Human behavior understanding requires looking at minute details in the large context of a scene containing multiple input modalities. It is necessary as it allows the design of more human-like machines. While transformer approaches have shown great improvements, they face multiple challenges such as lack of data or background noise. To tackle these, we introduce the Forced Attention (FAt) Transformer which utilize forced attention with a modified backbone for input encoding and a use of additional inputs. In addition to improving the performance on different tasks and inputs, the modification requires less time and memory resources. We provide a model for a generalised feature extraction for tasks concerning social signals and behavior analysis. Our focus is on understanding behavior in videos where people are interacting with each other or talking into the camera which simulates the first person point of view in social interaction. FAt Transformers are applied to two downstream tasks: personality recognition and body language recognition. We achieve state-of-the-art results for Udiva v0.5, First Impressions v2 and MPII Group Interaction datasets. We further provide an extensive ablation study of the proposed architecture.
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Biological systems perceive the world by simultaneously processing high-dimensional inputs from modalities as diverse as vision, audition, touch, proprioception, etc. The perception models used in deep learning on the other hand are designed for individual modalities, often relying on domainspecific assumptions such as the local grid structures exploited by virtually all existing vision models. These priors introduce helpful inductive biases, but also lock models to individual modalities. In this paper we introduce the Perceiver -a model that builds upon Transformers and hence makes few architectural assumptions about the relationship between its inputs, but that also scales to hundreds of thousands of inputs, like ConvNets. The model leverages an asymmetric attention mechanism to iteratively distill inputs into a tight latent bottleneck, allowing it to scale to handle very large inputs. We show that this architecture is competitive with or outperforms strong, specialized models on classification tasks across various modalities: images, point clouds, audio, video, and video+audio. The Perceiver obtains performance comparable to ResNet-50 and ViT on ImageNet without 2D convolutions by directly attending to 50,000 pixels. It is also competitive in all modalities in AudioSet.
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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肢体语言是一种引人注目的社交信号,其自动分析可以大大提高人工智能系统,以理解和积极参与社交互动。尽管计算机视觉在诸如头部和身体姿势估计之类的低级任务中取得了令人印象深刻的进步,但探索诸如示意,修饰或摸索之类的更微妙行为的发现尚未得到很好的探索。在本文中,我们介绍了BBSI,这是复杂的身体行为的第一组注释,嵌入了小组环境中的连续社交互动中。根据心理学的先前工作,我们在MpiigroupContraction数据集中手动注释了26个小时的自发人类行为,并具有15种不同的肢体语言类别。我们介绍了所得数据集的全面描述性统计数据以及注释质量评估的结果。为了自动检测这些行为,我们适应了金字塔扩张的注意网络(PDAN),这是一种最新的人类动作检测方法。我们使用四个空间特征的四种变体作为PDAN的输入进行实验:两流膨胀的3D CNN,颞段网络,时间移位模块和SWIN变压器。结果是有希望的,这表明了这项艰巨的任务改进的好空间。 BBSI代表了自动理解社会行为的难题中的关键作品,研究界完全可以使用。
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Transformer models have shown great success handling long-range interactions, making them a promising tool for modeling video. However they lack inductive biases and scale quadratically with input length. These limitations are further exacerbated when dealing with the high dimensionality introduced with the temporal dimension. While there are surveys analyzing the advances of Transformers for vision, none focus on an in-depth analysis of video-specific designs. In this survey we analyze main contributions and trends of works leveraging Transformers to model video. Specifically, we delve into how videos are handled as input-level first. Then, we study the architectural changes made to deal with video more efficiently, reduce redundancy, re-introduce useful inductive biases, and capture long-term temporal dynamics. In addition we provide an overview of different training regimes and explore effective self-supervised learning strategies for video. Finally, we conduct a performance comparison on the most common benchmark for Video Transformers (i.e., action classification), finding them to outperform 3D ConvNets even with less computational complexity.
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Correctly recognizing the behaviors of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is of vital importance for the diagnosis of Autism and timely early intervention. However, the observation and recording during the treatment from the parents of autistic children may not be accurate and objective. In such cases, automatic recognition systems based on computer vision and machine learning (in particular deep learning) technology can alleviate this issue to a large extent. Existing human action recognition models can now achieve persuasive performance on challenging activity datasets, e.g. daily activity, and sports activity. However, problem behaviors in children with ASD are very different from these general activities, and recognizing these problem behaviors via computer vision is less studied. In this paper, we first evaluate a strong baseline for action recognition, i.e. Video Swin Transformer, on two autism behaviors datasets (SSBD and ESBD) and show that it can achieve high accuracy and outperform the previous methods by a large margin, demonstrating the feasibility of vision-based problem behaviors recognition. Moreover, we propose language-assisted training to further enhance the action recognition performance. Specifically, we develop a two-branch multimodal deep learning framework by incorporating the "freely available" language description for each type of problem behavior. Experimental results demonstrate that incorporating additional language supervision can bring an obvious performance boost for the autism problem behaviors recognition task as compared to using the video information only (i.e. 3.49% improvement on ESBD and 1.46% on SSBD).
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在本文中,我们提出了第一个基于变压器的模型,该模型解决了以自我为中心凝视估计的具有挑战性的问题。我们观察到,全局场景上下文和本地视觉信息之间的连接对于从以自我为中心的视频帧进行凝视固定至关重要。为此,我们设计了变压器编码器将全局上下文嵌入为一个附加的视觉令牌,并进一步提出了一种新型的全球 - 本地相关(GLC)模块,以明确模拟全局令牌和每个本地令牌的相关性。我们在两个以自我为中心的视频数据集中验证了我们的模型-EGTEA凝视+和EGO4D。我们的详细消融研究证明了我们方法的好处。此外,我们的方法超过了先前的最新空间。我们还提供了其他可视化,以支持我们的主张,即全球 - 本地相关性是预测以自我为中心视频的凝视固定的关键表示。更多详细信息可以在我们的网站(中找到。
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变压器在自然语言处理中的成功最近引起了计算机视觉领域的关注。由于能够学习长期依赖性,变压器已被用作广泛使用的卷积运算符的替代品。事实证明,这种替代者在许多任务中都取得了成功,其中几种最先进的方法依靠变压器来更好地学习。在计算机视觉中,3D字段还见证了使用变压器来增加3D卷积神经网络和多层感知器网络的增加。尽管许多调查都集中在视力中的变压器上,但由于与2D视觉相比,由于数据表示和处理的差异,3D视觉需要特别注意。在这项工作中,我们介绍了针对不同3D视觉任务的100多种变压器方法的系统和彻底审查,包括分类,细分,检测,完成,姿势估计等。我们在3D Vision中讨论了变形金刚的设计,该设计使其可以使用各种3D表示形式处理数据。对于每个应用程序,我们强调了基于变压器的方法的关键属性和贡献。为了评估这些方法的竞争力,我们将它们的性能与12个3D基准测试的常见非转化方法进行了比较。我们通过讨论3D视觉中变压器的不同开放方向和挑战来结束调查。除了提出的论文外,我们的目标是频繁更新最新的相关论文及其相应的实现:。
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Group affect refers to the subjective emotion that is evoked by an external stimulus in a group, which is an important factor that shapes group behavior and outcomes. Recognizing group affect involves identifying important individuals and salient objects among a crowd that can evoke emotions. Most of the existing methods are proposed to detect faces and objects using pre-trained detectors and summarize the results into group emotions by specific rules. However, such affective region selection mechanisms are heuristic and susceptible to imperfect faces and objects from the pre-trained detectors. Moreover, faces and objects on group-level images are often contextually relevant. There is still an open question about how important faces and objects can be interacted with. In this work, we incorporate the psychological concept called Most Important Person (MIP). It represents the most noteworthy face in the crowd and has an affective semantic meaning. We propose the Dual-branch Cross-Patch Attention Transformer (DCAT) which uses global image and MIP together as inputs. Specifically, we first learn the informative facial regions produced by the MIP and the global context separately. Then, the Cross-Patch Attention module is proposed to fuse the features of MIP and global context together to complement each other. With parameters less than 10x, the proposed DCAT outperforms state-of-the-art methods on two datasets of group valence prediction, GAF 3.0 and GroupEmoW datasets. Moreover, our proposed model can be transferred to another group affect task, group cohesion, and shows comparable results.
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变压器最近展示了改进视觉跟踪算法的明显潜力。尽管如此,基于变压器的跟踪器主要使用变压器熔断并增强由卷积神经网络(CNNS)产生的功能。相比之下,在本文中,我们提出了一个完全基于注意力的变压器跟踪算法,Swin-Cranstormer Tracker(SwintRack)。 SwintRack使用变压器进行特征提取和特征融合,允许目标对象和搜索区域之间的完全交互进行跟踪。为了进一步提高性能,我们调查了全面的不同策略,用于特征融合,位置编码和培训损失。所有这些努力都使SwintRack成为一个简单但坚实的基线。在我们的彻底实验中,SwintRack在leasot上设置了一个新的记录,在4.6 \%的情况下超过4.6 \%,同时仍然以45 fps运行。此外,它达到了最先进的表演,0.483 Suc,0.832 Suc和0.694 Ao,其他具有挑战性的leasot _ {ext} $,trackingnet和got-10k。我们的实施和培训型号可在HTTPS://获得。
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多模式分析最近对情感计算的兴趣很大,因为它可以提高情感识别对孤立的单模态方法的整体准确性。多式联情绪识别最有效的技术有效地利用各种和互补的信息来源,例如面部,声带和生理方式,提供全面的特征表示。在本文中,我们专注于基于视频中提取的面部和声乐方式的融合的尺寸情感识别,其中可以捕获复杂的时空关系。大多数现有的融合技术依赖于经常性网络或传统的注意机制,这些机制没有有效地利用视听(A-V)方式的互补性质。我们介绍了一种跨关注融合方法来提取A-V模式的显着特征,允许准确地预测连续值的价值和唤醒。我们的新的跨关节A-V融合模型有效利用了模态关系。特别地,它计算跨关注权重,以专注于各个模态跨越更贡献的特征,从而组合贡献特征表示,然后将其馈送到完全连接的层以用于预测价和唤醒。所提出的方法的有效性在通过Recolat和疲劳(私人)数据集中的视频上进行了实验验证。结果表明,我们的跨关节A-V融合模型是一种经济高效的方法,优于最先进的融合方法。代码可用:\ url {}
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我们使用无卷积的变压器架构提出了一种从未标记数据学习多式式表示的框架。具体而言,我们的视频音频文本变压器(Vatt)将原始信号作为输入提取,提取丰富的多式化表示,以使各种下游任务受益。我们使用多模式对比损失从头划线训练Vatt端到端,并通过视频动作识别,音频事件分类,图像分类和文本到视频检索的下游任务评估其性能。此外,我们通过共享三种方式之间的重量来研究模型 - 无话的单骨架变压器。我们表明,无卷积VATT优于下游任务中的最先进的Convnet架构。特别是,Vatt的视觉变压器在动力学-400上实现82.1%的高精度82.1%,在动力学-600,72.7%的动力学-700上的72.7%,以及时间的时间,新的记录,在避免受监督的预训练时,新的记录。通过从头划伤训练相同的变压器,转移到图像分类导致图像分类导致78.7%的ImageNet精度为64.7%,尽管视频和图像之间的域间差距,我们的模型概括了我们的模型。 Vatt的音雅音频变压器还通过在没有任何监督的预训练的情况下在Audioset上实现39.4%的地图来设置基于波形的音频事件识别的新记录。 Vatt的源代码是公开的。
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In vision and linguistics; the main input modalities are facial expressions, speech patterns, and the words uttered. The issue with analysis of any one mode of expression (Visual, Verbal or Vocal) is that lot of contextual information can get lost. This asks researchers to inspect multiple modalities to get a thorough understanding of the cross-modal dependencies and temporal context of the situation to analyze the expression. This work attempts at preserving the long-range dependencies within and across different modalities, which would be bottle-necked by the use of recurrent networks and adds the concept of delta-attention to focus on local differences per modality to capture the idiosyncrasy of different people. We explore a cross-attention fusion technique to get the global view of the emotion expressed through these delta-self-attended modalities, in order to fuse all the local nuances and global context together. The addition of attention is new to the multi-modal fusion field and currently being scrutinized for on what stage the attention mechanism should be used, this work achieves competitive accuracy for overall and per-class classification which is close to the current state-of-the-art with almost half number of parameters.
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