视频理解需要在多种时空分辨率下推理 - 从短的细粒度动作到更长的持续时间。虽然变压器架构最近提出了最先进的,但它们没有明确建模不同的时空分辨率。为此,我们为视频识别(MTV)提供了多视图变压器。我们的模型由单独的编码器组成,表示输入视频的不同视图,以横向连接,以跨视图熔断信息。我们对我们的模型提供了彻底的消融研究,并表明MTV在一系列模型尺寸范围内的准确性和计算成本方面始终如一地表现优于单视对应力。此外,我们在五个标准数据集上实现最先进的结果,并通过大规模预制来进一步提高。我们将释放代码和备用检查点。
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我们呈现了基于纯变压器的视频分类模型,在图像分类中最近的近期成功进行了借鉴。我们的模型从输入视频中提取了时空令牌,然后由一系列变压器层编码。为了处理视频中遇到的令牌的长序列,我们提出了我们模型的几种有效的变体,它们将输入的空间和时间维构建。虽然已知基于变换器的模型只有在可用的大型训练数据集时才有效,但我们展示了我们如何在训练期间有效地规范模型,并利用预先训练的图像模型能够在相对小的数据集上训练。我们进行彻底的消融研究,并在包括动力学400和600,史诗厨房,东西的多个视频分类基准上实现最先进的结果,其中 - 基于深度3D卷积网络的现有方法表现出优先的方法。为了促进进一步的研究,我们在https://github.com/google-research/scenic/tree/main/scenic/projects/vivit发布代码
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该报告描述了我们对2022 Epic-Kitchens Action识别挑战的获胜解决方案背后的方法。我们的方法基于我们最近的工作,视频识别的多视图变压器(MTV),并将其适应多模式输入。我们的最终提交由多模式MTV(M&M)模型的合奏组成,它改变了主链尺寸和输入方式。我们的方法在动作类中的测试集上达到了52.8%的TOP-1准确性,比去年的获胜参赛作品高4.1%。
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We present a simple approach which can turn a ViT encoder into an efficient video model, which can seamlessly work with both image and video inputs. By sparsely sampling the inputs, the model is able to do training and inference from both inputs. The model is easily scalable and can be adapted to large-scale pre-trained ViTs without requiring full finetuning. The model achieves SOTA results and the code will be open-sourced.
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We present Multiscale Vision Transformers (MViT) for video and image recognition, by connecting the seminal idea of multiscale feature hierarchies with transformer models. Multiscale Transformers have several channel-resolution scale stages. Starting from the input resolution and a small channel dimension, the stages hierarchically expand the channel capacity while reducing the spatial resolution. This creates a multiscale pyramid of features with early layers operating at high spatial resolution to model simple low-level visual information, and deeper layers at spatially coarse, but complex, high-dimensional features. We evaluate this fundamental architectural prior for modeling the dense nature of visual signals for a variety of video recognition tasks where it outperforms concurrent vision transformers that rely on large scale external pre-training and are 5-10× more costly in computation and parameters. We further remove the temporal dimension and apply our model for image classification where it outperforms prior work on vision transformers. Code is available at: https: //github.com/facebookresearch/SlowFast.
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虽然变形金机对视频识别任务的巨大潜力具有较强的捕获远程依赖性的强大能力,但它们经常遭受通过对视频中大量3D令牌的自我关注操作引起的高计算成本。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的变压器架构,称为双重格式,可以有效且有效地对视频识别进行时空关注。具体而言,我们的Dualformer将完全时空注意力分层到双级级联级别,即首先在附近的3D令牌之间学习细粒度的本地时空交互,然后捕获查询令牌之间的粗粒度全局依赖关系。粗粒度全球金字塔背景。不同于在本地窗口内应用时空分解或限制关注计算以提高效率的现有方法,我们本地 - 全球分层策略可以很好地捕获短期和远程时空依赖项,同时大大减少了钥匙和值的数量在注意计算提高效率。实验结果表明,对抗现有方法的五个视频基准的经济优势。特别是,Dualformer在动态-400/600上设置了新的最先进的82.9%/ 85.2%,大约1000g推理拖鞋,比具有相似性能的现有方法至少3.2倍。
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转移学习是用于训练小型目标数据集深层网络的主要范式。通常在大型``上游''数据集上预估计用于分类的模型,因为此类标签易于收集,然后在``下游''任务(例如动作本地化)上进行了填充,这些任务由于其较细粒度的注释而较小。在本文中,我们质疑这种方法,并提出共同访问 - 同时在多个``上游''和``下游''任务上训练单个模型。我们证明,在使用相同的数据总量时,共同传统的表现优于传统的转移学习,并且还展示了我们如何轻松地将方法扩展到多个``上游''数据集以进一步提高性能。尤其是,共同访问可以显着提高我们下游任务中稀有类别的性能,因为它具有正规化的效果,并使网络能够学习在不同数据集之间传输的功能表示。最后,我们观察到如何与公共,视频分类数据集共同进行,我们能够在挑战性的AVA和AVA-Kinetics数据集上实现最新的时空动作的结果,超过了最新的作品,这些作品的最新作品会发展出复杂的作品楷模。
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Humans perceive the world by concurrently processing and fusing high-dimensional inputs from multiple modalities such as vision and audio. Machine perception models, in stark contrast, are typically modality-specific and optimised for unimodal benchmarks, and hence late-stage fusion of final representations or predictions from each modality (`late-fusion') is still a dominant paradigm for multimodal video classification. Instead, we introduce a novel transformer based architecture that uses `fusion bottlenecks' for modality fusion at multiple layers. Compared to traditional pairwise self-attention, our model forces information between different modalities to pass through a small number of bottleneck latents, requiring the model to collate and condense the most relevant information in each modality and only share what is necessary. We find that such a strategy improves fusion performance, at the same time reducing computational cost. We conduct thorough ablation studies, and achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple audio-visual classification benchmarks including Audioset, Epic-Kitchens and VGGSound. All code and models will be released.
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While today's video recognition systems parse snapshots or short clips accurately, they cannot connect the dots and reason across a longer range of time yet. Most existing video architectures can only process <5 seconds of a video without hitting the computation or memory bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a new strategy to overcome this challenge. Instead of trying to process more frames at once like most existing methods, we propose to process videos in an online fashion and cache "memory" at each iteration. Through the memory, the model can reference prior context for long-term modeling, with only a marginal cost. Based on this idea, we build MeMViT, a Memory-augmented Multiscale Vision Transformer, that has a temporal support 30x longer than existing models with only 4.5% more compute; traditional methods need >3,000% more compute to do the same. On a wide range of settings, the increased temporal support enabled by MeMViT brings large gains in recognition accuracy consistently. MeMViT obtains state-of-the-art results on the AVA, EPIC-Kitchens-100 action classification, and action anticipation datasets. Code and models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/memvit.
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We present a convolution-free approach to video classification built exclusively on self-attention over space and time. Our method, named "TimeSformer," adapts the standard Transformer architecture to video by enabling spatiotemporal feature learning directly from a sequence of framelevel patches. Our experimental study compares different self-attention schemes and suggests that "divided attention," where temporal attention and spatial attention are separately applied within each block, leads to the best video classification accuracy among the design choices considered. Despite the radically new design, TimeSformer achieves state-of-the-art results on several action recognition benchmarks, including the best reported accuracy on Kinetics-400 and Kinetics-600. Finally, compared to 3D convolutional networks, our model is faster to train, it can achieve dramatically higher test efficiency (at a small drop in accuracy), and it can also be applied to much longer video clips (over one minute long). Code and models are available at: https://github.com/ facebookresearch/TimeSformer.
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对比性语言图像预测在学习网络尺度数据的视觉文本联合表示方面取得了巨大的成功,这表明了各种图像任务的显着“零射”概括能力。但是,如何有效地将这种新的语言图像预处理方法扩展到视频域仍然是一个开放的问题。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,该方法将预验证的语言图像模型直接适应视频识别,而不是从头开始预处理新模型。更具体地说,为了捕获沿时间维度框架的远距离依赖性,我们提出了一种跨框架注意机制,该机制明确地跨帧交换信息。这样的模块是轻量级的,可以无缝地插入验证的语言图像模型中。此外,我们提出了一个特定于视频的提示方案,该方案利用视频内容信息生成歧视性文本提示。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法是有效的,可以推广到不同的视频识别方案。特别是,在完全监督的设置下,我们的方法在Kinectics-400上获得了最高1的精度为87.1%,而与SWIN-L和Vivit-H相比,使用量少12倍。在零拍摄的实验中,我们的方法超过了当前的最新方法 +7.6%和 +14.9%,而在两个流行协议下,TOP-1的准确性。在少数拍摄的情况下,当标记的数据非常有限时,我们的方法优于先前的最佳方法 +32.1%和 +23.1%。代码和型号可在https://aka.ms/x-clip上找到
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最近,视频变压器在视频理解方面取得了巨大成功,超过了CNN性能;然而,现有的视频变换器模型不会明确地模拟对象,尽管对象对于识别操作至关重要。在这项工作中,我们呈现对象区域视频变换器(Orvit),一个\ emph {对象为中心}方法,它与直接包含对象表示的块扩展视频变压器图层。关键的想法是从早期层开始融合以对象形式的表示,并将它们传播到变压器层中,从而影响整个网络的时空表示。我们的orvit块由两个对象级流组成:外观和动态。在外观流中,“对象区域关注”模块在修补程序上应用自我关注和\ emph {对象区域}。以这种方式,Visual对象区域与统一修补程序令牌交互,并通过上下文化对象信息来丰富它们。我们通过单独的“对象 - 动态模块”进一步模型对象动态,捕获轨迹交互,并显示如何集成两个流。我们在四个任务和五个数据集中评估我们的模型:在某事物中的某些问题和几次射击动作识别,以及在AVA上的某些时空动作检测,以及在某种东西上的标准动作识别 - 某种东西 - 东西,潜水48和EPIC-Kitchen100。我们在考虑的所有任务和数据集中展示了强大的性能改进,展示了将对象表示的模型的值集成到变压器体系结构中。对于代码和预用模型,请访问项目页面\ url {https://roeiherz.github.io/orvit/}
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视频识别是由端到端学习范式主导的 - 首先初始化具有预审预周化图像模型的视频识别模型,然后对视频进行端到端培训。这使视频网络能够受益于验证的图像模型。但是,这需要大量的计算和内存资源,以便在视频上进行填充以及直接使用预审计的图像功能的替代方案,而无需填充图像骨架会导致结果不足。幸运的是,在对比视力语言预训练(剪辑)方面的最新进展为视觉识别任务的新途径铺平了道路。这些模型在大型开放式图像文本对数据上进行了预测,以丰富的语义学习强大的视觉表示。在本文中,我们介绍了有效的视频学习(EVL) - 一种有效的框架,用于直接训练具有冷冻剪辑功能的高质量视频识别模型。具体来说,我们采用轻型变压器解码器并学习查询令牌,从剪辑图像编码器中动态收集帧级空间特征。此外,我们在每个解码器层中采用局部时间模块,以发现相邻帧及其注意力图的时间线索。我们表明,尽管有效地使用冷冻的骨干训练,但我们的模型在各种视频识别数据集上学习了高质量的视频表示。代码可在https://github.com/opengvlab/feld-video-rencognition上找到。
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本文解决了有效的视频识别问题。在这一领域,视频变压器最近在效率(Top-1精度与Flops)频谱中占据了主导地位。同时,在图像域中进行了一些尝试,这些尝试挑战了变压器体系结构中自我发挥操作的必要性,主张使用更简单的方法来进行令牌混合。但是,对于视频识别的情况,尚无结果,在这种情况下,自我发项操作员对效率的影响(与图像的情况相比)明显更高。为了解决这一差距,在本文中,我们做出以下贡献:(a)我们基于移位操作员,构成的仿射偏移块构建了一个高效\&精确的无注意块,专门为尽可能近的近似而设计变压器层的MHSA块中的操作。基于我们的仿射转移块,我们构建了我们的仿射转移变压器,并表明它已经超过了所有现有的基于移位/MLP的架构进行Imagenet分类。 (b)我们将公式扩展到视频域中,以构建视频播客变压器(vast),这是第一个纯粹无注意的基于偏移的视频变压器。 (c)我们表明,对于最流行的动作识别基准,对于具有低计算和内存足迹的模型的情况,大量的最新变压器在最流行的动作识别基准上表现出色。代码将可用。
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Can we leverage the audiovisual information already present in video to improve self-supervised representation learning? To answer this question, we study various pretraining architectures and objectives within the masked autoencoding framework, motivated by the success of similar methods in natural language and image understanding. We show that we can achieve significant improvements on audiovisual downstream classification tasks, surpassing the state-of-the-art on VGGSound and AudioSet. Furthermore, we can leverage our audiovisual pretraining scheme for multiple unimodal downstream tasks using a single audiovisual pretrained model. We additionally demonstrate the transferability of our representations, achieving state-of-the-art audiovisual results on Epic Kitchens without pretraining specifically for this dataset.
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Transformer models have shown great success handling long-range interactions, making them a promising tool for modeling video. However they lack inductive biases and scale quadratically with input length. These limitations are further exacerbated when dealing with the high dimensionality introduced with the temporal dimension. While there are surveys analyzing the advances of Transformers for vision, none focus on an in-depth analysis of video-specific designs. In this survey we analyze main contributions and trends of works leveraging Transformers to model video. Specifically, we delve into how videos are handled as input-level first. Then, we study the architectural changes made to deal with video more efficiently, reduce redundancy, re-introduce useful inductive biases, and capture long-term temporal dynamics. In addition we provide an overview of different training regimes and explore effective self-supervised learning strategies for video. Finally, we conduct a performance comparison on the most common benchmark for Video Transformers (i.e., action classification), finding them to outperform 3D ConvNets even with less computational complexity.
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The recently developed vision transformer (ViT) has achieved promising results on image classification compared to convolutional neural networks. Inspired by this, in this paper, we study how to learn multi-scale feature representations in transformer models for image classification. To this end, we propose a dual-branch transformer to combine image patches (i.e., tokens in a transformer) of different sizes to produce stronger image features. Our approach processes small-patch and large-patch tokens with two separate branches of different computational complexity and these tokens are then fused purely by attention multiple times to complement each other. Furthermore, to reduce computation, we develop a simple yet effective token fusion module based on cross attention, which uses a single token for each branch as a query to exchange information with other branches. Our proposed cross-attention only requires linear time for both computational and memory complexity instead of quadratic time otherwise. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach performs better than or on par with several concurrent works on vision transformer, in addition to efficient CNN models. For example, on the ImageNet1K dataset, with some architectural changes, our approach outperforms the recent DeiT by a large margin of 2% with a small to moderate increase in FLOPs and model parameters. Our source codes and models are available at https://github.com/IBM/CrossViT.
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