably, LaViLa obtains an absolute gain of 10.1% on EGTEA classification and 5.9% Epic-Kitchens-100 multi-instance retrieval benchmarks. Furthermore, LaViLa trained with only half the narrations from the Ego4D dataset outperforms baseline models trained on the full set, and shows positive scaling behavior on increasing pre-training data and model size.
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人类在理解视觉皮层引起的观点变化方面非常灵活,从而支持3D结构的感知。相反,大多数从2D图像池学习视觉表示的计算机视觉模型通常无法概括新颖的相机观点。最近,视觉体系结构已转向无卷积的架构,视觉变压器,该构造在从图像贴片中得出的令牌上运行。但是,这些变压器和2D卷积网络都没有执行明确的操作来学习视图 - 不合稳定表示以进行视觉理解。为此,我们提出了一个3D令牌表示层(3DTRL),该层估计了视觉令牌的3D位置信息,并利用它来学习视图点 - 不可能的表示。 3DTRL的关键元素包括伪深度估计器和学习的相机矩阵,以对令牌施加几何变换。这些使3DTRL能够从2D贴片中恢复令牌的3D位置信息。实际上,3DTRL很容易插入变压器。我们的实验证明了3DTRL在许多视觉任务中的有效性,包括图像分类,多视频视频对准和动作识别。带有3DTRL的模型在所有任务中都超过了骨干变压器,并以最小的添加计算。我们的项目页面位于
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在学习动作识别中,模型通常预先接受对象识别,例如图像,例如想象成,稍后在与视频的目标动作识别上微调。这种方法造成了良好的经验性能,特别是最近的基于变压器的视频架构。虽然最近许多作品旨在为行动识别设计更先进的变压器架构,但如何训练视频变压器的努力。在这项工作中,我们探索了几种培训范式并提出了两个结果。首先,视频变压器受益于各种视频数据集和标签空间的联合培训(例如,动力学是关注的,而某些东西是以运动为中心的)。其次,通过进一步与图像共同训练(作为单帧视频),视频变换器学习更好的视频表示。我们将这种方法作为用于行动识别的共同培训视频和图像(封面)。特别是,当基于时序形式的架构上的ImageNet-21k上掠夺时,盖子将动力学-400的前1个精度提高2.4%,动力学-600以2.3%,有些东西-V2达2.3%。当以前最先进的较大刻度图像数据集预先磨削时,覆盖覆盖在动力学-400(87.2%),动力学-600(87.9%),动力学-700(79.8%),有些内容达到最佳结果(70.9%),和时刻 - 时间(46.1%),具有简单的时空视频变压器。
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具有注释的缺乏大规模的真实数据集使转移学习视频活动的必要性。我们的目标是为少数行动分类开发几次拍摄转移学习的有效方法。我们利用独立培训的本地视觉提示来学习可以从源域传输的表示,该源域只能使用少数示例来从源域传送到不同的目标域。我们使用的视觉提示包括对象 - 对象交互,手掌和地区内的动作,这些地区是手工位置的函数。我们采用了一个基于元学习的框架,以提取部署的视觉提示的独特和域不变组件。这使得能够在使用不同的场景和动作配置捕获的公共数据集中传输动作分类模型。我们呈现了我们转让学习方法的比较结果,并报告了阶级阶级和数据间数据间际传输的最先进的行动分类方法。
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Most benchmarks for studying surgical interventions focus on a specific challenge instead of leveraging the intrinsic complementarity among different tasks. In this work, we present a new experimental framework towards holistic surgical scene understanding. First, we introduce the Phase, Step, Instrument, and Atomic Visual Action recognition (PSI-AVA) Dataset. PSI-AVA includes annotations for both long-term (Phase and Step recognition) and short-term reasoning (Instrument detection and novel Atomic Action recognition) in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy videos. Second, we present Transformers for Action, Phase, Instrument, and steps Recognition (TAPIR) as a strong baseline for surgical scene understanding. TAPIR leverages our dataset's multi-level annotations as it benefits from the learned representation on the instrument detection task to improve its classification capacity. Our experimental results in both PSI-AVA and other publicly available databases demonstrate the adequacy of our framework to spur future research on holistic surgical scene understanding.
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