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Quantum computing is a promising paradigm based on quantum theory for performing fast computations. Quantum algorithms are expected to surpass their classical counterparts in terms of computational complexity for certain tasks, including machine learning. In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate three hybrid quantum k-Means algorithms, exploiting different degree of parallelism. Indeed, each algorithm incrementally leverages quantum parallelism to reduce the complexity of the cluster assignment step up to a constant cost. In particular, we exploit quantum phenomena to speed up the computation of distances. The core idea is that the computation of distances between records and centroids can be executed simultaneously, thus saving time, especially for big datasets. We show that our hybrid quantum k-Means algorithms can be more efficient than the classical version, still obtaining comparable clustering results.
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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对机器学习模型训练的栅极基量子电路的发展越来越兴趣。然而,关于电路设计的参数,噪声和其他测量误差对量子机器学习模型性能的影响很少。在本文中,我们探讨了使用多个标准机器学习数据集和IBM的Qiskit模拟器的关键电路设计参数(Qubits,Deposit等)的实际意义。总的来,我们评估超过6500个独特电路,以$ n \约120700美元。我们发现,一般浅(低深度)宽(更多Qubits)电路拓扑倾向于在没有噪声的情况下更优于更深的内容。我们还探讨了不同噪声概念的影响和影响,并讨论了对分类机学习任务的噪声更多/较低的电路拓扑。基于该研究结果,我们定义了使用基于门的NISQ量子计算机来实现近期承诺的电路拓扑指南。
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For a large number of tasks, quantum computing demonstrates the potential for exponential acceleration over classical computing. In the NISQ era, variable-component subcircuits enable applications of quantum computing. To reduce the inherent noise and qubit size limitations of quantum computers, existing research has improved the accuracy and efficiency of Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). In this paper, we explore the various ansatz improvement methods for VQAs at the gate level and pulse level, and classify, evaluate and summarize them.
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变异量子算法(VQA)在NISQ时代表现出巨大的潜力。在VQA的工作流程中,Ansatz的参数迭代更新以近似所需的量子状态。我们已经看到了各种努力,以较少的大门起草更好的安萨兹。在量子计算机中,栅极Ansatz最终将转换为控制信号,例如TransMons上的微波脉冲。并且对照脉冲需要精心校准,以最大程度地减少误差(例如过度旋转和旋转)。在VQA的情况下,此过程将引入冗余,但是VQAS的变异性能自然可以通过更新幅度和频率参数来处理过度旋转和重组的问题。因此,我们提出了PAN,这是一种用于VQA的天然脉冲ANSATZ GENTARATOR框架。我们生成具有可训练参数用于振幅和频率的天然脉冲ansatz。在我们提出的锅中,我们正在调整参数脉冲,这些脉冲在NISQ计算机上得到了内在支持。考虑到本机 - 脉冲ANSATZ不符合参数迁移规则,我们需要部署非级别优化器。为了限制发送到优化器的参数数量,我们采用了一种生成本机 - 脉冲ANSATZ的渐进式方式。实验是在模拟器和量子设备上进行的,以验证我们的方法。当在NISQ机器上采用时,PAN获得的延迟平均提高了86%。 PAN在H2和HEH+上的VQE任务分别能够达到99.336%和96.482%的精度,即使NISQ机器中有很大的噪声。
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在这项工作中,我们提供了一个量子Hopfield关联内存(QHAM),并使用IBM量子体验展示其在仿真和硬件中的能力。 QHAM基于量子神经元设计,可以用于许多不同的机器学习应用,并且可以在真实量子硬件上实现,而不需要中间电路测量或重置操作。我们通过使用硬件噪声模型以及15 QUBIT IBMQ_16_MELBOURBORNE设备的模拟来分析神经元和全QHAM的准确性。量子神经元和QHAM被证明是有弹性的噪声,并且需要低Qubit开销和栅极复杂性。我们通过测试其有效的内存容量来基准QHAM,并在Quantum硬件的NISQ-ERA中展示其能力。该演示在NISQ-ERA量子硬件中实现的第一功能QHAM是在量子计算前沿的机器学习的重要步骤。
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In recent times, Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) have been widely adopted to different tasks in machine learning such as Combinatorial Optimization and Supervised Learning. With the growing interest, it is pertinent to study the boundaries of the classical simulation of VQCs to effectively benchmark the algorithms. Classically simulating VQCs can also provide the quantum algorithms with a better initialization reducing the amount of quantum resources needed to train the algorithm. This manuscript proposes an algorithm that compresses the quantum state within a circuit using a tensor ring representation which allows for the implementation of VQC based algorithms on a classical simulator at a fraction of the usual storage and computational complexity. Using the tensor ring approximation of the input quantum state, we propose a method that applies the parametrized unitary operations while retaining the low-rank structure of the tensor ring corresponding to the transformed quantum state, providing an exponential improvement of storage and computational time in the number of qubits and layers. This approximation is used to implement the tensor ring VQC for the task of supervised learning on Iris and MNIST datasets to demonstrate the comparable performance as that of the implementations from classical simulator using Matrix Product States.
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由于它们的多功能性,机器学习算法表现出识别许多不同数据集中的模式。然而,随着数据集的大小增加,培训和使用这些统计模型的计算时间很快地增长。Quantum Computing提供了一种新的范例,可以克服这些计算困难的能力。这里,我们将量子类似物提出到K-means聚类,在模拟超导Qubits上实现它,并将其与先前显影的量子支持向量机进行比较。我们发现算法可与群集和分类问题的古典K均值算法相当的算法,发现它具有渐近复杂度$ O(n ^ {3/2} k ^ {1/2} \ log {p})$如果$ n $是数据点数,$ k $是群集的数量,$ p $是数据点的尺寸,在经典模拟中提供了重大的加速。
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Hybrid quantum-classical systems make it possible to utilize existing quantum computers to their fullest extent. Within this framework, parameterized quantum circuits can be regarded as machine learning models with remarkable expressive power. This Review presents the components of these models and discusses their application to a variety of data-driven tasks, such as supervised learning and generative modeling. With an increasing number of experimental demonstrations carried out on actual quantum hardware and with software being actively developed, this rapidly growing field is poised to have a broad spectrum of real-world applications.
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One of the challenges currently facing the quantum computing community is the design of quantum circuits which can efficiently run on near-term quantum computers, known as the quantum compiling problem. Algorithms such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE), Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), and Quantum Architecture Search (QAS) have been shown to generate or find optimal near-term quantum circuits. However, these methods are computationally expensive and yield little insight into the circuit design process. In this paper, we propose Quantum Deep Dreaming (QDD), an algorithm that generates optimal quantum circuit architectures for specified objectives, such as ground state preparation, while providing insight into the circuit design process. In QDD, we first train a neural network to predict some property of a quantum circuit (such as VQE energy). Then, we employ the Deep Dreaming technique on the trained network to iteratively update an initial circuit to achieve a target property value (such as ground state VQE energy). Importantly, this iterative updating allows us to analyze the intermediate circuits of the dreaming process and gain insights into the circuit features that the network is modifying during dreaming. We demonstrate that QDD successfully generates, or 'dreams', circuits of six qubits close to ground state energy (Transverse Field Ising Model VQE energy) and that dreaming analysis yields circuit design insights. QDD is designed to optimize circuits with any target property and can be applied to circuit design problems both within and outside of quantum chemistry. Hence, QDD lays the foundation for the future discovery of optimized quantum circuits and for increased interpretability of automated quantum algorithm design.
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我们展示了一个新的开源软件,用于快速评估量子电路和绝热进化,这充分利用了硬件加速器。越来越多的Quantum Computing兴趣和Quantum硬件设备的最新发展的兴趣激励了新的高级计算工具的开发,其专注于性能和使用简单性。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一种新的Quantum仿真框架,使开发人员能够将硬件或平台实现的所有复杂方面委托给库,以便他们专注于手头的问题和量子算法。该软件采用Scratch设计,使用仿真性能,代码简单和用户友好的界面作为目标目标。它利用了硬件加速,例如多线CPU,单个GPU和多GPU设备。
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