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Remaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation plays a critical role in Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). Traditional machine health maintenance systems are often costly, requiring sufficient prior expertise, and are difficult to fit into highly complex and changing industrial scenarios. With the widespread deployment of sensors on industrial equipment, building the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to interconnect these devices has become an inexorable trend in the development of the digital factory. Using the device's real-time operational data collected by IIoT to get the estimated RUL through the RUL prediction algorithm, the PHM system can develop proactive maintenance measures for the device, thus, reducing maintenance costs and decreasing failure times during operation. This paper carries out research into the remaining useful life prediction model for multi-sensor devices in the IIoT scenario. We investigated the mainstream RUL prediction models and summarized the basic steps of RUL prediction modeling in this scenario. On this basis, a data-driven approach for RUL estimation is proposed in this paper. It employs a Multi-Head Attention Mechanism to fuse the multi-dimensional time-series data output from multiple sensors, in which the attention on features is used to capture the interactions between features and attention on sequences is used to learn the weights of time steps. Then, the Long Short-Term Memory Network is applied to learn the features of time series. We evaluate the proposed model on two benchmark datasets (C-MAPSS and PHM08), and the results demonstrate that it outperforms the state-of-art models. Moreover, through the interpretability of the multi-head attention mechanism, the proposed model can provide a preliminary explanation of engine degradation. Therefore, this approach is promising for predictive maintenance in IIoT scenarios.
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Batteries plays an essential role in modern energy ecosystem and are widely used in daily applications such as cell phones and electric vehicles. For many applications, the health status of batteries plays a critical role in the performance of the system by indicating efficient maintenance and on-time replacement. Directly modeling an individual battery using a computational models based on physical rules can be of low-efficiency, in terms of the difficulties in build such a model and the computational effort of tuning and running it especially on the edge. With the rapid development of sensor technology (to provide more insights into the system) and machine learning (to build capable yet fast model), it is now possible to directly build a data-riven model of the battery health status using the data collected from historical battery data (being possibly local and remote) to predict local battery health status in the future accurately. Nevertheless, most data-driven methods are trained based on the local battery data and lack the ability to extract common properties, such as generations and degradation, in the life span of other remote batteries. In this paper, we utilize a Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM) to build a data-driven model of battery health status and propose a knowledge transfer method to extract common properties in the life span of all batteries to accurately predict the battery health status with and without features extracted from the local battery. For modern benchmark problems, the proposed method outperform the state-of-the-art methods with significant margins in terms of accuracy and is able to accuracy predict the regeneration process.
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For Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, many models have been established to characterize their degradation process. The existing empirical or physical models can reveal important information regarding the degradation dynamics. However, there is no general and flexible methods to fuse the information represented by those models. Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) is an efficient tool to fuse empirical or physical dynamic models with data-driven models. To take full advantage of various information sources, we propose a model fusion scheme based on PINN. It is implemented by developing a semi-empirical semi-physical Partial Differential Equation (PDE) to model the degradation dynamics of Li-ion-batteries. When there is little prior knowledge about the dynamics, we leverage the data-driven Deep Hidden Physics Model (DeepHPM) to discover the underlying governing dynamic models. The uncovered dynamics information is then fused with that mined by the surrogate neural network in the PINN framework. Moreover, an uncertainty-based adaptive weighting method is employed to balance the multiple learning tasks when training the PINN. The proposed methods are verified on a public dataset of Li-ion Phosphate (LFP)/graphite batteries.
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地震的预测和预测有很长的时间,在某些情况下有肮脏的历史,但是最近的工作重新点燃了基于预警的进步,诱发地震性的危害评估以及对实验室地震的成功预测。在实验室中,摩擦滑移事件为地震和地震周期提供了类似物。 Labquakes是机器学习(ML)的理想目标,因为它们可以在受控条件下以长序列生产。最近的作品表明,ML可以使用断层区的声学排放来预测实验室的几个方面。在这里,我们概括了这些结果,并探索了Labquake预测和自动回归(AR)预测的深度学习(DL)方法。 DL改善了现有的Labquake预测方法。 AR方法允许通过迭代预测在未来的视野中进行预测。我们证明,基于长期任期内存(LSTM)和卷积神经网络的DL模型可以预测在几种条件下实验室,并且可以以忠诚度预测断层区应力,证实声能是断层区应力的指纹。我们还预测了实验室的失败开始(TTSF)和失败结束(TTEF)的时间。有趣的是,在所有地震循环中都可以成功预测TTEF,而TTSF的预测随preseismisic断层蠕变的数量而变化。我们报告了使用三个序列建模框架:LSTM,时间卷积网络和变压器网络预测故障应力演变的AR方法。 AR预测与现有的预测模型不同,该模型仅在特定时间预测目标变量。超出单个地震周期的预测结果有限,但令人鼓舞。我们的ML/DL模型优于最先进的模型,我们的自回归模型代表了一个新颖的框架,可以增强当前的地震预测方法。
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With the evolution of power systems as it is becoming more intelligent and interactive system while increasing in flexibility with a larger penetration of renewable energy sources, demand prediction on a short-term resolution will inevitably become more and more crucial in designing and managing the future grid, especially when it comes to an individual household level. Projecting the demand for electricity for a single energy user, as opposed to the aggregated power consumption of residential load on a wide scale, is difficult because of a considerable number of volatile and uncertain factors. This paper proposes a customized GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture to address this challenging problem. LSTM and GRU are comparatively newer and among the most well-adopted deep learning approaches. The electricity consumption datasets were obtained from individual household smart meters. The comparison shows that the LSTM model performs better for home-level forecasting than alternative prediction techniques-GRU in this case. To compare the NN-based models with contrast to the conventional statistical technique-based model, ARIMA based model was also developed and benchmarked with LSTM and GRU model outcomes in this study to show the performance of the proposed model on the collected time series data.
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Accurate prediction of battery health is essential for real-world system management and lab-based experiment design. However, building a life-prediction model from different cycling conditions is still a challenge. Large lifetime variability results from both cycling conditions and initial manufacturing variability, and this -- along with the limited experimental resources usually available for each cycling condition -- makes data-driven lifetime prediction challenging. Here, a hierarchical Bayesian linear model is proposed for battery life prediction, combining both individual cell features (reflecting manufacturing variability) with population-wide features (reflecting the impact of cycling conditions on the population average). The individual features were collected from the first 100 cycles of data, which is around 5-10% of lifetime. The model is able to predict end of life with a root mean square error of 3.2 days and mean absolute percentage error of 8.6%, measured through 5-fold cross-validation, overperforming the baseline (non-hierarchical) model by around 12-13%.
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REED继电器是功能测试的基本组成部分,与电子产品的成功质量检查密切相关。为了为REED继电器提供准确的剩余使用寿命(RUL)估计,根据以下三个考虑,提出了具有降解模式聚类的混合深度学习网络。首先,对于REED继电器,观察到多种降解行为,因此提供了基于动态的$ K $ -MEANS聚类,以区分彼此的退化模式。其次,尽管适当的功能选择具有重要意义,但很少有研究可以指导选择。提出的方法建议进行操作规则,以实施轻松实施。第三,提出了用于剩余使用寿命估计的神经网络(RULNET),以解决卷积神经网络(CNN)在捕获顺序数据的时间信息中的弱点,该信息在卷积操作的高级特征表示后结合了时间相关能力。通过这种方式,lulnet的三种变体由健康指标,具有自组织地图的功能或具有曲线拟合的功能构建。最终,将提出的混合模型与典型的基线模型(包括CNN和长期记忆网络(LSTM))进行了比较,该模型通过具有两个不同不同降级方式的实用REED继电器数据集进行了比较。两种降解案例的结果表明,所提出的方法在索引均方根误差方面优于CNN和LSTM。
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剪切应力史控制着液化土壤中的孔隙压力反应。当剪切应力振幅低于峰值先前振幅 - 屏蔽效果时,在循环载荷下的孔隙压力不会增加。许多复杂的本构模型无法捕获在环状液化实验中观察到的屏蔽效应。我们基于LSTM神经网络开发了一个数据驱动的机器学习模型,以捕获循环负荷下土壤的液化反应。LSTM模型对在内华达州的12个实验室循环简单剪切测试中进行了训练,该测试是在经受不同循环简单剪切载荷条件下的宽松和密集的条件下进行的。LSTM模型的特征包括土壤的相对密度和先前的应力病史,以预测孔隙水压反应。LSTM模型考虑了屏蔽和密度效应的三个环状简单测试结果,成功地复制了孔隙压力响应。
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Semiconductor lasers, one of the key components for optical communication systems, have been rapidly evolving to meet the requirements of next generation optical networks with respect to high speed, low power consumption, small form factor etc. However, these demands have brought severe challenges to the semiconductor laser reliability. Therefore, a great deal of attention has been devoted to improving it and thereby ensuring reliable transmission. In this paper, a predictive maintenance framework using machine learning techniques is proposed for real-time heath monitoring and prognosis of semiconductor laser and thus enhancing its reliability. The proposed approach is composed of three stages: i) real-time performance degradation prediction, ii) degradation detection, and iii) remaining useful life (RUL) prediction. First of all, an attention based gated recurrent unit (GRU) model is adopted for real-time prediction of performance degradation. Then, a convolutional autoencoder is used to detect the degradation or abnormal behavior of a laser, given the predicted degradation performance values. Once an abnormal state is detected, a RUL prediction model based on attention-based deep learning is utilized. Afterwards, the estimated RUL is input for decision making and maintenance planning. The proposed framework is validated using experimental data derived from accelerated aging tests conducted for semiconductor tunable lasers. The proposed approach achieves a very good degradation performance prediction capability with a small root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.01, a good anomaly detection accuracy of 94.24% and a better RUL estimation capability compared to the existing ML-based laser RUL prediction models.
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