Deep learning-based linkage of records across different databases is becoming increasingly useful in data integration and mining applications to discover new insights from multiple sources of data. However, due to privacy and confidentiality concerns, organisations often are not willing or allowed to share their sensitive data with any external parties, thus making it challenging to build/train deep learning models for record linkage across different organizations' databases. To overcome this limitation, we propose the first deep learning-based multi-party privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) protocol that can be used to link sensitive databases held by multiple different organisations. In our approach, each database owner first trains a local deep learning model, which is then uploaded to a secure environment and securely aggregated to create a global model. The global model is then used by a linkage unit to distinguish unlabelled record pairs as matches and non-matches. We utilise differential privacy to achieve provable privacy protection against re-identification attacks. We evaluate the linkage quality and scalability of our approach using several large real-world databases, showing that it can achieve high linkage quality while providing sufficient privacy protection against existing attacks.
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机器学习(ML)模型已广泛应用于各种应用,包括图像分类,文本生成,音频识别和图形数据分析。然而,最近的研究表明,ML模型容易受到隶属推导攻击(MIS),其目的是推断数据记录是否用于训练目标模型。 ML模型上的MIA可以直接导致隐私违规行为。例如,通过确定已经用于训练与某种疾病相关的模型的临床记录,攻击者可以推断临床记录的所有者具有很大的机会。近年来,MIS已被证明对各种ML模型有效,例如,分类模型和生成模型。同时,已经提出了许多防御方法来减轻米西亚。虽然ML模型上的MIAS形成了一个新的新兴和快速增长的研究区,但还没有对这一主题进行系统的调查。在本文中,我们对会员推论和防御进行了第一个全面调查。我们根据其特征提供攻击和防御的分类管理,并讨论其优点和缺点。根据本次调查中确定的限制和差距,我们指出了几个未来的未来研究方向,以激发希望遵循该地区的研究人员。这项调查不仅是研究社区的参考,而且还为该研究领域之外的研究人员带来了清晰的照片。为了进一步促进研究人员,我们创建了一个在线资源存储库,并与未来的相关作品继续更新。感兴趣的读者可以在找到存储库。
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Federated learning facilitates the collaborative training of models without the sharing of raw data. However, recent attacks demonstrate that simply maintaining data locality during training processes does not provide sufficient privacy guarantees. Rather, we need a federated learning system capable of preventing inference over both the messages exchanged during training and the final trained model while ensuring the resulting model also has acceptable predictive accuracy. Existing federated learning approaches either use secure multiparty computation (SMC) which is vulnerable to inference or differential privacy which can lead to low accuracy given a large number of parties with relatively small amounts of data each. In this paper, we present an alternative approach that utilizes both differential privacy and SMC to balance these trade-offs. Combining differential privacy with secure multiparty computation enables us to reduce the growth of noise injection as the number of parties increases without sacrificing privacy while maintaining a pre-defined rate of trust. Our system is therefore a scalable approach that protects against inference threats and produces models with high accuracy. Additionally, our system can be used to train a variety of machine learning models, which we validate with experimental results on 3 different machine learning algorithms. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach out-performs state of the art solutions. CCS CONCEPTS• Security and privacy → Privacy-preserving protocols; Trust frameworks; • Computing methodologies → Learning settings.
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Differential privacy is a strong notion for privacy that can be used to prove formal guarantees, in terms of a privacy budget, , about how much information is leaked by a mechanism. However, implementations of privacy-preserving machine learning often select large values of in order to get acceptable utility of the model, with little understanding of the impact of such choices on meaningful privacy. Moreover, in scenarios where iterative learning procedures are used, differential privacy variants that offer tighter analyses are used which appear to reduce the needed privacy budget but present poorly understood trade-offs between privacy and utility. In this paper, we quantify the impact of these choices on privacy in experiments with logistic regression and neural network models. Our main finding is that there is a huge gap between the upper bounds on privacy loss that can be guaranteed, even with advanced mechanisms, and the effective privacy loss that can be measured using current inference attacks. Current mechanisms for differentially private machine learning rarely offer acceptable utility-privacy trade-offs with guarantees for complex learning tasks: settings that provide limited accuracy loss provide meaningless privacy guarantees, and settings that provide strong privacy guarantees result in useless models.
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Today's AI still faces two major challenges. One is that in most industries, data exists in the form of isolated islands. The other is the strengthening of data privacy and security. We propose a possible solution to these challenges: secure federated learning. Beyond the federated learning framework first proposed by Google in 2016, we introduce a comprehensive secure federated learning framework, which includes horizontal federated learning, vertical federated learning and federated transfer learning. We provide definitions, architectures and applications for the federated learning framework, and provide a comprehensive survey of existing works on this subject. In addition, we propose building data networks among organizations based on federated mechanisms as an effective solution to allow knowledge to be shared without compromising user privacy.
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在联合学习(FL)中,一组参与者共享与将更新结合到全局模型中的聚合服务器在本地数据上计算的更新。但是,将准确性与隐私和安全性进行调和是FL的挑战。一方面,诚实参与者发送的良好更新可能会揭示其私人本地信息,而恶意参与者发送的中毒更新可能会损害模型的可用性和/或完整性。另一方面,通过更新失真赔偿准确性增强隐私,而通过更新聚合损坏安全性,因为它不允许服务器过滤掉单个中毒更新。为了解决准确性私人关系冲突,我们提出{\ em碎片的联合学习}(FFL),其中参与者在将其发送到服务器之前,随机交换并混合其更新的片段。为了获得隐私,我们设计了一个轻巧的协议,该协议允许参与者私下交换和混合其更新的加密片段,以便服务器既不能获得单个更新,也不能将其链接到其发起人。为了实现安全性,我们设计了针对FFL量身定制的基于声誉的防御,该防御根据他们交换的片段质量以及他们发送的混合更新来建立对参与者及其混合更新的信任。由于交换的片段的参数可以保持其原始坐标和攻击者可以中和,因此服务器可以从接收到的混合更新中正确重建全局模型而不会准确损失。四个真实数据集的实验表明,FFL可以防止半冬季服务器安装隐私攻击,可以有效地抵抗中毒攻击,并可以保持全局模型的准确性。
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Collaborative machine learning and related techniques such as federated learning allow multiple participants, each with his own training dataset, to build a joint model by training locally and periodically exchanging model updates. We demonstrate that these updates leak unintended information about participants' training data and develop passive and active inference attacks to exploit this leakage. First, we show that an adversarial participant can infer the presence of exact data points-for example, specific locations-in others' training data (i.e., membership inference). Then, we show how this adversary can infer properties that hold only for a subset of the training data and are independent of the properties that the joint model aims to capture. For example, he can infer when a specific person first appears in the photos used to train a binary gender classifier. We evaluate our attacks on a variety of tasks, datasets, and learning configurations, analyze their limitations, and discuss possible defenses.
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随着语言模型的不断增加,它对于保护这些模型免于泄漏私人信息变得至关重要。以前的工作试图通过培训具有不同隐私保证的基于RNN的语言模型来应对这一挑战。但是,将经典的差异隐私应用于语言模型会导致模型性能差,因为基本隐私概念过于困惑,并且为数据中所有令牌提供了不体化的保护。鉴于自然语言中的私人信息很少(例如,电子邮件的大部分可能无法携带个人身份信息),我们提出了一个新的隐私概念,选择性差异隐私,以提供严格的数据,以保证数据的敏感部分改善模型实用程序。为了实现这样一个新的概念,我们为基于RNN的语言模型开发了相应的隐私机制,即选择性DPSGD。除了语言建模外,我们还将方法应用于更具体的应用程序 - dialog系统。语言建模和对话系统建设的实验表明,与基线相比,在各种隐私攻击下,提议的保留隐私机制可以实现更好的公用事业,同时保持安全。数据和代码在上发布,以促进未来的研究。
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Privacy preserving deep learning is an emerging field in machine learning that aims to mitigate the privacy risks in the use of deep neural networks. One such risk is training data extraction from language models that have been trained on datasets , which contain personal and privacy sensitive information. In our study, we investigate the extent of named entity memorization in fine-tuned BERT models. We use single-label text classification as representative downstream task and employ three different fine-tuning setups in our experiments, including one with Differentially Privacy (DP). We create a large number of text samples from the fine-tuned BERT models utilizing a custom sequential sampling strategy with two prompting strategies. We search in these samples for named entities and check if they are also present in the fine-tuning datasets. We experiment with two benchmark datasets in the domains of emails and blogs. We show that the application of DP has a huge effect on the text generation capabilities of BERT. Furthermore, we show that a fine-tuned BERT does not generate more named entities entities specific to the fine-tuning dataset than a BERT model that is pre-trained only. This suggests that BERT is unlikely to emit personal or privacy sensitive named entities. Overall, our results are important to understand to what extent BERT-based services are prone to training data extraction attacks.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel concept of user-entity differential privacy (UeDP) to provide formal privacy protection simultaneously to both sensitive entities in textual data and data owners in learning natural language models (NLMs). To preserve UeDP, we developed a novel algorithm, called UeDP-Alg, optimizing the trade-off between privacy loss and model utility with a tight sensitivity bound derived from seamlessly combining user and sensitive entity sampling processes. An extensive theoretical analysis and evaluation show that our UeDP-Alg outperforms baseline approaches in model utility under the same privacy budget consumption on several NLM tasks, using benchmark datasets.
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联邦机器学习利用边缘计算来开发网络用户数据的模型,但联合学习的隐私仍然是一个重大挑战。已经提出了使用差异隐私的技术来解决这一点,但是带来了自己的挑战 - 许多人需要一个值得信赖的第三方,或者增加了太多的噪音来生产有用的模型。使用多方计算的\ EMPH {SERVE聚合}的最新进步消除了对第三方的需求,但是在计算上尤其在规模上昂贵。我们提出了一种新的联合学习协议,利用了一种基于与错误学习的技术的新颖差异私有的恶意安全聚合协议。我们的协议优于当前最先进的技术,并且经验结果表明它缩放到大量方面,具有任何差别私有联合学习方案的最佳精度。
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安全的基于多方计算的机器学习(称为MPL)已成为利用来自具有隐私保护的多个政党的数据的重要技术。尽管MPL为计算过程提供了严格的安全保证,但MPL训练的模型仍然容易受到仅依赖于访问模型的攻击。差异隐私可以帮助防御此类攻击。但是,差异隐私和安全多方计算协议的巨大沟通开销带来的准确性损失使得平衡隐私,效率和准确性之间的三通权衡是高度挑战的。在本文中,我们有动力通过提出一种解决方案(称为PEA(私有,高效,准确))来解决上述问题,该解决方案由安全的DPSGD协议和两种优化方法组成。首先,我们提出了一个安全的DPSGD协议,以在基于秘密共享的MPL框架中强制执行DPSGD。其次,为了减少因差异隐私噪声和MPL的巨大通信开销而导致的准确性损失,我们提出了MPL训练过程的两种优化方法:(1)与数据无关的功能提取方法,旨在简化受过训练的模型结构体; (2)基于本地数据的全局模型初始化方法,旨在加快模型训练的收敛性。我们在两个开源MPL框架中实施PEA:TF-Conteded和Queqiao。各种数据集的实验结果证明了PEA的效率和有效性。例如。当$ {\ epsilon} $ = 2时,我们可以在LAN设置下的7分钟内训练CIFAR-10的差异私有分类模型,其精度为88%。这一结果大大优于来自CryptGPU的一个SOTA MPL框架:在CIFAR-10上训练非私有性深神经网络模型的成本超过16小时,其精度相同。
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非结构化的文本数据是卫生系统的核心:医生之间的联络信,操作报告,根据ICD-10标准编码的程序等。这些文件中包含的详细信息使得更好地了解患者,更好地管理他或她,以更好地研究病理,以准确地偿还相关的医学行为\ ldots,这似乎(至少在部分)被人工智能技术触及了。但是,出于明显的隐私保护原因,这些AIS的设计师只要包含识别数据,就没有合法权利访问这些文件。取消识别这些文档,即检测和删除它们中存在的所有识别信息,是在两个互补世界之间共享此数据的法律必要步骤。在过去的十年中,已经提出了一些建议,主要是用英语来识别文件。虽然检测分数通常很高,但替代方法通常不是很健壮。在法语中,很少有基于任意检测和/或替代规则的方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种专门针对法语医学文件的新的综合识别方法。识别要素(基于深度学习)的检测方法及其替代(基于差异隐私)的方法都是基于最有效的现有方法。结果是一种方法,可以有效保护患者的隐私,这是这些医疗文件的核心。整个方法已经在法国公立医院的法语医学数据集上进行了评估,结果非常令人鼓舞。
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Online personalized recommendation services are generally hosted in the cloud where users query the cloud-based model to receive recommended input such as merchandise of interest or news feed. State-of-the-art recommendation models rely on sparse and dense features to represent users' profile information and the items they interact with. Although sparse features account for 99% of the total model size, there was not enough attention paid to the potential information leakage through sparse features. These sparse features are employed to track users' behavior, e.g., their click history, object interactions, etc., potentially carrying each user's private information. Sparse features are represented as learned embedding vectors that are stored in large tables, and personalized recommendation is performed by using a specific user's sparse feature to index through the tables. Even with recently-proposed methods that hides the computation happening in the cloud, an attacker in the cloud may be able to still track the access patterns to the embedding tables. This paper explores the private information that may be learned by tracking a recommendation model's sparse feature access patterns. We first characterize the types of attacks that can be carried out on sparse features in recommendation models in an untrusted cloud, followed by a demonstration of how each of these attacks leads to extracting users' private information or tracking users by their behavior over time.
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