我们周围的视觉世界可以被描述为结构化的对象和相关关系。只有在底层对象的描述及其相关关系的描述中,可以将房间的图像召唤。虽然在设计可能将各个物体组成的深度神经网络上进行了重大工作,但在构图对象之间的各个关系方面取得了更少的工作。主要困难是,虽然对象的放置是相互独立的,但它们的关系彼此纠缠并依赖。为了规避这个问题,现有的作品主要通过利用文本或图形的形式来通过利用整体编码器来构成关系。在这项工作中,我们建议将每个关系作为非正规化密度(基于能量的模型)表示,使我们能够以分解方式构成单独的关系。我们表明这种分解分解允许模型生成和编辑具有多组关系的场景更忠实地。我们进一步表明,分解使我们的模型能够有效地理解底层关系场景结构。项目页面:https://comushvisual relations.github.io/。
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Large-scale models combining text and images have made incredible progress in recent years. However, they can still fail at tasks requiring compositional knowledge, such as correctly picking out a red cube from a picture of multiple shapes. We examine the ability of CLIP (Radford et al., 2021), to caption images requiring compositional knowledge. We implement five compositional language models to probe the kinds of structure that CLIP may be using, and develop a novel training algorithm, Compositional Skipgram for Images (CoSI), to train these models. We look at performance in attribute-based tasks, requiring the identification of a particular combination of attribute and object (such as "red cube"), and in relational settings, where the spatial relation between two shapes (such as "cube behind sphere") must be identified. We find that in some conditions, CLIP is able to learn attribute-object labellings, and to generalize to unseen attribute-object combinations. However, we also see evidence that CLIP is not able to bind features together reliably. Moreover, CLIP is not able to reliably learn relations between objects, whereas some compositional models are able to learn these perfectly. Of the five models we developed, none were able to generalize to unseen relations.
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人类具有以零拍的方式识别和获取新颖的视觉概念的非凡能力。考虑到以前学到的视觉概念及其关系的高级,象征性的描述,人类可以识别新颖的概念而不看到任何例子。此外,他们可以通过学习视觉概念和关系来解析和传达符号结构来获取新概念。赋予机器中的这些功能在提高推理时提高其概括能力方面至关重要。在这项工作中,我们介绍了零拍的概念识别和获取(ZEROC),这是一种神经符号结构,可以以零拍的方式识别和获取新颖的概念。 ZEROC代表概念作为组成概念模型的图(作为节点)及其关系(作为边缘)。为了允许推理时间组成,我们采用基于能量的模型(EBM)来建模概念和关系。我们设计ZEROC架构,以便它允许在概念的符号图结构及其相应的EBM之间进行一对一的映射,该图是第一次允许获取新概念,传达其图形结构并将其应用于分类和分类和在推理时检测任务(甚至跨域)。我们介绍了用于学习和推断ZEROC的算法。我们在一个充满挑战的网格世界数据集上评估了零,该数据集旨在探测零拍的概念识别和获取,并展示其功能。
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近年来,文本引导的图像操纵在多媒体和计算机视觉社区中获得了越来越多的关注。条件图像生成的输入已从图像 - 仅推向多模。在本文中,我们研究一个设置,允许用户使用复杂的文本指令编辑具有多个对象的图像以添加,删除或更改对象。任务的输入是多模式,包括(1)参考图像和(2)自然语言的指令,其描述对图像的期望修改。我们提出了一种基于GaN的方法来解决这个问题。关键的想法是将文本视为神经运算符,以在本地修改图像功能。我们表明,拟议的模型对三个公共数据集的最近强大的基线进行了有利的。具体地,它产生更高保真度和语义相关性的图像,并且当用作图像查询时,导致更好的检索性能。
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Synthesizing high-quality images from text descriptions is a challenging problem in computer vision and has many practical applications. Samples generated by existing textto-image approaches can roughly reflect the meaning of the given descriptions, but they fail to contain necessary details and vivid object parts. In this paper, we propose Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (StackGAN) to generate 256×256 photo-realistic images conditioned on text descriptions. We decompose the hard problem into more manageable sub-problems through a sketch-refinement process. The Stage-I GAN sketches the primitive shape and colors of the object based on the given text description, yielding Stage-I low-resolution images. The Stage-II GAN takes Stage-I results and text descriptions as inputs, and generates high-resolution images with photo-realistic details. It is able to rectify defects in Stage-I results and add compelling details with the refinement process. To improve the diversity of the synthesized images and stabilize the training of the conditional-GAN, we introduce a novel Conditioning Augmentation technique that encourages smoothness in the latent conditioning manifold. Extensive experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-arts on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements on generating photo-realistic images conditioned on text descriptions.
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We tackle the problem of target-free text-guided image manipulation, which requires one to modify the input reference image based on the given text instruction, while no ground truth target image is observed during training. To address this challenging task, we propose a Cyclic-Manipulation GAN (cManiGAN) in this paper, which is able to realize where and how to edit the image regions of interest. Specifically, the image editor in cManiGAN learns to identify and complete the input image, while cross-modal interpreter and reasoner are deployed to verify the semantic correctness of the output image based on the input instruction. While the former utilizes factual/counterfactual description learning for authenticating the image semantics, the latter predicts the "undo" instruction and provides pixel-level supervision for the training of cManiGAN. With such operational cycle-consistency, our cManiGAN can be trained in the above weakly supervised setting. We conduct extensive experiments on the datasets of CLEVR and COCO, and the effectiveness and generalizability of our proposed method can be successfully verified. Project page: https://sites.google.com/view/wancyuanfan/projects/cmanigan.
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'Actions' play a vital role in how humans interact with the world. Thus, autonomous agents that would assist us in everyday tasks also require the capability to perform 'Reasoning about Actions & Change' (RAC). This has been an important research direction in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general, but the study of RAC with visual and linguistic inputs is relatively recent. The CLEVR_HYP (Sampat et. al., 2021) is one such testbed for hypothetical vision-language reasoning with actions as the key focus. In this work, we propose a novel learning strategy that can improve reasoning about the effects of actions. We implement an encoder-decoder architecture to learn the representation of actions as vectors. We combine the aforementioned encoder-decoder architecture with existing modality parsers and a scene graph question answering model to evaluate our proposed system on the CLEVR_HYP dataset. We conduct thorough experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach and discuss its advantages over previous baselines in terms of performance, data efficiency, and generalization capability.
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In this work, we are dedicated to text-guided image generation and propose a novel framework, i.e., CLIP2GAN, by leveraging CLIP model and StyleGAN. The key idea of our CLIP2GAN is to bridge the output feature embedding space of CLIP and the input latent space of StyleGAN, which is realized by introducing a mapping network. In the training stage, we encode an image with CLIP and map the output feature to a latent code, which is further used to reconstruct the image. In this way, the mapping network is optimized in a self-supervised learning way. In the inference stage, since CLIP can embed both image and text into a shared feature embedding space, we replace CLIP image encoder in the training architecture with CLIP text encoder, while keeping the following mapping network as well as StyleGAN model. As a result, we can flexibly input a text description to generate an image. Moreover, by simply adding mapped text features of an attribute to a mapped CLIP image feature, we can effectively edit the attribute to the image. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed CLIP2GAN compared to previous methods.
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我们介绍了自回归文本到图像(Parti)模型的途径,该模型生成高保真的影像图像并支持涉及复杂组成和世界知识的内容丰富的合成。 Parti将文本对图像生成视为类似于机器翻译的序列到序列建模问题,图像令牌的序列是目标输出,而不是其他语言的文本令牌。这种策略自然可以利用大型语言模型的先前工作,通过扩展数据和模型尺寸,能力和性能的持续进展。我们的方法很简单:首先,Parti使用基于变压器的图像令牌VIT-VQGAN将图像编码为离散令牌的序列。其次,我们通过将编码器二次变压器模型缩放到20B参数来实现一致的质量改进,其新的最新零弹药FID得分为7.23,而MS-Coco的FIDED得分为3.22。我们对本地化叙述以及党的详细分析(P2),这是1600多个英语提示的新的整体基准,证明了Parti在各种类别和难度方面的有效性。我们还探索并突出了我们的模型的局限性,以定义和体现关注重点领域以进一步改进。有关高分辨率图像,请参见https://parti.research.google/。
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由于没有大型配对的文本形状数据,这两种方式之间的大量语义差距以及3D形状的结构复杂性,因此文本指导的3D形状生成仍然具有挑战性。本文通过引入2D图像作为垫脚石来连接两种方式并消除对配对的文本形状数据的需求,提出了一个名为“图像”的新框架,称为“垫脚石”(ISS)。我们的关键贡献是一种两阶段的功能空间对准方法,它通过利用具有多视图Supperions的预训练的单视重构造(SVR)模型来映射剪辑功能以形成形状:首先将剪辑图像剪辑剪辑功能到详细信息 - SVR模型中的丰富形状空间,然后将剪辑文本功能映射到形状空间,并通过鼓励输入文本和渲染图像之间的剪辑一致性来优化映射。此外,我们制定了一个文本制定的形状样式化模块,以用新颖的纹理打扮出输出形状。除了从文本上生成3D Shape生成的现有作品外,我们的新方法是在不需要配对的文本形状数据的情况下创建形状的一般性。实验结果表明,我们的方法在忠诚度和与文本一致性方面优于最先进的和我们的基线。此外,我们的方法可以通过逼真的和幻想结构和纹理对生成的形状进行样式化。
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Text-guided 3D object generation aims to generate 3D objects described by user-defined captions, which paves a flexible way to visualize what we imagined. Although some works have been devoted to solving this challenging task, these works either utilize some explicit 3D representations (e.g., mesh), which lack texture and require post-processing for rendering photo-realistic views; or require individual time-consuming optimization for every single case. Here, we make the first attempt to achieve generic text-guided cross-category 3D object generation via a new 3D-TOGO model, which integrates a text-to-views generation module and a views-to-3D generation module. The text-to-views generation module is designed to generate different views of the target 3D object given an input caption. prior-guidance, caption-guidance and view contrastive learning are proposed for achieving better view-consistency and caption similarity. Meanwhile, a pixelNeRF model is adopted for the views-to-3D generation module to obtain the implicit 3D neural representation from the previously-generated views. Our 3D-TOGO model generates 3D objects in the form of the neural radiance field with good texture and requires no time-cost optimization for every single caption. Besides, 3D-TOGO can control the category, color and shape of generated 3D objects with the input caption. Extensive experiments on the largest 3D object dataset (i.e., ABO) are conducted to verify that 3D-TOGO can better generate high-quality 3D objects according to the input captions across 98 different categories, in terms of PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS and CLIP-score, compared with text-NeRF and Dreamfields.
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作为一项具有挑战性的任务,文本到图像生成旨在根据给定的文本说明生成照片真实和语义一致的图像。现有方法主要从一个句子中提取文本信息,以表示图像,文本表示良好地影响生成图像的质量。但是,直接利用一个句子中的有限信息错过了一些关键属性描述,这是准确描述图像的关键因素。为了减轻上述问题,我们提出了一种有效的文本表示方法,并具有属性信息的补充。首先,我们构建一个属性内存,以用句子输入共同控制文本对图像生成。其次,我们探讨了两种更新机制,即样品感知和样本 - 关节机制,以动态优化广义属性存储器。此外,我们设计了一个属性句子结合条件生成器学习方案,以使多个表示的特征嵌入对齐,从而促进跨模式网络训练。实验结果表明,该提出的方法对CUB(FID从14.81到8.57)和可可(FID从21.42到12.39)的数据集获得了实质性改进。
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我们提出了快速的文本2stylegan,这是一种自然语言界面,可适应预先训练的甘体,以实现文本引导的人脸合成。利用对比性语言图像预训练(剪辑)的最新进展,在培训过程中不需要文本数据。Fast Text2Stylegan被配制为条件变异自动编码器(CVAE),可在测试时为生成的图像提供额外的控制和多样性。我们的模型在遇到新的文本提示时不需要重新训练或微调剂或剪辑。与先前的工作相反,我们不依赖于测试时间的优化,这使我们的方法数量级比先前的工作快。从经验上讲,在FFHQ数据集上,我们的方法提供了与先前的工作相比,自然语言描述中具有不同详细程度的自然语言描述中的图像。
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Automatic synthesis of realistic images from text would be interesting and useful, but current AI systems are still far from this goal. However, in recent years generic and powerful recurrent neural network architectures have been developed to learn discriminative text feature representations. Meanwhile, deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (GANs) have begun to generate highly compelling images of specific categories, such as faces, album covers, and room interiors. In this work, we develop a novel deep architecture and GAN formulation to effectively bridge these advances in text and image modeling, translating visual concepts from characters to pixels. We demonstrate the capability of our model to generate plausible images of birds and flowers from detailed text descriptions.
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