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The usage of technologically advanced devices has seen a boom in many domains, including education, automation, and healthcare; with most of the services requiring Internet connectivity. To secure a network, device identification plays key role. In this paper, a device fingerprinting (DFP) model, which is able to distinguish between Internet of Things (IoT) and non-IoT devices, as well as uniquely identify individual devices, has been proposed. Four statistical features have been extracted from the consecutive five device-originated packets, to generate individual device fingerprints. The method has been evaluated using the Random Forest (RF) classifier and different datasets. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method achieves up to 99.8% accuracy in distinguishing between IoT and non-IoT devices and over 97.6% in classifying individual devices. These signify that the proposed method is useful in assisting operators in making their networks more secure and robust to security breaches and unauthorized access.
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第五代(5G)网络和超越设想巨大的东西互联网(物联网)推出,以支持延长现实(XR),增强/虚拟现实(AR / VR),工业自动化,自主驾驶和智能所有带来的破坏性应用一起占用射频(RF)频谱的大规模和多样化的IOT设备。随着频谱嘎嘎和吞吐量挑战,这种大规模的无线设备暴露了前所未有的威胁表面。 RF指纹识别是预约的作为候选技术,可以与加密和零信任安全措施相结合,以确保无线网络中的数据隐私,机密性和完整性。在未来的通信网络中,在这项工作中,在未来的通信网络中的相关性,我们对RF指纹识别方法进行了全面的调查,从传统观点到最近的基于深度学习(DL)的算法。现有的调查大多专注于无线指纹方法的受限制呈现,然而,许多方面仍然是不可能的。然而,在这项工作中,我们通过解决信号智能(SIGINT),应用程序,相关DL算法,RF指纹技术的系统文献综述来缓解这一点,跨越过去二十年的RF指纹技术的系统文献综述,对数据集和潜在研究途径的讨论 - 必须以百科全书的方式阐明读者的必要条件。
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Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) systems increasingly rely on wireless communication standards. In a common industrial scenario, indoor wireless IoT devices communicate with access points to deliver data collected from industrial sensors, robots and factory machines. Due to static or quasi-static locations of IoT devices and access points, historical observations of IoT device channel conditions provide a possibility to precisely identify the device without observing its traditional identifiers (e.g., MAC or IP address). Such device identification methods based on wireless fingerprinting gained increased attention lately as an additional cyber-security mechanism for critical IoT infrastructures. In this paper, we perform a systematic study of a large class of machine learning algorithms for device identification using wireless fingerprints for the most popular cellular and Wi-Fi IoT technologies. We design, implement, deploy, collect relevant data sets, train and test a multitude of machine learning algorithms, as a part of the complete end-to-end solution design for device identification via wireless fingerprinting. The proposed solution is currently being deployed in a real-world industrial IoT environment as part of H2020 project COLLABS.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects physical computing devices, sensors, software, and other technologies. Data can be collected, transferred, and exchanged with other devices over the network without requiring human interactions. One challenge the development of IoT faces is the existence of anomaly data in the network. Therefore, research on anomaly detection in the IoT environment has become popular and necessary in recent years. This survey provides an overview to understand the current progress of the different anomaly detection algorithms and how they can be applied in the context of the Internet of Things. In this survey, we categorize the widely used anomaly detection machine learning and deep learning techniques in IoT into three types: clustering-based, classification-based, and deep learning based. For each category, we introduce some state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods and evaluate the advantages and limitations of each technique.
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通过无线网络互联设备数量和数据通信数量的显着增加引起了各种威胁,风险和安全问题。物联网(IoT)应用程序几乎部署在日常生活中的几乎所有领域,包括敏感环境。边缘计算范例通过在数据源附近移动计算处理来补充了IOT应用程序。在各种安全模型中,基于机器学习(ML)的入侵检测是最可想到的防御机制,用于打击已启用边缘的物联网中的异常行为。 ML算法用于将网络流量分类为正常和恶意攻击。入侵检测是网络安全领域的具有挑战性问题之一。研究界提出了许多入侵检测系统。然而,选择合适的算法涉及在启用边缘的物联网网络中提供安全性的挑战存在。在本文中,已经执行了传统机器学习分类算法的比较分析,以在Puparm工具上使用Jupyter对NSL-KDD数据集上的网络流量进行分类。可以观察到,多层感知(MLP)在输入和输出之间具有依赖性,并且更多地依赖于用于入侵检测的网络配置。因此,MLP可以更适合于基于边缘的物联网网络,其具有更好的培训时间为1.2秒,测试精度为79%。
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窃取对受控信息的攻击,以及越来越多的信息泄漏事件,已成为近年来新兴网络安全威胁。由于蓬勃发展和部署先进的分析解决方案,新颖的窃取攻击利用机器学习(ML)算法来实现高成功率并导致大量损坏。检测和捍卫这种攻击是挑战性和紧迫的,因此政府,组织和个人应该非常重视基于ML的窃取攻击。本调查显示了这种新型攻击和相应对策的最新进展。以三类目标受控信息的视角审查了基于ML的窃取攻击,包括受控用户活动,受控ML模型相关信息和受控认证信息。最近的出版物总结了概括了总体攻击方法,并导出了基于ML的窃取攻击的限制和未来方向。此外,提出了从三个方面制定有效保护的对策 - 检测,破坏和隔离。
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互联网连接系统的规模大大增加,这些系统比以往任何时候都更接触到网络攻击。网络攻击的复杂性和动态需要保护机制响应,自适应和可扩展。机器学习,或更具体地说,深度增强学习(DRL),方法已经广泛提出以解决这些问题。通过将深入学习纳入传统的RL,DRL能够解决复杂,动态,特别是高维的网络防御问题。本文提出了对为网络安全开发的DRL方法进行了调查。我们触及不同的重要方面,包括基于DRL的网络 - 物理系统的安全方法,自主入侵检测技术和基于多元的DRL的游戏理论模拟,用于防范策略对网络攻击。还给出了对基于DRL的网络安全的广泛讨论和未来的研究方向。我们预计这一全面审查提供了基础,并促进了未来的研究,探讨了越来越复杂的网络安全问题。
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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is transforming the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by enhancing the trust of end-users in machines. As the number of connected devices keeps on growing, the Internet of Things (IoT) market needs to be trustworthy for the end-users. However, existing literature still lacks a systematic and comprehensive survey work on the use of XAI for IoT. To bridge this lacking, in this paper, we address the XAI frameworks with a focus on their characteristics and support for IoT. We illustrate the widely-used XAI services for IoT applications, such as security enhancement, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), and Internet of City Things (IoCT). We also suggest the implementation choice of XAI models over IoT systems in these applications with appropriate examples and summarize the key inferences for future works. Moreover, we present the cutting-edge development in edge XAI structures and the support of sixth-generation (6G) communication services for IoT applications, along with key inferences. In a nutshell, this paper constitutes the first holistic compilation on the development of XAI-based frameworks tailored for the demands of future IoT use cases.
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In the last years, the number of IoT devices deployed has suffered an undoubted explosion, reaching the scale of billions. However, some new cybersecurity issues have appeared together with this development. Some of these issues are the deployment of unauthorized devices, malicious code modification, malware deployment, or vulnerability exploitation. This fact has motivated the requirement for new device identification mechanisms based on behavior monitoring. Besides, these solutions have recently leveraged Machine and Deep Learning techniques due to the advances in this field and the increase in processing capabilities. In contrast, attackers do not stay stalled and have developed adversarial attacks focused on context modification and ML/DL evaluation evasion applied to IoT device identification solutions. This work explores the performance of hardware behavior-based individual device identification, how it is affected by possible context- and ML/DL-focused attacks, and how its resilience can be improved using defense techniques. In this sense, it proposes an LSTM-CNN architecture based on hardware performance behavior for individual device identification. Then, previous techniques have been compared with the proposed architecture using a hardware performance dataset collected from 45 Raspberry Pi devices running identical software. The LSTM-CNN improves previous solutions achieving a +0.96 average F1-Score and 0.8 minimum TPR for all devices. Afterward, context- and ML/DL-focused adversarial attacks were applied against the previous model to test its robustness. A temperature-based context attack was not able to disrupt the identification. However, some ML/DL state-of-the-art evasion attacks were successful. Finally, adversarial training and model distillation defense techniques are selected to improve the model resilience to evasion attacks, without degrading its performance.
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数据集对于将AI算法应用于网络物理系统(CPS)安全性至关重要。由于实际CPS数据集的稀缺性,研究人员选择使用真实或虚拟化测试台生成自己的数据集。但是,与其他AI域不同,CPS是一个复杂的系统,具有许多确定其行为的接口。仅包含传感器测量和网络流量集合的数据集可能不足以开发弹性的AI防御或进攻剂。在本文中,我们研究了捕获系统行为和交互所需的CPS安全数据集的\ emph {Elements},并提出了一个数据集体系结构,该架构有可能增强AI算法在保护网络物理系统方面的性能。该框架包括数据集元素,攻击表示和所需的数据集功能。我们将现有数据集与建议的体系结构进行比较,以识别当前局限性,并使用TestBeds讨论CPS数据集生成的未来。
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In recent years, mobile devices are equipped with increasingly advanced sensing and computing capabilities. Coupled with advancements in Deep Learning (DL), this opens up countless possibilities for meaningful applications, e.g., for medical purposes and in vehicular networks. Traditional cloudbased Machine Learning (ML) approaches require the data to be centralized in a cloud server or data center. However, this results in critical issues related to unacceptable latency and communication inefficiency. To this end, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed to bring intelligence closer to the edge, where data is produced. However, conventional enabling technologies for ML at mobile edge networks still require personal data to be shared with external parties, e.g., edge servers. Recently, in light of increasingly stringent data privacy legislations and growing privacy concerns, the concept of Federated Learning (FL) has been introduced. In FL, end devices use their local data to train an ML model required by the server. The end devices then send the model updates rather than raw data to the server for aggregation. FL can serve as an enabling technology in mobile edge networks since it enables the collaborative training of an ML model and also enables DL for mobile edge network optimization. However, in a large-scale and complex mobile edge network, heterogeneous devices with varying constraints are involved. This raises challenges of communication costs, resource allocation, and privacy and security in the implementation of FL at scale. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of FL. Then, we highlight the aforementioned challenges of FL implementation and review existing solutions. Furthermore, we present the applications of FL for mobile edge network optimization. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in FL.
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