保守主义的概念导致了离线强化学习(RL)的重要进展,其中代理从预先收集的数据集中学习。但是,尽可能多的实际方案涉及多个代理之间的交互,解决更实际的多代理设置中的离线RL仍然是一个开放的问题。鉴于最近将Online RL算法转移到多代理设置的成功,可以预期离线RL算法也将直接传输到多代理设置。令人惊讶的是,当基于保守的算法应用于多蛋白酶的算法时,性能显着降低了越来越多的药剂。为了减轻劣化,我们确定了价值函数景观可以是非凹形的关键问题,并且策略梯度改进容易出现本地最优。自从任何代理人的次优政策可能导致不协调的全球失败以来,多个代理人会加剧问题。在这种直觉之后,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,脱机多代理RL与演员整流(OMAR),通过有效的一阶政策梯度和Zeroth订单优化方法为演员更好地解决这一关键挑战优化保守值函数。尽管简单,奥马尔显着优于强大的基线,在多售后连续控制基准测试中具有最先进的性能。
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Offline multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) aims to learn effective multi-agent policies from pre-collected datasets, which is an important step toward the deployment of multi-agent systems in real-world applications. However, in practice, each individual behavior policy that generates multi-agent joint trajectories usually has a different level of how well it performs. e.g., an agent is a random policy while other agents are medium policies. In the cooperative game with global reward, one agent learned by existing offline MARL often inherits this random policy, jeopardizing the performance of the entire team. In this paper, we investigate offline MARL with explicit consideration on the diversity of agent-wise trajectories and propose a novel framework called Shared Individual Trajectories (SIT) to address this problem. Specifically, an attention-based reward decomposition network assigns the credit to each agent through a differentiable key-value memory mechanism in an offline manner. These decomposed credits are then used to reconstruct the joint offline datasets into prioritized experience replay with individual trajectories, thereafter agents can share their good trajectories and conservatively train their policies with a graph attention network (GAT) based critic. We evaluate our method in both discrete control (i.e., StarCraft II and multi-agent particle environment) and continuous control (i.e, multi-agent mujoco). The results indicate that our method achieves significantly better results in complex and mixed offline multi-agent datasets, especially when the difference of data quality between individual trajectories is large.
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We explore deep reinforcement learning methods for multi-agent domains. We begin by analyzing the difficulty of traditional algorithms in the multi-agent case: Q-learning is challenged by an inherent non-stationarity of the environment, while policy gradient suffers from a variance that increases as the number of agents grows. We then present an adaptation of actor-critic methods that considers action policies of other agents and is able to successfully learn policies that require complex multiagent coordination. Additionally, we introduce a training regimen utilizing an ensemble of policies for each agent that leads to more robust multi-agent policies. We show the strength of our approach compared to existing methods in cooperative as well as competitive scenarios, where agent populations are able to discover various physical and informational coordination strategies.
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Reinforcement learning in multi-agent scenarios is important for real-world applications but presents challenges beyond those seen in singleagent settings. We present an actor-critic algorithm that trains decentralized policies in multiagent settings, using centrally computed critics that share an attention mechanism which selects relevant information for each agent at every timestep. This attention mechanism enables more effective and scalable learning in complex multiagent environments, when compared to recent approaches. Our approach is applicable not only to cooperative settings with shared rewards, but also individualized reward settings, including adversarial settings, as well as settings that do not provide global states, and it makes no assumptions about the action spaces of the agents. As such, it is flexible enough to be applied to most multi-agent learning problems.
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分散的学习对合作多代理增强学习(MARL)表现出了巨大的希望。但是,非平稳性仍然是分散学习的重大挑战。在论文中,我们以最简单和基本的方式解决了非平稳性问题,并提出\ textit {多代理替代Q学习}(MA2QL),在那里,代理商轮流通过Q学习来更新其Q-函数。MA2QL是完全分散合作MARL的一种\ Textit {Minimalist}方法,但理论上是基础的。我们证明,当每个代理商在每个回合都保证$ \ varepsilon $ -Convergence时,他们的联合政策会收敛到NASH平衡。实际上,MA2QL仅需要对独立Q学习(IQL)的最小变化。我们经验评估MA2QL对各种合作的多代理任务。结果表明,MA2QL始终胜过IQL,尽管这种变化很小,但它验证了MA2QL的有效性。
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多代理深入的强化学习已应用于解决各种离散或连续动作空间的各种复杂问题,并取得了巨大的成功。但是,大多数实际环境不能仅通过离散的动作空间或连续的动作空间来描述。而且很少有作品曾经利用深入的加固学习(DRL)来解决混合动作空间的多代理问题。因此,我们提出了一种新颖的算法:深层混合软性角色 - 批评(MAHSAC)来填补这一空白。该算法遵循集中式训练但分散执行(CTDE)范式,并扩展软actor-Critic算法(SAC),以根据最大熵在多机构环境中处理混合动作空间问题。我们的经验在一个简单的多代理粒子世界上运行,具有连续的观察和离散的动作空间以及一些基本的模拟物理。实验结果表明,MAHSAC在训练速度,稳定性和抗干扰能力方面具有良好的性能。同时,它在合作场景和竞争性场景中胜过现有的独立深层学习方法。
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The study of decentralized learning or independent learning in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning has a history of decades. Recently empirical studies show that independent PPO (IPPO) can obtain good performance, close to or even better than the methods of centralized training with decentralized execution, in several benchmarks. However, decentralized actor-critic with convergence guarantee is still open. In this paper, we propose \textit{decentralized policy optimization} (DPO), a decentralized actor-critic algorithm with monotonic improvement and convergence guarantee. We derive a novel decentralized surrogate for policy optimization such that the monotonic improvement of joint policy can be guaranteed by each agent \textit{independently} optimizing the surrogate. In practice, this decentralized surrogate can be realized by two adaptive coefficients for policy optimization at each agent. Empirically, we compare DPO with IPPO in a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks, covering discrete and continuous action spaces, and fully and partially observable environments. The results show DPO outperforms IPPO in most tasks, which can be the evidence for our theoretical results.
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政策梯度方法在多智能体增强学习中变得流行,但由于存在环境随机性和探索代理(即非公平性​​),它们遭受了高度的差异,这可能因信用分配难度而受到困扰。结果,需要一种方法,该方法不仅能够有效地解决上述两个问题,而且需要足够强大地解决各种任务。为此,我们提出了一种新的多代理政策梯度方法,称为强大的本地优势(ROLA)演员 - 评论家。 Rola允许每个代理人将个人动作值函数作为当地评论家,以及通过基于集中评论家的新型集中培训方法来改善环境不良。通过使用此本地批评,每个代理都计算基准,以减少对其策略梯度估计的差异,这导致含有其他代理的预期优势动作值,这些选项可以隐式提高信用分配。我们在各种基准测试中评估ROLA,并在许多最先进的多代理政策梯度算法上显示其鲁棒性和有效性。
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在合作的多代理增强学习(MARL)中,将价值​​分解与参与者 - 批评结合,使代理人能够学习随机政策,这更适合部分可观察到的环境。鉴于学习能够分散执行的本地政策的目标,通常认为代理人彼此独立,即使在集中式培训中也是如此。但是,这样的假设可能会禁止代理人学习最佳联合政策。为了解决这个问题,我们明确地将代理商之间的依赖性带入集中式培训。尽管这导致了最佳联合政策,但对于分散的执行,可能不会分解它。然而,从理论上讲,从这样的联合政策中,我们始终可以得出另一项联合政策,该政策可实现相同的最优性,但可以分解以分散的执行。为此,我们提出了多机构条件政策分解(MACPF),该政策分解(MACPF)需要进行更集中的培训,但仍可以实现分散的执行。我们在各种合作的MARL任务中验证MACPF,并证明MACPF比基线获得更好的性能或更快的收敛性。
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由于共同国家行动空间相对于代理人的数量,多代理强化学习(MARL)中的政策学习(MARL)是具有挑战性的。为了实现更高的可伸缩性,通过分解执行(CTDE)的集中式培训范式被MARL中的分解结构广泛采用。但是,我们观察到,即使在简单的矩阵游戏中,合作MARL中现有的CTDE算法也无法实现最佳性。为了理解这种现象,我们引入了一个具有政策分解(GPF-MAC)的广义多代理参与者批评的框架,该框架的特征是对分解的联合政策的学习,即,每个代理人的政策仅取决于其自己的观察行动历史。我们表明,最受欢迎的CTDE MARL算法是GPF-MAC的特殊实例,可能会陷入次优的联合政策中。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的转型框架,该框架将多代理的MDP重新制定为具有连续结构的特殊“单位代理” MDP,并且可以允许使用现成的单机械加固学习(SARL)算法来有效地学习相应的多代理任务。这种转换保留了SARL算法的最佳保证,以合作MARL。为了实例化此转换框架,我们提出了一个转换的PPO,称为T-PPO,该PPO可以在有限的多代理MDP中进行理论上执行最佳的策略学习,并在一系列合作的多代理任务上显示出明显的超出性能。
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近端策略优化(PPO)是一种普遍存在的上利期内学习算法,但在多代理设置中的非政策学习算法所使用的算法明显少得多。这通常是由于认为PPO的样品效率明显低于多代理系统中的销售方法。在这项工作中,我们仔细研究了合作多代理设置中PPO的性能。我们表明,基于PPO的多代理算法在四个受欢迎的多代理测试台上取得了令人惊讶的出色表现:粒子世界环境,星际争霸多代理挑战,哈纳比挑战赛和Google Research Football,并具有最少的超参数调谐任何特定领域的算法修改或架构。重要的是,与强大的非政策方法相比,PPO通常在最终奖励和样本效率中都能取得竞争性或优越的结果。最后,通过消融研究,我们分析了对PPO的经验表现至关重要的实施和高参数因素,并就这些因素提供了具体的实用建议。我们的结果表明,在使用这些实践时,简单的基于PPO的方法在合作多代理增强学习中是强大的基线。源代码可在https://github.com/marlbenchmark/on-policy上发布。
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用于分散执行的集中培训,其中代理商使用集中信息训练,但在线以分散的方式执行,在多智能体增强学习界中获得了普及。特别是,具有集中评论家和分散的演员的演员 - 批评方法是这个想法的常见实例。然而,即使它是许多算法的标准选择,也没有完全讨论和理解使用集中评论批读的影响。因此,我们正式分析集中和分散的批评批评方法,了解对评论家选择的影响。由于我们的理论使得不切实际的假设,我们还经验化地比较了广泛的环境中集中式和分散的批评方法来验证我们的理论并提供实用建议。我们展示了当前文献中集中评论家存在误解,并表明集中式评论家设计并不是严格用的,而是集中和分散的批评者具有不同的利弊,算法设计人员应该考虑到不同的利弊。
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多项式增强学习(MARL)最近的许多突破都需要使用深层神经网络,这对于人类专家来说是挑战性的解释和理解。另一方面,现有的关于可解释的强化学习(RL)的工作在从神经网络中提取更可解释的决策树政策方面显示了有望,但仅在单一机构设置中。为了填补这一空白,我们提出了第一组算法,这些算法从接受MARL训练的神经网络中提取可解释的决策策略。第一种算法IVIPER将Viper扩展到了单代代理可解释的RL的最新方法到多代理设置。我们证明,艾维尔(Iviper)学习每个代理商的高质量决策树政策。为了更好地捕捉代理之间的协调,我们提出了一种新型的集中决策树培训算法,Maviper。 Maviper通过使用其预期的树来预测其他代理的行为,并使用重新采样来集中精力,以重点放在对其与其他代理相互作用至关重要的状态上,从而共同生长了每个代理的树木。我们表明,这两种算法通常都优于基础线,而在三种不同的多代理粒子世界环境上,受过iviper训练的药物比iviper训练的药物获得了更好的协调性能。
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In multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), many popular methods, such as VDN and QMIX, are susceptible to a critical multi-agent pathology known as relative overgeneralization (RO), which arises when the optimal joint action's utility falls below that of a sub-optimal joint action in cooperative tasks. RO can cause the agents to get stuck into local optima or fail to solve tasks that require significant coordination between agents within a given timestep. Recent value-based MARL algorithms such as QPLEX and WQMIX can overcome RO to some extent. However, our experimental results show that they can still fail to solve cooperative tasks that exhibit strong RO. In this work, we propose a novel approach called curriculum learning for relative overgeneralization (CURO) to better overcome RO. To solve a target task that exhibits strong RO, in CURO, we first fine-tune the reward function of the target task to generate source tasks that are tailored to the current ability of the learning agent and train the agent on these source tasks first. Then, to effectively transfer the knowledge acquired in one task to the next, we use a novel transfer learning method that combines value function transfer with buffer transfer, which enables more efficient exploration in the target task. We demonstrate that, when applied to QMIX, CURO overcomes severe RO problem and significantly improves performance, yielding state-of-the-art results in a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks, including the challenging StarCraft II micromanagement benchmarks.
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Off-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using a fixed offline dataset of logged interactions is an important consideration in real world applications. This paper studies offline RL using the DQN Replay Dataset comprising the entire replay experience of a DQN agent on 60 Atari 2600 games. We demonstrate that recent off-policy deep RL algorithms, even when trained solely on this fixed dataset, outperform the fully-trained DQN agent. To enhance generalization in the offline setting, we present Random Ensemble Mixture (REM), a robust Q-learning algorithm that enforces optimal Bellman consistency on random convex combinations of multiple Q-value estimates. Offline REM trained on the DQN Replay Dataset surpasses strong RL baselines. Ablation studies highlight the role of offline dataset size and diversity as well as the algorithm choice in our positive results. Overall, the results here present an optimistic view that robust RL algorithms used on sufficiently large and diverse offline datasets can lead to high quality policies. To provide a testbed for offline RL and reproduce our results, the DQN Replay Dataset is released at offline-rl.github.io.
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多智能体增强学习(Marl)为涉及多个交互代理的问题提供了一个框架。尽管与单智能案例明显相似,但多种子体问题通常仍然努力培训和分析。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的策略演员 - 批评算法,它将V-Trace扩展到Marl设置。我们的算法的关键优势是它在多工人设置中的高可扩展性。为此,MA-Trace利用重要的采样作为脱策校正方法,这允许分配计算,没有影响培训质量。此外,我们的算法理论上是接地 - 我们证明了一种保证收敛的定期定理。我们在星际争霸多智能课程中广泛评估算法,是多智能代理算法的标准基准。Ma-Trace在所有任务中实现了高性能,并超过了最先进的结果。
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熵正则化是增强学习(RL)的流行方法。尽管它具有许多优势,但它改变了原始马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的RL目标。尽管已经提出了差异正则化来解决这个问题,但不能微不足道地应用于合作的多代理增强学习(MARL)。在本文中,我们研究了合作MAL中的差异正则化,并提出了一种新型的非政策合作MARL框架,差异性的多代理参与者 - 参与者(DMAC)。从理论上讲,我们得出了DMAC的更新规则,该规则自然存在,并保证了原始MDP和Divergence regullatized MDP的单调政策改进和收敛。我们还给出了原始MDP中融合策略和最佳策略之间的差异。 DMAC是一个灵活的框架,可以与许多现有的MARL算法结合使用。从经验上讲,我们在教学随机游戏和Starcraft Multi-Agent挑战中评估了DMAC,并表明DMAC显着提高了现有的MARL算法的性能。
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Communication is supposed to improve multi-agent collaboration and overall performance in cooperative Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). However, such improvements are prevalently limited in practice since most existing communication schemes ignore communication overheads (e.g., communication delays). In this paper, we demonstrate that ignoring communication delays has detrimental effects on collaborations, especially in delay-sensitive tasks such as autonomous driving. To mitigate this impact, we design a delay-aware multi-agent communication model (DACOM) to adapt communication to delays. Specifically, DACOM introduces a component, TimeNet, that is responsible for adjusting the waiting time of an agent to receive messages from other agents such that the uncertainty associated with delay can be addressed. Our experiments reveal that DACOM has a non-negligible performance improvement over other mechanisms by making a better trade-off between the benefits of communication and the costs of waiting for messages.
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