The objective of this paper is to learn dense 3D shape correspondence for topology-varying generic objects in an unsupervised manner. Conventional implicit functions estimate the occupancy of a 3D point given a shape latent code. Instead, our novel implicit function produces a probabilistic embedding to represent each 3D point in a part embedding space. Assuming the corresponding points are similar in the embedding space, we implement dense correspondence through an inverse function mapping from the part embedding vector to a corresponded 3D point. Both functions are jointly learned with several effective and uncertainty-aware loss functions to realize our assumption, together with the encoder generating the shape latent code. During inference, if a user selects an arbitrary point on the source shape, our algorithm can automatically generate a confidence score indicating whether there is a correspondence on the target shape, as well as the corresponding semantic point if there is one. Such a mechanism inherently benefits man-made objects with different part constitutions. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated through unsupervised 3D semantic correspondence and shape segmentation.
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The neural radiance field (NeRF) has shown promising results in preserving the fine details of objects and scenes. However, unlike mesh-based representations, it remains an open problem to build dense correspondences across different NeRFs of the same category, which is essential in many downstream tasks. The main difficulties of this problem lie in the implicit nature of NeRF and the lack of ground-truth correspondence annotations. In this paper, we show it is possible to bypass these challenges by leveraging the rich semantics and structural priors encapsulated in a pre-trained NeRF-based GAN. Specifically, we exploit such priors from three aspects, namely 1) a dual deformation field that takes latent codes as global structural indicators, 2) a learning objective that regards generator features as geometric-aware local descriptors, and 3) a source of infinite object-specific NeRF samples. Our experiments demonstrate that such priors lead to 3D dense correspondence that is accurate, smooth, and robust. We also show that established dense correspondence across NeRFs can effectively enable many NeRF-based downstream applications such as texture transfer.
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Figure 1: DeepSDF represents signed distance functions (SDFs) of shapes via latent code-conditioned feed-forward decoder networks. Above images are raycast renderings of DeepSDF interpolating between two shapes in the learned shape latent space. Best viewed digitally.
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Figure 1. This paper introduces Local Deep Implicit Functions, a 3D shape representation that decomposes an input shape (mesh on left in every triplet) into a structured set of shape elements (colored ellipses on right) whose contributions to an implicit surface reconstruction (middle) are represented by latent vectors decoded by a deep network. Project video and website at
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本文介绍了一个名为DTNET的新颖框架,用于3D网格重建和通过Distangled Tostology生成。除了以前的工作之外,我们还学习一个特定于每个输入的拓扑感知的神经模板,然后将模板变形以重建详细的网格,同时保留学习的拓扑。一个关键的见解是将复杂的网格重建分解为两个子任务:拓扑配方和形状变形。多亏了脱钩,DT-NET隐含地学习了潜在空间中拓扑和形状的分离表示。因此,它可以启用新型的脱离控件,以支持各种形状生成应用,例如,将3D对象的拓扑混合到以前的重建作品无法实现的3D对象的拓扑结构。广泛的实验结果表明,与最先进的方法相比,我们的方法能够产生高质量的网格,尤其是具有不同拓扑结构。
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在两个非辅助变形形状之间建立对应关系是视觉计算中最根本的问题之一。当对现实世界中的挑战(例如噪声,异常值,自我结合等)挑战时,现有方法通常会显示出弱的弹性。另一方面,自动描述器在学习几何学上有意义的潜在嵌入方面表现出强大的表现力。但是,它们在\ emph {形状分析}中的使用受到限制。在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于自动码头框架的方法,该方法在固定模板上学习了一个连续形状的变形字段。通过监督点在表面上的变形场,并通过小说\ emph {签名距离正则化}(SDR)正规化点偏面的正规化,我们学习了模板和Shape \ Emph {卷}之间的对齐。经过干净的水密网眼培训,\ emph {没有}任何数据启发,我们证明了在受损的数据和现实世界扫描上表现出令人信服的性能。
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铰接式3D形状重建的事先工作通常依赖于专用传感器(例如,同步的多摄像机系统)或预先构建的3D可变形模型(例如,Smal或SMPL)。这些方法无法在野外扩展到不同的各种物体。我们呈现Banmo,这是一种需要专用传感器的方法,也不需要预定义的模板形状。 Banmo在可怜的渲染框架中从许多单眼休闲视频中建立高保真,铰接式的3D模型(包括形状和动画皮肤的重量)。虽然许多视频的使用提供了更多的相机视图和对象关节的覆盖范围,但它们在建立不同背景,照明条件等方面建立了重大挑战。我们的主要洞察力是合并三所思想学校; (1)使用铰接骨骼和混合皮肤的经典可变形形状模型,(2)可容纳基于梯度的优化,(3)在像素之间产生对应关系的规范嵌入物模型。我们介绍了神经混合皮肤模型,可允许可微分和可逆的铰接变形。与规范嵌入式结合时,这些模型允许我们在跨越可通过循环一致性自我监督的视频中建立密集的对应。在真实和合成的数据集上,Banmo显示比人类和动物的先前工作更高保真3D重建,具有从新颖的观点和姿势的现实图像。项目网页。
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Figure 1. Shapes from the ShapeNet [8] database, fit to a structured implicit template, and arranged by template parameters using t-SNE [52]. Similar shape classes, such as airplanes, cars, and chairs, naturally cluster by template parameters. 1
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Generation of 3D data by deep neural network has been attracting increasing attention in the research community. The majority of extant works resort to regular representations such as volumetric grids or collection of images; however, these representations obscure the natural invariance of 3D shapes under geometric transformations, and also suffer from a number of other issues. In this paper we address the problem of 3D reconstruction from a single image, generating a straight-forward form of output -point cloud coordinates. Along with this problem arises a unique and interesting issue, that the groundtruth shape for an input image may be ambiguous. Driven by this unorthodox output form and the inherent ambiguity in groundtruth, we design architecture, loss function and learning paradigm that are novel and effective. Our final solution is a conditional shape sampler, capable of predicting multiple plausible 3D point clouds from an input image. In experiments not only can our system outperform state-ofthe-art methods on single image based 3d reconstruction benchmarks; but it also shows strong performance for 3d shape completion and promising ability in making multiple plausible predictions.
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我们的方法从单个RGB-D观察中研究了以对象为中心的3D理解的复杂任务。由于这是一个不适的问题,因此现有的方法在3D形状和6D姿势和尺寸估计中都遭受了遮挡的复杂多对象方案的尺寸估计。我们提出了Shapo,这是一种联合多对象检测的方法,3D纹理重建,6D对象姿势和尺寸估计。 Shapo的关键是一条单杆管道,可回归形状,外观和构成潜在的代码以及每个对象实例的口罩,然后以稀疏到密集的方式进一步完善。首先学到了一种新颖的剖面形状和前景数据库,以将对象嵌入各自的形状和外观空间中。我们还提出了一个基于OCTREE的新颖的可区分优化步骤,使我们能够以分析的方式进一步改善对象形状,姿势和外观。我们新颖的联合隐式纹理对象表示使我们能够准确地识别和重建新颖的看不见的对象,而无需访问其3D网格。通过广泛的实验,我们表明我们的方法在模拟的室内场景上进行了训练,可以准确地回归现实世界中新颖物体的形状,外观和姿势,并以最小的微调。我们的方法显着超过了NOCS数据集上的所有基准,对于6D姿势估计,MAP的绝对改进为8%。项目页面:
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最近对隐含形状表示的兴趣日益增长。与明确的陈述相反,他们没有解决局限性,他们很容易处理各种各样的表面拓扑。为了了解这些隐式表示,电流方法依赖于一定程度的形状监督(例如,内部/外部信息或距离形状知识),或者至少需要密集点云(以近似距离 - 到 - 到 - 形状)。相比之下,我们介绍{\方法},一种用于学习形状表示的自我监督方法,从可能极其稀疏的点云。就像在水牛的针问题一样,我们在点云上“掉落”(样本)针头,认为,静统计地靠近表面,针端点位于表面的相对侧。不需要形状知识,点云可以高稀疏,例如,作为车辆获取的Lidar点云。以前的自我监督形状表示方法未能在这种数据上产生良好的结果。我们获得定量结果与现有的形状重建数据集上现有的监督方法标准,并在Kitti等硬自动驾驶数据集中显示有前途的定性结果。
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Point cloud completion is a generation and estimation issue derived from the partial point clouds, which plays a vital role in the applications in 3D computer vision. The progress of deep learning (DL) has impressively improved the capability and robustness of point cloud completion. However, the quality of completed point clouds is still needed to be further enhanced to meet the practical utilization. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on various methods, including point-based, convolution-based, graph-based, and generative model-based approaches, etc. And this survey summarizes the comparisons among these methods to provoke further research insights. Besides, this review sums up the commonly used datasets and illustrates the applications of point cloud completion. Eventually, we also discussed possible research trends in this promptly expanding field.
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Point clouds are characterized by irregularity and unstructuredness, which pose challenges in efficient data exploitation and discriminative feature extraction. In this paper, we present an unsupervised deep neural architecture called Flattening-Net to represent irregular 3D point clouds of arbitrary geometry and topology as a completely regular 2D point geometry image (PGI) structure, in which coordinates of spatial points are captured in colors of image pixels. \mr{Intuitively, Flattening-Net implicitly approximates a locally smooth 3D-to-2D surface flattening process while effectively preserving neighborhood consistency.} \mr{As a generic representation modality, PGI inherently encodes the intrinsic property of the underlying manifold structure and facilitates surface-style point feature aggregation.} To demonstrate its potential, we construct a unified learning framework directly operating on PGIs to achieve \mr{diverse types of high-level and low-level} downstream applications driven by specific task networks, including classification, segmentation, reconstruction, and upsampling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our methods perform favorably against the current state-of-the-art competitors. We will make the code and data publicly available at
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