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Pre-training general-purpose visual features with convolutional neural networks without relying on annotations is a challenging and important task. Most recent efforts in unsupervised feature learning have focused on either small or highly curated datasets like ImageNet, whereas using non-curated raw datasets was found to decrease the feature quality when evaluated on a transfer task. Our goal is to bridge the performance gap between unsupervised methods trained on curated data, which are costly to obtain, and massive raw datasets that are easily available. To that effect, we propose a new unsupervised approach which leverages self-supervision and clustering to capture complementary statistics from large-scale data. We validate our approach on 96 million images from YFCC100M [42], achieving state-of-the-art results among unsupervised methods on standard benchmarks, which confirms the potential of unsupervised learning when only non-curated raw data are available. We also show that pre-training a supervised VGG-16 with our method achieves 74.9% top-1 classification accuracy on the validation set of ImageNet, which is an improvement of +0.8% over the same network trained from scratch. Our code is available at https://github. com/facebookresearch/DeeperCluster.
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Clustering is a class of unsupervised learning methods that has been extensively applied and studied in computer vision. Little work has been done to adapt it to the end-to-end training of visual features on large scale datasets. In this work, we present DeepCluster, a clustering method that jointly learns the parameters of a neural network and the cluster assignments of the resulting features. DeepCluster iteratively groups the features with a standard clustering algorithm, kmeans, and uses the subsequent assignments as supervision to update the weights of the network. We apply DeepCluster to the unsupervised training of convolutional neural networks on large datasets like ImageNet and YFCC100M. The resulting model outperforms the current state of the art by a significant margin on all the standard benchmarks.
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We tackle the problem of novel class discovery and localization (NCDL). In this setting, we assume a source dataset with supervision for only some object classes. Instances of other classes need to be discovered, classified, and localized automatically based on visual similarity without any human supervision. To tackle NCDL, we propose a two-stage object detection network Region-based NCDL (RNCDL) that uses a region proposal network to localize regions of interest (RoIs). We then train our network to learn to classify each RoI, either as one of the known classes, seen in the source dataset, or one of the novel classes, with a long-tail distribution constraint on the class assignments, reflecting the natural frequency of classes in the real world. By training our detection network with this objective in an end-to-end manner, it learns to classify all region proposals for a large variety of classes, including those not part of the labeled object class vocabulary. Our experiments conducted using COCO and LVIS datasets reveal that our method is significantly more effective than multi-stage pipelines that rely on traditional clustering algorithms. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generality of our approach by applying our method to a large-scale Visual Genome dataset, where our network successfully learns to detect various semantic classes without direct supervision.
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Large-scale labeled data are generally required to train deep neural networks in order to obtain better performance in visual feature learning from images or videos for computer vision applications. To avoid extensive cost of collecting and annotating large-scale datasets, as a subset of unsupervised learning methods, self-supervised learning methods are proposed to learn general image and video features from large-scale unlabeled data without using any human-annotated labels. This paper provides an extensive review of deep learning-based self-supervised general visual feature learning methods from images or videos. First, the motivation, general pipeline, and terminologies of this field are described. Then the common deep neural network architectures that used for self-supervised learning are summarized. Next, the schema and evaluation metrics of self-supervised learning methods are reviewed followed by the commonly used image and video datasets and the existing self-supervised visual feature learning methods. Finally, quantitative performance comparisons of the reviewed methods on benchmark datasets are summarized and discussed for both image and video feature learning. At last, this paper is concluded and lists a set of promising future directions for self-supervised visual feature learning.
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Deep learning has attained remarkable success in many 3D visual recognition tasks, including shape classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. However, many of these results rely on manually collecting densely annotated real-world 3D data, which is highly time-consuming and expensive to obtain, limiting the scalability of 3D recognition tasks. Thus, we study unsupervised 3D recognition and propose a Self-supervised-Self-Labeled 3D Recognition (SL3D) framework. SL3D simultaneously solves two coupled objectives, i.e., clustering and learning feature representation to generate pseudo-labeled data for unsupervised 3D recognition. SL3D is a generic framework and can be applied to solve different 3D recognition tasks, including classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness. Code is available at https://github.com/fcendra/sl3d.
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弱监督的视频对象本地化(WSVOL)允许仅使用全局视频标签(例如对象类)在视频中找到对象。最先进的方法依赖于多个独立阶段,其中最初的时空建议是使用视觉和运动提示生成的,然后确定和完善了突出的对象。本地化是通过在一个或多个视频上解决优化问题来完成的,并且视频标签通常用于视频集群。这需要每件型号或每类制造代价高昂的推理。此外,由于无监督的运动方法(如光流)或视频标签是从优化中丢弃的,因此本地化区域不是必需的判别。在本文中,我们利用成功的类激活映射(CAM)方法,该方法是基于静止图像而设计的。引入了一种新的时间凸轮(TCAM)方法,以训练一种判别深度学习(DL)模型,以使用称为CAM-Temporal Max Max Pooling(CAM-TMP)的聚集机制在视频中利用时空信息,而不是连续的凸轮。特别是,感兴趣区域的激活(ROI)是从审计的CNN分类器生成的CAM中收集的,以构建Pseudo-Labels构建用于训练DL模型的伪标记。此外,使用全局无监督的尺寸约束和诸如CRF之类的局部约束来产生更准确的凸轮。对单个独立帧的推断允许并行处理框架片段和实时定位。在两个挑战性的YouTube-Objects数据集上进行无限制视频的广泛实验,表明CAM方法(在独立框架上训练)可以产生不错的定位精度。我们提出的TCAM方法在WSVOL准确性方面达到了新的艺术品,并且视觉结果表明它可以适用于后续任务,例如视觉对象跟踪和检测。代码公开可用。
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Combining clustering and representation learning is one of the most promising approaches for unsupervised learning of deep neural networks. However, doing so naively leads to ill posed learning problems with degenerate solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel and principled learning formulation that addresses these issues. The method is obtained by maximizing the information between labels and input data indices. We show that this criterion extends standard crossentropy minimization to an optimal transport problem, which we solve efficiently for millions of input images and thousands of labels using a fast variant of the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. The resulting method is able to self-label visual data so as to train highly competitive image representations without manual labels. Our method achieves state of the art representation learning performance for AlexNet and ResNet-50 on SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet and yields the first self-supervised AlexNet that outperforms the supervised Pascal VOC detection baseline. Code and models are available 1 .
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在本文中,我们表明,自我监督的功能学习的最新进展使无监督的对象发现和语义细分,其性能与10年前的监督语义分割相匹配。我们提出了一种基于无监督的显着性掩码和自我监督的特征聚类的方法,以启动对象发现,然后在伪标签上训练语义分割网络,以在带有多个对象的图像上引导系统。我们介绍了Pascal VOC的结果,该结果远远超出了当前的最新状态(47.3 MIOU),我们首次在整个81个类别中向COCO上首次报告结果:我们的方法发现了34个类别,价格超过20美元\%$ iou,同时获得所有81个类别的平均值为19.6。
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In this paper we study the problem of image representation learning without human annotation. By following the principles of selfsupervision, we build a convolutional neural network (CNN) that can be trained to solve Jigsaw puzzles as a pretext task, which requires no manual labeling, and then later repurposed to solve object classification and detection. To maintain the compatibility across tasks we introduce the context-free network (CFN), a siamese-ennead CNN. The CFN takes image tiles as input and explicitly limits the receptive field (or context) of its early processing units to one tile at a time. We show that the CFN includes fewer parameters than AlexNet while preserving the same semantic learning capabilities. By training the CFN to solve Jigsaw puzzles, we learn both a feature mapping of object parts as well as their correct spatial arrangement. Our experimental evaluations show that the learned features capture semantically relevant content. Our proposed method for learning visual representations outperforms state of the art methods in several transfer learning benchmarks.
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Unsupervised object discovery aims to localize objects in images, while removing the dependence on annotations required by most deep learning-based methods. To address this problem, we propose a fully unsupervised, bottom-up approach, for multiple objects discovery. The proposed approach is a two-stage framework. First, instances of object parts are segmented by using the intra-image similarity between self-supervised local features. The second step merges and filters the object parts to form complete object instances. The latter is performed by two CNN models that capture semantic information on objects from the entire dataset. We demonstrate that the pseudo-labels generated by our method provide a better precision-recall trade-off than existing single and multiple objects discovery methods. In particular, we provide state-of-the-art results for both unsupervised class-agnostic object detection and unsupervised image segmentation.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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