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Recent work has shown that a variety of semantics emerge in the latent space of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) when being trained to synthesize images. However, it is difficult to use these learned semantics for real image editing. A common practice of feeding a real image to a trained GAN generator is to invert it back to a latent code. However, existing inversion methods typically focus on reconstructing the target image by pixel values yet fail to land the inverted code in the semantic domain of the original latent space. As a result, the reconstructed image cannot well support semantic editing through varying the inverted code. To solve this problem, we propose an in-domain GAN inversion approach, which not only faithfully reconstructs the input image but also ensures the inverted code to be semantically meaningful for editing. We first learn a novel domain-guided encoder to project a given image to the native latent space of GANs. We then propose domain-regularized optimization by involving the encoder as a regularizer to fine-tune the code produced by the encoder and better recover the target image. Extensive experiments suggest that our inversion method achieves satisfying real image reconstruction and more importantly facilitates various image editing tasks, significantly outperforming start-of-the-arts. 1
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提供和渲染室内场景一直是室内设计的一项长期任务,艺术家为空间创建概念设计,建立3D模型的空间,装饰,然后执行渲染。尽管任务很重要,但它很乏味,需要巨大的努力。在本文中,我们引入了一个特定领域的室内场景图像合成的新问题,即神经场景装饰。鉴于一张空的室内空间的照片以及用户确定的布局列表,我们旨在合成具有所需的家具和装饰的相同空间的新图像。神经场景装饰可用于以简单而有效的方式创建概念室内设计。我们解决这个研究问题的尝试是一种新颖的场景生成体系结构,它将空的场景和对象布局转化为现实的场景照片。我们通过将其与有条件图像合成基线进行比较,以定性和定量的方式将其进行比较,证明了我们提出的方法的性能。我们进行广泛的实验,以进一步验证我们生成的场景的合理性和美学。我们的实现可在\ url {https://github.com/hkust-vgd/neural_scene_decoration}获得。
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以前的纵向图像生成方法大致分为两类:2D GAN和3D感知的GAN。 2D GAN可以产生高保真肖像,但具有低视图一致性。 3D感知GaN方法可以维护查看一致性,但它们所生成的图像不是本地可编辑的。为了克服这些限制,我们提出了FENERF,一个可以生成查看一致和本地可编辑的纵向图像的3D感知生成器。我们的方法使用两个解耦潜码,以在具有共享几何体的空间对齐的3D卷中生成相应的面部语义和纹理。从这种底层3D表示中受益,FENERF可以联合渲染边界对齐的图像和语义掩码,并使用语义掩模通过GaN反转编辑3D音量。我们进一步示出了可以从广泛可用的单手套图像和语义面膜对中学习这种3D表示。此外,我们揭示了联合学习语义和纹理有助于产生更精细的几何形状。我们的实验表明FENERF在各种面部编辑任务中优于最先进的方法。
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) typically suffer from overfitting when limited training data is available. To facilitate GAN training, current methods propose to use data-specific augmentation techniques. Despite the effectiveness, it is difficult for these methods to scale to practical applications. In this work, we present ScoreMix, a novel and scalable data augmentation approach for various image synthesis tasks. We first produce augmented samples using the convex combinations of the real samples. Then, we optimize the augmented samples by minimizing the norms of the data scores, i.e., the gradients of the log-density functions. This procedure enforces the augmented samples close to the data manifold. To estimate the scores, we train a deep estimation network with multi-scale score matching. For different image synthesis tasks, we train the score estimation network using different data. We do not require the tuning of the hyperparameters or modifications to the network architecture. The ScoreMix method effectively increases the diversity of data and reduces the overfitting problem. Moreover, it can be easily incorporated into existing GAN models with minor modifications. Experimental results on numerous tasks demonstrate that GAN models equipped with the ScoreMix method achieve significant improvements.
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语义图像编辑利用本地语义标签图来生成所需的内容。最近的工作借用了Spade Block来实现语义图像编辑。但是,由于编辑区域和周围像素之间的样式差异,它无法产生令人愉悦的结果。我们将其归因于以下事实:Spade仅使用与图像无关的局部语义布局,但忽略了已知像素中包含的图像特定样式。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一个样式保存的调制(SPM),其中包括两个调制过程:第一个调制包含上下文样式和语义布局,然后生成两个融合的调制参数。第二次调制采用融合参数来调制特征图。通过使用这两种调制,SPM可以在保留特定图像的上下文样式的同时注入给定的语义布局。此外,我们设计了一种渐进式体系结构,以粗到精细的方式生成编辑的内容。提出的方法可以获得上下文一致的结果,并显着减轻生成区域和已知像素之间的不愉快边界。
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This paper proposes Markovian Generative Adversarial Networks (MGANs), a method for training generative neural networks for efficient texture synthesis. While deep neural network approaches have recently demonstrated remarkable results in terms of synthesis quality, they still come at considerable computational costs (minutes of run-time for low-res images). Our paper addresses this efficiency issue. Instead of a numerical deconvolution in previous work, we precompute a feedforward, strided convolutional network that captures the feature statistics of Markovian patches and is able to directly generate outputs of arbitrary dimensions. Such network can directly decode brown noise to realistic texture, or photos to artistic paintings. With adversarial training, we obtain quality comparable to recent neural texture synthesis methods. As no optimization is required any longer at generation time, our run-time performance (0.25M pixel images at 25Hz) surpasses previous neural texture synthesizers by a significant margin (at least 500 times faster). We apply this idea to texture synthesis, style transfer, and video stylization.
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Learning a good image prior is a long-term goal for image restoration and manipulation. While existing methods like deep image prior (DIP) capture low-level image statistics, there are still gaps toward an image prior that captures rich image semantics including color, spatial coherence, textures, and high-level concepts. This work presents an effective way to exploit the image prior captured by a generative adversarial network (GAN) trained on large-scale natural images. As shown in Fig. 1, the deep generative prior (DGP) provides compelling results to restore missing semantics, e.g., color, patch, resolution, of various degraded images. It also enables diverse image manipulation including random jittering, image morphing, and category transfer. Such highly flexible restoration and manipulation are made possible through relaxing the assumption of existing GAN-inversion methods, which tend to fix the generator. Notably, we allow the generator to be fine-tuned on-the-fly in a progressive manner regularized by feature distance obtained by the discriminator in GAN. We show that these easy-to-implement and practical changes help preserve the reconstruction to remain in the manifold of nature image, and thus lead to more precise and faithful reconstruction for real images. Code is available at https://github.com/XingangPan/deepgenerative-prior.
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我们提出了一种从单个图像中推断360 {\ deg}视野的方法,该图像允许用户控制的综合外部绘制内容。为此,我们建议改进现有的基于GAN的镶嵌体系结构,以进行底漆全景图表。我们的方法获得了最先进的结果,并且优于标准图像质量指标的先前方法。为了允许受控的外部修饰的合成,我们引入了一个新型的指导共调整框架,该框架通过常见的鉴别模型驱动图像生成过程。这样做可以保持生成的全景图的高视觉质量,同时在推断的视野中启用用户控制的语义内容。我们在定性和定量上展示了我们方法的最新方法,从而提供了对我们新颖的编辑功能的彻底分析。最后,我们证明我们的方法受益于在照片中对高光泽对象的影片虚拟插入。
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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与生成对抗网络(GAN)的图像和分割掩模的联合合成有望减少用像素通过像素注释收集图像数据所需的精力。但是,要学习高保真图像掩码合成,现有的GAN方法首先需要一个需要大量图像数据的预训练阶段,这限制了其在受限图像域中的利用。在这项工作中,我们迈出了一步,以减少此限制,从而引入了单次图像掩码合成的任务。我们旨在仅给出一个单个标记的示例,生成各种图像及其分割面具,并假设与以前的模型相反,则无法访问任何预训练数据。为此,我们受到单图像gan的最新体系结构发展的启发,我们介绍了OSMIS模型,该模型可以合成分割掩模,这些掩模与单次镜头中生成的图像完全一致。除了实现产生的口罩的高保真度外,OSMIS在图像合成质量和多样性中的最先进的单图像模型优于最先进的单位图。此外,尽管没有使用任何其他数据,OSMIS还是表现出令人印象深刻的能力,可以作为一击细分应用程序的有用数据增强的来源,提供了与标准数据增强技术相辅相成的性能提高。代码可从https://github.com/ boschresearch/One-shot-synthesis获得
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We present an unsupervised visual feature learning algorithm driven by context-based pixel prediction. By analogy with auto-encoders, we propose Context Encoders -a convolutional neural network trained to generate the contents of an arbitrary image region conditioned on its surroundings. In order to succeed at this task, context encoders need to both understand the content of the entire image, as well as produce a plausible hypothesis for the missing part(s). When training context encoders, we have experimented with both a standard pixel-wise reconstruction loss, as well as a reconstruction plus an adversarial loss. The latter produces much sharper results because it can better handle multiple modes in the output. We found that a context encoder learns a representation that captures not just appearance but also the semantics of visual structures. We quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of our learned features for CNN pre-training on classification, detection, and segmentation tasks. Furthermore, context encoders can be used for semantic inpainting tasks, either stand-alone or as initialization for non-parametric methods.
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