With the rise of AI in recent years and the increase in complexity of the models, the growing demand in computational resources is starting to pose a significant challenge. The need for higher compute power is being met with increasingly more potent accelerators and the use of large compute clusters. However, the gain in prediction accuracy from large models trained on distributed and accelerated systems comes at the price of a substantial increase in energy demand, and researchers have started questioning the environmental friendliness of such AI methods at scale. Consequently, energy efficiency plays an important role for AI model developers and infrastructure operators alike. The energy consumption of AI workloads depends on the model implementation and the utilized hardware. Therefore, accurate measurements of the power draw of AI workflows on different types of compute nodes is key to algorithmic improvements and the design of future compute clusters and hardware. To this end, we present measurements of the energy consumption of two typical applications of deep learning models on different types of compute nodes. Our results indicate that 1. deriving energy consumption directly from runtime is not accurate, but the consumption of the compute node needs to be considered regarding its composition; 2. neglecting accelerator hardware on mixed nodes results in overproportional inefficiency regarding energy consumption; 3. energy consumption of model training and inference should be considered separately - while training on GPUs outperforms all other node types regarding both runtime and energy consumption, inference on CPU nodes can be comparably efficient. One advantage of our approach is that the information on energy consumption is available to all users of the supercomputer, enabling an easy transfer to other workloads alongside a raise in user-awareness of energy consumption.
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通过提供前所未有的计算资源访问,云计算能够在机器学习等技术中快速增长,其计算需求产生了高能源成本和相应的碳足迹。结果,最近的奖学金呼吁更好地估计AI的温室气体影响:当今的数据科学家无法轻松或可靠地访问该信息的测量,从而排除了可行策略的发展。向用户提供有关软件碳强度的信息的云提供商是一种基本的垫脚石,以最大程度地减少排放。在本文中,我们提供了一个测量软件碳强度的框架,并建议通过使用每个能量单元使用基于位置和特定时间的边际排放数据来测量运行碳排放。我们为一组自然语言处理和计算机视觉的现代模型提供了操作软件强度的测量,以及各种模型尺寸,包括预处理61亿个参数语言模型。然后,我们评估了一套用于减少Microsoft Azure Cloud Compute平台排放的方法套件:使用不同地理区域中的云实例,在一天中的不同时间使用云实例,并在边际碳强度高于某个阈值时动态暂停云实例。我们证实了先前的结果,即数据中心的地理区域在给定云实例的碳强度中起着重要作用,并发现选择合适的区域可能具有最大的运营排放减少影响。我们还表明,一天中的时间对操作软件碳强度有显着影响。最后,我们最终提出了有关机器学习从业人员如何使用软件碳强度信息来减少环境影响的建议。
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自动化机器学习(Automl)努力自动配置机器学习算法及其组合的整体(软件)解决方案 - 机器学习管道 - 针对手头的学习任务(数据集)量身定制。在过去十年中,Automl已成为具有数百个贡献的热门研究课题。虽然Automl提供了许多前景,但也称它也是相当资源密集的,这是其主要批评的主要观点之一。高资源消耗的主要原因是许多方法依赖于许多ML管道的(昂贵)评估,同时寻找良好的候选者。由于使用许多数据集和方法进行了大规模实验,因此在Automl方法研究的背景下放大了这个问题,每个数据都是用几种重复来排除随机效应的几个重复的实验。本文阐述了最近的绿色AI的精神,是为了提高对问题的自动化研究人员的意识,并详细阐述可能的补救措施。为此,我们确定了四类行动,社区可能采取更加可持续的自动化计划,即接近设计,基准,研究激励和透明度。
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Accurate reporting of energy and carbon usage is essential for understanding the potential climate impacts of machine learning research. We introduce a framework that makes this easier by providing a simple interface for tracking realtime energy consumption and carbon emissions, as well as generating standardized online appendices. Utilizing this framework, we create a leaderboard for energy efficient reinforcement learning algorithms to incentivize responsible research in this area as an example for other areas of machine learning. Finally, based on case studies using our framework, we propose strategies for mitigation of carbon emissions and reduction of energy consumption. By making accounting easier, we hope to further the sustainable development of machine learning experiments and spur more research into energy efficient algorithms.
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培训深度神经网络(DNNS)每年都会变得越来越多地资源和能源密集型。不幸的是,现有作品主要集中于优化DNN培训以更快完成,而无需考虑对能源效率的影响。在本文中,我们观察到改善训练绩效的常见实践通常会导致能源使用效率低下。更重要的是,我们证明能耗和性能优化之间存在权衡。为此,我们提出了一个优化框架,宙斯,通过自动找到重复出现的DNN培训工作的最佳作业和GPU级配置来导航这种权衡。宙斯与即时的能源分析一起使用了在线探索 - 开发方法,避免了对昂贵的离线测量的需求,同时适应数据随着时间的流逝。我们的评估表明,宙斯可以将DNN培训的能源效率提高15.3%-75.8%,以减少75.8%。
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本文探讨了超线性增长趋势的环境影响,从整体角度来看,跨越数据,算法和系统硬件。我们通过在行业规模机器学习用例中检查模型开发周期来表征AI计算的碳足迹,同时考虑系统硬件的生命周期。进一步迈出一步,我们捕获AI计算的操作和制造碳足迹,并为硬件 - 软件设计和尺度优化的结束分析以及如何帮助降低AI的整体碳足迹。根据行业经验和经验教训,我们分享关键挑战,并在AI的许多方面上绘制了重要的发展方向。我们希望本文提出的关键信息和见解能够激发社区以环保的方式推进AI领域。
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深度学习培训是一个昂贵的过程,可广泛使用GPU,但并非所有模型训练都饱和现代强大的GPU。 Multi-Instance GPU(MIG)是NVIDIA引入的一项新技术,可以分区GPU,以更好地适合不需要所有内存和计算完整GPU的资源的工作负载。在本文中,我们研究了在深度学习工作负载下的三种尺寸工作负载下的MIG启用A100 GPU的性能,这些尺寸重点是使用Resnet模型进行图像识别培训。当在GPU允许的各种MIG实例上孤立运行时,我们还研究了这些工作负载的行为,此外还可以在同一GPU共同列入同类的同质实例上并行运行它们。我们的结果表明,当工作负载太小而无法孤立地利用整个GPU时,使用MIG可以显着改善GPU的利用率。通过并行训练多个小型型号,尽管每单位时间的时间增加了,但每单位时间的GPU可以执行更多的工作,导致$ \ sim $ \ sim $ 3倍吞吐量。相比之下,对于已经很好地利用了整个GPU的中型和大型工作量,MIG仅提供边际性能的改进。然而,我们观察到,使用单独的MIG分区并行的训练模型不会表现出强调具有MIG在现代GPU上具有功能的价值的干扰。
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在科学计算的许多领域越来越流行的人工神经网络(ANN)的大量使用迅速增加了现代高性能计算系统的能源消耗。新型的神经形态范式提供了一种吸引人的替代方案,它直接在硬件中实施了ANN。但是,对于科学计算中用例使用ANN在神经形态硬件上运行ANN的实际好处知之甚少。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,用于测量使用常规硬件的ANN来计算推理任务的时间。此外,我们为这些任务设计了一个体系结构,并根据最先进的模拟内存计算(AIMC)平台估算了相同的指标,这是神经形态计算中的关键范例之一。在二维凝结物质系统中的量子多体物理学中的用例比较两种方法,并在粒子物理学中大型强子对撞机上以40 MHz的速率以40 MHz的速率进行异常检测。我们发现,与传统硬件相比,AIMC最多可以达到一个较短的计算时间,最高三个数量级的能源成本。这表明使用神经形态硬件进行更快,更可持续的科学计算的潜力。
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A well-performing prediction model is vital for a recommendation system suggesting actions for energy-efficient consumer behavior. However, reliable and accurate predictions depend on informative features and a suitable model design to perform well and robustly across different households and appliances. Moreover, customers' unjustifiably high expectations of accurate predictions may discourage them from using the system in the long term. In this paper, we design a three-step forecasting framework to assess predictability, engineering features, and deep learning architectures to forecast 24 hourly load values. First, our predictability analysis provides a tool for expectation management to cushion customers' anticipations. Second, we design several new weather-, time- and appliance-related parameters for the modeling procedure and test their contribution to the model's prediction performance. Third, we examine six deep learning techniques and compare them to tree- and support vector regression benchmarks. We develop a robust and accurate model for the appliance-level load prediction based on four datasets from four different regions (US, UK, Austria, and Canada) with an equal set of appliances. The empirical results show that cyclical encoding of time features and weather indicators alongside a long-short term memory (LSTM) model offer the optimal performance.
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气候变化所扩大的极端天气正在造成全球日益毁灭性的影响。由于高计算成本和严格的时间到解决方案限制,目前基于物理的数值天气预测(NWP)的使用限制了精度。我们报告说,数据驱动的深度学习地球系统模拟器Fourcastnet可以预测全球天气,并在接近最先进的准确性的同时,比NWP更快地产生五个量子的预测。四个超级计算系统(Selene,Perlmutter和Juwels Booster高达3,808 nvidia a100 GPU)在三个超级计算系统上进行了优化,并有效地缩放,并在混合精度中获得140.8 PETAFLOPS(该规模的峰值为11.9%)。在3,072GPU上在Juwels Booster上测量的训练四界的时间到达的时间为67.4分钟,相对于最新的NWP,在推理中,相对于最先进的NWP的时间更快。 Fourcastnet提前一周可产生准确的瞬时天气预测,使巨大的合奏更好地捕捉了极端天气,并支持更高的全球预测决议。
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Progress in machine learning (ML) comes with a cost to the environment, given that training ML models requires significant computational resources, energy and materials. In the present article, we aim to quantify the carbon footprint of BLOOM, a 176-billion parameter language model, across its life cycle. We estimate that BLOOM's final training emitted approximately 24.7 tonnes of~\carboneq~if we consider only the dynamic power consumption, and 50.5 tonnes if we account for all processes ranging from equipment manufacturing to energy-based operational consumption. We also study the energy requirements and carbon emissions of its deployment for inference via an API endpoint receiving user queries in real-time. We conclude with a discussion regarding the difficulty of precisely estimating the carbon footprint of ML models and future research directions that can contribute towards improving carbon emissions reporting.
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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负载预测是能源行业中执行的一项重要任务,以帮助平衡供应并保持电网的稳定负载。随着供应过渡向不太可靠的可再生能源产生,智能电表将证明是促进这些预测任务的重要组成部分。但是,在隐私意识的消费者中,智能电表的采用率很低,这些消费者害怕侵犯其细粒度的消费数据。在这项工作中,我们建议并探索一种基于联合学习的方法(FL)方法,以分布式协作方式培训预测模型,同时保留基础数据的隐私。我们比较了两种方法:FL和聚集的变体FL+HC与非私有的,集中的学习方法和完全私人的本地化学习方法。在这些方法中,我们使用RMSE和计算效率测量模型性能。此外,我们建议FL策略之后是个性化步骤,并表明可以通过这样做可以提高模型性能。我们表明,FL+HC紧随其后的是个性化可以实现$ \ sim $ 5 \%的模型性能提高,而与本地化学习相比,计算$ \ sim $ 10倍。最后,我们提供有关私人汇总预测的建议,以构建私人端到端负载预测应用程序。
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现代生活是由连接到互联网的电子设备驱动的。新兴研究领域的新兴研究领域(IoT)已变得流行,就像连接设备数量稳定增加一样 - 现在超过500亿。由于这些设备中的许多用于执行\ gls*{cv}任务,因此必须了解其针对性能的功耗。我们在执行对象分类时报告了NVIDIA JETSON NANO板的功耗概况和分析。作者对使用Yolov5模型进行了有关每帧功耗和每秒(FPS)帧输出的广泛分析。结果表明,Yolov5N在吞吐量(即12.34 fps)和低功耗(即0.154 MWH/Frafe)方面优于其他Yolov5变体。
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