Symmetry arises in many optimization and decision-making problems, and has attracted considerable attention from the optimization community: By utilizing the existence of such symmetries, the process of searching for optimal solutions can be improved significantly. Despite its success in (offline) optimization, the utilization of symmetries has not been well examined within the online optimization settings, especially in the bandit literature. As such, in this paper we study the invariant Lipschitz bandit setting, a subclass of the Lipschitz bandits where the reward function and the set of arms are preserved under a group of transformations. We introduce an algorithm named \texttt{UniformMesh-N}, which naturally integrates side observations using group orbits into the \texttt{UniformMesh} algorithm (\cite{Kleinberg2005_UniformMesh}), which uniformly discretizes the set of arms. Using the side-observation approach, we prove an improved regret upper bound, which depends on the cardinality of the group, given that the group is finite. We also prove a matching regret's lower bound for the invariant Lipschitz bandit class (up to logarithmic factors). We hope that our work will ignite further investigation of symmetry in bandit theory and sequential decision-making theory in general.
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我们通过反馈图来重新审视随机在线学习的问题,目的是设计最佳的算法,直至常数,无论是渐近还是有限的时间。我们表明,令人惊讶的是,在这种情况下,最佳有限时间遗憾的概念并不是一个唯一的定义属性,总的来说,它与渐近率是与渐近率分离的。我们讨论了替代选择,并提出了有限时间最优性的概念,我们认为是\ emph {有意义的}。对于这个概念,我们给出了一种算法,在有限的时间和渐近上都承认了准最佳的遗憾。
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在本文中,我们研究了汤普森采样(TS)方法的应用到随机组合多臂匪徒(CMAB)框架中。当所有基本臂的结果分布都是独立的,并获得$ o(m \ log k _ {\ max} \ log t / \ delta_时,我们首先分析一般CMAB模型的标准TS算法。 {\ min})$,其中$ m $是基本武器的数量,$ k _ {\ max} $是最大的超级臂的大小,$ t $是时间范围,而$ \ delta _ {\ min} $是最佳解决方案的预期奖励与任何非最佳解决方案之间的最小差距。这种遗憾的上限比$ o(m(\ log k _ {\ max})^2 \ log t / \ delta _ {\ min})$更好。此外,我们的新颖分析技术可以帮助收紧其他基于UCB的政策(例如ESC)的遗憾界限,因为我们改善了计算累积遗憾的方法。然后,我们考虑Matroid Bandit设置(CMAB模型的特殊类别),在这里我们可以删除跨武器的独立性假设,并实现与下限匹配的遗憾上限。除了遗憾的上限外,我们还指出,一个人不能直接替换确切的离线甲骨文(将离线问题实例的参数作为输入,并在此实例下输出确切的最佳操作),用TS算法中的近似oracle替换了ts算法的近似值。甚至经典的mAb问题。最后,我们使用一些实验来显示TS遗憾与其他现有算法之间的比较,实验结果表明TS优于现有基准。
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在本文中,我们研究了批次的嘴唇尖击匪徒问题,其中预期的奖励是Lipschitz,批量收集奖励观察。我们介绍了一种新颖的景观感知算法,称为批次的Lipschitz缩小(Blin),其自然适合批量反馈设置。特别是,我们表明,对于$ t $ -step问题,leipschitz奖励的zooming维度$ d_z $,我们的算法从理论上最佳的$ \ widetilde {\ mathcal {o}}}左右达到了left(t ^ {\ frac {d_z + 1} {d_z + 2}} \右)只使用$ \ mathcal {o} \ left(\ log \ log t \右)$批次。对于下限,我们展示在一个以$ B $ -batches的环境中,对于任何策略$ \ pi $,存在一个问题实例,使得预期的遗憾是由$ \ widetilde {\ omega} \ left的较低限制( r_z(t)^ \ frac {1} {1- \左(\ frac {1} {d + 2}右)^ b} \右)$,其中$ r_z(t)$是遗憾的遗憾Vanilla Lipschitz匪徒取决于缩放维度$ d_z $,$ d $是ARM空间的尺寸。作为直接后果,需要$ B = OMEGA(\ log \ log t)$批次来实现遗憾下限,并且BLIN算法是最佳的。
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We study the hidden-action principal-agent problem in an online setting. In each round, the principal posts a contract that specifies the payment to the agent based on each outcome. The agent then makes a strategic choice of action that maximizes her own utility, but the action is not directly observable by the principal. The principal observes the outcome and receives utility from the agent's choice of action. Based on past observations, the principal dynamically adjusts the contracts with the goal of maximizing her utility. We introduce an online learning algorithm and provide an upper bound on its Stackelberg regret. We show that when the contract space is $[0,1]^m$, the Stackelberg regret is upper bounded by $\widetilde O(\sqrt{m} \cdot T^{1-C/m})$, and lower bounded by $\Omega(T^{1-1/(m+2)})$. This result shows that exponential-in-$m$ samples are both sufficient and necessary to learn a near-optimal contract, resolving an open problem on the hardness of online contract design. When contracts are restricted to some subset $\mathcal{F} \subset [0,1]^m$, we define an intrinsic dimension of $\mathcal{F}$ that depends on the covering number of the spherical code in the space and bound the regret in terms of this intrinsic dimension. When $\mathcal{F}$ is the family of linear contracts, the Stackelberg regret grows exactly as $\Theta(T^{2/3})$. The contract design problem is challenging because the utility function is discontinuous. Bounding the discretization error in this setting has been an open problem. In this paper, we identify a limited set of directions in which the utility function is continuous, allowing us to design a new discretization method and bound its error. This approach enables the first upper bound with no restrictions on the contract and action space.
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In contextual linear bandits, the reward function is assumed to be a linear combination of an unknown reward vector and a given embedding of context-arm pairs. In practice, the embedding is often learned at the same time as the reward vector, thus leading to an online representation learning problem. Existing approaches to representation learning in contextual bandits are either very generic (e.g., model-selection techniques or algorithms for learning with arbitrary function classes) or specialized to particular structures (e.g., nested features or representations with certain spectral properties). As a result, the understanding of the cost of representation learning in contextual linear bandit is still limited. In this paper, we take a systematic approach to the problem and provide a comprehensive study through an instance-dependent perspective. We show that representation learning is fundamentally more complex than linear bandits (i.e., learning with a given representation). In particular, learning with a given set of representations is never simpler than learning with the worst realizable representation in the set, while we show cases where it can be arbitrarily harder. We complement this result with an extensive discussion of how it relates to existing literature and we illustrate positive instances where representation learning is as complex as learning with a fixed representation and where sub-logarithmic regret is achievable.
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我们考虑随机多武装强盗(MAB)问题,延迟影响了行动。在我们的环境中,过去采取的行动在随后的未来影响了ARM奖励。在现实世界中,行动的这种延迟影响是普遍的。例如,为某个社会群体中的人员偿还贷款的能力可能历史上历史上批准贷款申请的频率频率。如果银行将贷款申请拒绝拒绝弱势群体,则可以创建反馈循环,进一步损害该群体中获取贷款的机会。在本文中,我们制定了在多武装匪徒的背景下的行动延迟和长期影响。由于在学习期间,我们将强盗设置概括为对这种“偏置”的依赖性进行编码。目标是随着时间的推移最大化收集的公用事业,同时考虑到历史行动延迟影响所产生的动态。我们提出了一种算法,实现了$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}的遗憾,并显示$ \ omega(kt ^ {2/3})$的匹配遗憾下限,其中$ k $是武器数量,$ t $是学习地平线。我们的结果通过添加技术来补充强盗文献,以处理具有长期影响的行动,并对设计公平算法有影响。
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我们研究了一个顺序决策问题,其中学习者面临$ k $武装的随机匪徒任务的顺序。对手可能会设计任务,但是对手受到限制,以在$ m $ and的较小(但未知)子集中选择每个任务的最佳组。任务边界可能是已知的(强盗元学习设置)或未知(非平稳的强盗设置)。我们设计了一种基于Burnit subsodular最大化的减少的算法,并表明,在大量任务和少数最佳武器的制度中,它在两种情况下的遗憾都比$ \ tilde {o}的简单基线要小。 \ sqrt {knt})$可以通过使用为非平稳匪徒问题设计的标准算法获得。对于固定任务长度$ \ tau $的强盗元学习问题,我们证明该算法的遗憾被限制为$ \ tilde {o}(nm \ sqrt {m \ tau}+n^{2/3} m \ tau)$。在每个任务中最佳武器的可识别性的其他假设下,我们显示了一个带有改进的$ \ tilde {o}(n \ sqrt {m \ tau}+n^{1/2} {1/2} \ sqrt的强盗元学习算法{m k \ tau})$遗憾。
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We study bandit model selection in stochastic environments. Our approach relies on a meta-algorithm that selects between candidate base algorithms. We develop a meta-algorithm-base algorithm abstraction that can work with general classes of base algorithms and different type of adversarial meta-algorithms. Our methods rely on a novel and generic smoothing transformation for bandit algorithms that permits us to obtain optimal $O(\sqrt{T})$ model selection guarantees for stochastic contextual bandit problems as long as the optimal base algorithm satisfies a high probability regret guarantee. We show through a lower bound that even when one of the base algorithms has $O(\log T)$ regret, in general it is impossible to get better than $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$ regret in model selection, even asymptotically. Using our techniques, we address model selection in a variety of problems such as misspecified linear contextual bandits, linear bandit with unknown dimension and reinforcement learning with unknown feature maps. Our algorithm requires the knowledge of the optimal base regret to adjust the meta-algorithm learning rate. We show that without such prior knowledge any meta-algorithm can suffer a regret larger than the optimal base regret.
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汤普森抽样(TS)吸引了对强盗区域的兴趣。它在20世纪30年代介绍,但近年来尚未经过理论上证明。其在组合多武装强盗(CMAB)设置中的所有分析都需要精确的Oracle来提供任何输入的最佳解决方案。然而,这种Oracle通常是不可行的,因为许多组合优化问题是NP - 硬,并且只有近似oracles可用。一个例子(王和陈,2018)已经表明TS的失败来学习近似Oracle。但是,此Oracle罕见,仅用于特定问题实例。它仍然是一个开放的问题,无论TS的收敛分析是否可以扩展到CMAB中的精确oracle。在本文中,我们在贪婪的Oracle下研究了这个问题,这是一个常见的(近似)Oracle,具有理论上的保证来解决许多(离线)组合优化问题。我们提供了一个问题依赖性遗憾的遗憾下限为$ \ omega(\ log t / delta ^ 2)$,以量化Ts的硬度来解决贪婪的甲骨文的CMAB问题,其中$ T $是时间范围和$ Delta $是一些奖励差距。我们还提供几乎匹配的遗憾上限。这些是TS解决CMAB与常见近似甲骨文的第一个理论结果,并打破TS无法使用近似神谕的误解。
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我们通过审查反馈重复进行一定的第一价格拍卖来研究在线学习,在每次拍卖结束时,出价者只观察获胜的出价,学会了适应性地出价,以最大程度地提高她的累积回报。为了实现这一目标,投标人面临着一个具有挑战性的困境:如果她赢得了竞标 - 获得正收益的唯一方法 - 然后她无法观察其他竞标者的最高竞标,我们认为我们认为这是从中汲取的。一个未知的分布。尽管这一困境让人联想到上下文强盗中的探索探索折衷权,但现有的UCB或汤普森采样算法无法直接解决。在本文中,通过利用第一价格拍卖的结构属性,我们开发了第一个实现$ o(\ sqrt {t} \ log^{2.5} t)$ hearry bund的第一个学习算法(\ sqrt {t} \ log^{2.5} t),这是最小值的最低$ $ \ log $因素,当投标人的私人价值随机生成时。我们这样做是通过在一系列问题上提供算法,称为部分有序的上下文匪徒,该算法将图形反馈跨动作,跨环境跨上下文进行结合,以及在上下文中的部分顺序。我们通过表现出一个奇怪的分离来确定该框架的优势和劣势,即在随机环境下几乎可以独立于动作/背景规模的遗憾,但是在对抗性环境下是不可能的。尽管这一通用框架有限制,但我们进一步利用了第一价格拍卖的结构,并开发了一种学习算法,该算法在存在对手生成的私有价值的情况下,在存在的情况下可以有效地运行样本(并有效地计算)。我们建立了一个$ o(\ sqrt {t} \ log^3 t)$遗憾,以此为此算法,因此提供了对第一价格拍卖的最佳学习保证的完整表征。
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We consider the stochastic linear contextual bandit problem with high-dimensional features. We analyze the Thompson sampling (TS) algorithm, using special classes of sparsity-inducing priors (e.g. spike-and-slab) to model the unknown parameter, and provide a nearly optimal upper bound on the expected cumulative regret. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides theoretical guarantees of Thompson sampling in high dimensional and sparse contextual bandits. For faster computation, we use spike-and-slab prior to model the unknown parameter and variational inference instead of MCMC to approximate the posterior distribution. Extensive simulations demonstrate improved performance of our proposed algorithm over existing ones.
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本文介绍了信息性多臂强盗(IMAB)模型,在每个回合中,玩家选择手臂,观察符号,并以符号的自我信息形式获得未观察到的奖励。因此,手臂的预期奖励是产生其符号的源质量函数的香农熵。玩家的目标是最大程度地提高与武器的熵值相关的预期奖励。在假设字母大小是已知的假设下,为IMAB模型提出了两种基于UCB的算法,该算法考虑了插件熵估计器的偏差。第一种算法在熵估计中乐观地纠正了偏置项。第二算法依赖于数据依赖性置信区间,该置信区间适应具有较小熵值的源。性能保证是通过上限为每种算法的预期遗憾提供的。此外,在Bernoulli案例中,将这些算法的渐近行为与伪遗憾的Lai-Robbins的下限进行了比较。此外,在假设\ textit {cract}字母大小的假设下是未知的,而播放器仅知道其上方的宽度上限,提出了一种基于UCB的算法,在其中,玩家的目的是减少由该算法造成的遗憾。未知的字母尺寸在有限的时间方面。数字结果说明了论文中介绍的算法的预期遗憾。
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在随着时间变化的组合环境中的在线决策激励,我们研究了将离线算法转换为其在线对应物的问题。我们专注于使用贪婪算法对局部错误的贪婪算法进行恒定因子近似的离线组合问题。对于此类问题,我们提供了一个通用框架,该框架可有效地将稳健的贪婪算法转换为使用Blackwell的易近算法。我们证明,在完整信息设置下,由此产生的在线算法具有$ O(\ sqrt {t})$(近似)遗憾。我们进一步介绍了Blackwell易接近性的强盗扩展,我们称之为Bandit Blackwell的可接近性。我们利用这一概念将贪婪的稳健离线算法转变为匪(t^{2/3})$(近似)$(近似)的遗憾。展示了我们框架的灵活性,我们将脱机之间的转换应用于收入管理,市场设计和在线优化的几个问题,包括在线平台中的产品排名优化,拍卖中的储备价格优化以及supperular tossodular最大化。 。我们还将还原扩展到连续优化的类似贪婪的一阶方法,例如用于最大化连续强的DR单调下调功能,这些功能受到凸约束的约束。我们表明,当应用于这些应用程序时,我们的转型会导致新的后悔界限或改善当前已知界限。我们通过为我们的两个应用进行数值模拟来补充我们的理论研究,在这两种应用中,我们都观察到,转换的数值性能在实际情况下优于理论保证。
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富达匪徒问题是$ k $的武器问题的变体,其中每个臂的奖励通过提供额外收益的富达奖励来增强,这取决于播放器如何对该臂进行“忠诚”在过去。我们提出了两种忠诚的模型。在忠诚点模型中,额外奖励的数量取决于手臂之前播放的次数。在订阅模型中,额外的奖励取决于手臂的连续绘制的当前数量。我们考虑随机和对抗问题。由于单臂策略在随机问题中并不总是最佳,因此对抗性环境中遗憾的概念需要仔细调整。我们介绍了三个可能的遗憾和调查,这可以是偏执的偏执。我们详细介绍了增加,减少和优惠券的特殊情况(玩家在手臂的每辆M $播放后获得额外的奖励)保真奖励。对于不一定享受载体遗憾的模型,我们提供了最糟糕的下限。对于那些展示Sublinear遗憾的模型,我们提供算法并绑定他们的遗憾。
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在随机上下文的强盗设置中,对遗憾最小化算法进行了广泛的研究,但是他们的实例最少的最佳武器识别对应物仍然很少研究。在这项工作中,我们将重点关注$(\ epsilon,\ delta)$ - $ \ textit {pac} $设置:给定策略类$ \ pi $,学习者的目标是返回策略的目标, $ \ pi \ in \ pi $的预期奖励在最佳政策的$ \ epsilon $之内,概率大于$ 1- \ delta $。我们表征了第一个$ \ textit {实例依赖性} $ PAC样品通过数量$ \ rho _ {\ pi} $的上下文匪徒的复杂性,并根据$ \ rho _ {\ pi} $提供匹配的上和下限不可知论和线性上下文最佳武器标识设置。我们表明,对于遗憾的最小化和实例依赖性PAC而言,无法同时最小化算法。我们的主要结果是一种新的实例 - 最佳和计算有效算法,该算法依赖于多项式呼叫对Argmax Oracle的调用。
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