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具有高计算成本的生成对抗网络(GANS),例如Biggan和Stylegan2,实现了显着的结果,在随机噪声中合成高分辨率和多样化的图像。降低GAN的计算成本,同时保持发电照片逼真的图像是一种紧急和具有挑战性的领域,用于其在计算资源限制设备上的广泛应用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖又简单的{\ bf d} isCriminator {\ bf g} uided {\ bf l}用于压缩vanilla {\ bf gaN}的折射方法,称为{\ bf dgl-gan}。受到教师歧视者可能包含一些有意义信息的现象的动机,我们通过对抗函数从教师歧视者转移知识。我们展示DGL-GAN自体虚拟性有效,从教师歧视者学习可以促进学生会的表现,通过广泛的实验结果验证。此外,我们提出了一个两级培训DGL-GAN的培训策略,当我们申请DGL-GAN来压缩两种最具代表性大规模的Vanilla Gans时,可以大大稳定其培训过程并实现卓越的性能。 。实验表明,DGL-GAN实现了最先进的(SOTA)在STYLAG2(FFHQ上的FID 2.92上有近1/3 $参数的FFH3)和Biggan(93.29和FID 9.92,在想象中有近1美元/ Biggan的4 $参数)并优于几种现有的香草GAN压缩技术。此外,DGL-GAN也有效地提高了原始未压缩的GAN的性能,原始未压缩的风格2升高的DGL-GAN促进了FFHQ的FID 2.65,这实现了新的最先进的性能。代码和模型可用于\ url {}。
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Despite excellent performance in image generation, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are notorious for its requirements of enormous storage and intensive computation. As an awesome ''performance maker'', knowledge distillation is demonstrated to be particularly efficacious in exploring low-priced GANs. In this paper, we investigate the irreplaceability of teacher discriminator and present an inventive discriminator-cooperated distillation, abbreviated as DCD, towards refining better feature maps from the generator. In contrast to conventional pixel-to-pixel match methods in feature map distillation, our DCD utilizes teacher discriminator as a transformation to drive intermediate results of the student generator to be perceptually close to corresponding outputs of the teacher generator. Furthermore, in order to mitigate mode collapse in GAN compression, we construct a collaborative adversarial training paradigm where the teacher discriminator is from scratch established to co-train with student generator in company with our DCD. Our DCD shows superior results compared with existing GAN compression methods. For instance, after reducing over 40x MACs and 80x parameters of CycleGAN, we well decrease FID metric from 61.53 to 48.24 while the current SoTA method merely has 51.92. This work's source code has been made accessible at
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有条件的生成对冲网络(CGANS)为许多视觉和图形应用程序启用了可控图像合成。然而,最近的CGANS比现代识别CNNS更加计算密集型1-2个数量级。例如,Gaugan每张图像消耗281G Mac,而MobileNet-V3的0.44g Mac相比,使交互式部署难以实现。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种通用压缩框架,用于减少CGAN中发电机的推理时间和模型大小。直接应用现有的压缩方法由于GaN培训的难度和发电机架构的差异而产生差的性能。我们以两种方式解决了这些挑战。首先,为了稳定GaN培训,我们将原型模型的多个中间表示的知识转移到其压缩模型,统一未配对和配对的学习。其次,我们的方法通过神经架构搜索找到高效的架构,而不是重用现有的CNN设计。为了加速搜索过程,我们通过重量共享解耦模型培训并搜索。实验证明了我们在不同监督环境,网络架构和学习方法中的方法的有效性。在没有损失图像质量的情况下,我们将Cycleangan,Pix2pix的Cryclan,Pix2pix的计算计算为12倍,Munit By 29X,Gaugan,通过9倍,为交互式图像合成铺平道路。
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The introduction of high-quality image generation models, particularly the StyleGAN family, provides a powerful tool to synthesize and manipulate images. However, existing models are built upon high-quality (HQ) data as desired outputs, making them unfit for in-the-wild low-quality (LQ) images, which are common inputs for manipulation. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing a novel GAN structure that allows for generating images with controllable quality. The network can synthesize various image degradation and restore the sharp image via a quality control code. Our proposed QC-StyleGAN can directly edit LQ images without altering their quality by applying GAN inversion and manipulation techniques. It also provides for free an image restoration solution that can handle various degradations, including noise, blur, compression artifacts, and their mixtures. Finally, we demonstrate numerous other applications such as image degradation synthesis, transfer, and interpolation.
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This paper proposes a content relationship distillation (CRD) to tackle the over-parameterized generative adversarial networks (GANs) for the serviceability in cutting-edge devices. In contrast to traditional instance-level distillation, we design a novel GAN compression oriented knowledge by slicing the contents of teacher outputs into multiple fine-grained granularities, such as row/column strips (global information) and image patches (local information), modeling the relationships among them, such as pairwise distance and triplet-wise angle, and encouraging the student to capture these relationships within its output contents. Built upon our proposed content-level distillation, we also deploy an online teacher discriminator, which keeps updating when co-trained with the teacher generator and keeps freezing when co-trained with the student generator for better adversarial training. We perform extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, the results of which show that our CRD reaches the most complexity reduction on GANs while obtaining the best performance in comparison with existing methods. For example, we reduce MACs of CycleGAN by around 40x and parameters by over 80x, meanwhile, 46.61 FIDs are obtained compared with these of 51.92 for the current state-of-the-art. Code of this project is available at
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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We present a novel image inversion framework and a training pipeline to achieve high-fidelity image inversion with high-quality attribute editing. Inverting real images into StyleGAN's latent space is an extensively studied problem, yet the trade-off between the image reconstruction fidelity and image editing quality remains an open challenge. The low-rate latent spaces are limited in their expressiveness power for high-fidelity reconstruction. On the other hand, high-rate latent spaces result in degradation in editing quality. In this work, to achieve high-fidelity inversion, we learn residual features in higher latent codes that lower latent codes were not able to encode. This enables preserving image details in reconstruction. To achieve high-quality editing, we learn how to transform the residual features for adapting to manipulations in latent codes. We train the framework to extract residual features and transform them via a novel architecture pipeline and cycle consistency losses. We run extensive experiments and compare our method with state-of-the-art inversion methods. Qualitative metrics and visual comparisons show significant improvements. Code:
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GAN的进展使高分辨率的感性质量形象产生了产生。 stylegans允许通过数学操作对W/W+空间中的潜在样式向量进行数学操作进行引人入胜的属性修改,从而有效调节生成器的丰富层次结构表示。最近,此类操作已被推广到原始StyleGan纸中的属性交换之外,以包括插值。尽管StyleGans有许多重大改进,但仍被认为会产生不自然的图像。生成的图像的质量基于两个假设。 (a)生成器学到的层次表示的丰富性,以及(b)样式空间的线性和平滑度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个层次的语义正常化程序(HSR),该层次正常化程序将生成器学到的层次表示与大量数据学到的相应的强大功能保持一致。 HSR不仅可以改善发电机的表示,还可以改善潜在风格空间的线性和平滑度,从而导致产生更自然的样式编辑的图像。为了证明线性改善,我们提出了一种新型的度量 - 属性线性评分(ALS)。通过改善感知路径长度(PPL)度量的改善,在不同的标准数据集中平均16.19%的不自然图像的生成显着降低,同时改善了属性编辑任务中属性变化的线性变化。
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最近,已探索了一系列算法,用于GaN压缩,旨在在部署资源受限的边缘设备上的GAN时减少巨大的计算开销和内存使用。然而,大多数现有的GaN压缩工作仅重点介绍如何压缩发电机,而未能考虑鉴别者。在这项工作中,我们重新审视鉴别者在GaN压缩中的作用和设计一种用于GAN压缩的新型发电机 - 鉴别器协作压缩方案,称为GCC。在GCC中,选择性激活鉴别器根据局部容量约束和全局协调约束自动选择和激活卷积通道,这有助于在对策训练期间与轻质发电机保持纳什平衡,避免模式塌陷。原始发电机和鉴别器也从头开始优化,作为教师模型,逐步优化修剪的发生器和选择性激活鉴别器。一种新的在线协同蒸馏方案旨在充分利用教师发生器和鉴别器的中间特征,以进一步提高轻质发电机的性能。对各种GAN的一代任务的广泛实验证明了GCC的有效性和泛化。其中,GCC有助于降低80%的计算成本,同时在图像转换任务中保持相当的性能。我们的代码和模型可在上使用。
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In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been an actively studied topic and shown to successfully produce high-quality realistic images in various domains. The controllable synthesis ability of GAN generators suggests that they maintain informative, disentangled, and explainable image representations, but leveraging and transferring their representations to downstream tasks is largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose to distill knowledge from GAN generators by squeezing and spanning their representations. We squeeze the generator features into representations that are invariant to semantic-preserving transformations through a network before they are distilled into the student network. We span the distilled representation of the synthetic domain to the real domain by also using real training data to remedy the mode collapse of GANs and boost the student network performance in a real domain. Experiments justify the efficacy of our method and reveal its great significance in self-supervised representation learning. Code is available at
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多年来,2d Gans在影像肖像的一代中取得了巨大的成功。但是,他们在生成过程中缺乏3D理解,因此他们遇到了多视图不一致问题。为了减轻这个问题,已经提出了许多3D感知的甘斯,并显示出显着的结果,但是3D GAN在编辑语义属性方面努力。 3D GAN的可控性和解释性并未得到太多探索。在这项工作中,我们提出了两种解决方案,以克服2D GAN和3D感知gan的这些弱点。我们首先介绍了一种新颖的3D感知gan,Surf-Gan,它能够在训练过程中发现语义属性,并以无监督的方式控制它们。之后,我们将先验的Surf-GAN注入stylegan,以获得高保真3D控制的发电机。与允许隐姿姿势控制的现有基于潜在的方法不同,所提出的3D控制样式gan可实现明确的姿势控制对肖像生成的控制。这种蒸馏允许3D控制与许多基于样式的技术(例如,反转和风格化)之间的直接兼容性,并且在计算资源方面也带来了优势。我们的代码可从获得。
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尽管在预验证的GAN模型的潜在空间中表现出的编辑能力,但倒置现实世界的图像被陷入困境,即重建不能忠于原始输入。这样做的主要原因是,训练和现实世界数据之间的分布未对准,因此,对于真实图像编辑而言,它不稳定。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于GAN的新型编辑框架,以通过组成分解范式解决室外反转问题。特别是,在构图阶段,我们引入了一个差分激活模块,用于从全局角度\ ie(IE)检测语义变化,这是编辑和未编辑图像的特征之间的相对差距。借助生成的diff-cam掩模,配对的原始图像和编辑图像可以直观地进行粗糙的重建。这样,几乎整体可以生存属性,而这种中间结果的质量仍然受到不可避免的幽灵效果的限制。因此,在分解阶段,我们进一步提出了一个基于GAN的基于GAN的DEGHOSTING网络,用于将最终的精细编辑图像与粗糙重建分开。在定性和定量评估方面,广泛的实验比最新方法具有优势。我们方法的鲁棒性和灵活性在两个属性和多属性操作的方案上也得到了验证。
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生成的对抗网络(GANS)产生高质量的图像,但致力于训练。它们需要仔细正常化,大量计算和昂贵的超参数扫描。我们通过将生成和真实样本投影到固定的预级特征空间中,在这些问题上进行了重要的头路。发现鉴别者无法充分利用来自预押模型的更深层次的特征,我们提出了更有效的策略,可以在渠道和分辨率中混合特征。我们预计的GaN提高了图像质量,样品效率和收敛速度。它与最多一个百万像素的分辨率进一步兼容,并在二十二个基准数据集上推进最先进的FR \'Echet Inception距离(FID)。重要的是,预计的GAN符合先前最低的FID速度快40倍,鉴于相同的计算资源,将壁钟时间从5天切割到不到3小时。
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In this work, we are dedicated to text-guided image generation and propose a novel framework, i.e., CLIP2GAN, by leveraging CLIP model and StyleGAN. The key idea of our CLIP2GAN is to bridge the output feature embedding space of CLIP and the input latent space of StyleGAN, which is realized by introducing a mapping network. In the training stage, we encode an image with CLIP and map the output feature to a latent code, which is further used to reconstruct the image. In this way, the mapping network is optimized in a self-supervised learning way. In the inference stage, since CLIP can embed both image and text into a shared feature embedding space, we replace CLIP image encoder in the training architecture with CLIP text encoder, while keeping the following mapping network as well as StyleGAN model. As a result, we can flexibly input a text description to generate an image. Moreover, by simply adding mapped text features of an attribute to a mapped CLIP image feature, we can effectively edit the attribute to the image. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed CLIP2GAN compared to previous methods.
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由于GaN潜在空间的勘探和利用,近年来,现实世界的图像操纵实现了奇妙的进展。 GaN反演是该管道的第一步,旨在忠实地将真实图像映射到潜在代码。不幸的是,大多数现有的GaN反演方法都无法满足下面列出的三个要求中的至少一个:重建质量,可编辑性和快速推断。我们在本研究中提出了一种新的两阶段策略,同时适合所有要求。在第一阶段,我们训练编码器将输入图像映射到StyleGan2 $ \ Mathcal {W} $ - 空间,这被证明具有出色的可编辑性,但重建质量较低。在第二阶段,我们通过利用一系列HyperNetWorks来补充初始阶段的重建能力以在反转期间恢复缺失的信息。这两个步骤互相补充,由于Hypernetwork分支和由于$ \ Mathcal {W} $ - 空间中的反转,因此由于HyperNetwork分支和优异的可编辑性而相互作用。我们的方法完全是基于编码器的,导致极快的推断。关于两个具有挑战性的数据集的广泛实验证明了我们方法的优越性。
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) typically suffer from overfitting when limited training data is available. To facilitate GAN training, current methods propose to use data-specific augmentation techniques. Despite the effectiveness, it is difficult for these methods to scale to practical applications. In this work, we present ScoreMix, a novel and scalable data augmentation approach for various image synthesis tasks. We first produce augmented samples using the convex combinations of the real samples. Then, we optimize the augmented samples by minimizing the norms of the data scores, i.e., the gradients of the log-density functions. This procedure enforces the augmented samples close to the data manifold. To estimate the scores, we train a deep estimation network with multi-scale score matching. For different image synthesis tasks, we train the score estimation network using different data. We do not require the tuning of the hyperparameters or modifications to the network architecture. The ScoreMix method effectively increases the diversity of data and reduces the overfitting problem. Moreover, it can be easily incorporated into existing GAN models with minor modifications. Experimental results on numerous tasks demonstrate that GAN models equipped with the ScoreMix method achieve significant improvements.
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视频对视频合成(VID2VID)在从一系列语义图中生成照片真实视频方面取得了显着的结果。但是,该管道遭受了高计算成本和较长的推理潜伏期的损失,这在很大程度上取决于两个基本因素:1)网络体系结构参数,2)顺序数据流。最近,基于图像的生成模型的参数已通过更有效的网络体系结构显着压缩。然而,现有方法主要集中于减肥网络体系结构,而忽略了顺序数据流的大小。此外,由于缺乏时间连贯性,基于图像的压缩不足以压缩视频任务。在本文中,我们提出了一个时空的压缩框架,\ textbf {fast-vid2vid},该框架着重于生成模型的数据方面。它首次尝试减少计算资源并加速推理。具体而言,我们在空间上压缩输入数据流并减少时间冗余。在提出的时空知识蒸馏之后,我们的模型可以使用低分辨率数据流合成密钥框架。最后,快速VID2VID通过运动补偿以轻微延迟为中间框架插入中间框架。在标准基准测试中,快速VID2VID围绕实时性能达到20 fps,并在单个V100 GPU上节省了约8倍的计算成本。
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