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姿势估计对于机器人感知,路径计划等很重要。机器人姿势可以在基质谎言组上建模,并且通常通过基于滤波器的方法进行估算。在本文中,我们在存在随机噪声的情况下建立了不变扩展Kalman滤波器(IEKF)的误差公式,并将其应用于视觉辅助惯性导航。我们通过OpenVINS平台上的数值模拟和实验评估我们的算法。在Euroc公共MAV数据集上执行的仿真和实验都表明,我们的算法优于某些基于最先进的滤波器方法,例如基于Quaternion的EKF,首先估计Jacobian EKF等。
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恶劣天气的可靠运行对于部署安全自治车辆(AVS)至关重要。通过熔化来自标准AV传感器套件(即,Lidars,Cameras)的数据,可以实现鲁棒性和可靠性,其中天气强壮的传感器,例如毫米波雷达。批判性地,精确的传感器数据融合需要了解传感器对之间的刚体变换,这可以通过外部校准的过程来确定。已经为2D(平面)雷达传感器设计了许多外部校准算法 - 然而,最近开发的低成本3D毫米波雷达被设定为在许多应用中取代其2D对应物。在本文中,我们提出了一种连续时间3D雷达 - 相机外在校准算法,其利用雷达速度测量,并且与大多数现有技术不同,不需要专门的雷达逆向反射器存在于环境中。我们推出了我们配方的可观察性性质,并通过合成和现实世界实验证明了我们的算法的功效。
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A monocular visual-inertial system (VINS), consisting of a camera and a low-cost inertial measurement unit (IMU), forms the minimum sensor suite for metric six degreesof-freedom (DOF) state estimation. However, the lack of direct distance measurement poses significant challenges in terms of IMU processing, estimator initialization, extrinsic calibration, and nonlinear optimization. In this work, we present VINS-Mono: a robust and versatile monocular visual-inertial state estimator. Our approach starts with a robust procedure for estimator initialization and failure recovery. A tightly-coupled, nonlinear optimization-based method is used to obtain high accuracy visual-inertial odometry by fusing pre-integrated IMU measurements and feature observations. A loop detection module, in combination with our tightly-coupled formulation, enables relocalization with minimum computation overhead. We additionally perform four degrees-of-freedom pose graph optimization to enforce global consistency. We validate the performance of our system on public datasets and real-world experiments and compare against other state-of-the-art algorithms. We also perform onboard closed-loop autonomous flight on the MAV platform and port the algorithm to an iOS-based demonstration. We highlight that the proposed work is a reliable, complete, and versatile system that is applicable for different applications that require high accuracy localization. We open source our implementations for both PCs 1 and iOS mobile devices 2 .
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安装在微空中车辆(MAV)上的地面穿透雷达是有助于协助人道主义陆地间隙的工具。然而,合成孔径雷达图像的质量取决于雷达天线的准确和精确运动估计以及与MAV产生信息性的观点。本文介绍了一个完整的自动空气缩进的合成孔径雷达(GPSAR)系统。该系统由空间校准和时间上同步的工业级传感器套件组成,使得在地面上方,雷达成像和光学成像。自定义任务规划框架允许在地上控制地上的Stripmap和圆形(GPSAR)轨迹的生成和自动执行,以及空中成像调查飞行。基于因子图基于Dual接收机实时运动(RTK)全局导航卫星系统(GNSS)和惯性测量单元(IMU)的测量值,以获得精确,高速平台位置和方向。地面真理实验表明,传感器时机为0.8美元,正如0.1美元的那样,定位率为1 kHz。与具有不确定标题初始化的单个位置因子相比,双位置因子配方可提高高达40%,批量定位精度高达59%。我们的现场试验验证了本地化准确性和精度,使得能够相干雷达测量和检测在沙子中埋入的雷达目标。这验证了作为鸟瞰着地图检测系统的潜力。
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本文为自动驾驶车辆提供了基于激光雷达的同时定位和映射(SLAM)。研究了来自地标传感器的数据和自适应卡尔曼滤波器(KF)中的带状惯性测量单元(IMU)加上系统的可观察性。除了车辆的状态和具有里程碑意义的位置外,自我调整过滤器还估计IMU校准参数以及测量噪声的协方差。流程噪声,状态过渡矩阵和观察灵敏度矩阵的离散时间协方差矩阵以封闭形式得出,使其适合实时实现。检查3D SLAM系统的可观察性得出的结论是,该系统在地标对准的几何条件下仍然可以观察到。
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We propose AstroSLAM, a standalone vision-based solution for autonomous online navigation around an unknown target small celestial body. AstroSLAM is predicated on the formulation of the SLAM problem as an incrementally growing factor graph, facilitated by the use of the GTSAM library and the iSAM2 engine. By combining sensor fusion with orbital motion priors, we achieve improved performance over a baseline SLAM solution. We incorporate orbital motion constraints into the factor graph by devising a novel relative dynamics factor, which links the relative pose of the spacecraft to the problem of predicting trajectories stemming from the motion of the spacecraft in the vicinity of the small body. We demonstrate the excellent performance of AstroSLAM using both real legacy mission imagery and trajectory data courtesy of NASA's Planetary Data System, as well as real in-lab imagery data generated on a 3 degree-of-freedom spacecraft simulator test-bed.
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Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles are deployed for a variety tasks including surveillance and monitoring. Perching and staring allow the vehicle to monitor targets without flying, saving battery power and increasing the overall mission time without the need to frequently replace batteries. This paper addresses the Active Visual Perching (AVP) control problem to autonomously perch on inclined surfaces up to $90^\circ$. Our approach generates dynamically feasible trajectories to navigate and perch on a desired target location, while taking into account actuator and Field of View (FoV) constraints. By replanning in mid-flight, we take advantage of more accurate target localization increasing the perching maneuver's robustness to target localization or control errors. We leverage the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions to identify the compatibility between planning objectives and the visual sensing constraint during the planned maneuver. Furthermore, we experimentally identify the corresponding boundary conditions that maximizes the spatio-temporal target visibility during the perching maneuver. The proposed approach works on-board in real-time with significant computational constraints relying exclusively on cameras and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). Experimental results validate the proposed approach and shows the higher success rate as well as increased target interception precision and accuracy with respect to a one-shot planning approach, while still retaining aggressive capabilities with flight envelopes that include large excursions from the hover position on inclined surfaces up to 90$^\circ$, angular speeds up to 750~deg/s, and accelerations up to 10~m/s$^2$.
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Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) is the problem of estimating a robot's trajectory by combining information from an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a camera, and is of great interest to the robotics community. This paper develops a novel Lie group symmetry for the VIO problem and applies the recently proposed equivariant filter. The symmetry is shown to be compatible with the invariance of the VIO reference frame, lead to exact linearisation of bias-free IMU dynamics, and provide equivariance of the visual measurement function. As a result, the equivariant filter (EqF) based on this Lie group is a consistent estimator for VIO with lower linearisation error in the propagation of state dynamics and a higher order equivariant output approximation than standard formulations. Experimental results on the popular EuRoC and UZH FPV datasets demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms other state-of-the-art VIO algorithms in terms of both speed and accuracy.
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We address the theoretical and practical problems related to the trajectory generation and tracking control of tail-sitter UAVs. Theoretically, we focus on the differential flatness property with full exploitation of actual UAV aerodynamic models, which lays a foundation for generating dynamically feasible trajectory and achieving high-performance tracking control. We have found that a tail-sitter is differentially flat with accurate aerodynamic models within the entire flight envelope, by specifying coordinate flight condition and choosing the vehicle position as the flat output. This fundamental property allows us to fully exploit the high-fidelity aerodynamic models in the trajectory planning and tracking control to achieve accurate tail-sitter flights. Particularly, an optimization-based trajectory planner for tail-sitters is proposed to design high-quality, smooth trajectories with consideration of kinodynamic constraints, singularity-free constraints and actuator saturation. The planned trajectory of flat output is transformed to state trajectory in real-time with consideration of wind in environments. To track the state trajectory, a global, singularity-free, and minimally-parameterized on-manifold MPC is developed, which fully leverages the accurate aerodynamic model to achieve high-accuracy trajectory tracking within the whole flight envelope. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through extensive real-world experiments in both indoor and outdoor field tests, including agile SE(3) flight through consecutive narrow windows requiring specific attitude and with speed up to 10m/s, typical tail-sitter maneuvers (transition, level flight and loiter) with speed up to 20m/s, and extremely aggressive aerobatic maneuvers (Wingover, Loop, Vertical Eight and Cuban Eight) with acceleration up to 2.5g.
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本文着重于影响弹性的移动机器人的碰撞运动计划和控制的新兴范式转移,并开发了一个统一的层次结构框架,用于在未知和部分观察的杂物空间中导航。在较低级别上,我们开发了一种变形恢复控制和轨迹重新启动策略,该策略处理可能在本地运行时发生的碰撞。低级系统会积极检测碰撞(通过内部内置的移动机器人上的嵌入式霍尔效应传感器),使机器人能够从其内部恢复,并在本地调整后影响后的轨迹。然后,在高层,我们提出了一种基于搜索的计划算法,以确定如何最好地利用潜在的碰撞来改善某些指标,例如控制能量和计算时间。我们的方法建立在A*带有跳跃点的基础上。我们生成了一种新颖的启发式功能,并进行了碰撞检查和调整技术,从而使A*算法通过利用和利用可能的碰撞来更快地收敛到达目标。通过将全局A*算法和局部变形恢复和重新融合策略以及该框架的各个组件相结合而生成的整体分层框架在模拟和实验中都经过了广泛的测试。一项消融研究借鉴了与基于搜索的最先进的避免碰撞计划者(用于整体框架)的链接,以及基于搜索的避免碰撞和基于采样的碰撞 - 碰撞 - 全球规划师(对于更高的较高的碰撞 - 等级)。结果证明了我们的方法在未知环境中具有碰撞的运动计划和控制的功效,在2D中运行的一类撞击弹性机器人具有孤立的障碍物。
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该论文提出了两种控制方法,用于用微型四轮驱动器进行反弹式操纵。首先,对专门为反转设计设计的现有前馈控制策略进行了修订和改进。使用替代高斯工艺模型的贝叶斯优化通过在模拟环境中反复执行翻转操作来找到最佳运动原语序列。第二种方法基于闭环控制,它由两个主要步骤组成:首先,即使在模型不确定性的情况下,自适应控制器也旨在提供可靠的参考跟踪。控制器是通过通过测量数据调整的高斯过程来增强无人机的标称模型来构建的。其次,提出了一种有效的轨迹计划算法,该算法仅使用二次编程来设计可行的轨迹为反弹操作设计。在模拟和使用BitCraze Crazyflie 2.1四肢旋转器中对两种方法进行了分析。
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Estimation algorithms, such as the sliding window filter, produce an estimate and uncertainty of desired states. This task becomes challenging when the problem involves unobservable states. In these situations, it is critical for the algorithm to ``know what it doesn't know'', meaning that it must maintain the unobservable states as unobservable during algorithm deployment. This letter presents general requirements for maintaining consistency in sliding window filters involving unobservable states. The value of these requirements when designing a navigation solution is experimentally shown within the context of visual-inertial SLAM making use of IMU preintegration.
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在本文中,我们提出了用于滚动快门摄像机的概率连续时间视觉惯性频道(VIO)。连续的时轨迹公式自然促进异步高频IMU数据和运动延伸的滚动快门图像的融合。为了防止棘手的计算负载,提出的VIO是滑动窗口和基于密钥帧的。我们建议概率地将控制点边缘化,以保持滑动窗口中恒定的密钥帧数。此外,可以在我们的连续时间VIO中在线校准滚动快门相机的线曝光时间差(线延迟)。为了广泛检查我们的连续时间VIO的性能,对公共可用的WHU-RSVI,TUM-RSVI和Sensetime-RSVI Rolling快门数据集进行了实验。结果表明,提出的连续时间VIO显着优于现有的最新VIO方法。本文的代码库也将通过\ url {https://github.com/april-zju/ctrl-vio}开源。
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