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Technical indicators use graphic representations of data sets by applying various mathematical formulas to financial time series of prices. These formulas comprise a set of rules and parameters whose values are not necessarily known and depend on many factors: the market in which it operates, the size of the time window, and others. This paper focuses on the real-time optimization of the parameters applied for analyzing time series of data. In particular, we optimize the parameters of technical and financial indicators and propose other applications, such as glucose time series. We propose the combination of several Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). Unlike other approaches, this paper applies a set of different MOEAs, collaborating to construct a global Pareto Set of solutions. Solutions for financial problems seek high returns with minimal risk. The optimization process is continuous and occurs at the same frequency as the investment time interval. This technique permits the application of non-dominated solutions obtained with different MOEAs simultaneously. Experimental results show that this technique increases the returns of the commonly used Buy \& Hold strategy and other multi-objective strategies, even for daily operations.
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决定何时购买或出售股票并不是一件容易的事,因为市场难以预测,受到政治和经济因素的影响。因此,基于计算智能的方法已应用于这个具有挑战性的问题。在这项工作中,每天使用技术分析标准以相似性(TOPSIS)的相似性(TOPSIS)对订单偏好进行排名,并选择最合适的股票进行购买。即便如此,在某些日子甚至Topsis都会选择不正确的选择。为了改善选择,应使用另一种方法。因此,提出了由经验模式分解(EMD)和极端学习机(ELM)组成的混合模型。 EMD将系列分解为几个子系列,因此提取了主要组分(趋势)。该组件由ELM处理,该组件执行下一个组件元素的预测。如果榆树预测的价值大于最后一个值,则确认购买股票的价值。该方法应用于巴西市场的50个股票的宇宙。与随机选择和Bovespa指数产生的回报相比,Topsis进行的选择显示出令人鼓舞的结果。使用EMD-ELM混合动力模型的确认能够增加利润交易的百分比。
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In today's uncertain and competitive market, where enterprises are subjected to increasingly shortened product life-cycles and frequent volume changes, reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) applications play a significant role in the manufacturing industry's success. Despite the advantages offered by RMS, achieving a high-efficiency degree constitutes a challenging task for stakeholders and decision-makers when they face the trade-off decisions inherent in these complex systems. This study addresses work tasks and resource allocations to workstations together with buffer capacity allocation in RMS. The aim is to simultaneously maximize throughput and minimize total buffer capacity under fluctuating production volumes and capacity changes while considering the stochastic behavior of the system. An enhanced simulation-based multi-objective optimization (SMO) approach with customized simulation and optimization components is proposed to address the abovementioned challenges. Apart from presenting the optimal solutions subject to volume and capacity changes, the proposed approach support decision-makers with discovered knowledge to further understand the RMS design. In particular, this study presents a problem-specific customized SMO combined with a novel flexible pattern mining method for optimizing RMS and conducting post-optimal analyzes. To this extent, this study demonstrates the benefits of applying SMO and knowledge discovery methods for fast decision-support and production planning of RMS.
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Explicitly accounting for uncertainties is paramount to the safety of engineering structures. Optimization which is often carried out at the early stage of the structural design offers an ideal framework for this task. When the uncertainties are mainly affecting the objective function, robust design optimization is traditionally considered. This work further assumes the existence of multiple and competing objective functions that need to be dealt with simultaneously. The optimization problem is formulated by considering quantiles of the objective functions which allows for the combination of both optimality and robustness in a single metric. By introducing the concept of common random numbers, the resulting nested optimization problem may be solved using a general-purpose solver, herein the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). The computational cost of such an approach is however a serious hurdle to its application in real-world problems. We therefore propose a surrogate-assisted approach using Kriging as an inexpensive approximation of the associated computational model. The proposed approach consists of sequentially carrying out NSGA-II while using an adaptively built Kriging model to estimate the quantiles. Finally, the methodology is adapted to account for mixed categorical-continuous parameters as the applications involve the selection of qualitative design parameters as well. The methodology is first applied to two analytical examples showing its efficiency. The third application relates to the selection of optimal renovation scenarios of a building considering both its life cycle cost and environmental impact. It shows that when it comes to renovation, the heating system replacement should be the priority.
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本研究提出了一种新的框架,以发展有效又令人难以捉摸的神经架构,以便使用技术指标作为输入的股票市场指数的运动预测。根据高效的市场假设下的稀疏信噪比,开发机器学习方法预测金融市场的运动使用技术指标表明是一个具有挑战性的问题。为此,神经架构搜索被构成为多标准优化问题,以平衡施加的复杂性的功效。此外,还调查了可能存在于预科内的不同优势交易趋势的影响,并进行了内部内部延期。 AN $ \ epsilon- $约束框架被提出作为提取可能相互冲突的预科数据潜在的任何一致信息的补救措施。此外,为多标准神经结构搜索提出了一种新的搜索范例,二维群(2ds),其将稀疏性显式集成为粒子群中的额外搜索维度。通过考虑遗传算法和具有基于滤光片的特征选择方法(MRMR)作为基线方法,通过考虑遗传算法和经验神经设计规则的几种组合来进行所述方法的详细比较评估。这项研究的结果令人信服地证明了所提出的方法可以通过更好的泛化能力发展扩大的网络。
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The NSGA-II is one of the most prominent algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems. Despite numerous successful applications, several studies have shown that the NSGA-II is less effective for larger numbers of objectives. In this work, we use mathematical runtime analyses to rigorously demonstrate and quantify this phenomenon. We show that even on the simple OneMinMax benchmark, where every solution is Pareto optimal, the NSGA-II also with large population sizes cannot compute the full Pareto front (objective vectors of all Pareto optima) in sub-exponential time when the number of objectives is at least three. Our proofs suggest that the reason for this unexpected behavior lies in the fact that in the computation of the crowding distance, the different objectives are regarded independently. This is not a problem for two objectives, where any sorting of a pair-wise incomparable set of solutions according to one objective is also such a sorting according to the other objective (in the inverse order).
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Multi-objective feature selection is one of the most significant issues in the field of pattern recognition. It is challenging because it maximizes the classification performance and, at the same time, minimizes the number of selected features, and the mentioned two objectives are usually conflicting. To achieve a better Pareto optimal solution, metaheuristic optimization methods are widely used in many studies. However, the main drawback is the exploration of a large search space. Another problem with multi-objective feature selection approaches is the interaction between features. Selecting correlated features has negative effect on classification performance. To tackle these problems, we present a novel multi-objective feature selection method that has several advantages. Firstly, it considers the interaction between features using an advanced probability scheme. Secondly, it is based on the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) method that has several advantages such as simplicity and its speed in exploring the solution space. However, we improve the structure of PAES in such a way that generates the offsprings, intelligently. Thus, the proposed method utilizes the introduced probability scheme to produce more promising offsprings. Finally, it is equipped with a novel strategy that guides it to find the optimum number of features through the process of evolution. The experimental results show a significant improvement in finding the optimal Pareto front compared to state-of-the-art methods on different real-world datasets.
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Currently, there are no convincing proxies for the fundamentals of cryptocurrency assets. We propose a new market-to-fundamental ratio, the price-to-utility (PU) ratio, utilizing unique blockchain accounting methods. We then proxy various fundamental-to-market ratios by Bitcoin historical data and find they have little predictive power for short-term bitcoin returns. However, PU ratio effectively predicts long-term bitcoin returns. We verify PU ratio valuation by unsupervised and supervised machine learning. The valuation method informs investment returns and predicts bull markets effectively. Finally, we present an automated trading strategy advised by the PU ratio that outperforms the conventional buy-and-hold and market-timing strategies. We distribute the trading algorithms as open-source software via Python Package Index for future research.
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动量策略是替代投资的重要组成部分,是商品交易顾问(CTA)的核心。然而,这些策略已被发现难以调整市场条件的快速变化,例如在2020年市场崩溃期间。特别是,在动量转向点之后,在趋势从上升趋势(下降趋势)逆转到下降趋势(上升趋势),时间序列动量(TSMOM)策略容易发生不良赌注。为了提高对政权变更的响应,我们介绍了一种新颖的方法,在那里我们将在线切换点检测(CPD)模块插入深势网络(DMN)[1904.04912]管道,它使用LSTM深度学习架构同时学习趋势估算与定位尺寸。此外,我们的模型能够优化它的平衡1)延迟延期的速度策略,它利用持续趋势,但没有过度反应到本地化价格移动,而且2)通过快速翻转其位置,这是一种快速平均转换策略制度,然后再次将其交换为利用本地化的价格。我们的CPD模块输出ChangePoint位置和严重性分数,允许我们的模型以数据驱动的方式学习响应变化的不平衡或更小,更局部化的变换点。在1995 - 2020年期间,在1995 - 2020年期间,添加CPD模块的添加导致夏普率的提高三分之一。该模块在显着的非间抗性期间特别有益,特别是在最近几年(2015-2020)中,性能提升大约三分之二。随着传统的动量策略在此期间的表现不佳,这很有趣。
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HyperParameter Optimization(HPO)是一种确保机器学习(ML)算法最佳性能的必要步骤。已经开发了几种方法来执行HPO;其中大部分都集中在优化一个性能措施(通常是基于错误的措施),并且在这种单一目标HPO问题上的文献是巨大的。然而,最近似乎似乎侧重于同时优化多个冲突目标的算法。本文提出了对2014年至2020年的文献的系统调查,在多目标HPO算法上发布,区分了基于成逐的算法,Metamodel的算法以及使用两者混合的方法。我们还讨论了用于比较多目标HPO程序和今后的研究方向的质量指标。
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我们对两个单目标和两个多目标的全局全局优化算法进行了全面的全局灵敏度分析,作为算法配置问题。也就是说,我们研究了超参数对算法的直接效果和与其他超参数的效果的影响的影响质量。使用三种敏感性分析方法Morris LHS,Morris和Sobol,可以系统地分析协方差矩阵适应进化策略,差异进化,非主导的遗传算法III和多目标进化算法的可调型矩阵适应性进化策略,基于框架的分解,基于框架揭示,基于框架的遗传算法,超参数对抽样方法和性能指标的行为。也就是说,它回答了等问题,例如什么超参数会影响模式,它们的互动方式,相互作用的互动程度以及其直接影响程度。因此,超参数的排名表明它们的调整顺序,影响模式揭示了算法的稳定性。
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强化学习(RL)技术在许多具有挑战性的定量交易任务(例如投资组合管理和算法交易)中取得了巨大的成功。尤其是,由于金融市场的盘中行为反映了数十亿个快速波动的首都,所以盘中交易是最有利可图和风险的任务之一。但是,绝大多数现有的RL方法都集中在相对较低的频率交易方案(例如日级),并且由于两个主要挑战而无法捕获短暂的盘中投资机会:1)如何有效地培训额外的RL额外的RL代理,以供日盘培训。投资决策,涉及高维良好的动作空间; 2)如何学习有意义的多模式市场表示,以了解tick级金融市场的盘中行为。在专业人类盘中交易者的有效工作流程中,我们提出了DeepScalper,这是一个深入的加强学习框架,用于解决上述挑战。具体而言,DeepScalper包括四个组成部分:1)针对行动分支的决斗Q-Network,以应对日内交易的大型动作空间,以进行有效的RL优化; 2)带有事后奖励的新型奖励功能,以鼓励RL代理商在整个交易日的长期范围内做出交易决策; 3)一个编码器架构架构,用于学习多模式的临时市场嵌入,其中既包含宏观级别和微型市场信息; 4)在最大化利润和最小化风险之间保持惊人平衡的风险意识辅助任务。通过对六个金融期货的三年来真实世界数据的广泛实验,我们证明,在四个财务标准方面,DeepScalper显着优于许多最先进的基线。
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