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We present a method that takes as input a set of images of a scene illuminated by unconstrained known lighting, and produces as output a 3D representation that can be rendered from novel viewpoints under arbitrary lighting conditions. Our method represents the scene as a continuous volumetric function parameterized as MLPs whose inputs are a 3D location and whose outputs are the following scene properties at that input location: volume density, surface normal, material parameters, distance to the first surface intersection in any direction, and visibility of the external environment in any direction. Together, these allow us to render novel views of the object under arbitrary lighting, including indirect illumination effects. The predicted visibility and surface intersection fields are critical to our model's ability to simulate direct and indirect illumination during training, because the brute-force techniques used by prior work are intractable for lighting conditions outside of controlled setups with a single light. Our method outperforms alternative approaches for recovering relightable 3D scene representations, and performs well in complex lighting settings that have posed a significant challenge to prior work.
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我们解决了从由一个未知照明条件照射的物体的多视图图像(及其相机姿势)从多视图图像(和它们的相机姿势)恢复物体的形状和空间变化的空间变化的问题。这使得能够在任意环境照明下呈现对象的新颖视图和对象的材料属性的编辑。我们呼叫神经辐射分解(NERFVERTOR)的方法的关键是蒸馏神经辐射场(NERF)的体积几何形状[MILDENHALL等人。 2020]将物体表示为表面表示,然后在求解空间改变的反射率和环境照明时共同细化几何形状。具体而言,Nerfactor仅使用重新渲染丢失,简单的光滑度Provers以及从真实学中学到的数据驱动的BRDF而无任何监督的表面法线,光可视性,Albedo和双向反射率和双向反射分布函数(BRDF)的3D神经领域-world brdf测量。通过显式建模光可视性,心脏请能够将来自Albedo的阴影分离,并在任意照明条件下合成现实的软或硬阴影。 Nerfactor能够在这场具有挑战性和实际场景的挑战和捕获的捕获设置中恢复令人信服的3D模型进行令人满意的3D模型。定性和定量实验表明,在各种任务中,内容越优于基于经典和基于深度的学习状态。我们的视频,代码和数据可在peoptom.csail.mit.edu/xiuming/projects/nerfactor/上获得。
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综合照片 - 现实图像和视频是计算机图形的核心,并且是几十年的研究焦点。传统上,使用渲染算法(如光栅化或射线跟踪)生成场景的合成图像,其将几何形状和材料属性的表示为输入。统称,这些输入定义了实际场景和呈现的内容,并且被称为场景表示(其中场景由一个或多个对象组成)。示例场景表示是具有附带纹理的三角形网格(例如,由艺术家创建),点云(例如,来自深度传感器),体积网格(例如,来自CT扫描)或隐式曲面函数(例如,截短的符号距离)字段)。使用可分辨率渲染损耗的观察结果的这种场景表示的重建被称为逆图形或反向渲染。神经渲染密切相关,并将思想与经典计算机图形和机器学习中的思想相结合,以创建用于合成来自真实观察图像的图像的算法。神经渲染是朝向合成照片现实图像和视频内容的目标的跨越。近年来,我们通过数百个出版物显示了这一领域的巨大进展,这些出版物显示了将被动组件注入渲染管道的不同方式。这种最先进的神经渲染进步的报告侧重于将经典渲染原则与学习的3D场景表示结合的方法,通常现在被称为神经场景表示。这些方法的一个关键优势在于它们是通过设计的3D-一致,使诸如新颖的视点合成捕获场景的应用。除了处理静态场景的方法外,我们还涵盖了用于建模非刚性变形对象的神经场景表示...
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重建反向渲染技术的最新趋势使用神经网络将3D表示作为神经领域。基于NERF的技术将多层感知器(MLP)拟合到一组训练图像,以估算一个辐射场字段,然后可以通过卷渲染算法从任何虚拟摄像机呈现。这些表示形式的主要缺点是缺乏定义明确的表面和非交互式渲染时间,因为必须查询宽大和深的MLP,每个框架必须查询数百万次。这些限制最近被单一克服了,但是设法同时完成了这一限制,从而打开了新的用例。我们提出了Kiloneus,这是一种新的神经对象表示,可以在交互式框架速率下的路径跟踪场景中渲染。 Kiloneus可以在共享场景中对神经和经典原语之间的逼真的光相互作用进行模拟,并且它可以实时执行,并有足够的空间进行未来的优化和扩展。
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Google Research Basecolor Metallic Roughness Normal Multi-View Images NeRD Volume Decomposed BRDF Relighting & View synthesis Textured MeshFigure 1: Neural Reflectance Decomposition for Relighting. We encode multiple views of an object under varying or fixed illumination into the NeRD volume.We decompose each given image into geometry, spatially-varying BRDF parameters and a rough approximation of the incident illumination in a globally consistent manner. We then extract a relightable textured mesh that can be re-rendered under novel illumination conditions in real-time.
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We propose an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline called SupeRVol that allows us to recover 3D shape and material parameters from a set of color images in a super-resolution manner. To this end, we represent both the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and the signed distance function (SDF) by multi-layer perceptrons. In order to obtain both the surface shape and its reflectance properties, we revert to a differentiable volume renderer with a physically based illumination model that allows us to decouple reflectance and lighting. This physical model takes into account the effect of the camera's point spread function thereby enabling a reconstruction of shape and material in a super-resolution quality. Experimental validation confirms that SupeRVol achieves state of the art performance in terms of inverse rendering quality. It generates reconstructions that are sharper than the individual input images, making this method ideally suited for 3D modeling from low-resolution imagery.
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Reflections on glossy objects contain valuable and hidden information about the surrounding environment. By converting these objects into cameras, we can unlock exciting applications, including imaging beyond the camera's field-of-view and from seemingly impossible vantage points, e.g. from reflections on the human eye. However, this task is challenging because reflections depend jointly on object geometry, material properties, the 3D environment, and the observer viewing direction. Our approach converts glossy objects with unknown geometry into radiance-field cameras to image the world from the object's perspective. Our key insight is to convert the object surface into a virtual sensor that captures cast reflections as a 2D projection of the 5D environment radiance field visible to the object. We show that recovering the environment radiance fields enables depth and radiance estimation from the object to its surroundings in addition to beyond field-of-view novel-view synthesis, i.e. rendering of novel views that are only directly-visible to the glossy object present in the scene, but not the observer. Moreover, using the radiance field we can image around occluders caused by close-by objects in the scene. Our method is trained end-to-end on multi-view images of the object and jointly estimates object geometry, diffuse radiance, and the 5D environment radiance field.
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We present a physics-based inverse rendering method that learns the illumination, geometry, and materials of a scene from posed multi-view RGB images. To model the illumination of a scene, existing inverse rendering works either completely ignore the indirect illumination or model it by coarse approximations, leading to sub-optimal illumination, geometry, and material prediction of the scene. In this work, we propose a physics-based illumination model that explicitly traces the incoming indirect lights at each surface point based on interreflection, followed by estimating each identified indirect light through an efficient neural network. Furthermore, we utilize the Leibniz's integral rule to resolve non-differentiability in the proposed illumination model caused by one type of environment light -- the tangent lights. As a result, the proposed interreflection-aware illumination model can be learned end-to-end together with geometry and materials estimation. As a side product, our physics-based inverse rendering model also facilitates flexible and realistic material editing as well as relighting. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against existing inverse rendering methods on novel view synthesis and inverse rendering.
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Human modeling and relighting are two fundamental problems in computer vision and graphics, where high-quality datasets can largely facilitate related research. However, most existing human datasets only provide multi-view human images captured under the same illumination. Although valuable for modeling tasks, they are not readily used in relighting problems. To promote research in both fields, in this paper, we present UltraStage, a new 3D human dataset that contains more than 2K high-quality human assets captured under both multi-view and multi-illumination settings. Specifically, for each example, we provide 32 surrounding views illuminated with one white light and two gradient illuminations. In addition to regular multi-view images, gradient illuminations help recover detailed surface normal and spatially-varying material maps, enabling various relighting applications. Inspired by recent advances in neural representation, we further interpret each example into a neural human asset which allows novel view synthesis under arbitrary lighting conditions. We show our neural human assets can achieve extremely high capture performance and are capable of representing fine details such as facial wrinkles and cloth folds. We also validate UltraStage in single image relighting tasks, training neural networks with virtual relighted data from neural assets and demonstrating realistic rendering improvements over prior arts. UltraStage will be publicly available to the community to stimulate significant future developments in various human modeling and rendering tasks.
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创建高质量的动画和可重新可靠的3D人体化身的独特挑战是对人的眼睛进行建模。合成眼睛的挑战是多重的,因为它需要1)适当的表示眼和眼周区域的适当表示,以进行连贯的视点合成,能够表示弥漫性,折射和高度反射表面,2)2)脱离皮肤和眼睛外观这样的照明使其可以在新的照明条件下呈现,3)捕获眼球运动和周围皮肤的变形以使重新注视。传统上,这些挑战需要使用昂贵且繁琐的捕获设置来获得高质量的结果,即使那样,整体上的眼睛区域建模仍然难以捉摸。我们提出了一种新颖的几何形状和外观表示形式,该形式仅使用一组稀疏的灯光和摄像头,可以捕获高保真的捕获和感性动画,观察眼睛区域的综合和重新定位。我们的杂种表示将眼球的显式参数表面模型与眼周区域和眼内部的隐式变形体积表示结合在一起。这种新颖的混合模型旨在解决具有挑战性的面部面积的各个部分 - 明确的眼球表面允许在角膜处建模折射和高频镜面反射,而隐性表示非常适合通过模拟低频皮肤反射。球形谐波可以代表非表面结构,例如头发或弥漫性体积物体,这两者都是显式表面模型的挑战。我们表明,对于高分辨率的眼睛特写,我们的模型可以从看不见的照明条件下的新颖观点中综合高保真动画的目光。
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