Offline reinforcement learning (RL) refers to the problem of learning policies entirely from a large batch of previously collected data. This problem setting offers the promise of utilizing such datasets to acquire policies without any costly or dangerous active exploration. However, it is also challenging, due to the distributional shift between the offline training data and those states visited by the learned policy. Despite significant recent progress, the most successful prior methods are model-free and constrain the policy to the support of data, precluding generalization to unseen states. In this paper, we first observe that an existing model-based RL algorithm already produces significant gains in the offline setting compared to model-free approaches. However, standard model-based RL methods, designed for the online setting, do not provide an explicit mechanism to avoid the offline setting's distributional shift issue. Instead, we propose to modify the existing model-based RL methods by applying them with rewards artificially penalized by the uncertainty of the dynamics. We theoretically show that the algorithm maximizes a lower bound of the policy's return under the true MDP. We also characterize the trade-off between the gain and risk of leaving the support of the batch data. Our algorithm, Model-based Offline Policy Optimization (MOPO), outperforms standard model-based RL algorithms and prior state-of-the-art model-free offline RL algorithms on existing offline RL benchmarks and two challenging continuous control tasks that require generalizing from data collected for a different task. * equal contribution. † equal advising. Orders randomized.34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020),
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在离线强化学习(离线RL)中,主要挑战之一是处理学习策略与给定数据集之间的分布转变。为了解决这个问题,最近的离线RL方法试图引入保守主义偏见,以鼓励在高信心地区学习。无模型方法使用保守的正常化或特殊网络结构直接对策略或价值函数学习进行这样的偏见,但它们约束的策略搜索限制了脱机数据集之外的泛化。基于模型的方法使用保守量量化学习前瞻性动态模型,然后生成虚构的轨迹以扩展脱机数据集。然而,由于离线数据集中的有限样本,保守率量化通常在支撑区域内遭受全面化。不可靠的保守措施将误导基于模型的想象力,以不受欢迎的地区,导致过多的行为。为了鼓励更多的保守主义,我们提出了一种基于模型的离线RL框架,称为反向离线模型的想象(ROMI)。我们与新颖的反向策略结合使用逆向动力学模型,该模型可以生成导致脱机数据集中的目标目标状态的卷展栏。这些反向的想象力提供了无通知的数据增强,以便无模型策略学习,并使远程数据集的保守概括。 ROMI可以有效地与现成的无模型算法组合,以实现基于模型的概括,具有适当的保守主义。经验结果表明,我们的方法可以在离线RL基准任务中产生更保守的行为并实现最先进的性能。
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Effectively leveraging large, previously collected datasets in reinforcement learning (RL) is a key challenge for large-scale real-world applications. Offline RL algorithms promise to learn effective policies from previously-collected, static datasets without further interaction. However, in practice, offline RL presents a major challenge, and standard off-policy RL methods can fail due to overestimation of values induced by the distributional shift between the dataset and the learned policy, especially when training on complex and multi-modal data distributions. In this paper, we propose conservative Q-learning (CQL), which aims to address these limitations by learning a conservative Q-function such that the expected value of a policy under this Q-function lower-bounds its true value. We theoretically show that CQL produces a lower bound on the value of the current policy and that it can be incorporated into a policy learning procedure with theoretical improvement guarantees. In practice, CQL augments the standard Bellman error objective with a simple Q-value regularizer which is straightforward to implement on top of existing deep Q-learning and actor-critic implementations. On both discrete and continuous control domains, we show that CQL substantially outperforms existing offline RL methods, often learning policies that attain 2-5 times higher final return, especially when learning from complex and multi-modal data distributions.Preprint. Under review.
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离线增强学习(RL)定义了从静态记录数据集学习的任务,而无需与环境不断交互。学识渊博的政策与行为政策之间的分配变化使得价值函数必须保持保守,以使分布(OOD)的动作不会被严重高估。但是,现有的方法,对看不见的行为进行惩罚或与行为政策进行正规化,太悲观了,这抑制了价值功能的概括并阻碍了性能的提高。本文探讨了温和但足够的保守主义,可以在线学习,同时不损害概括。我们提出了轻度保守的Q学习(MCQ),其中通过分配了适当的伪Q值来积极训练OOD。从理论上讲,我们表明MCQ诱导了至少与行为策略的行为,并且对OOD行动不会发生错误的高估。 D4RL基准测试的实验结果表明,与先前的工作相比,MCQ取得了出色的性能。此外,MCQ在从离线转移到在线时显示出卓越的概括能力,并明显胜过基准。
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Off-policy reinforcement learning aims to leverage experience collected from prior policies for sample-efficient learning. However, in practice, commonly used off-policy approximate dynamic programming methods based on Q-learning and actor-critic methods are highly sensitive to the data distribution, and can make only limited progress without collecting additional on-policy data. As a step towards more robust off-policy algorithms, we study the setting where the off-policy experience is fixed and there is no further interaction with the environment. We identify bootstrapping error as a key source of instability in current methods. Bootstrapping error is due to bootstrapping from actions that lie outside of the training data distribution, and it accumulates via the Bellman backup operator. We theoretically analyze bootstrapping error, and demonstrate how carefully constraining action selection in the backup can mitigate it. Based on our analysis, we propose a practical algorithm, bootstrapping error accumulation reduction (BEAR). We demonstrate that BEAR is able to learn robustly from different off-policy distributions, including random and suboptimal demonstrations, on a range of continuous control tasks.
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博学的无模型离线增强学习(RL)方法的策略通常被限制在数据集的支持范围内,以避免可能的危险危险分发措施或状态,从而使处理不支持的区域挑战。基于模型的RL方法通过使用经过训练的前进或反向动力学模型生成虚构轨迹来提供更丰富的数据集和收益概括。但是,想象的过渡可能不准确,因此降低了基础离线RL方法的性能。在本文中,我们建议通过使用训练有素的双向动力学模型和通过双重检查推出策略来增强离线数据集。我们通过信任前向模型和落后模型一致的样本来介绍保守主义。我们的方法是基于置信度的双向离线模型的想象力,可以生成可靠的样本,并可以与任何无模型的离线RL方法结合使用。 D4RL基准测试的实验结果表明,我们的方法显着提高了现有的无模型离线RL算法的性能,并在基线方法上取得了竞争性或更好的分数。
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现有的离线增强学习(RL)方法面临一些主要挑战,尤其是学识渊博的政策与行为政策之间的分配转变。离线Meta-RL正在成为应对这些挑战的一种有前途的方法,旨在从一系列任务中学习信息丰富的元基础。然而,如我们的实证研究所示,离线元RL在具有良好数据集质量的任务上的单个任务RL方法可能胜过,这表明必须在“探索”不合时宜的情况下进行精细的平衡。通过遵循元元素和“利用”离线数据集的分配状态行为,保持靠近行为策略。通过这种经验分析的激励,我们探索了基于模型的离线元RL,并具有正则政策优化(MERPO),该策略优化(MERPO)学习了一种用于有效任务结构推理的元模型,并提供了提供信息的元元素,以安全地探索过分分布状态 - 行为。特别是,我们使用保守的政策评估和正规政策改进,设计了一种新的基于元指数的基于元指数的基于元模型的参与者批判性(RAC),作为MERPO的关键构建块作为Merpo的关键构建块;而其中的内在权衡是通过在两个正规机构之间达到正确的平衡来实现的,一个是基于行为政策,另一个基于元政策。从理论上讲,我们学识渊博的政策可以保证对行为政策和元政策都有保证的改进,从而确保通过离线元RL对新任务的绩效提高。实验证实了Merpo优于现有的离线META-RL方法的出色性能。
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尽管学习环境内部模型的强化学习(RL)方法具有比没有模型的对应物更有效的样本效率,但学会从高维传感器中建模原始观察结果可能具有挑战性。先前的工作通过通过辅助目标(例如重建或价值预测)学习观察值的低维表示来解决这一挑战。但是,这些辅助目标与RL目标之间的一致性通常不清楚。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个单一的目标,该目标共同优化了潜在空间模型和政策,以实现高回报,同时保持自洽。这个目标是预期收益的下限。与基于模型的RL在策略探索或模型保证方面的先前范围不同,我们的界限直接依靠整体RL目标。我们证明,所得算法匹配或改善了最佳基于模型和无模型的RL方法的样品效率。尽管这种有效的样品方法通常在计算上是要求的,但我们的方法在较小的壁式锁定时间降低了50 \%。
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KL-regularized reinforcement learning from expert demonstrations has proved successful in improving the sample efficiency of deep reinforcement learning algorithms, allowing them to be applied to challenging physical real-world tasks. However, we show that KL-regularized reinforcement learning with behavioral reference policies derived from expert demonstrations can suffer from pathological training dynamics that can lead to slow, unstable, and suboptimal online learning. We show empirically that the pathology occurs for commonly chosen behavioral policy classes and demonstrate its impact on sample efficiency and online policy performance. Finally, we show that the pathology can be remedied by non-parametric behavioral reference policies and that this allows KL-regularized reinforcement learning to significantly outperform state-of-the-art approaches on a variety of challenging locomotion and dexterous hand manipulation tasks.
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Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have succeeded in several challenging domains. Classic Online RL job schedulers can learn efficient scheduling strategies but often takes thousands of timesteps to explore the environment and adapt from a randomly initialized DNN policy. Existing RL schedulers overlook the importance of learning from historical data and improving upon custom heuristic policies. Offline reinforcement learning presents the prospect of policy optimization from pre-recorded datasets without online environment interaction. Following the recent success of data-driven learning, we explore two RL methods: 1) Behaviour Cloning and 2) Offline RL, which aim to learn policies from logged data without interacting with the environment. These methods address the challenges concerning the cost of data collection and safety, particularly pertinent to real-world applications of RL. Although the data-driven RL methods generate good results, we show that the performance is highly dependent on the quality of the historical datasets. Finally, we demonstrate that by effectively incorporating prior expert demonstrations to pre-train the agent, we short-circuit the random exploration phase to learn a reasonable policy with online training. We utilize Offline RL as a \textbf{launchpad} to learn effective scheduling policies from prior experience collected using Oracle or heuristic policies. Such a framework is effective for pre-training from historical datasets and well suited to continuous improvement with online data collection.
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Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is suitable for safety-critical domains where online exploration is too costly or dangerous. In safety-critical settings, decision-making should take into consideration the risk of catastrophic outcomes. In other words, decision-making should be risk-sensitive. Previous works on risk in offline RL combine together offline RL techniques, to avoid distributional shift, with risk-sensitive RL algorithms, to achieve risk-sensitivity. In this work, we propose risk-sensitivity as a mechanism to jointly address both of these issues. Our model-based approach is risk-averse to both epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty. Risk-aversion to epistemic uncertainty prevents distributional shift, as areas not covered by the dataset have high epistemic uncertainty. Risk-aversion to aleatoric uncertainty discourages actions that may result in poor outcomes due to environment stochasticity. Our experiments show that our algorithm achieves competitive performance on deterministic benchmarks, and outperforms existing approaches for risk-sensitive objectives in stochastic domains.
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强化学习(RL)通过与环境相互作用的试验过程解决顺序决策问题。尽管RL在玩复杂的视频游戏方面取得了巨大的成功,但在现实世界中,犯错误总是不希望的。为了提高样本效率并从而降低错误,据信基于模型的增强学习(MBRL)是一个有前途的方向,它建立了环境模型,在该模型中可以进行反复试验,而无需实际成本。在这项调查中,我们对MBRL进行了审查,重点是Deep RL的最新进展。对于非壮观环境,学到的环境模型与真实环境之间始终存在概括性错误。因此,非常重要的是分析环境模型中的政策培训与实际环境中的差异,这反过来又指导了更好的模型学习,模型使用和政策培训的算法设计。此外,我们还讨论了其他形式的RL,包括离线RL,目标条件RL,多代理RL和Meta-RL的最新进展。此外,我们讨论了MBRL在现实世界任务中的适用性和优势。最后,我们通过讨论MBRL未来发展的前景来结束这项调查。我们认为,MBRL在被忽略的现实应用程序中具有巨大的潜力和优势,我们希望这项调查能够吸引更多关于MBRL的研究。
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在没有高保真模拟环境的情况下,学习有效的加强学习(RL)政策可以解决现实世界中的复杂任务。在大多数情况下,我们只有具有简化动力学的不完善的模拟器,这不可避免地导致RL策略学习中的SIM到巨大差距。最近出现的离线RL领域为直接从预先收集的历史数据中学习政策提供了另一种可能性。但是,为了达到合理的性能,现有的离线RL算法需要不切实际的离线数据,并具有足够的州行动空间覆盖范围进行培训。这提出了一个新问题:是否有可能通过在线RL中的不完美模拟器中的离线RL中的有限数据中的学习结合到无限制的探索,以解决两种方法的缺点?在这项研究中,我们提出了动态感知的混合离线和对线增强学习(H2O)框架,以为这个问题提供肯定的答案。 H2O引入了动态感知的政策评估方案,该方案可以自适应地惩罚Q函数在模拟的状态行动对上具有较大的动态差距,同时也允许从固定的现实世界数据集中学习。通过广泛的模拟和现实世界任务以及理论分析,我们证明了H2O与其他跨域在线和离线RL算法相对于其他跨域的表现。 H2O提供了全新的脱机脱机RL范式,该范式可能会阐明未来的RL算法设计,以解决实用的现实世界任务。
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