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Learning text-video embeddings usually requires a dataset of video clips with manually provided captions. However, such datasets are expensive and time consuming to create and therefore difficult to obtain on a large scale. In this work, we propose instead to learn such embeddings from video data with readily available natural language annotations in the form of automatically transcribed narrations. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we introduce HowTo100M: a large-scale dataset of 136 million video clips sourced from 1.22M narrated instructional web videos depicting humans performing and describing over 23k different visual tasks. Our data collection procedure is fast, scalable and does not require any additional manual annotation. Second, we demonstrate that a text-video embedding trained on this data leads to state-ofthe-art results for text-to-video retrieval and action localization on instructional video datasets such as YouCook2 or CrossTask. Finally, we show that this embedding transfers well to other domains: fine-tuning on generic Youtube videos (MSR-VTT dataset) and movies (LSMDC dataset) outperforms models trained on these datasets alone. Our dataset, code and models are publicly available [1]. * Equal contribution.
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近期和越来越越来越多的视频 - 语言研究的兴趣已经推动了大规模数据集的开发,可实现数据密集型机器学习技术。相比之下,在评估这些数据集的适应性时,已经进行了有限的努力进行视频 - 语言接地任务。最近的作品已经开始发现这些数据集中的重大限制,这表明最先进的技术通常会过度地覆盖到隐藏的数据集偏差。在这项工作中,我们呈现MAD(电影音频描述),这是一种新颖的基准,从扩充现有视频数据集的范式,其中包含文本注释,并专注于爬行和对齐主流电影的可用音频描述。 MAD包含超过384,000个自然语言句子,该句子接地为超过1,200小时的视频,并且在视频 - 语言接地数据集中展示目前诊断的偏差显着减少。疯狂的收集策略使新颖且更具挑战性的视频 - 语言接地版本,其中短时间时刻(通常秒长)必须在多样化的长型视频中准确地接地,可以持续长达三个小时。
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The photograph and our understanding of photography is ever changing and has transitioned from a world of unprocessed rolls of C-41 sitting in a fridge 50 years ago to sharing photos on the 1.5" screen of a point and shoot camera 10 years back. And today the photograph is again something different. The way we take photos is fundamentally different. We can view, share, and interact with photos on the device they were taken on. We can edit, tag, or "filter" photos directly on the camera at the same time the photo is being taken. Photos can be automatically pushed to various online sharing services, and the distinction between photos and videos has lessened. Beyond this, and more importantly, there are now lots of them. To Facebook alone more than 250 billion photos have been uploaded and on average it receives over 350 million new photos every day [6], while YouTube reports that 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute [22]. A back of the envelope estimation reports 10% of all photos in the world were taken in the last 12 months, and that was calculated already more than three years ago [8].Today, a large number of the digital media objects that are shared have been uploaded to services like Flickr or Instagram, which along with their metadata and their social ecosystem form a vibrant environment for finding solutions to many research questions at scale. Photos and videos provide a wealth of information about the universe, covering entertainment, travel, personal records, and various other aspects of life in general as it was when they were taken. Considered collectively, they represent knowledge that goes * This work was done while Benjamin Elizalde was at ICSI.† This work was done while Karl Ni was at LLNL. ‡ This work was done while Damian Borth was at ICSI. § This work was done while Li-Jia Li was at Yahoo Labs.
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Visual object analysis researchers are increasingly experimenting with video, because it is expected that motion cues should help with detection, recognition, and other analysis tasks. This paper presents the Cambridge-driving Labeled Video Database (CamVid) as the first collection of videos with object class semantic labels, complete with metadata. The database provides ground truth labels that associate each pixel with one of 32 semantic classes. The database addresses the need for experimental data to quantitatively evaluate emerging algorithms. While most videos are filmed with fixed-position CCTV-style cameras, our data was captured from the perspective of a driving automobile. The driving scenario increases the number and heterogeneity of the observed object classes. Over 10 min of high quality 30 Hz footage is being provided, with corresponding semantically labeled images at 1 Hz and in part, 15 Hz. The CamVid Database offers four contributions that are relevant to object analysis researchers. First, the per-pixel semantic segmentation of over 700 images was specified manually, and was then inspected and confirmed by a second person for accuracy. Second, the high-quality and large resolution color video images in the database represent valuable extended duration digitized footage to those interested in driving scenarios or ego-motion. Third, we filmed calibration sequences for the camera color response and intrinsics, and computed a 3D camera pose for each frame in the sequences. Finally, in support of expanding this or other databases, we present custom-made labeling software for assisting users who wish to paint precise class-labels for other images and videos. We evaluate the relevance of the database by measuring the performance of an algorithm from each of three distinct domains: multi-class object recognition, pedestrian detection, and label propagation.
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While there has been increasing interest in the task of describing video with natural language, current computer vision algorithms are still severely limited in terms of the variability and complexity of the videos and their associated language that they can recognize. This is in part due to the simplicity of current benchmarks, which mostly focus on specific fine-grained domains with limited videos and simple descriptions. While researchers have provided several benchmark datasets for image captioning, we are not aware of any large-scale video description dataset with comprehensive categories yet diverse video content.In this paper we present MSR-VTT (standing for "MSR-Video to Text") which is a new large-scale video benchmark for video understanding, especially the emerging task of translating video to text. This is achieved by collecting 257 popular queries from a commercial video search engine, with 118 videos for each query. In its current version, MSR-VTT provides 10K web video clips with 41.2 hours and 200K clip-sentence pairs in total, covering the most comprehensive categories and diverse visual content, and representing the largest dataset in terms of sentence and vocabulary. Each clip is annotated with about 20 natural sentences by 1,327 AMT workers. We present a detailed analysis of MSR-VTT in comparison to a complete set of existing datasets, together with a summarization of different state-of-the-art video-to-text approaches. We also provide an extensive evaluation of these approaches on this dataset, showing that the hybrid Recurrent Neural Networkbased approach, which combines single-frame and motion representations with soft-attention pooling strategy, yields the best generalization capability on MSR-VTT.
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根据文本描述检索目标视频是巨大实用价值的任务,并且在过去几年中受到了不断的关注。在本文中,我们专注于多查询视频检索的较少设置,其中提供了多个查询,以便搜索视频档案。首先表明,多查询检索任务是更务实的,代表现实世界用例,更好地评估当前模型的检索能力,从而应得进一步调查与更普遍的单程检索再现。然后,我们提出了几种新方法,用于利用训练时间来利用多个查询,以改善从常规单查验训练模型的简单组合多个查询的相似性输出。我们的模型在三个不同的数据集中始终如一地占有几种竞争基础。例如,Recall @ 1可以在MSR-VTT上提高4.7点,在MSVD上的4.1点和Gatex上的11.7点,在最先进的Clip4Clip模型上构建的强大基线。我们相信进一步的建模努力将为这种方向带来新的见解,并在现实世界视频检索应用中表现更好的新系统。代码可在https://github.com/princetonvisualai/mqvr获得。
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最近在视觉跟踪中成功的关键因素之一是专用基准的可用性。尽管对跟踪研究有很大的受益,但现有的基准并没有与以前相同的难度,而最近的跟踪器的性能则主要是由于(i)引入了更复杂的基于变形金刚的方法,并且(ii)缺乏各种情况,因此缺乏各种情况。不良的可见性,例如恶劣的天气条件,伪装和成像效应。我们介绍了Avist,这是一个专门的基准,用于在具有不良可见性的不同情况下进行视觉跟踪。 Avist包括120个具有80k注释框架的具有挑战性的序列,涵盖了18种不同的方案,这些场景大致分为五个具有42个对象类别的属性。远景的主要贡献是涵盖恶劣天气条件的多样化和挑战性的情况,例如浓雾,大雨和沙尘暴;阻塞效应,包括火,阳光和溅水;不利成像效应,例如,低光;目标效应,包括小目标和干扰物对象以及伪装。我们进一步基准了17个关于Avist的流行和最新跟踪器,对它们跨属性的跟踪性能进行了详细分析,这表明了性能改善的巨大空间。我们认为,远景可以通过补充现有的基准,开发新的创意跟踪解决方案,以继续推动最先进的界限,从而极大地使跟踪社区受益。我们的数据集以及完整的跟踪性能评估可在以下网址提供:https://github.com/visionml/pytracking
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开放程序代表全球手术的主要形式。人工智能(AI)有可能优化手术实践并改善患者结果,但努力主要集中在微创技术上。我们的工作通过策划,从YouTube,从YouTube,Open Surgical视频的最大数据集克服了培训AI模型的现有数据限制:1997年从50个国家上传的23个外科手术的视频。使用此数据集,我们开发了一种能够实时了解外科行为,手和工具的多任务AI模型 - 程序流程和外科医生技能的构建块。我们表明我们的模型推广了各种外科类型和环境。说明这种普遍性,我们直接应用了YouTube培训的模型,分析了在学术医疗中心前瞻性收集的开放式手术,并确定了与手动效率相关的外科技能的运动学描述符。我们的开放外科(AVOS)数据集和培训模式的注释视频将可用于进一步发展外科艾。
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我们介绍了Caltech Fish计数数据集(CFC),这是一个用于检测,跟踪和计数声纳视频中鱼类的大型数据集。我们将声纳视频识别为可以推进低信噪比计算机视觉应用程序并解决多对象跟踪(MOT)和计数中的域概括的丰富数据来源。与现有的MOT和计数数据集相比,这些数据集主要仅限于城市中的人和车辆的视频,CFC来自自然世界领域,在该域​​中,目标不容易解析,并且无法轻易利用外观功能来进行目标重新识别。 CFC允许​​研究人员训练MOT和计数算法并评估看不见的测试位置的概括性能。我们执行广泛的基线实验,并确定在MOT和计数中推进概括的最新技术的关键挑战和机会。
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第六版的AI城市挑战赛特别关注了两个领域的问题,在计算机视觉和人工智能的交集中具有巨大的解锁潜力:智能交通系统(ITS),以及实体和砂浆零售业务。 2022年AI City Challenge的四个挑战赛收到了来自27个国家 /地区254个团队的参与请求。轨道1地址的城市规模多目标多摄像机(MTMC)车辆跟踪。轨道2地址为基于天然语言的车辆轨道检索。 Track 3是一条全新的自然主义驾驶分析的轨道,该轨道是由安装在车辆内部的几台相机捕获的,该摄像头专注于驾驶员安全,而任务是对驾驶员的操作进行分类。 Track 4是另一个旨在仅使用单个视图摄像头实现零售商店自动结帐的新轨道。我们发布了两个基于不同方法的领导董事会成员提交,包括比赛的公共负责人委员会,不允许使用外部数据,以及用于所有提交结果的总管委员会。参与团队的最高表现建立了强大的基线,甚至超过了拟议的挑战赛中的最先进。
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Timeyou have a little pressure you are cutting the wood readjusting the table saw I am using a roller sure you applied glue Figure 1: We describe an efficient approach to learn visual representations from misaligned and noisy narrations (bottom) automatically extracted from instructional videos (top). Our video representations are learnt from scratch without relying on any manually annotated visual dataset yet outperform all self-supervised and many fully-supervised methods on several video recognition benchmarks.
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Massive data corpora like WebText, Wikipedia, Conceptual Captions, WebImageText, and LAION have propelled recent dramatic progress in AI. Large neural models trained on such datasets produce impressive results and top many of today's benchmarks. A notable omission within this family of large-scale datasets is 3D data. Despite considerable interest and potential applications in 3D vision, datasets of high-fidelity 3D models continue to be mid-sized with limited diversity of object categories. Addressing this gap, we present Objaverse 1.0, a large dataset of objects with 800K+ (and growing) 3D models with descriptive captions, tags, and animations. Objaverse improves upon present day 3D repositories in terms of scale, number of categories, and in the visual diversity of instances within a category. We demonstrate the large potential of Objaverse via four diverse applications: training generative 3D models, improving tail category segmentation on the LVIS benchmark, training open-vocabulary object-navigation models for Embodied AI, and creating a new benchmark for robustness analysis of vision models. Objaverse can open new directions for research and enable new applications across the field of AI.
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In spite of many dataset efforts for human action recognition, current computer vision algorithms are still severely limited in terms of the variability and complexity of the actions that they can recognize. This is in part due to the simplicity of current benchmarks, which mostly focus on simple actions and movements occurring on manually trimmed videos. In this paper we introduce ActivityNet, a new largescale video benchmark for human activity understanding. Our benchmark aims at covering a wide range of complex human activities that are of interest to people in their daily living. In its current version, ActivityNet provides samples from 203 activity classes with an average of 137 untrimmed videos per class and 1.41 activity instances per video, for a total of 849 video hours. We illustrate three scenarios in which ActivityNet can be used to compare algorithms for human activity understanding: untrimmed video classification, trimmed activity classification and activity detection.
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