从单个视图中重建高质量的3D对象,从单个视图中的部分观测可能对计算机视觉,机器人和图形的各种应用来说至关重要。虽然最近的神经隐式建模方法显示了合成或密集数据的有希望的结果,但它们在稀疏和嘈杂的现实世界数据上表现不佳。我们发现流行的神经隐式模型的局限性是由于缺乏鲁棒形状的主管和缺乏适当的正则化。在这项工作中,我们展示了使用:(i)一个深度编码器作为形状潜在代码的鲁棒初始化器的深度编码器; (ii)正规化的测试时间优化潜在代码; (iii)以学习的高维形状为深度鉴别者; (iv)一种新颖的课程学习策略,允许模型学习合成数据的形状前瞻,并将其平稳地将它们转移到稀疏的现实世界数据。我们的方法更好地捕获了全局结构,在遮挡和稀疏观测上表现良好,并用地面真理形状良好寄存。我们在两个现实世界数据集上展示了最先进的3D对象重建方法的卓越性能。
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Figure 1: DeepSDF represents signed distance functions (SDFs) of shapes via latent code-conditioned feed-forward decoder networks. Above images are raycast renderings of DeepSDF interpolating between two shapes in the learned shape latent space. Best viewed digitally.
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最近对隐含形状表示的兴趣日益增长。与明确的陈述相反,他们没有解决局限性,他们很容易处理各种各样的表面拓扑。为了了解这些隐式表示,电流方法依赖于一定程度的形状监督(例如,内部/外部信息或距离形状知识),或者至少需要密集点云(以近似距离 - 到 - 到 - 形状)。相比之下,我们介绍{\方法},一种用于学习形状表示的自我监督方法,从可能极其稀疏的点云。就像在水牛的针问题一样,我们在点云上“掉落”(样本)针头,认为,静统计地靠近表面,针端点位于表面的相对侧。不需要形状知识,点云可以高稀疏,例如,作为车辆获取的Lidar点云。以前的自我监督形状表示方法未能在这种数据上产生良好的结果。我们获得定量结果与现有的形状重建数据集上现有的监督方法标准,并在Kitti等硬自动驾驶数据集中显示有前途的定性结果。
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We propose a differentiable sphere tracing algorithm to bridge the gap between inverse graphics methods and the recently proposed deep learning based implicit signed distance function. Due to the nature of the implicit function, the rendering process requires tremendous function queries, which is particularly problematic when the function is represented as a neural network. We optimize both the forward and backward passes of our rendering layer to make it run efficiently with affordable memory consumption on a commodity graphics card. Our rendering method is fully differentiable such that losses can be directly computed on the rendered 2D observations, and the gradients can be propagated backwards to optimize the 3D geometry. We show that our rendering method can effectively reconstruct accurate 3D shapes from various inputs, such as sparse depth and multi-view images, through inverse optimization. With the geometry based reasoning, our 3D shape prediction methods show excellent generalization capability and robustness against various noises. * Work done while Shaohui Liu was an academic guest at ETH Zurich.
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从单视图重建3D形状是一个长期的研究问题。在本文中,我们展示了深度隐式地面网络,其可以通过预测底层符号距离场来从2D图像产生高质量的细节的3D网格。除了利用全局图像特征之外,禁止2D图像上的每个3D点的投影位置,并从图像特征映射中提取本地特征。结合全球和局部特征显着提高了符合距离场预测的准确性,特别是对于富含细节的区域。据我们所知,伪装是一种不断捕获从单视图图像中存在于3D形状中存在的孔和薄结构等细节的方法。 Disn在从合成和真实图像重建的各种形状类别上实现最先进的单视性重建性能。代码可在https://github.com/xharlie/disn提供补充可以在https://xharlie.github.io/images/neUrips_2019_Supp.pdf中找到补充
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Neural 3D implicit representations learn priors that are useful for diverse applications, such as single- or multiple-view 3D reconstruction. A major downside of existing approaches while rendering an image is that they require evaluating the network multiple times per camera ray so that the high computational time forms a bottleneck for downstream applications. We address this problem by introducing a novel neural scene representation that we call the directional distance function (DDF). To this end, we learn a signed distance function (SDF) along with our DDF model to represent a class of shapes. Specifically, our DDF is defined on the unit sphere and predicts the distance to the surface along any given direction. Therefore, our DDF allows rendering images with just a single network evaluation per camera ray. Based on our DDF, we present a novel fast algorithm (FIRe) to reconstruct 3D shapes given a posed depth map. We evaluate our proposed method on 3D reconstruction from single-view depth images, where we empirically show that our algorithm reconstructs 3D shapes more accurately and it is more than 15 times faster (per iteration) than competing methods.
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我们的方法从单个RGB-D观察中研究了以对象为中心的3D理解的复杂任务。由于这是一个不适的问题,因此现有的方法在3D形状和6D姿势和尺寸估计中都遭受了遮挡的复杂多对象方案的尺寸估计。我们提出了Shapo,这是一种联合多对象检测的方法,3D纹理重建,6D对象姿势和尺寸估计。 Shapo的关键是一条单杆管道,可回归形状,外观和构成潜在的代码以及每个对象实例的口罩,然后以稀疏到密集的方式进一步完善。首先学到了一种新颖的剖面形状和前景数据库,以将对象嵌入各自的形状和外观空间中。我们还提出了一个基于OCTREE的新颖的可区分优化步骤,使我们能够以分析的方式进一步改善对象形状,姿势和外观。我们新颖的联合隐式纹理对象表示使我们能够准确地识别和重建新颖的看不见的对象,而无需访问其3D网格。通过广泛的实验,我们表明我们的方法在模拟的室内场景上进行了训练,可以准确地回归现实世界中新颖物体的形状,外观和姿势,并以最小的微调。我们的方法显着超过了NOCS数据集上的所有基准,对于6D姿势估计,MAP的绝对改进为8%。项目页面:https://zubair-irshad.github.io/projects/shapo.html
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在城市环境中导航时,许多需要跟踪和避免的对象严重封闭。使用这些部分扫描的规划和跟踪可能具有挑战性。这项工作的目的是学习完成这些部分点云,让我们仅仅使用部分观测全面了解对象的几何。以前的方法在目标对象的完整地面注释的帮助下实现了此目的,这些方法仅适用于模拟数据集。但是,真实的真相对于现实世界的LIDAR数据不可用。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一个自我监督的点云完成算法,Pointpncnet,仅在部分扫描上培训,而无需采取完整的地面说明注释。我们的方法通过修正来实现这一目标。我们删除了一部分输入数据并培训网络以完成丢失的区域。由于难以确定在初始云中被封闭的区域并且综合地删除了哪些区域,我们的网络了解完成完整的云,包括初始部分云中的缺失区域。我们展示我们的方法优于以前在合成数据集,ShoceEnet和现实世界Lidar DataSet,语义基提上的未经监督和弱监督的方法。
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在这项工作中,我们解决了共同跟踪手对象姿势并从野外深度点云序列重建形状的具有挑战性,HandTrackNet,以估计框架间的手动运动。我们的HandTrackNet提出了一个新型的手姿势构成典型化模块,以简化跟踪任务,从而产生准确且稳健的手工关节跟踪。然后,我们的管道通过将预测的手关节转换为基于模板的参数手模型mano来重建全手。对于对象跟踪,我们设计了一个简单而有效的模块,该模块从第一帧估算对象SDF并执行基于优化的跟踪。最后,采用联合优化步骤执行联合手和物体推理,从而减轻了闭塞引起的歧义并进一步完善了手姿势。在训练过程中,整个管道仅看到纯粹的合成数据,这些数据与足够的变化并通过深度模拟合成,以易于概括。整个管道与概括差距有关,因此可以直接传输到真实的野外数据。我们在两个真实的手对象交互数据集上评估我们的方法,例如HO3D和DEXYCB,没有任何填充。我们的实验表明,所提出的方法显着优于先前基于深度的手和对象姿势估计和跟踪方法,以9 fps的帧速率运行。
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Point cloud completion is a generation and estimation issue derived from the partial point clouds, which plays a vital role in the applications in 3D computer vision. The progress of deep learning (DL) has impressively improved the capability and robustness of point cloud completion. However, the quality of completed point clouds is still needed to be further enhanced to meet the practical utilization. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on various methods, including point-based, convolution-based, graph-based, and generative model-based approaches, etc. And this survey summarizes the comparisons among these methods to provoke further research insights. Besides, this review sums up the commonly used datasets and illustrates the applications of point cloud completion. Eventually, we also discussed possible research trends in this promptly expanding field.
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Shape completion, the problem of estimating the complete geometry of objects from partial observations, lies at the core of many vision and robotics applications. In this work, we propose Point Completion Network (PCN), a novel learning-based approach for shape completion. Unlike existing shape completion methods, PCN directly operates on raw point clouds without any structural assumption (e.g. symmetry) or annotation (e.g. semantic class) about the underlying shape. It features a decoder design that enables the generation of fine-grained completions while maintaining a small number of parameters. Our experiments show that PCN produces dense, complete point clouds with realistic structures in the missing regions on inputs with various levels of incompleteness and noise, including cars from LiDAR scans in the KITTI dataset. Code, data and trained models are available at https://wentaoyuan.github.io/pcn.
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Computer graphics, 3D computer vision and robotics communities have produced multiple approaches to represent and generate 3D shapes, as well as a vast number of use cases. However, single-view reconstruction remains a challenging topic that can unlock various interesting use cases such as interactive design. In this work, we propose a novel framework that leverages the intermediate latent spaces of Vision Transformer (ViT) and a joint image-text representational model, CLIP, for fast and efficient Single View Reconstruction (SVR). More specifically, we propose a novel mapping network architecture that learns a mapping between deep features extracted from ViT and CLIP, and the latent space of a base 3D generative model. Unlike previous work, our method enables view-agnostic reconstruction of 3D shapes, even in the presence of large occlusions. We use the ShapeNetV2 dataset and perform extensive experiments with comparisons to SOTA methods to demonstrate our method's effectiveness.
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精确地重建由单个图像的各种姿势和服装引起的精确复杂的人类几何形状非常具有挑战性。最近,基于像素对齐的隐式函数(PIFU)的作品已迈出了一步,并在基于图像的3D人数数字化上实现了最先进的保真度。但是,PIFU的培训在很大程度上取决于昂贵且有限的3D地面真相数据(即合成数据),从而阻碍了其对更多样化的现实世界图像的概括。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为selfpifu的端到端自我监督的网络,以利用丰富和多样化的野外图像,在对无约束的内部图像进行测试时,在很大程度上改善了重建。 SelfPifu的核心是深度引导的体积/表面感知的签名距离领域(SDF)学习,它可以自欺欺人地学习PIFU,而无需访问GT网格。整个框架由普通估计器,深度估计器和基于SDF的PIFU组成,并在训练过程中更好地利用了额外的深度GT。广泛的实验证明了我们自我监督框架的有效性以及使用深度作为输入的优越性。在合成数据上,与PIFUHD相比,我们的交叉点(IOU)达到93.5%,高18%。对于野外图像,我们对重建结果进行用户研究,与其他最先进的方法相比,我们的结果的选择率超过68%。
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StyleGAN has achieved great progress in 2D face reconstruction and semantic editing via image inversion and latent editing. While studies over extending 2D StyleGAN to 3D faces have emerged, a corresponding generic 3D GAN inversion framework is still missing, limiting the applications of 3D face reconstruction and semantic editing. In this paper, we study the challenging problem of 3D GAN inversion where a latent code is predicted given a single face image to faithfully recover its 3D shapes and detailed textures. The problem is ill-posed: innumerable compositions of shape and texture could be rendered to the current image. Furthermore, with the limited capacity of a global latent code, 2D inversion methods cannot preserve faithful shape and texture at the same time when applied to 3D models. To solve this problem, we devise an effective self-training scheme to constrain the learning of inversion. The learning is done efficiently without any real-world 2D-3D training pairs but proxy samples generated from a 3D GAN. In addition, apart from a global latent code that captures the coarse shape and texture information, we augment the generation network with a local branch, where pixel-aligned features are added to faithfully reconstruct face details. We further consider a new pipeline to perform 3D view-consistent editing. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art inversion methods in both shape and texture reconstruction quality. Code and data will be released.
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