预训练(PT),然后进行微调(FT)是培训神经网络的有效方法,并导致许多域中的显着性能改进。 PT可以包含各种设计选择,如任务和数据重新免除策略,增强政策和噪声模型,所有这些都可以显着影响所学到的陈述的质量。因此,必须适当地调整这些策略引入的超级参数。但是,设置这些超参数的值是具有挑战性的。大多数现有方法都努力缩放到高维度,太慢和内存密集,或者不能直接应用于两级PT和FT学习过程。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于渐变的梯度的算法,以Meta-Learn PT HyperParameters。我们将PT HyperParameter优化问题正式化,并提出了一种通过展开优化结合隐式分化和反向来获得PT超级参数梯度的新方法。我们展示了我们的方法可以提高两个真实域的预测性能。首先,我们优化高维任务加权超参数,用于多任务对蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用图进行培训,并将Auroc提高至3.9%。其次,我们在心电图数据上优化用于SIMCLR的SIMCLR的数据增强神经网络,并将Auroc提高到1.9%。
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This paper presents SimCLR: a simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations. We simplify recently proposed contrastive selfsupervised learning algorithms without requiring specialized architectures or a memory bank. In order to understand what enables the contrastive prediction tasks to learn useful representations, we systematically study the major components of our framework. We show that (1) composition of data augmentations plays a critical role in defining effective predictive tasks, (2) introducing a learnable nonlinear transformation between the representation and the contrastive loss substantially improves the quality of the learned representations, and (3) contrastive learning benefits from larger batch sizes and more training steps compared to supervised learning. By combining these findings, we are able to considerably outperform previous methods for self-supervised and semi-supervised learning on ImageNet. A linear classifier trained on self-supervised representations learned by Sim-CLR achieves 76.5% top-1 accuracy, which is a 7% relative improvement over previous state-ofthe-art, matching the performance of a supervised ResNet-50. When fine-tuned on only 1% of the labels, we achieve 85.8% top-5 accuracy, outperforming AlexNet with 100× fewer labels. 1
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We propose an algorithm for inexpensive gradient-based hyperparameter optimization that combines the implicit function theorem (IFT) with efficient inverse Hessian approximations. We present results on the relationship between the IFT and differentiating through optimization, motivating our algorithm. We use the proposed approach to train modern network architectures with millions of weights and millions of hyperparameters. We learn a data-augmentation networkwhere every weight is a hyperparameter tuned for validation performance-that outputs augmented training examples; we learn a distilled dataset where each feature in each datapoint is a hyperparameter; and we tune millions of regularization hyperparameters. Jointly tuning weights and hyperparameters with our approach is only a few times more costly in memory and compute than standard training.• We scale IFT-based hyperparameter optimization to modern, large neural architectures, including AlexNet and LSTM-based language models.• We demonstrate several uses for fitting hyperparameters almost as easily as weights, including perparameter regularization, data distillation, and learned-from-scratch data augmentation methods.• We explore how training-validation splits should change when tuning many hyperparameters.
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Few-shot learning (FSL) is a central problem in meta-learning, where learners must efficiently learn from few labeled examples. Within FSL, feature pre-training has recently become an increasingly popular strategy to significantly improve generalization performance. However, the contribution of pre-training is often overlooked and understudied, with limited theoretical understanding of its impact on meta-learning performance. Further, pre-training requires a consistent set of global labels shared across training tasks, which may be unavailable in practice. In this work, we address the above issues by first showing the connection between pre-training and meta-learning. We discuss why pre-training yields more robust meta-representation and connect the theoretical analysis to existing works and empirical results. Secondly, we introduce Meta Label Learning (MeLa), a novel meta-learning algorithm that learns task relations by inferring global labels across tasks. This allows us to exploit pre-training for FSL even when global labels are unavailable or ill-defined. Lastly, we introduce an augmented pre-training procedure that further improves the learned meta-representation. Empirically, MeLa outperforms existing methods across a diverse range of benchmarks, in particular under a more challenging setting where the number of training tasks is limited and labels are task-specific. We also provide extensive ablation study to highlight its key properties.
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We introduce Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL), a new approach to self-supervised image representation learning. BYOL relies on two neural networks, referred to as online and target networks, that interact and learn from each other. From an augmented view of an image, we train the online network to predict the target network representation of the same image under a different augmented view. At the same time, we update the target network with a slow-moving average of the online network. While state-of-the art methods rely on negative pairs, BYOL achieves a new state of the art without them. BYOL reaches 74.3% top-1 classification accuracy on ImageNet using a linear evaluation with a ResNet-50 architecture and 79.6% with a larger ResNet. We show that BYOL performs on par or better than the current state of the art on both transfer and semi-supervised benchmarks. Our implementation and pretrained models are given on GitHub. 3 * Equal contribution; the order of first authors was randomly selected.
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差异隐私(DP)提供了正式的隐私保证,以防止对手可以访问机器学习模型,从而从提取有关单个培训点的信息。最受欢迎的DP训练方法是差异私有随机梯度下降(DP-SGD),它通过在训练过程中注入噪声来实现这种保护。然而,以前的工作发现,DP-SGD通常会导致标准图像分类基准的性能显着降解。此外,一些作者假设DP-SGD在大型模型上固有地表现不佳,因为保留隐私所需的噪声规范与模型维度成正比。相反,我们证明了过度参数化模型上的DP-SGD可以比以前想象的要好得多。将仔细的超参数调整与简单技术结合起来,以确保信号传播并提高收敛速率,我们获得了新的SOTA,而没有额外数据的CIFAR-10,在81.4%的81.4%下(8,10^{ - 5}) - 使用40 -layer wide-Resnet,比以前的SOTA提高了71.7%。当对预训练的NFNET-F3进行微调时,我们在ImageNet(0.5,8*10^{ - 7})下达到了83.8%的TOP-1精度。此外,我们还在(8,8 \ cdot 10^{ - 7})下达到了86.7%的TOP-1精度,DP仅比当前的非私人SOTA仅4.3%。我们认为,我们的结果是缩小私人图像分类和非私有图像分类之间准确性差距的重要一步。
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我们介绍了SubGD,这是一种新颖的几声学习方法,基于最近的发现,即随机梯度下降更新往往生活在低维参数子空间中。在实验和理论分析中,我们表明模型局限于合适的预定义子空间,可以很好地推广用于几次学习。合适的子空间符合给定任务的三个标准:IT(a)允许通过梯度流量减少训练误差,(b)导致模型良好的模型,并且(c)可以通过随机梯度下降来识别。 SUBGD从不同任务的更新说明的自动相关矩阵的特征组合中标识了这些子空间。明确的是,我们可以识别出低维合适的子空间,用于对动态系统的几次学习,而动态系统具有不同的属性,这些属性由分析系统描述的一个或几个参数描述。这种系统在科学和工程领域的现实应用程序中无处不在。我们在实验中证实了SubGD在三个不同的动态系统问题设置上的优势,在样本效率和性能方面,均超过了流行的几次学习方法。
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This work tackles the problem of semi-supervised learning of image classifiers. Our main insight is that the field of semi-supervised learning can benefit from the quickly advancing field of self-supervised visual representation learning. Unifying these two approaches, we propose the framework of self-supervised semi-supervised learning (S 4 L) and use it to derive two novel semi-supervised image classification methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods in comparison to both carefully tuned baselines, and existing semi-supervised learning methods. We then show that S 4 L and existing semi-supervised methods can be jointly trained, yielding a new state-of-the-art result on semi-supervised ILSVRC-2012 with 10% of labels.
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自我监督的学习提供了一个有希望的途径,消除了在图形上的代表学习中的昂贵标签信息的需求。然而,为了实现最先进的性能,方法通常需要大量的负例,并依赖于复杂的增强。这可能是昂贵的,特别是对于大图。为了解决这些挑战,我们介绍了引导的图形潜伏(BGRL) - 通过预测输入的替代增强来学习图表表示学习方法。 BGRL仅使用简单的增强,并减轻了对否定例子对比的需求,因此通过设计可扩展。 BGRL胜过或匹配现有的几种建立的基准,同时降低了内存成本的2-10倍。此外,我们表明,BGR1可以缩放到半监督方案中的数亿个节点的极大的图表 - 实现最先进的性能并改善监督基线,其中表示仅通过标签信息而塑造。特别是,我们的解决方案以BGRL为中心,将kdd杯2021的开放图基准的大规模挑战组成了一个获奖条目,在比所有先前可用的基准更大的级别的图形订单上,从而展示了我们方法的可扩展性和有效性。
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We introduce a framework based on bilevel programming that unifies gradient-based hyperparameter optimization and meta-learning. We show that an approximate version of the bilevel problem can be solved by taking into explicit account the optimization dynamics for the inner objective. Depending on the specific setting, the outer variables take either the meaning of hyperparameters in a supervised learning problem or parameters of a meta-learner. We provide sufficient conditions under which solutions of the approximate problem converge to those of the exact problem. We instantiate our approach for meta-learning in the case of deep learning where representation layers are treated as hyperparameters shared across a set of training episodes. In experiments, we confirm our theoretical findings, present encouraging results for few-shot learning and contrast the bilevel approach against classical approaches for learning-to-learn.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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共享初始化参数的元学习已显示在解决少量学习任务方面非常有效。然而,将框架扩展到许多射击场景,这可能进一步提高其实用性,这一切相对忽略了由于内梯度步长的长链中的元学习的技术困难。在本文中,我们首先表明允许元学习者采取更多的内梯度步骤更好地捕获异构和大规模任务分布的结构,从而导致获得更好的初始化点。此外,为了增加元更新的频率,即使是过度长的内部优化轨迹,我们建议估计关于初始化参数的改变的任务特定参数的所需移位。通过这样做,我们可以随意增加元更新的频率,从而大大提高了元级收敛以及学习初始化的质量。我们验证了我们在异构的大规模任务集中验证了方法,并表明该算法在泛型性能和收敛方面以及多任务学习和微调基线方面主要优于先前的一阶元学习方法。 。
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A core capability of intelligent systems is the ability to quickly learn new tasks by drawing on prior experience. Gradient (or optimization) based meta-learning has recently emerged as an effective approach for few-shot learning. In this formulation, meta-parameters are learned in the outer loop, while task-specific models are learned in the inner-loop, by using only a small amount of data from the current task. A key challenge in scaling these approaches is the need to differentiate through the inner loop learning process, which can impose considerable computational and memory burdens. By drawing upon implicit differentiation, we develop the implicit MAML algorithm, which depends only on the solution to the inner level optimization and not the path taken by the inner loop optimizer. This effectively decouples the meta-gradient computation from the choice of inner loop optimizer. As a result, our approach is agnostic to the choice of inner loop optimizer and can gracefully handle many gradient steps without vanishing gradients or memory constraints. Theoretically, we prove that implicit MAML can compute accurate meta-gradients with a memory footprint no more than that which is required to compute a single inner loop gradient and at no overall increase in the total computational cost. Experimentally, we show that these benefits of implicit MAML translate into empirical gains on few-shot image recognition benchmarks.
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