We propose a PiggyBack, a Visual Question Answering platform that allows users to apply the state-of-the-art visual-language pretrained models easily. The PiggyBack supports the full stack of visual question answering tasks, specifically data processing, model fine-tuning, and result visualisation. We integrate visual-language models, pretrained by HuggingFace, an open-source API platform of deep learning technologies; however, it cannot be runnable without programming skills or deep learning understanding. Hence, our PiggyBack supports an easy-to-use browser-based user interface with several deep learning visual language pretrained models for general users and domain experts. The PiggyBack includes the following benefits: Free availability under the MIT License, Portability due to web-based and thus runs on almost any platform, A comprehensive data creation and processing technique, and ease of use on deep learning-based visual language pretrained models. The demo video is available on YouTube and can be found at https://youtu.be/iz44RZ1lF4s.
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Vision-and-language reasoning requires an understanding of visual concepts, language semantics, and, most importantly, the alignment and relationships between these two modalities. We thus propose the LXMERT (Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers) framework to learn these vision-and-language connections. In LXMERT, we build a large-scale Transformer model that consists of three encoders: an object relationship encoder, a language encoder, and a cross-modality encoder. Next, to endow our model with the capability of connecting vision and language semantics, we pre-train the model with large amounts of image-and-sentence pairs, via five diverse representative pre-training tasks: masked language modeling, masked object prediction (feature regression and label classification), cross-modality matching, and image question answering. These tasks help in learning both intra-modality and cross-modality relationships. After fine-tuning from our pretrained parameters, our model achieves the state-of-the-art results on two visual question answering datasets (i.e., VQA and GQA). We also show the generalizability of our pretrained cross-modality model by adapting it to a challenging visual-reasoning task, NLVR 2 , and improve the previous best result by 22% absolute (54% to 76%). Lastly, we demonstrate detailed ablation studies to prove that both our novel model components and pretraining strategies significantly contribute to our strong results; and also present several attention visualizations for the different encoders. 1
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We present ViLBERT (short for Vision-and-Language BERT), a model for learning task-agnostic joint representations of image content and natural language. We extend the popular BERT architecture to a multi-modal two-stream model, processing both visual and textual inputs in separate streams that interact through co-attentional transformer layers. We pretrain our model through two proxy tasks on the large, automatically collected Conceptual Captions dataset and then transfer it to multiple established vision-and-language tasks -visual question answering, visual commonsense reasoning, referring expressions, and caption-based image retrieval -by making only minor additions to the base architecture. We observe significant improvements across tasks compared to existing task-specific modelsachieving state-of-the-art on all four tasks. Our work represents a shift away from learning groundings between vision and language only as part of task training and towards treating visual grounding as a pretrainable and transferable capability.Preprint. Under review.
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视觉问题回答是自然语言和愿景理解的重要任务。但是,在大多数公众视觉问题上回答了诸如VQA,CLEVR之类的数据集,这些问题是针对给定图像的特定于“她的眼睛是什么颜色?”的人类产生的。人类产生的众包问题相对简单,有时对某些实体或属性有偏见。在本文中,我们介绍了一个基于Image-Chiqa的新问题回答数据集。它包含Internet用户发布的现实查询,并结合了几个相关的开放域图像。系统应确定图像是否可以回答问题。与以前的VQA数据集不同,这些问题是现实世界中独立的查询,这些查询更加各种和无偏见。与先前的图像回程或图像捕获数据集相比,Chiqa不仅衡量了相关性,而且还可以衡量答案性,这需要更细粒度的视力和语言推理。 Chiqa包含超过40k的问题和超过200k的问题图像对。将三级2/1/0标签分配给每个对,指示完美的答案,部分答案和无关紧要。数据分析表明,Chiqa需要对语言和视觉有深入的了解,包括接地,比较和阅读。我们评估了几种最先进的视觉语言模型,例如ALBEF,表明仍然有一个很大的改进奇卡的空间。
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在本报告中,我们展示了ICDAR 2021版文档视觉问题挑战的结果。此版本在单个文档VQA和Document Collection VQA上补充了以前的任务,并在Infographics VQA上进行了新引入的。信息图表VQA基于超过5,000个信息图表图像和30,000个问题答案对的新数据集。获胜者方法在Infographics VQA任务中获得了0.6120个ANL,0.7743 anlsl在文档集中的VQA任务和单个文档VQA中的0.8705 ANL中。我们展示了用于每个任务的数据集的摘要,每个提交的方法的描述以及它们的性能的结果和分析。由于还提出了自从第一版DocVQA 2020挑战以来在单个文档VQA上取得的摘要。
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由于其有效的模型架构以及大规模未标记的扫描/数字出生的文件的优势,在各种视觉上丰富的文档理解任务中已经证明了文本和布局的预先培训。我们提出了具有新的预培训任务的Layoutlmv2架构,以在单个多模态框架中模拟文本,布局和图像之间的交互。具体地,对于双流多模态变压器编码器,LayOutLMV2不仅使用现有屏蔽的视觉语言建模任务,还使用新的文本图像对齐和文本图像匹配任务,这使得它更好地捕获跨模块交互在预训练阶段。同时,它还将空间感知的自我注意机制集成到变压器架构中,以便模型可以完全理解不同文本块之间的相对位置关系。实验结果表明,LayoutLMV2优于大幅度的LayOutlm,并在大量下游的下游富有的文件理解任务中实现了新的最先进的结果,包括Funsd(0.7895 $ \至0.8420美元),电源线(0.9493 $ \至0.9601美元),Srie(0.9524 $ \至0.9781美元),Kleister-NDA(0.8340 $ \ 0.8520美元),RVL-CDIP(0.9443 $ \至0.9564美元),DOCVQA(0.7295 $ \至0.8672美元) 。我们使我们的模型和代码公开可用于\ url {https://aka.ms/layoutlmv2}。
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视觉问题应答(VQA)任务利用视觉图像和语言分析来回回答图像的文本问题。它是一个流行的研究课题,在过去十年中越来越多的现实应用。本文介绍了我们最近对AliceMind-MMU的研究(阿里巴巴的编码器 - 解码器来自Damo Academy - 多媒体理解的机器智能实验室),其比人类在VQA上获得相似甚至略微更好的结果。这是通过系统地改善VQA流水线来实现的,包括:(1)具有全面的视觉和文本特征表示的预培训; (2)与学习参加的有效跨模型互动; (3)一个新颖的知识挖掘框架,具有专门的专业专家模块,适用于复杂的VQA任务。处理不同类型的视觉问题,需要具有相应的专业知识在提高我们的VQA架构的表现方面发挥着重要作用,这取决于人力水平。进行了广泛的实验和分析,以证明新的研究工作的有效性。
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We present Answer-Me, a task-aware multi-task framework which unifies a variety of question answering tasks, such as, visual question answering, visual entailment, visual reasoning. In contrast to previous works using contrastive or generative captioning training, we propose a novel and simple recipe to pre-train a vision-language joint model, which is multi-task as well. The pre-training uses only noisy image captioning data, and is formulated to use the entire architecture end-to-end with both a strong language encoder and decoder. Our results show state-of-the-art performance, zero-shot generalization, robustness to forgetting, and competitive single-task results across a variety of question answering tasks. Our multi-task mixture training learns from tasks of various question intents and thus generalizes better, including on zero-shot vision-language tasks. We conduct experiments in the challenging multi-task and open-vocabulary settings and across a variety of datasets and tasks, such as VQA2.0, SNLI-VE, NLVR2, GQA. We observe that the proposed approach is able to generalize to unseen tasks and that more diverse mixtures lead to higher accuracy in both known and novel tasks.
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事实证明,多模式文档预训练的模型在各种视觉上富裕的文档理解(VRDU)任务中非常有效。尽管现有的文档预先培训模型在VRDU的标准基准上取得了出色的性能,但它们建模和利用文档上的视觉和语言之间的互动的方式阻碍了他们无法获得更好的概括能力和更高的准确性。在这项工作中,我们主要从监督信号的角度研究了VRDU视觉联合表示学习的问题。具体而言,提出了一种称为BI-VLDOC的预训练范式,其中设计了双向视觉监督策略和视觉性混合注意机制,以完全探索并利用这两种方式之间的相互作用,以学习更强的交叉交叉方式 - 具有更丰富语义的模式文档表示。 Bi-Vldoc受益于学习丰富的跨模式文档表示形式,显着提高了三个广泛使用文档的最新性能,理解基准,包括形式的理解(从85.14%到93.44%),收据信息提取(从96.01%到97.84%)和文档分类(从96.08%到97.12%)。在文档视觉质量检查中,BI-VLDOC与以前的单个模型方法相比,实现了最先进的性能。
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This paper presents a unified Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) model. The model is unified in that (1) it can be finetuned for either vision-language generation (e.g., image captioning) or understanding (e.g., visual question answering) tasks, and (2) it uses a shared multi-layer transformer network for both encoding and decoding, which differs from many existing methods where the encoder and decoder are implemented using separate models. The unified VLP model is pre-trained on a large amount of image-text pairs using the unsupervised learning objectives of two tasks: bidirectional and sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) masked vision-language prediction. The two tasks differ solely in what context the prediction conditions on. This is controlled by utilizing specific self-attention masks for the shared transformer network. To the best of our knowledge, VLP is the first reported model that achieves state-of-the-art results on both vision-language generation and understanding tasks, as disparate as image captioning and visual question answering, across three challenging benchmark datasets: COCO Captions, Flickr30k Captions, and VQA 2.0. The code and the pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/LuoweiZhou/VLP.
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人类通过各种感官方式逮捕了世界,但语言是他们主要的交流渠道。机器学习系统需要利用相同的多模式丰富性,以使人类以自然语言知情。对于专门从事视觉密集信息的系统,例如对话,建议和搜索引擎,尤其如此。为此,我们训练一个视觉问题回答(VQA)系统,以回答有关时尚拍摄图像中服装的复杂自然语言问题。成功培训我们的VQA模型的关键是使用不同模板从207,000张图像的项目属性中自动创建一个视觉提问数据集。样本生成采用了一种策略,该策略考虑了提问的困难,以强调具有挑战性的概念。与使用几个数据集预处理视觉问题答案模型的最新趋势相反,我们专注于保持数据集的固定,同时从头开始训练各种模型以隔离模型体系结构的改进。我们看到,使用相同的变压器编码问题并解码答案,就像在语言模型中一样,可以达到最大的准确性,表明视觉语言模型(VLMS)为我们的数据集提供了最佳的视觉问题答案系统。最佳模型的准确性也超过了人类专家的水平,即使回答不限于模板格式的人类生成的问题。我们生成大规模多模式域特异性数据集的方法为训练能够以自然语言进行交流的专业模型提供了途径。这样的域 - 专家模型的培训,例如我们的时尚VLM模型,不能仅依靠从网络收集的大规模通用数据集。
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Vision-Language预培训是一个新兴和快速发展的研究主题,将多模态知识从丰富的资源预训练任务转移到有限资源下游任务。与主要学习单个通用编码器的现有作品不同,我们提出了一种可训练的通用编码器 - 解码器网络(UNI-EDEN),以促进视觉语言感知(例如,视觉问题应答)和生成(例如,图像标题)。 UNI-EDEN是一种基于双流变换器的结构,由三个模块组成:对象和句子编码器,其单独了解每个模态的表示,以及通过模态交互能够实现多模态推理和句子的句子解码器。考虑到每个图像的语言表示可以跨越该层次结构的不同粒度,包括从简单到全面,个人标签,短语和自然句子,我们通过多粒愿景语言代理任务预先列车UNI-EDEN:屏蔽对象分类(MOC),蒙版区域短语生成(MRPG),图像句匹配(ISM)和屏蔽句生成(MSG)。以这种方式,UNI-EDEN赋予了多模态表示提取和语言建模的功率。广泛的实验证明了通过微调到四个视觉语言感知和发电下游任务来展示Uni-Eden的概括性。
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我们提出了GLIPV2,这是一个接地的VL理解模型,该模型既服务于本地化任务(例如,对象检测,实例分割)和视觉语言(VL)理解任务(例如VQA,图像字幕)。 GLIPV2优雅地将本地化预训练和视觉语言预训练(VLP)具有三个预训练任务:短语接地作为对检测任务的VL重新重新制定,区域词对比度学习作为新型的区域词对比度对比度对比学习任务,以及蒙面的语言建模。这种统一不仅简化了先前的多阶段VLP程序,而且还可以在本地化和理解任务之间实现相互利益。实验结果表明,在各种本地化和理解任务上,单个GLIPV2模型(所有模型权重)在SOTA性能附近实现。该模型还显示了(1)在开放式摄制对象检测任务上进行的强零射击和很少的自适应性能,以及(2)VL理解任务上的卓越接地能力。代码将在https://github.com/microsoft/glip上发布。
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Large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP have shown impressive performance on zero-shot image classification and image-to-text retrieval. However, such zero-shot performance of CLIP-based models does not realize in tasks that require a finer-grained correspondence between vision and language, such as Visual Question Answering (VQA). We investigate why this is the case, and report an interesting phenomenon of CLIP, which we call the Concept Association Bias (CAB), as a potential cause of the difficulty of applying CLIP to VQA and similar tasks. CAB is especially apparent when two concepts are present in the given image while a text prompt only contains a single concept. In such a case, we find that CLIP tends to treat input as a bag of concepts and attempts to fill in the other missing concept crossmodally, leading to an unexpected zero-shot prediction. For example, when asked for the color of a lemon in an image, CLIP predicts ``purple'' if the image contains a lemon and an eggplant. We demonstrate the Concept Association Bias of CLIP by showing that CLIP's zero-shot classification performance greatly suffers when there is a strong concept association between an object (e.g. lemon) and an attribute (e.g. its color). On the other hand, when the association between object and attribute is weak, we do not see this phenomenon. Furthermore, we show that CAB is significantly mitigated when we enable CLIP to learn deeper structure across image and text embeddings by adding an additional Transformer on top of CLIP and fine-tuning it on VQA. We find that across such fine-tuned variants of CLIP, the strength of CAB in a model predicts how well it performs on VQA.
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最近,许多研究表明,通过使用多模式的训练预训练目标扩展BERT体系结构,在各种视觉语言多模式任务(例如图像字幕和视觉问题)上进行了令人印象深刻的表现。在这项工作中,我们探讨了医学领域中的一系列多模式表示任务,专门使用放射学图像和非结构化报告。我们提出了医学视觉语言学习者(MEDVILL),该语言学习者采用基于BERT的建筑与一种新型的多模式注意掩盖方案相结合,以最大程度地提高概括性能,以实现视力语言理解任务(诊断分类,医疗图像报告,医学视觉,医疗视觉效果问答)和视觉生成任务(放射学报告生成)。通过统计和严格评估四个下游任务的拟议模型,该模型具有三个X光摄影图像报告数据集(Mimic-CXR,Open-I和VQA-RAD),我们从经验上凭经验证明了MEDVILL的卓越下游任务,包括各种基准,包括任务 - 特定体系结构。源代码可公开可用:https://github.com/supersupermoon/medvill
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