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Finding and localizing the conceptual changes in two scenes in terms of the presence or removal of objects in two images belonging to the same scene at different times in special care applications is of great significance. This is mainly due to the fact that addition or removal of important objects for some environments can be harmful. As a result, there is a need to design a program that locates these differences using machine vision. The most important challenge of this problem is the change in lighting conditions and the presence of shadows in the scene. Therefore, the proposed methods must be resistant to these challenges. In this article, a method based on deep convolutional neural networks using transfer learning is introduced, which is trained with an intelligent data synthesis process. The results of this method are tested and presented on the dataset provided for this purpose. It is shown that the presented method is more efficient than other methods and can be used in a variety of real industrial environments.
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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提供和渲染室内场景一直是室内设计的一项长期任务,艺术家为空间创建概念设计,建立3D模型的空间,装饰,然后执行渲染。尽管任务很重要,但它很乏味,需要巨大的努力。在本文中,我们引入了一个特定领域的室内场景图像合成的新问题,即神经场景装饰。鉴于一张空的室内空间的照片以及用户确定的布局列表,我们旨在合成具有所需的家具和装饰的相同空间的新图像。神经场景装饰可用于以简单而有效的方式创建概念室内设计。我们解决这个研究问题的尝试是一种新颖的场景生成体系结构,它将空的场景和对象布局转化为现实的场景照片。我们通过将其与有条件图像合成基线进行比较,以定性和定量的方式将其进行比较,证明了我们提出的方法的性能。我们进行广泛的实验,以进一步验证我们生成的场景的合理性和美学。我们的实现可在\ url {https://github.com/hkust-vgd/neural_scene_decoration}获得。
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海洋生态系统及其鱼类栖息地越来越重要,因为它们在提供有价值的食物来源和保护效果方面的重要作用。由于它们的偏僻且难以接近自然,因此通常使用水下摄像头对海洋环境和鱼类栖息地进行监测。这些相机产生了大量数字数据,这些数据无法通过当前的手动处理方法有效地分析,这些方法涉及人类观察者。 DL是一种尖端的AI技术,在分析视觉数据时表现出了前所未有的性能。尽管它应用于无数领域,但仍在探索其在水下鱼类栖息地监测中的使用。在本文中,我们提供了一个涵盖DL的关键概念的教程,该教程可帮助读者了解对DL的工作原理的高级理解。该教程还解释了一个逐步的程序,讲述了如何为诸如水下鱼类监测等挑战性应用开发DL算法。此外,我们还提供了针对鱼类栖息地监测的关键深度学习技术的全面调查,包括分类,计数,定位和细分。此外,我们对水下鱼类数据集进行了公开调查,并比较水下鱼类监测域中的各种DL技术。我们还讨论了鱼类栖息地加工深度学习的新兴领域的一些挑战和机遇。本文是为了作为希望掌握对DL的高级了解,通过遵循我们的分步教程而为其应用开发的海洋科学家的教程,并了解如何发展其研究,以促进他们的研究。努力。同时,它适用于希望调查基于DL的最先进方法的计算机科学家,以进行鱼类栖息地监测。
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建筑变更检测是许多重要应用,特别是在军事和危机管理领域。最近用于变化检测的方法已转向深度学习,这取决于其培训数据的质量。因此,大型注释卫星图像数据集的组装对于全球建筑更改监视是必不可少的。现有数据集几乎完全提供近Nadir观看角度。这限制了可以检测到的更改范围。通过提供更大的观察范围,光学卫星的滚动成像模式提出了克服这种限制的机会。因此,本文介绍了S2Looking,一个建筑变革检测数据集,其中包含以各种偏离Nadir角度捕获的大规模侧视卫星图像。 DataSet由5000个批次图像对组成的农村地区,并在全球范围内超过65,920个辅助的变化实例。数据集可用于培训基于深度学习的变更检测算法。它通过提供(1)更大的观察角来扩展现有数据集; (2)大照明差异; (3)额外的农村形象复杂性。为了便于{该数据集的使用,已经建立了基准任务,并且初步测试表明,深度学习算法发现数据集明显比最接近的近Nadir DataSet,Levir-CD +更具挑战性。因此,S2Looking可能会促进现有的建筑变革检测算法的重要进步。 DataSet可在https://github.com/s2looking/使用。
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For the diagnosis of Chinese medicine, tongue segmentation has reached a fairly mature point, but it has little application in the eye diagnosis of Chinese medicine.First, this time we propose Res-UNet based on the architecture of the U2Net network, and use the Data Enhancement Toolkit based on small datasets, Finally, the feature blocks after noise reduction are fused with the high-level features.Finally, the number of network parameters and inference time are used as evaluation indicators to evaluate the model. At the same time, different eye data segmentation frames were compared using Miou, Precision, Recall, F1-Score and FLOPS. To convince people, we cite the UBIVIS. V1 public dataset this time, in which Miou reaches 97.8%, S-measure reaches 97.7%, F1-Score reaches 99.09% and for 320*320 RGB input images, the total parameter volume is 167.83 MB,Due to the excessive number of parameters, we experimented with a small-scale U2Net combined with a Res module with a parameter volume of 4.63 MB, which is similar to U2Net in related indicators, which verifies the effectiveness of our structure.which achieves the best segmentation effect in all the comparison networks and lays a foundation for the application of subsequent visual apparatus recognition symptoms.
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For satellite images, the presence of clouds presents a problem as clouds obscure more than half to two-thirds of the ground information. This problem causes many issues for reliability in a noise-free environment to communicate data and other applications that need seamless monitoring. Removing the clouds from the images while keeping the background pixels intact can help address the mentioned issues. Recently, deep learning methods have become popular for researching cloud removal by demonstrating promising results, among which Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have shown considerably better performance. In this project, we aim to address cloud removal from satellite images using AttentionGAN and then compare our results by reproducing the results obtained using traditional GANs and auto-encoders. We use RICE dataset. The outcome of this project can be used to develop applications that require cloud-free satellite images. Moreover, our results could be helpful for making further research improvements.
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Monocular depth estimation can play an important role in addressing the issue of deriving scene geometry from 2D images. It has been used in a variety of industries, including robots, self-driving cars, scene comprehension, 3D reconstructions, and others. The goal of our method is to create a lightweight machine-learning model in order to predict the depth value of each pixel given only a single RGB image as input with the Unet structure of the image segmentation network. We use the NYU Depth V2 dataset to test the structure and compare the result with other methods. The proposed method achieves relatively high accuracy and low rootmean-square error.
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We propose "factor matting", an alternative formulation of the video matting problem in terms of counterfactual video synthesis that is better suited for re-composition tasks. The goal of factor matting is to separate the contents of video into independent components, each visualizing a counterfactual version of the scene where contents of other components have been removed. We show that factor matting maps well to a more general Bayesian framing of the matting problem that accounts for complex conditional interactions between layers. Based on this observation, we present a method for solving the factor matting problem that produces useful decompositions even for video with complex cross-layer interactions like splashes, shadows, and reflections. Our method is trained per-video and requires neither pre-training on external large datasets, nor knowledge about the 3D structure of the scene. We conduct extensive experiments, and show that our method not only can disentangle scenes with complex interactions, but also outperforms top methods on existing tasks such as classical video matting and background subtraction. In addition, we demonstrate the benefits of our approach on a range of downstream tasks. Please refer to our project webpage for more details: https://factormatte.github.io
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我们向传感器独立性(Sensei)介绍了一种新型神经网络架构 - 光谱编码器 - 通过该传感器独立性(Sensei) - 通过其中具有不同组合的光谱频带组合的多个多光谱仪器可用于训练广义深度学习模型。我们专注于云屏蔽的问题,使用几个预先存在的数据集,以及Sentinel-2的新的自由可用数据集。我们的模型显示在卫星上实现最先进的性能,它受过训练(Sentinel-2和Landsat 8),并且能够推断到传感器,它在训练期间尚未见过Landsat 7,每\ 'USAT-1,和Sentinel-3 SLST。当多种卫星用于培训,接近或超越专用单传感器型号的性能时,模型性能显示出改善。这项工作是激励遥感社区可以使用巨大各种传感器采取的数据的动机。这不可避免地导致标记用于不同传感器的努力,这限制了深度学习模型的性能,因为他们需要最佳地执行巨大的训练。传感器独立性可以使深度学习模型能够同时使用多个数据集进行培训,提高性能并使它们更广泛适用。这可能导致深入学习方法,用于在板载应用程序和地面分段数据处理中更频繁地使用,这通常需要模型在推出时或之后即将开始。
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With the development of convolutional neural networks, hundreds of deep learning based dehazing methods have been proposed. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised single image dehazing. We first discuss the physical model, datasets, network modules, loss functions, and evaluation metrics that are commonly used. Then, the main contributions of various dehazing algorithms are categorized and summarized. Further, quantitative and qualitative experiments of various baseline methods are carried out. Finally, the unsolved issues and challenges that can inspire the future research are pointed out. A collection of useful dehazing materials is available at \url{https://github.com/Xiaofeng-life/AwesomeDehazing}.
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语义图像分割是手术中的背景知识和自治机器人的重要前提。本领域的状态专注于在微创手术期间获得的传统RGB视频数据,但基于光谱成像数据的全景语义分割并在开放手术期间获得几乎没有注意到日期。为了解决文献中的这种差距,我们正在研究基于在开放手术环境中获得的猪的高光谱成像(HSI)数据的以下研究问题:(1)基于神经网络的HSI数据的充分表示是完全自动化的器官分割,尤其是关于数据的空间粒度(像素与Superpixels与Patches与完整图像)的空间粒度? (2)在执行语义器官分割时,是否有利用HSI数据使用HSI数据,即RGB数据和处理的HSI数据(例如氧合等组织参数)?根据基于20猪的506个HSI图像的全面验证研究,共注释了19个类,基于深度的学习的分割性能 - 贯穿模态 - 与输入数据的空间上下文一致。未处理的HSI数据提供优于RGB数据或来自摄像机提供商的处理数据,其中优势随着输入到神经网络的输入的尺寸而增加。最大性能(应用于整个图像的HSI)产生了0.89(标准偏差(SD)0.04)的平均骰子相似度系数(DSC),其在帧间间变异性(DSC为0.89(SD 0.07)的范围内。我们得出结论,HSI可以成为全自动手术场景理解的强大的图像模型,其具有传统成像的许多优点,包括恢复额外功能组织信息的能力。
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