We survey 146 papers analyzing "bias" in NLP systems, finding that their motivations are often vague, inconsistent, and lacking in normative reasoning, despite the fact that analyzing "bias" is an inherently normative process. We further find that these papers' proposed quantitative techniques for measuring or mitigating "bias" are poorly matched to their motivations and do not engage with the relevant literature outside of NLP. Based on these findings, we describe the beginnings of a path forward by proposing three recommendations that should guide work analyzing "bias" in NLP systems. These recommendations rest on a greater recognition of the relationships between language and social hierarchies, encouraging researchers and practitioners to articulate their conceptualizations of "bias"-i.e., what kinds of system behaviors are harmful, in what ways, to whom, and why, as well as the normative reasoning underlying these statements-and to center work around the lived experiences of members of communities affected by NLP systems, while interrogating and reimagining the power relations between technologists and such communities. Anne H. Charity Hudley. 2017. Language and Racialization. In Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society. Oxford University Press. Won Ik Cho, Ji Won Kim, Seok Min Kim, and Nam Soo Kim. 2019. On measuring gender bias in translation of gender-neutral pronouns. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing, pages 173-181, Florence, Italy.
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教育技术,以及他们部署的学校教育系统,制定了特定的意识形态,了解有关知识的重要事项以及学习者应该如何学习。作为人工智能技术 - 在教育和超越 - 可能导致边缘社区的不公平结果,已经制定了各种方法来评估和减轻AI的有害影响。然而,我们争辩于本文认为,在AI模型中的性能差异的基础上评估公平的主导范式是面对教育AI系统(RE)生产的系统性不公平。我们在批判理论和黑色女权主义奖学金中汲取了结构性不公正的镜头,以批判性地审查了几个普遍研究的和广泛采用的教育AI类别,并探讨了他们如何融入和重现结构不公正和不公平的历史遗产和不公平的历史遗产。他们模型绩效的奇偶阶段。我们关闭了替代愿景,为教育ai提供更公平的未来。
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值得信赖的人工智能(AI)已成为一个重要的话题,因为在AI系统及其创造者中的信任已经丢失。研究人员,公司和政府具有远离技术开发,部署和监督的边缘化群体的长期和痛苦的历史。结果,这些技术对小群体的有用甚至有害。我们争辩说,渴望信任的任何AI开发,部署和监测框架必须纳入女权主义,非剥削参与性设计原则和强大,外部和持续监测和测试。我们还向考虑到透明度,公平性和问责制的可靠性方面的重要性,特别是考虑对任何值得信赖的AI系统的核心价值观的正义和转移权力。创建值得信赖的AI通过资金,支持和赋予Grassroots组织,如AI Queer等基层组织开始,因此AI领域具有多样性和纳入可信和有效地发展的可信赖AI。我们利用AI的专家知识Queer通过其多年的工作和宣传来讨论以及如何以及如何在数据集和AI系统中使用如何以及如何在数据集和AI系统中使用以及沿着这些线路的危害。基于此,我们分享了对AI的性别方法,进一步提出了Queer认识论并分析它可以带来AI的好处。我们还讨论了如何在愿景中讨论如何使用此Queer认识论,提出与AI和性别多样性和隐私和酷儿数据保护相关的框架。
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语言可以用作再现和执行有害刻板印象和偏差的手段,并被分析在许多研究中。在本文中,我们对自然语言处理中的性别偏见进行了304篇论文。我们分析了社会科学中性别及其类别的定义,并将其连接到NLP研究中性别偏见的正式定义。我们调查了在对性别偏见的研究中应用的Lexica和数据集,然后比较和对比方法来检测和减轻性别偏见。我们发现对性别偏见的研究遭受了四个核心限制。 1)大多数研究将性别视为忽视其流动性和连续性的二元变量。 2)大部分工作都在单机设置中进行英语或其他高资源语言进行。 3)尽管在NLP方法中对性别偏见进行了无数的论文,但我们发现大多数新开发的算法都没有测试他们的偏见模型,并无视他们的工作的伦理考虑。 4)最后,在这一研究线上发展的方法基本缺陷涵盖性别偏差的非常有限的定义,缺乏评估基线和管道。我们建议建议克服这些限制作为未来研究的指导。
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Xenophobia is one of the key drivers of marginalisation, discrimination, and conflict, yet many prominent machine learning (ML) fairness frameworks fail to comprehensively measure or mitigate the resulting xenophobic harms. Here we aim to bridge this conceptual gap and help facilitate safe and ethical design of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. We ground our analysis of the impact of xenophobia by first identifying distinct types of xenophobic harms, and then applying this framework across a number of prominent AI application domains, reviewing the potential interplay between AI and xenophobia on social media and recommendation systems, healthcare, immigration, employment, as well as biases in large pre-trained models. These help inform our recommendations towards an inclusive, xenophilic design of future AI systems.
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Artificial intelligence and machine learning are in a period of astounding growth. However, there are concerns that these technologies may be used, either with or without intention, to perpetuate the prejudice and unfairness that unfortunately characterizes many human institutions. Here we show for the first time that human-like semantic biases result from the application of standard machine learning to ordinary language-the same sort of language humans are exposed to every day. We replicate a spectrum of standard human biases as exposed by the Implicit Association Test and other well-known psychological studies. We replicate these using a widely used, purely statistical machine-learning model-namely, the GloVe word embedding-trained on a corpus of text from the Web. Our results indicate that language itself contains recoverable and accurate imprints of our historic biases, whether these are morally neutral as towards insects or flowers, problematic as towards race or gender, or even simply veridical, reflecting the status quo for the distribution of gender with respect to careers or first names. These regularities are captured by machine learning along with the rest of semantics. In addition to our empirical findings concerning language, we also contribute new methods for evaluating bias in text, the Word Embedding Association Test (WEAT) and the Word Embedding Factual Association Test (WEFAT). Our results have implications not only for AI and machine learning, but also for the fields of psychology, sociology, and human ethics, since they raise the possibility that mere exposure to everyday language can account for the biases we replicate here.
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Code-Switching, a common phenomenon in written text and conversation, has been studied over decades by the natural language processing (NLP) research community. Initially, code-switching is intensively explored by leveraging linguistic theories and, currently, more machine-learning oriented approaches to develop models. We introduce a comprehensive systematic survey on code-switching research in natural language processing to understand the progress of the past decades and conceptualize the challenges and tasks on the code-switching topic. Finally, we summarize the trends and findings and conclude with a discussion for future direction and open questions for further investigation.
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随着数据驱动的系统越来越大规模部署,对历史上边缘化的群体的不公平和歧视结果引起了道德问题,这些群体在培训数据中的代表性不足。作为回应,围绕AI的公平和包容性的工作呼吁代表各个人口组的数据集。在本文中,我们对可访问性数据集中的年龄,性别和种族和种族的代表性进行了分析 - 数据集 - 来自拥有的数据集,这些数据集来自拥有的人。残疾和老年人 - 这可能在减轻包含AI注入的应用程序的偏见方面发挥重要作用。我们通过审查190个数据集的公开信息来检查由残疾人来源的数据集中的当前表示状态,我们称这些可访问性数据集为止。我们发现可访问性数据集代表不同的年龄,但具有性别和种族表示差距。此外,我们研究了人口统计学变量的敏感和复杂性质如何使分类变得困难和不一致(例如,性别,种族和种族),标记的来源通常未知。通过反思当前代表残疾数据贡献者的挑战和机会,我们希望我们的努力扩大了更多可能将边缘化社区纳入AI注入系统的可能性。
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Despite being responsible for state-of-the-art results in several computer vision and natural language processing tasks, neural networks have faced harsh criticism due to some of their current shortcomings. One of them is that neural networks are correlation machines prone to model biases within the data instead of focusing on actual useful causal relationships. This problem is particularly serious in application domains affected by aspects such as race, gender, and age. To prevent models from incurring on unfair decision-making, the AI community has concentrated efforts in correcting algorithmic biases, giving rise to the research area now widely known as fairness in AI. In this survey paper, we provide an in-depth overview of the main debiasing methods for fairness-aware neural networks in the context of vision and language research. We propose a novel taxonomy to better organize the literature on debiasing methods for fairness, and we discuss the current challenges, trends, and important future work directions for the interested researcher and practitioner.
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Recommender systems can strongly influence which information we see online, e.g., on social media, and thus impact our beliefs, decisions, and actions. At the same time, these systems can create substantial business value for different stakeholders. Given the growing potential impact of such AI-based systems on individuals, organizations, and society, questions of fairness have gained increased attention in recent years. However, research on fairness in recommender systems is still a developing area. In this survey, we first review the fundamental concepts and notions of fairness that were put forward in the area in the recent past. Afterward, through a review of more than 150 scholarly publications, we present an overview of how research in this field is currently operationalized, e.g., in terms of general research methodology, fairness measures, and algorithmic approaches. Overall, our analysis of recent works points to specific research gaps. In particular, we find that in many research works in computer science, very abstract problem operationalizations are prevalent, and questions of the underlying normative claims and what represents a fair recommendation in the context of a given application are often not discussed in depth. These observations call for more interdisciplinary research to address fairness in recommendation in a more comprehensive and impactful manner.
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