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Recent advances in distributed artificial intelligence (AI) have led to tremendous breakthroughs in various communication services, from fault-tolerant factory automation to smart cities. When distributed learning is run over a set of wirelessly connected devices, random channel fluctuations and the incumbent services running on the same network impact the performance of both distributed learning and the coexisting service. In this paper, we investigate a mixed service scenario where distributed AI workflow and ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC) services run concurrently over a network. Consequently, we propose a risk sensitivity-based formulation for device selection to minimize the AI training delays during its convergence period while ensuring that the operational requirements of the URLLC service are met. To address this challenging coexistence problem, we transform it into a deep reinforcement learning problem and address it via a framework based on soft actor-critic algorithm. We evaluate our solution with a realistic and 3GPP-compliant simulator for factory automation use cases. Our simulation results confirm that our solution can significantly decrease the training delay of the distributed AI service while keeping the URLLC availability above its required threshold and close to the scenario where URLLC solely consumes all network resources.
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未来的互联网涉及几种新兴技术,例如5G和5G网络,车辆网络,无人机(UAV)网络和物联网(IOT)。此外,未来的互联网变得异质并分散了许多相关网络实体。每个实体可能需要做出本地决定,以在动态和不确定的网络环境下改善网络性能。最近使用标准学习算法,例如单药强化学习(RL)或深入强化学习(DRL),以使每个网络实体作为代理人通过与未知环境进行互动来自适应地学习最佳决策策略。但是,这种算法未能对网络实体之间的合作或竞争进行建模,而只是将其他实体视为可能导致非平稳性问题的环境的一部分。多机构增强学习(MARL)允许每个网络实体不仅观察环境,还可以观察其他实体的政策来学习其最佳政策。结果,MAL可以显着提高网络实体的学习效率,并且最近已用于解决新兴网络中的各种问题。在本文中,我们因此回顾了MAL在新兴网络中的应用。特别是,我们提供了MARL的教程,以及对MARL在下一代互联网中的应用进行全面调查。特别是,我们首先介绍单代机Agent RL和MARL。然后,我们回顾了MAL在未来互联网中解决新兴问题的许多应用程序。这些问题包括网络访问,传输电源控制,计算卸载,内容缓存,数据包路由,无人机网络的轨迹设计以及网络安全问题。
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Communication and computation are often viewed as separate tasks. This approach is very effective from the perspective of engineering as isolated optimizations can be performed. On the other hand, there are many cases where the main interest is a function of the local information at the devices instead of the local information itself. For such scenarios, information theoretical results show that harnessing the interference in a multiple-access channel for computation, i.e., over-the-air computation (OAC), can provide a significantly higher achievable computation rate than the one with the separation of communication and computation tasks. Besides, the gap between OAC and separation in terms of computation rate increases with more participating nodes. Given this motivation, in this study, we provide a comprehensive survey on practical OAC methods. After outlining fundamentals related to OAC, we discuss the available OAC schemes with their pros and cons. We then provide an overview of the enabling mechanisms and relevant metrics to achieve reliable computation in the wireless channel. Finally, we summarize the potential applications of OAC and point out some future directions.
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Learning precoding policies with neural networks enables low complexity online implementation, robustness to channel impairments, and joint optimization with channel acquisition. However, existing neural networks suffer from high training complexity and poor generalization ability when they are used to learn to optimize precoding for mitigating multi-user interference. This impedes their use in practical systems where the number of users is time-varying. In this paper, we propose a graph neural network (GNN) to learn precoding policies by harnessing both the mathematical model and the property of the policies. We first show that a vanilla GNN cannot well-learn pseudo-inverse of channel matrix when the numbers of antennas and users are large, and is not generalizable to unseen numbers of users. Then, we design a GNN by resorting to the Taylor's expansion of matrix pseudo-inverse, which allows for capturing the importance of the neighbored edges to be aggregated that is crucial for learning precoding policies efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed GNN can well learn spectral efficient and energy efficient precoding policies in single- and multi-cell multi-user multi-antenna systems with low training complexity, and can be well generalized to the numbers of users.
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车辆到车辆(V2V)通信的性能在很大程度上取决于使用的调度方法。虽然集中式网络调度程序提供高V2V通信可靠性,但它们的操作通常仅限于具有完整的蜂窝网络覆盖范围的区域。相比之下,在细胞外覆盖区域中,使用了相对效率低下的分布式无线电资源管理。为了利用集中式方法的好处来增强V2V通信在缺乏蜂窝覆盖的道路上的可靠性,我们建议使用VRLS(车辆加固学习调度程序),这是一种集中的调度程序,该调度程序主动为覆盖外的V2V Communications主动分配资源,以前}车辆离开蜂窝网络覆盖范围。通过在模拟的车辆环境中进行培训,VRL可以学习一项适应环境变化的调度策略,从而消除了在复杂的现实生活环境中对有针对性(重新)培训的需求。我们评估了在不同的移动性,网络负载,无线通道和资源配置下VRL的性能。 VRL的表现优于最新的区域中最新分布式调度算法,而无需蜂窝网络覆盖,通过在高负载条件下将数据包错误率降低了一半,并在低负载方案中实现了接近最大的可靠性。
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The explosive growth of dynamic and heterogeneous data traffic brings great challenges for 5G and beyond mobile networks. To enhance the network capacity and reliability, we propose a learning-based dynamic time-frequency division duplexing (D-TFDD) scheme that adaptively allocates the uplink and downlink time-frequency resources of base stations (BSs) to meet the asymmetric and heterogeneous traffic demands while alleviating the inter-cell interference. We formulate the problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (Dec-POMDP) that maximizes the long-term expected sum rate under the users' packet dropping ratio constraints. In order to jointly optimize the global resources in a decentralized manner, we propose a federated reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm named federated Wolpertinger deep deterministic policy gradient (FWDDPG) algorithm. The BSs decide their local time-frequency configurations through RL algorithms and achieve global training via exchanging local RL models with their neighbors under a decentralized federated learning framework. Specifically, to deal with the large-scale discrete action space of each BS, we adopt a DDPG-based algorithm to generate actions in a continuous space, and then utilize Wolpertinger policy to reduce the mapping errors from continuous action space back to discrete action space. Simulation results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed algorithm to benchmark algorithms with respect to system sum rate.
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In heterogeneous networks (HetNets), the overlap of small cells and the macro cell causes severe cross-tier interference. Although there exist some approaches to address this problem, they usually require global channel state information, which is hard to obtain in practice, and get the sub-optimal power allocation policy with high computational complexity. To overcome these limitations, we propose a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) based power control scheme for the HetNet, where each access point makes power control decisions independently based on local information. To promote cooperation among agents, we develop a penalty-based Q learning (PQL) algorithm for MADRL systems. By introducing regularization terms in the loss function, each agent tends to choose an experienced action with high reward when revisiting a state, and thus the policy updating speed slows down. In this way, an agent's policy can be learned by other agents more easily, resulting in a more efficient collaboration process. We then implement the proposed PQL in the considered HetNet and compare it with other distributed-training-and-execution (DTE) algorithms. Simulation results show that our proposed PQL can learn the desired power control policy from a dynamic environment where the locations of users change episodically and outperform existing DTE MADRL algorithms.
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我们提出了一种数据驱动的电力分配方法,在联邦学习(FL)上的受干扰有限的无线网络中的电力分配。功率策略旨在在通信约束下的流行过程中最大化传输的信息,具有提高全局流动模型的训练精度和效率的最终目标。所提出的功率分配策略使用图形卷积网络进行参数化,并且通过引流 - 双算法解决了相关的约束优化问题。数值实验表明,所提出的方法在传输成功率和流动性能方面优于三种基线方法。
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联邦元学习(FML)已成为应对当今边缘学习竞技场中的数据限制和异质性挑战的承诺范式。然而,其性能通常受到缓慢的收敛性和相应的低通信效率的限制。此外,由于可用的无线电频谱和物联网设备的能量容量通常不足,因此在在实际无线网络中部署FML时,控制资源分配和能量消耗是至关重要的。为了克服挑战,在本文中,我们严格地分析了每个设备对每轮全球损失减少的贡献,并使用非统一的设备选择方案开发FML算法(称为Nufm)以加速收敛。之后,我们制定了集成NuFM在多通道无线系统中的资源分配问题,共同提高收敛速率并最小化壁钟时间以及能量成本。通过逐步解构原始问题,我们设计了一个联合设备选择和资源分配策略,以解决理论保证问题。此外,我们表明Nufm的计算复杂性可以通过$ O(d ^ 2)$至$ o(d)$(使用模型维度$ d $)通过组合两个一阶近似技术来降低。广泛的仿真结果表明,与现有基线相比,所提出的方法的有效性和优越性。
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作为一个与现实世界互动的虚拟世界,元媒体封装了我们对下一代互联网的期望,同时带来了新的关键绩效指标(KPIS)。常规的超级可靠和低延迟通信(URLLC)可以满足绝大多数客观服务KPI,但是很难为用户提供个性化的荟萃服务体验。由于提高经验质量(QOE)可以被视为当务之急的KPI,因此URLLC朝向下一代URLLC(XURLLC),以支持基于图形技术的荟萃分析。通过将更多资源分配给用户更感兴趣的虚拟对象,可以实现更高的QoE。在本文中,我们研究了元服务提供商(MSP)和网络基础架构提供商(INP)之间的相互作用,以部署Metaverse Xurllc服务。提供了最佳合同设计框架。具体而言,将最大化的MSP的实用程序定义为元用户的QOE的函数,同时确保INP的激励措施。为了建模Metaverse Xurllc服务的Qoe,我们提出了一个名为Meta Immersion的新颖指标,该指标既包含了客观网络KPI和元用户的主观感觉。使用用户对象注意级别(UOAL)数据集,我们开发并验证了注意力吸引人的渲染能力分配方案以改善QOE。结果表明,与常规的URLLC相比,Xurllc平均提高了20.1%的QoE改善。当总资源有限时,QoE改进的比例较高,例如40%。
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Integrated space-air-ground networks promise to offer a valuable solution space for empowering the sixth generation of communication networks (6G), particularly in the context of connecting the unconnected and ultraconnecting the connected. Such digital inclusion thrive makes resource management problems, especially those accounting for load-balancing considerations, of particular interest. The conventional model-based optimization methods, however, often fail to meet the real-time processing and quality-of-service needs, due to the high heterogeneity of the space-air-ground networks, and the typical complexity of the classical algorithms. Given the premises of artificial intelligence at automating wireless networks design and the large-scale heterogeneity of non-terrestrial networks, this paper focuses on showcasing the prospects of machine learning in the context of user scheduling in integrated space-air-ground communications. The paper first overviews the most relevant state-of-the art in the context of machine learning applications to the resource allocation problems, with a dedicated attention to space-air-ground networks. The paper then proposes, and shows the benefit of, one specific use case that uses ensembling deep neural networks for optimizing the user scheduling policies in integrated space-high altitude platform station (HAPS)-ground networks. Finally, the paper sheds light on the challenges and open issues that promise to spur the integration of machine learning in space-air-ground networks, namely, online HAPS power adaptation, learning-based channel sensing, data-driven multi-HAPSs resource management, and intelligent flying taxis-empowered systems.
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Deep learning-based approaches have been developed to solve challenging problems in wireless communications, leading to promising results. Early attempts adopted neural network architectures inherited from applications such as computer vision. They often yield poor performance in large scale networks (i.e., poor scalability) and unseen network settings (i.e., poor generalization). To resolve these issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been recently adopted, as they can effectively exploit the domain knowledge, i.e., the graph topology in wireless communications problems. GNN-based methods can achieve near-optimal performance in large-scale networks and generalize well under different system settings, but the theoretical underpinnings and design guidelines remain elusive, which may hinder their practical implementations. This paper endeavors to fill both the theoretical and practical gaps. For theoretical guarantees, we prove that GNNs achieve near-optimal performance in wireless networks with much fewer training samples than traditional neural architectures. Specifically, to solve an optimization problem on an $n$-node graph (where the nodes may represent users, base stations, or antennas), GNNs' generalization error and required number of training samples are $\mathcal{O}(n)$ and $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ times lower than the unstructured multi-layer perceptrons. For design guidelines, we propose a unified framework that is applicable to general design problems in wireless networks, which includes graph modeling, neural architecture design, and theory-guided performance enhancement. Extensive simulations, which cover a variety of important problems and network settings, verify our theory and the effectiveness of the proposed design framework.
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