Boolean query construction is often critical for medical systematic review literature search. To create an effective Boolean query, systematic review researchers typically spend weeks coming up with effective query terms and combinations. One challenge to creating an effective systematic review Boolean query is the selection of effective MeSH Terms to include in the query. In our previous work, we created neural MeSH term suggestion methods and compared them to state-of-the-art MeSH term suggestion methods. We found neural MeSH term suggestion methods to be highly effective. In this demonstration, we build upon our previous work by creating (1) a Web-based MeSH term suggestion prototype system that allows users to obtain suggestions from a number of underlying methods and (2) a Python library that implements ours and others' MeSH term suggestion methods and that is aimed at researchers who want to further investigate, create or deploy such type of methods. We describe the architecture of the web-based system and how to use it for the MeSH term suggestion task. For the Python library, we describe how the library can be used for advancing further research and experimentation, and we validate the results of the methods contained in the library on standard datasets. Our web-based prototype system is available at, while our Python library is at
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Medical systematic reviews typically require assessing all the documents retrieved by a search. The reason is two-fold: the task aims for ``total recall''; and documents retrieved using Boolean search are an unordered set, and thus it is unclear how an assessor could examine only a subset. Screening prioritisation is the process of ranking the (unordered) set of retrieved documents, allowing assessors to begin the downstream processes of the systematic review creation earlier, leading to earlier completion of the review, or even avoiding screening documents ranked least relevant. Screening prioritisation requires highly effective ranking methods. Pre-trained language models are state-of-the-art on many IR tasks but have yet to be applied to systematic review screening prioritisation. In this paper, we apply several pre-trained language models to the systematic review document ranking task, both directly and fine-tuned. An empirical analysis compares how effective neural methods compare to traditional methods for this task. We also investigate different types of document representations for neural methods and their impact on ranking performance. Our results show that BERT-based rankers outperform the current state-of-the-art screening prioritisation methods. However, BERT rankers and existing methods can actually be complementary, and thus, further improvements may be achieved if used in conjunction.
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When designing a new API for a large project, developers need to make smart design choices so that their code base can grow sustainably. To ensure that new API components are well designed, developers can learn from existing API components. However, the lack of standardized method for comparing API designs makes this learning process time-consuming and difficult. To address this gap we developed the API-Spector, to the best of our knowledge one of the first API-to-API specification recommendation engines. API-Spector retrieves relevant specification components written in OpenAPI (a widely adopted language used to describe web APIs). API-Spector presents several significant contributions, including: (1) novel methods of processing and extracting key information from OpenAPI specifications, (2) innovative feature extraction techniques that are optimized for the highly technical API specification domain, and (3) a novel log-linear probabilistic model that combines multiple signals to retrieve relevant and high quality OpenAPI specification components given a query specification. We evaluate API-Spector in both quantitative and qualitative tasks and achieve an overall of 91.7% recall@1 and 56.2% F1, which surpasses baseline performance by 15.4% in recall@1 and 3.2% in F1. Overall, API-Spector will allow developers to retrieve relevant OpenAPI specification components from a public or internal database in the early stages of the API development cycle, so that they can learn from existing established examples and potentially identify redundancies in their work. It provides the guidance developers need to accelerate development process and contribute thoughtfully designed APIs that promote code maintainability and quality.
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使用计算笔记本(例如,Jupyter Notebook),数据科学家根据他们的先前经验和外部知识(如在线示例)合理化他们的探索性数据分析(EDA)。对于缺乏关于数据集或问题的具体了解的新手或数据科学家,有效地获得和理解外部信息对于执行EDA至关重要。本文介绍了eDassistant,一个jupyterlab扩展,支持EDA的原位搜索示例笔记本电脑和有用的API的推荐,由搜索结果的新颖交互式可视化供电。代码搜索和推荐是由最先进的机器学习模型启用的,培训在线收集的EDA笔记本电脑的大型语料库。进行用户学习,以调查埃迪卡斯特和数据科学家的当前实践(即,使用外部搜索引擎)。结果证明了埃迪斯坦特的有效性和有用性,与会者赞赏其对EDA的顺利和环境支持。我们还报告了有关代码推荐工具的几种设计意义。
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当医学研究人员进行系统审查(SR)时,筛查研究是最耗时的过程:研究人员阅读了数千个医学文献,手动标记它们相关或无关紧要。筛选优先级排序(即,文件排名)是通过提供相关文件的排名来协助研究人员的方法,其中相关文件的排名高于无关。种子驱动的文档排名(SDR)使用已知的相关文档(即,种子)作为查询并生成这些排名。以前的SDR工作试图在查询文档中识别不同术语权重,并在检索模型中使用它们来计算排名分数。或者,我们将SDR任务制定为查询文档的类似文档,并根据相似度得分生成排名。我们提出了一个名为Mirror匹配的文件匹配度量,通过结合常见的书写模式来计算医疗摘要文本之间的匹配分数,例如背景,方法,结果和结论。我们对2019年克利夫氏素母电子邮件进行实验2 TAR数据集,并且经验结果表明这种简单的方法比平均精度和精密的度量标准的传统和神经检索模型实现了更高的性能。
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机器学习源代码(MLONCODE)是一项流行的研究领域,该研究领域是由大规模代码存储库的可用性和开发挖掘源代码的强大概率和深度学习模型驱动的流行研究领域。代码到代码建议是MLONCODE中的任务,旨在推荐相关的,不同和简洁的代码片段,这些代码代码代码代码代码段可以在其开发环境(IDE)中使用开发人员编写的代码扩展。代码代码推荐引擎通过减少IDE切换和增加代码重用,保持提高开发人员生产力的承诺。现有的代码代码推荐引擎不会优雅地扩展到大的CodeBases,在代码存储库大小增加时,展示查询时间的线性增长。此外,现有的代码代码推荐引擎未能考虑排名函数中的代码存储库的全局统计信息,例如代码片段长度的分发,导致子最优检索结果。我们通过\ emph {senatus}来解决这两个弱点,这是一个新的代码代码推荐引擎。在SeNatus的核心是\ emph {de-skew} lsh一个新的局部敏感散列(lsh)算法,其索引快速(子线性时间)检索数据,同时使用新颖的抽象语法抵消片段长度分布中的偏差基于树的特征评分和选择算法。我们通过自动评估和专家开发人员用户学习评估SENATU,并发现该建议具有比竞争基线更高的质量,同时实现更快的搜索。例如,在CodeSearchNet DataSet上,我们显示SeNatus通过6.7 \%F1提高性能,并且与Facebook Aroma对代码到代码建议的任务相比,Query Time 16x更快。
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Logic Mill is a scalable and openly accessible software system that identifies semantically similar documents within either one domain-specific corpus or multi-domain corpora. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to generate numerical representations of documents. Currently it leverages a large pre-trained language model to generate these document representations. The system focuses on scientific publications and patent documents and contains more than 200 million documents. It is easily accessible via a simple Application Programming Interface (API) or via a web interface. Moreover, it is continuously being updated and can be extended to text corpora from other domains. We see this system as a general-purpose tool for future research applications in the social sciences and other domains.
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The number of scientific publications continues to rise exponentially, especially in Computer Science (CS). However, current solutions to analyze those publications restrict access behind a paywall, offer no features for visual analysis, limit access to their data, only focus on niches or sub-fields, and/or are not flexible and modular enough to be transferred to other datasets. In this thesis, we conduct a scientometric analysis to uncover the implicit patterns hidden in CS metadata and to determine the state of CS research. Specifically, we investigate trends of the quantity, impact, and topics for authors, venues, document types (conferences vs. journals), and fields of study (compared to, e.g., medicine). To achieve this we introduce the CS-Insights system, an interactive web application to analyze CS publications with various dashboards, filters, and visualizations. The data underlying this system is the DBLP Discovery Dataset (D3), which contains metadata from 5 million CS publications. Both D3 and CS-Insights are open-access, and CS-Insights can be easily adapted to other datasets in the future. The most interesting findings of our scientometric analysis include that i) there has been a stark increase in publications, authors, and venues in the last two decades, ii) many authors only recently joined the field, iii) the most cited authors and venues focus on computer vision and pattern recognition, while the most productive prefer engineering-related topics, iv) the preference of researchers to publish in conferences over journals dwindles, v) on average, journal articles receive twice as many citations compared to conference papers, but the contrast is much smaller for the most cited conferences and journals, and vi) journals also get more citations in all other investigated fields of study, while only CS and engineering publish more in conferences than journals.
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The text-to-image model Stable Diffusion has recently become very popular. Only weeks after its open source release, millions are experimenting with image generation. This is due to its ease of use, since all it takes is a brief description of the desired image to "prompt" the generative model. Rarely do the images generated for a new prompt immediately meet the user's expectations. Usually, an iterative refinement of the prompt ("prompt engineering") is necessary for satisfying images. As a new perspective, we recast image prompt engineering as interactive image retrieval - on an "infinite index". Thereby, a prompt corresponds to a query and prompt engineering to query refinement. Selected image-prompt pairs allow direct relevance feedback, as the model can modify an image for the refined prompt. This is a form of one-sided interactive retrieval, where the initiative is on the user side, whereas the server side remains stateless. In light of an extensive literature review, we develop these parallels in detail and apply the findings to a case study of a creative search task on such a model. We note that the uncertainty in searching an infinite index is virtually never-ending. We also discuss future research opportunities related to retrieval models specialized for generative models and interactive generative image retrieval. The application of IR technology, such as query reformulation and relevance feedback, will contribute to improved workflows when using generative models, while the notion of an infinite index raises new challenges in IR research.
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社交媒体有可能提供有关紧急情况和突然事件的及时信息。但是,在每天发布的数百万帖子中找到相关信息可能很困难,并且开发数据分析项目通常需要时间和技术技能。这项研究提出了一种为分析社交媒体的灵活支持的方法,尤其是在紧急情况下。引入了可以采用社交媒体分析的不同用例,并讨论了从大量帖子中检索信息的挑战。重点是分析社交媒体帖子中包含的图像和文本,以及一组自动数据处理工具,用于过滤,分类和使用人类的方法来支持数据分析师的内容。这种支持包括配置自动化工具的反馈和建议,以及众包收集公民的投入。通过讨论Crowd4SDG H2020欧洲项目中开发的三个案例研究来验证结果。
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