We introduce a novel way to incorporate prior information into (semi-) supervised non-negative matrix factorization, which we call differentiable dictionary search. It enables general, highly flexible and principled modelling of mixtures where non-linear sources are linearly mixed. We study its behavior on an audio decomposition task, and conduct an extensive, highly controlled study of its modelling capabilities.
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This paper describes several improvements to a new method for signal decomposition that we recently formulated under the name of Differentiable Dictionary Search (DDS). The fundamental idea of DDS is to exploit a class of powerful deep invertible density estimators called normalizing flows, to model the dictionary in a linear decomposition method such as NMF, effectively creating a bijection between the space of dictionary elements and the associated probability space, allowing a differentiable search through the dictionary space, guided by the estimated densities. As the initial formulation was a proof of concept with some practical limitations, we will present several steps towards making it scalable, hoping to improve both the computational complexity of the method and its signal decomposition capabilities. As a testbed for experimental evaluation, we choose the task of frame-level piano transcription, where the signal is to be decomposed into sources whose activity is attributed to individual piano notes. To highlight the impact of improved non-linear modelling of sources, we compare variants of our method to a linear overcomplete NMF baseline. Experimental results will show that even in the absence of additional constraints, our models produce increasingly sparse and precise decompositions, according to two pertinent evaluation measures.
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我们从一组稀疏的光谱时间序列中构建了一个物理参数化的概率自动编码器(PAE),以学习IA型超新星(SNE IA)的内在多样性。 PAE是一个两阶段的生成模型,由自动编码器(AE)组成,该模型在使用归一化流(NF)训练后概率地解释。我们证明,PAE学习了一个低维的潜在空间,该空间可捕获人口内存在的非线性特征范围,并且可以直接从数据直接从数据中准确地对整个波长和观察时间进行精确模拟SNE IA的光谱演化。通过引入相关性惩罚项和多阶段训练设置以及我们的物理参数化网络,我们表明可以在训练期间分离内在和外在的可变性模式,从而消除了需要进行额外标准化的其他模型。然后,我们在SNE IA的许多下游任务中使用PAE进行越来越精确的宇宙学分析,包括自动检测SN Outliers,与数据分布一致的样本的产生以及在存在噪音和不完整数据的情况下解决逆问题限制宇宙距离测量。我们发现,与以前的研究相一致的最佳固有模型参数数量似乎是三个,并表明我们可以用$ 0.091 \ pm 0.010 $ mag标准化SNE IA的测试样本,该样本对应于$ 0.074 \ pm。 0.010 $ mag如果删除了特殊的速度贡献。训练有素的模型和代码在\ href {https://github.com/georgestein/supaernova} {github.com/georgestein/supaernova}上发布
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Music discovery services let users identify songs from short mobile recordings. These solutions are often based on Audio Fingerprinting, and rely more specifically on the extraction of spectral peaks in order to be robust to a number of distortions. Few works have been done to study the robustness of these algorithms to background noise captured in real environments. In particular, AFP systems still struggle when the signal to noise ratio is low, i.e when the background noise is strong. In this project, we tackle this problematic with Deep Learning. We test a new hybrid strategy which consists of inserting a denoising DL model in front of a peak-based AFP algorithm. We simulate noisy music recordings using a realistic data augmentation pipeline, and train a DL model to denoise them. The denoising model limits the impact of background noise on the AFP system's extracted peaks, improving its robustness to noise. We further propose a novel loss function to adapt the DL model to the considered AFP system, increasing its precision in terms of retrieved spectral peaks. To the best of our knowledge, this hybrid strategy has not been tested before.
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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Deep neural networks (DNN) techniques have become pervasive in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. They have achieved great success in these domains in task such as machine translation and image generation. Due to their success, these data driven techniques have been applied in audio domain. More specifically, DNN models have been applied in speech enhancement domain to achieve denosing, dereverberation and multi-speaker separation in monaural speech enhancement. In this paper, we review some dominant DNN techniques being employed to achieve speech separation. The review looks at the whole pipeline of speech enhancement from feature extraction, how DNN based tools are modelling both global and local features of speech and model training (supervised and unsupervised). We also review the use of speech-enhancement pre-trained models to boost speech enhancement process. The review is geared towards covering the dominant trends with regards to DNN application in speech enhancement in speech obtained via a single speaker.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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A normalizing flow models a complex probability density as an invertible transformation of a simple base density. Flows based on either coupling or autoregressive transforms both offer exact density evaluation and sampling, but rely on the parameterization of an easily invertible elementwise transformation, whose choice determines the flexibility of these models. Building upon recent work, we propose a fully-differentiable module based on monotonic rational-quadratic splines, which enhances the flexibility of both coupling and autoregressive transforms while retaining analytic invertibility. We demonstrate that neural spline flows improve density estimation, variational inference, and generative modeling of images.
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即使机器学习算法已经在数据科学中发挥了重要作用,但许多当前方法对输入数据提出了不现实的假设。由于不兼容的数据格式,或数据集中的异质,分层或完全缺少的数据片段,因此很难应用此类方法。作为解决方案,我们提出了一个用于样本表示,模型定义和培训的多功能,统一的框架,称为“ Hmill”。我们深入审查框架构建和扩展的机器学习的多个范围范式。从理论上讲,为HMILL的关键组件的设计合理,我们将通用近似定理的扩展显示到框架中实现的模型所实现的所有功能的集合。本文还包含有关我们实施中技术和绩效改进的详细讨论,该讨论将在MIT许可下发布供下载。该框架的主要资产是其灵活性,它可以通过相同的工具对不同的现实世界数据源进行建模。除了单独观察到每个对象的一组属性的标准设置外,我们解释了如何在框架中实现表示整个对象系统的图表中的消息推断。为了支持我们的主张,我们使用框架解决了网络安全域的三个不同问题。第一种用例涉及来自原始网络观察结果的IoT设备识别。在第二个问题中,我们研究了如何使用以有向图表示的操作系统的快照可以对恶意二进制文件进行分类。最后提供的示例是通过网络中实体之间建模域黑名单扩展的任务。在所有三个问题中,基于建议的框架的解决方案可实现与专业方法相当的性能。
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语音分离的目标是从单个麦克风记录中提取多个语音源。最近,随着大型数据集的深度学习和可用性的进步,言语分离已被制定为监督的学习问题。这些方法旨在使用监督学习算法,通常是深神经网络学习语音,扬声器和背景噪声的判别模式。监督语音分离中的一个持久问题正在为每个分离的语音信号找到正确的标签,称为标签置换歧义。置换歧义是指确定分离源和可用的单扬声器语音标签之间的输出标签分配的问题。计算分离误差需要找到最佳输出标签分配,后来用于更新模型的参数。最近,置换不变训练(PIT)已被证明是处理标签歧义问题的有希望的解决方案。但是,通过坑的输出标签分配的过度自信选择导致次优训练模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个概率的优化框架来解决坑中找到最佳输出标签分配的效率。然后,我们所提出的方法在折放不变训练(PIT)语音分离方法中使用的相同的长短期内存(LSTM)架构。我们的实验结果表明,所提出的方法优于传统的坑语音分离(P值$ <0.01 $),在信号到失真比(SDR)和干扰比中的失真率(SDR)和+ 1.5dB中的+ 1dB(SIR)。
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$ \ Texit {Fermi} $数据中的银河系中多余(GCE)的两个领先假设是一个未解决的微弱毫秒脉冲条件(MSP)和暗物质(DM)湮灭。这些解释之间的二分法通常通过将它们建模为两个单独的发射组分来反映。然而,诸如MSP的点源(PSS)在超微弱的极限中具有统计变质的泊松发射(正式的位置,预期每个来源平均贡献远低于一个光子),导致可能提出问题的歧义如排放是否是PS样或性质中的泊松人。我们提出了一种概念上的新方法,以统一的方式描述PS和泊松发射,并且刚刚从此获得的结果中获得了对泊松组件的约束。为了实现这种方法,我们利用深度学习技术,围绕基于神经网络的方法,用于直方图回归,其表达量数量的不确定性。我们证明我们的方法对许多困扰先前接近的系统,特别是DM / PS误操作来稳健。在$ \ texit {fermi} $数据中,我们发现由$ \ sim4 \ times 10 ^ {-11} \ \ text {counts} \ {counts} \ text {counts} \ text {counts} \ \ text {cm} ^ { - 2} \ \ text {s} ^ { - 1} $(对应于$ \ sim3 - 4 $每pL期望计数),这需要$ n \ sim \ mathcal {o}( 10 ^ 4)$源来解释整个过剩(中位数价值$ n = \文本{29,300} $横跨天空)。虽然微弱,但这种SCD允许我们获得95%信心的Poissonian比赛的约束$ \ eta_p \ leq 66 \%$。这表明大量的GCE通量是由于PSS 。
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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最近归一化流量(NFS)在建模3D点云上已经证明了最先进的性能,同时允许在推理时间以任意分辨率进行采样。然而,这些基于流的模型仍然需要长期训练时间和大型模型来代表复杂的几何形状。这项工作通过将NFS的混合物应用于点云来增强它们的代表性。我们展示在更普遍的框架中,每个组件都学会专门以完全无监督的方式专门化对象的特定子区域。通过将每个混合组件与相对小的NF实例化,我们通过更好的细节生成点云,而与基于单流量的模型相比,使用较少的参数,并且大大减少推理运行时。我们进一步证明通过添加数据增强,各个混合组件可以学习以语义有意义的方式专注。基于ShapEnet​​ DataSet评估NFS对生成,自动编码和单视重建的混合物。
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