Heterogeneous face re-identification, namely matching heterogeneous faces across disjoint visible light (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) cameras, has become an important problem in video surveillance application. However, the large domain discrepancy between heterogeneous NIR-VIS faces makes the performance of face re-identification degraded dramatically. To solve this problem, a multimodal fusion ranking optimization algorithm for heterogeneous face re-identification is proposed in this paper. Firstly, we design a heterogeneous face translation network to obtain multimodal face pairs, including NIR-VIS/NIR-NIR/VIS-VIS face pairs, through mutual transformation between NIR-VIS faces. Secondly, we propose linear and non-linear fusion strategies to aggregate initial ranking lists of multimodal face pairs and acquire the optimized re-ranked list based on modal complementarity. The experimental results show that the proposed multimodal fusion ranking optimization algorithm can effectively utilize the complementarity and outperforms some relative methods on the SCface dataset.
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When considering person re-identification (re-ID) as a retrieval process, re-ranking is a critical step to improve its accuracy. Yet in the re-ID community, limited effort has been devoted to re-ranking, especially those fully automatic, unsupervised solutions. In this paper, we propose a -reciprocal encoding method to re-rank the re-ID results. Our hypothesis is that if a gallery image is similar to the probe in the -reciprocal nearest neighbors, it is more likely to be a true match. Specifically, given an image, areciprocal feature is calculated by encoding its -reciprocal nearest neighbors into a single vector, which is used for reranking under the Jaccard distance. The final distance is computed as the combination of the original distance and the Jaccard distance. Our re-ranking method does not require any human interaction or any labeled data, so it is applicable to large-scale datasets. Experiments on the largescale Market-1501, CUHK03, MARS, and PRW datasets confirm the effectiveness of our method 1 .
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In this paper, we aim to address the large domain gap between high-resolution face images, e.g., from professional portrait photography, and low-quality surveillance images, e.g., from security cameras. Establishing an identity match between disparate sources like this is a classical surveillance face identification scenario, which continues to be a challenging problem for modern face recognition techniques. To that end, we propose a method that combines face super-resolution, resolution matching, and multi-scale template accumulation to reliably recognize faces from long-range surveillance footage, including from low quality sources. The proposed approach does not require training or fine-tuning on the target dataset of real surveillance images. Extensive experiments show that our proposed method is able to outperform even existing methods fine-tuned to the SCFace dataset.
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Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. With the advancement of deep neural networks and increasing demand of intelligent video surveillance, it has gained significantly increased interest in the computer vision community. By dissecting the involved components in developing a person Re-ID system, we categorize it into the closed-world and open-world settings. The widely studied closed-world setting is usually applied under various research-oriented assumptions, and has achieved inspiring success using deep learning techniques on a number of datasets. We first conduct a comprehensive overview with in-depth analysis for closed-world person Re-ID from three different perspectives, including deep feature representation learning, deep metric learning and ranking optimization. With the performance saturation under closed-world setting, the research focus for person Re-ID has recently shifted to the open-world setting, facing more challenging issues. This setting is closer to practical applications under specific scenarios. We summarize the open-world Re-ID in terms of five different aspects. By analyzing the advantages of existing methods, we design a powerful AGW baseline, achieving state-of-the-art or at least comparable performance on twelve datasets for FOUR different Re-ID tasks. Meanwhile, we introduce a new evaluation metric (mINP) for person Re-ID, indicating the cost for finding all the correct matches, which provides an additional criteria to evaluate the Re-ID system for real applications. Finally, some important yet under-investigated open issues are discussed.
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Face forgery detection plays an important role in personal privacy and social security. With the development of adversarial generative models, high-quality forgery images become more and more indistinguishable from real to humans. Existing methods always regard as forgery detection task as the common binary or multi-label classification, and ignore exploring diverse multi-modality forgery image types, e.g. visible light spectrum and near-infrared scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Forgery Classifier for Multi-modality Face Forgery Detection (HFC-MFFD), which could effectively learn robust patches-based hybrid domain representation to enhance forgery authentication in multiple-modality scenarios. The local spatial hybrid domain feature module is designed to explore strong discriminative forgery clues both in the image and frequency domain in local distinct face regions. Furthermore, the specific hierarchical face forgery classifier is proposed to alleviate the class imbalance problem and further boost detection performance. Experimental results on representative multi-modality face forgery datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed HFC-MFFD compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. The source code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/EdWhites/HFC-MFFD.
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异质的面部识别(HFR)旨在匹配不同域(例如,可见到近红外图像)的面孔,该面孔已被广泛应用于身份验证和取证方案。但是,HFR是一个具有挑战性的问题,因为跨域差异很大,异质数据对有限和面部属性变化很大。为了应对这些挑战,我们从异质数据增强的角度提出了一种新的HFR方法,该方法称为面部合成,具有身份 - 属性分解(FSIAD)。首先,身份属性分解(IAD)将图像截取到与身份相关的表示和与身份无关的表示(称为属性)中,然后降低身份和属性之间的相关性。其次,我们设计了一个面部合成模块(FSM),以生成大量具有分离的身份和属性的随机组合的图像,以丰富合成图像的属性多样性。原始图像和合成图像均被用于训练HFR网络,以应对挑战并提高HFR的性能。在五个HFR数据库上进行的广泛实验验证了FSIAD的性能比以前的HFR方法更高。特别是,FSIAD以vr@far = 0.01%在LAMP-HQ上获得了4.8%的改善,这是迄今为止最大的HFR数据库。
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Most existing person re-identification methods compute the matching relations between person images across camera views based on the ranking of the pairwise similarities. This matching strategy with the lack of the global viewpoint and the context's consideration inevitably leads to ambiguous matching results and sub-optimal performance. Based on a natural assumption that images belonging to the same person identity should not match with images belonging to multiple different person identities across views, called the unicity of person matching on the identity level, we propose an end-to-end person unicity matching architecture for learning and refining the person matching relations. First, we adopt the image samples' contextual information in feature space to generate the initial soft matching results by using graph neural networks. Secondly, we utilize the samples' global context relationship to refine the soft matching results and reach the matching unicity through bipartite graph matching. Given full consideration to real-world person re-identification applications, we achieve the unicity matching in both one-shot and multi-shot settings of person re-identification and further develop a fast version of the unicity matching without losing the performance. The proposed method is evaluated on five public benchmarks, including four multi-shot datasets MSMT17, DukeMTMC, Market1501, CUHK03, and a one-shot dataset VIPeR. Experimental results show the superiority of the proposed method on performance and efficiency.
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我们提出了一种质量感知的多模式识别框架,其将来自多个生物特征的表示与不同的质量和样本数量相结合,以通过基于样本的质量提取互补识别信息来实现增加的识别准确性。我们通过使用以弱监督时尚估计的质量分数加权,为融合输入方式的质量意识框架,以融合输入方式的融合。此框架利用两个融合块,每个融合块由一组质量感知和聚合网络表示。除了架构修改外,我们还提出了两种特定于任务特定的损耗功能:多模式可分离性损失和多模式紧凑性损失。第一个损失确保了类的模态的表示具有可比的大小来提供更好的质量估计,而不同类别的多式数代表分布以实现嵌入空间中的最大判别。第二次丢失,被认为是正规化网络权重,通过规范框架来提高泛化性能。我们通过考虑由面部,虹膜和指纹方式组成的三个多模式数据集来评估性能。通过与最先进的算法进行比较来证明框架的功效。特别是,我们的框架优于BioMdata的模式的级别和得分级别融合超过30%以获得$ 10 ^ { - 4} $ 10 ^ { - 4} $的真正验收率。
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深度卷积神经网络(DCNNS)的最新进展显示了热量的性能改进,可见的脸部合成和匹配问题。然而,当前的基于DCNN的合成模型在具有大姿势变化的热面上不太良好。为了处理该问题,需要异构面部额定化方法,其中模型采用热剖面图像并产生正面可见面。这是由于大域的一个极其困难的问题,以及两个模式之间的大姿态差异。尽管其在生物识别和监测中存在应用,但文献中的这种问题相对未探索。我们提出了一种域名不可知论的基于学习的生成对抗网络(DAL-GAN),其可以通过具有姿势变化的热面来合成可见域中的前视图。 Dal-GaN由具有辅助分类器的发电机和两个鉴别器,捕获局部和全局纹理鉴别以获得更好的合成。在双路径训练策略的帮助下,在发电机的潜在空间中强制实施对比度约束,这改善了特征向量辨别。最后,利用多功能损失函数来指导网络合成保存跨域累加的身份。广泛的实验结果表明,与其他基线方法相比,Dal-GaN可以产生更好的质量正面视图。
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Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is essential to secure face recognition systems from various physical attacks. However, recent research generally focuses on short-distance applications (i.e., phone unlocking) while lacking consideration of long-distance scenes (i.e., surveillance security checks). In order to promote relevant research and fill this gap in the community, we collect a large-scale Surveillance High-Fidelity Mask (SuHiFiMask) dataset captured under 40 surveillance scenes, which has 101 subjects from different age groups with 232 3D attacks (high-fidelity masks), 200 2D attacks (posters, portraits, and screens), and 2 adversarial attacks. In this scene, low image resolution and noise interference are new challenges faced in surveillance FAS. Together with the SuHiFiMask dataset, we propose a Contrastive Quality-Invariance Learning (CQIL) network to alleviate the performance degradation caused by image quality from three aspects: (1) An Image Quality Variable module (IQV) is introduced to recover image information associated with discrimination by combining the super-resolution network. (2) Using generated sample pairs to simulate quality variance distributions to help contrastive learning strategies obtain robust feature representation under quality variation. (3) A Separate Quality Network (SQN) is designed to learn discriminative features independent of image quality. Finally, a large number of experiments verify the quality of the SuHiFiMask dataset and the superiority of the proposed CQIL.
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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Near infrared (NIR) to Visible (VIS) face matching is challenging due to the significant domain gaps as well as a lack of sufficient data for cross-modality model training. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel method for paired NIR-VIS facial image generation. Specifically, we reconstruct 3D face shape and reflectance from a large 2D facial dataset and introduce a novel method of transforming the VIS reflectance to NIR reflectance. We then use a physically-based renderer to generate a vast, high-resolution and photorealistic dataset consisting of various poses and identities in the NIR and VIS spectra. Moreover, to facilitate the identity feature learning, we propose an IDentity-based Maximum Mean Discrepancy (ID-MMD) loss, which not only reduces the modality gap between NIR and VIS images at the domain level but encourages the network to focus on the identity features instead of facial details, such as poses and accessories. Extensive experiments conducted on four challenging NIR-VIS face recognition benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve comparable performance with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods without requiring any existing NIR-VIS face recognition datasets. With slightly fine-tuning on the target NIR-VIS face recognition datasets, our method can significantly surpass the SOTA performance. Code and pretrained models are released under the insightface (https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/tree/master/recognition).
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