最近的工作表明,变异自动编码器(VAE)与速率失真理论之间有着密切的理论联系。由此激发,我们从生成建模的角度考虑了有损图像压缩的问题。从最初是为数据(图像)分布建模设计的Resnet VAE开始,我们使用量化意识的后验和先验重新设计其潜在变量模型,从而实现易于量化和熵编码的图像压缩。除了改进的神经网络块外,我们还提出了一类强大而有效的有损图像编码器类别,超过了自然图像(有损)压缩的先前方法。我们的模型以粗略的方式压缩图像,并支持并行编码和解码,从而在GPU上快速执行。
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对于许多技术领域的专业用户,例如医学,遥感,精密工程和科学研究,无损和近乎无情的图像压缩至关重要。但是,尽管在基于学习的图像压缩方面的研究兴趣迅速增长,但没有发表的方法提供无损和近乎无情的模式。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一而强大的深层损失加上残留(DLPR)编码框架,以实现无损和近乎无情的图像压缩。在无损模式下,DLPR编码系统首先执行有损压缩,然后执行残差的无损编码。我们在VAE的方法中解决了关节损失和残留压缩问题,并添加残差的自回归上下文模型以增强无损压缩性能。在近乎荒谬的模式下,我们量化了原始残差以满足给定的$ \ ell_ \ infty $错误绑定,并提出了可扩展的近乎无情的压缩方案,该方案适用于可变$ \ ell_ \ infty $ bunds而不是训练多个网络。为了加快DLPR编码,我们通过新颖的编码环境设计提高了算法并行化的程度,并以自适应残留间隔加速熵编码。实验结果表明,DLPR编码系统以竞争性的编码速度实现了最先进的无损和近乎无效的图像压缩性能。
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We describe an end-to-end trainable model for image compression based on variational autoencoders. The model incorporates a hyperprior to effectively capture spatial dependencies in the latent representation. This hyperprior relates to side information, a concept universal to virtually all modern image codecs, but largely unexplored in image compression using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Unlike existing autoencoder compression methods, our model trains a complex prior jointly with the underlying autoencoder. We demonstrate that this model leads to state-of-the-art image compression when measuring visual quality using the popular MS-SSIM index, and yields rate-distortion performance surpassing published ANN-based methods when evaluated using a more traditional metric based on squared error (PSNR). Furthermore, we provide a qualitative comparison of models trained for different distortion metrics.
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Recent models for learned image compression are based on autoencoders, learning approximately invertible mappings from pixels to a quantized latent representation. These are combined with an entropy model, a prior on the latent representation that can be used with standard arithmetic coding algorithms to yield a compressed bitstream. Recently, hierarchical entropy models have been introduced as a way to exploit more structure in the latents than simple fully factorized priors, improving compression performance while maintaining end-to-end optimization. Inspired by the success of autoregressive priors in probabilistic generative models, we examine autoregressive, hierarchical, as well as combined priors as alternatives, weighing their costs and benefits in the context of image compression. While it is well known that autoregressive models come with a significant computational penalty, we find that in terms of compression performance, autoregressive and hierarchical priors are complementary and, together, exploit the probabilistic structure in the latents better than all previous learned models. The combined model yields state-of-the-art rate-distortion performance, providing a 15.8% average reduction in file size over the previous state-of-the-art method based on deep learning, which corresponds to a 59.8% size reduction over JPEG, more than 35% reduction compared to WebP and JPEG2000, and bitstreams 8.4% smaller than BPG, the current state-of-the-art image codec. To the best of our knowledge, our model is the first learning-based method to outperform BPG on both PSNR and MS-SSIM distortion metrics.32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018),
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扩散模型是一类新的生成模型,在依靠固体概率原理的同时,标志着高质量图像生成中的里程碑。这使他们成为神经图像压缩的有前途的候选模型。本文概述了基于有条件扩散模型的端到端优化框架。除了扩散过程固有的潜在变量外,该模型还引入了额外的“ content”潜在变量,以调节降解过程。解码后,扩散过程有条件地生成/重建祖先采样。我们的实验表明,这种方法的表现优于表现最佳的传统图像编解码器之一(BPG)和一个在两个压缩基准上的神经编解码器,我们将重点放在速率感知权衡方面。定性地,我们的方法显示出比经典方法更少的减压工件。
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Normalizing flows, autoregressive models, variational autoencoders (VAEs), and deep energy-based models are among competing likelihood-based frameworks for deep generative learning. Among them, VAEs have the advantage of fast and tractable sampling and easy-to-access encoding networks. However, they are currently outperformed by other models such as normalizing flows and autoregressive models. While the majority of the research in VAEs is focused on the statistical challenges, we explore the orthogonal direction of carefully designing neural architectures for hierarchical VAEs. We propose Nouveau VAE (NVAE), a deep hierarchical VAE built for image generation using depth-wise separable convolutions and batch normalization. NVAE is equipped with a residual parameterization of Normal distributions and its training is stabilized by spectral regularization. We show that NVAE achieves state-of-the-art results among non-autoregressive likelihood-based models on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, CelebA 64, and CelebA HQ datasets and it provides a strong baseline on FFHQ. For example, on CIFAR-10, NVAE pushes the state-of-the-art from 2.98 to 2.91 bits per dimension, and it produces high-quality images on CelebA HQ as shown in Fig. 1. To the best of our knowledge, NVAE is the first successful VAE applied to natural images as large as 256×256 pixels. The source code is available at https://github.com/NVlabs/NVAE.34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020),
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上下文自适应熵模型的应用显着提高了速率 - 渗透率(R-D)的性能,在该表现中,超级培训和自回归模型被共同利用来有效捕获潜在表示的空间冗余。但是,潜在表示仍然包含一些空间相关性。此外,这些基于上下文自适应熵模型的方法在解码过程中无法通过并行计算设备,例如FPGA或GPU。为了减轻这些局限性,我们提出了一个学识渊博的多分辨率图像压缩框架,该框架利用了最近开发的八度卷积,以将潜在表示形式分配到高分辨率(HR)和低分辨率(LR)部分,类似于小波变换,这进一步改善了R-D性能。为了加快解码的速度,我们的方案不使用上下文自适应熵模型。取而代之的是,我们利用一个额外的超层,包括超级编码器和超级解码器,以进一步删除潜在表示的空间冗余。此外,将跨分辨率参数估计(CRPE)引入提出的框架中,以增强信息流并进一步改善速率延伸性能。提出了对总损耗函数提出的其他信息损失,以调整LR部分对最终位流的贡献。实验结果表明,与最先进的学术图像压缩方法相比,我们的方法分别将解码时间减少了约73.35%和93.44%,R-D性能仍然优于H.266/VVC(4:4::4:: 2:0)以及对PSNR和MS-SSIM指标的一些基于学习的方法。
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Image compression is a fundamental research field and many well-known compression standards have been developed for many decades. Recently, learned compression methods exhibit a fast development trend with promising results. However, there is still a performance gap between learned compression algorithms and reigning compression standards, especially in terms of widely used PSNR metric. In this paper, we explore the remaining redundancy of recent learned compression algorithms. We have found accurate entropy models for rate estimation largely affect the optimization of network parameters and thus affect the rate-distortion performance. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to use discretized Gaussian Mixture Likelihoods to parameterize the distributions of latent codes, which can achieve a more accurate and flexible entropy model. Besides, we take advantage of recent attention modules and incorporate them into network architecture to enhance the performance. Experimental results demonstrate our proposed method achieves a state-of-the-art performance compared to existing learned compression methods on both Kodak and high-resolution datasets. To our knowledge our approach is the first work to achieve comparable performance with latest compression standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC) regarding PSNR. More importantly, our approach generates more visually pleasant results when optimized by MS-SSIM. The project page is at https://github.com/ZhengxueCheng/ Learned-Image-Compression-with-GMM-and-Attention.
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基于学习的方法有效地促进了图像压缩社区。同时,基于变异的自动编码器(VAE)的可变速率方法最近引起了很多关注,以避免使用一组不同的网络来用于各种压缩率。尽管已经取得了显着的性能,但一旦执行了多个压缩/减压操作,这些方法将很容易损坏,从而导致图像质量将被大幅下降并且会出现强大的伪像。因此,我们试图解决高保真的细度可变速率图像压缩的问题,并提出可逆激活变换(IAT)模块。我们以单个速率可逆神经网络(INN)模型(Qlevel)以数学可逆的方式实施IAT,并将质量级别(QLevel)送入IAT,以产生缩放和偏置张量。 IAT和QLEVEL一起为图像压缩模型提供了罚款可变速率控制的能力,同时更好地保持图像保真度。广泛的实验表明,配备了我们IAT模块的单率图像压缩模型具有实现可变速率控制而无需任何妥协的能力。并且我们的IAT包裹模型通过最新的基于学习的图像压缩方法获得了可比的利率延伸性能。此外,我们的方法的表现优于最新的可变速率图像压缩方法,尤其是在多次重新编码之后。
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速率 - 失真(R-D)函数,信息理论中的关键数量,其特征在于,通过任何压缩算法,通过任何压缩算法将数据源可以压缩到保真标准的基本限制。随着研究人员推动了不断提高的压缩性能,建立给定数据源的R-D功能不仅具有科学的兴趣,而且还在可能的空间上揭示了改善压缩算法的可能性。以前的解决此问题依赖于数据源上的分布假设(Gibson,2017)或仅应用于离散数据。相比之下,本文使得第一次尝试播放常规(不一定是离散的)源仅需要i.i.d的算法的算法。数据样本。我们估计高斯和高尺寸香蕉形源的R-D三明治界,以及GaN生成的图像。我们在自然图像上的R-D上限表示在各种比特率的PSNR中提高最先进的图像压缩方法的性能的空间。
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Recent neural compression methods have been based on the popular hyperprior framework. It relies on Scalar Quantization and offers a very strong compression performance. This contrasts from recent advances in image generation and representation learning, where Vector Quantization is more commonly employed. In this work, we attempt to bring these lines of research closer by revisiting vector quantization for image compression. We build upon the VQ-VAE framework and introduce several modifications. First, we replace the vanilla vector quantizer by a product quantizer. This intermediate solution between vector and scalar quantization allows for a much wider set of rate-distortion points: It implicitly defines high-quality quantizers that would otherwise require intractably large codebooks. Second, inspired by the success of Masked Image Modeling (MIM) in the context of self-supervised learning and generative image models, we propose a novel conditional entropy model which improves entropy coding by modelling the co-dependencies of the quantized latent codes. The resulting PQ-MIM model is surprisingly effective: its compression performance on par with recent hyperprior methods. It also outperforms HiFiC in terms of FID and KID metrics when optimized with perceptual losses (e.g. adversarial). Finally, since PQ-MIM is compatible with image generation frameworks, we show qualitatively that it can operate under a hybrid mode between compression and generation, with no further training or finetuning. As a result, we explore the extreme compression regime where an image is compressed into 200 bytes, i.e., less than a tweet.
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最近的工作表明,学习的图像压缩策略可以倾销标准的手工制作压缩算法,这些压缩算法已经开发了几十年的速率 - 失真折衷的研究。随着计算机视觉的不断增长的应用,来自可压缩表示的高质量图像重建通常是次要目标。压缩,可确保计算机视觉任务等高精度,例如图像分割,分类和检测,因此具有跨各种设置的显着影响的可能性。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个框架,它产生适合人类感知和机器感知的压缩格式。我们表明可以了解到表示,同时优化核心视觉任务的压缩和性能。我们的方法允许直接从压缩表示培训模型,并且这种方法会产生新任务和低拍学习设置的性能。我们呈现出与标准高质量JPG相比细分和检测性能提高的结果,但是在每像素的比特方面,表示表示的表示性比率为4至10倍。此外,与天真的压缩方法不同,在比标准JEPG的十倍小的级别,我们格式培训的分段和检测模型仅在性能下遭受轻微的降级。
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Image super-resolution is a one-to-many problem, but most deep-learning based methods only provide one single solution to this problem. In this work, we tackle the problem of diverse super-resolution by reusing VD-VAE, a state-of-the art variational autoencoder (VAE). We find that the hierarchical latent representation learned by VD-VAE naturally separates the image low-frequency information, encoded in the latent groups at the top of the hierarchy, from the image high-frequency details, determined by the latent groups at the bottom of the latent hierarchy. Starting from this observation, we design a super-resolution model exploiting the specific structure of VD-VAE latent space. Specifically, we train an encoder to encode low-resolution images in the subset of VD-VAE latent space encoding the low-frequency information, and we combine this encoder with VD-VAE generative model to sample diverse super-resolved version of a low-resolution input. We demonstrate the ability of our method to generate diverse solutions to the super-resolution problem on face super-resolution with upsampling factors x4, x8, and x16.
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