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会话推荐系统(CRS)已成为一个新兴的研究主题,试图通过交互式对话进行建议,这些对话通常由发电和建议模块组成。 CRS的先前工作倾向于将更多的外部和领域特定知识纳入项目评论,以提高性能。尽管事实的收集和注释特定于外部领域的信息需要大量的人类努力并脱离了普遍性,但过多的额外知识在它们之间带来了更大的困难。因此,我们建议从上下文中充分发现和提取内部知识。我们将实体级别和上下文级别的表示形式捕获为对建议的共同模拟用户的偏好,在这种情况下,时间吸引的注意力旨在强调实体级表示中最近出现的项目。我们进一步使用预训练的巴特来初始化生成模块,以减轻数据稀缺性并增强上下文建模。除了在流行数据集(REDIAIL)上进行实验外,我们还包括一个多域数据集(OpenDialKg)来显示我们模型的有效性。两个数据集的实验都表明,我们的模型在大多数评估指标上都具有更好的性能,其外部知识较少,并且可以很好地推广到其他领域。对建议和生成任务的其他分析证明了我们在不同情况下模型的有效性。
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Any organization needs to improve their products, services, and processes. In this context, engaging with customers and understanding their journey is essential. Organizations have leveraged various techniques and technologies to support customer engagement, from call centres to chatbots and virtual agents. Recently, these systems have used Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze large volumes of customer feedback and engagement data. The goal is to understand customers in context and provide meaningful answers across various channels. Despite multiple advances in Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Recommender Systems (RS), it is still challenging to understand the intent behind customer questions during the customer journey. To address this challenge, in this paper, we study and analyze the recent work in Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) in general and, more specifically, in chatbot-based CRS. We introduce a pipeline to contextualize the input utterances in conversations. We then take the next step towards leveraging reverse feature engineering to link the contextualized input and learning model to support intent recognition. Since performance evaluation is achieved based on different ML models, we use transformer base models to evaluate the proposed approach using a labelled dialogue dataset (MSDialogue) of question-answering interactions between information seekers and answer providers.
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Using chatbots to deliver recommendations is increasingly popular. The design of recommendation chatbots has primarily been taking an information-centric approach by focusing on the recommended content per se. Limited attention is on how social connection and relational strategies, such as self-disclosure from a chatbot, may influence users' perception and acceptance of the recommendation. In this work, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a social chatbot capable of performing three different levels of self-disclosure: factual information (low), cognitive opinions (medium), and emotions (high). In the evaluation, we recruited 372 participants to converse with the chatbot on two topics: movies and COVID-19 experiences. In each topic, the chatbot performed small talks and made recommendations relevant to the topic. Participants were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions where the chatbot used factual, cognitive, emotional, and adaptive strategies to perform self-disclosures. By training a text classifier to identify users' level of self-disclosure in real-time, the adaptive chatbot can dynamically match its self-disclosure to the level of disclosure exhibited by the users. Our results show that users reciprocate with higher-level self-disclosure when a recommendation chatbot consistently displays emotions throughout the conversation. Chatbot's emotional disclosure also led to increased interactional enjoyment and more positive interpersonal perception towards the bot, fostering a stronger human-chatbot relationship and thus leading to increased recommendation effectiveness, including a higher tendency to accept the recommendation. We discuss the understandings obtained and implications to future design.
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Empathy is a vital factor that contributes to mutual understanding, and joint problem-solving. In recent years, a growing number of studies have recognized the benefits of empathy and started to incorporate empathy in conversational systems. We refer to this topic as empathetic conversational systems. To identify the critical gaps and future opportunities in this topic, this paper examines this rapidly growing field using five review dimensions: (i) conceptual empathy models and frameworks, (ii) adopted empathy-related concepts, (iii) datasets and algorithmic techniques developed, (iv) evaluation strategies, and (v) state-of-the-art approaches. The findings show that most studies have centered on the use of the EMPATHETICDIALOGUES dataset, and the text-based modality dominates research in this field. Studies mainly focused on extracting features from the messages of the users and the conversational systems, with minimal emphasis on user modeling and profiling. Notably, studies that have incorporated emotion causes, external knowledge, and affect matching in the response generation models, have obtained significantly better results. For implementation in diverse real-world settings, we recommend that future studies should address key gaps in areas of detecting and authenticating emotions at the entity level, handling multimodal inputs, displaying more nuanced empathetic behaviors, and encompassing additional dialogue system features.
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One of the biggest challenges of natural language generation (NLG) is the proper handling of named entities. Named entities are a common source of grammar mistakes such as wrong prepositions, wrong article handling, or incorrect entity inflection. Without factoring linguistic representation, such errors are often underrepresented when evaluating on a small set of arbitrarily picked argument values, or when translating a dataset from a linguistically simpler language, like English, to a linguistically complex language, like Russian. However, for some applications, broadly precise grammatical correctness is critical -- native speakers may find entity-related grammar errors silly, jarring, or even offensive. To enable the creation of more linguistically diverse NLG datasets, we release a Corpus of Linguistically Significant Entities (CLSE) annotated by linguist experts. The corpus includes 34 languages and covers 74 different semantic types to support various applications from airline ticketing to video games. To demonstrate one possible use of CLSE, we produce an augmented version of the Schema-Guided Dialog Dataset, SGD-CLSE. Using the CLSE's entities and a small number of human translations, we create a linguistically representative NLG evaluation benchmark in three languages: French (high-resource), Marathi (low-resource), and Russian (highly inflected language). We establish quality baselines for neural, template-based, and hybrid NLG systems and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.
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This paper aims to provide a radical rundown on Conversation Search (ConvSearch), an approach to enhance the information retrieval method where users engage in a dialogue for the information-seeking tasks. In this survey, we predominantly focused on the human interactive characteristics of the ConvSearch systems, highlighting the operations of the action modules, likely the Retrieval system, Question-Answering, and Recommender system. We labeled various ConvSearch research problems in knowledge bases, natural language processing, and dialogue management systems along with the action modules. We further categorized the framework to ConvSearch and the application is directed toward biomedical and healthcare fields for the utilization of clinical social technology. Finally, we conclude by talking through the challenges and issues of ConvSearch, particularly in Bio-Medicine. Our main aim is to provide an integrated and unified vision of the ConvSearch components from different fields, which benefit the information-seeking process in healthcare systems.
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Knowledge-grounded dialogue systems powered by large language models often generate responses that, while fluent, are not attributable to a relevant source of information. Progress towards models that do not exhibit this issue requires evaluation metrics that can quantify its prevalence. To this end, we introduce the Benchmark for Evaluation of Grounded INteraction (BEGIN), comprised of 12k dialogue turns generated by neural dialogue systems trained on three knowledgegrounded dialogue corpora. We collect human annotations assessing the extent to which the models' responses can be attributed to the given background information. We then use BEGIN to analyze eight evaluation metrics. We find that these metrics rely on spurious correlations, do not reliably distinguish attributable abstractive responses from unattributable ones, and perform substantially worse when the knowledge source is longer. Our findings underscore the need for more sophisticated and robust evaluation metrics for knowledge-grounded dialogue. We make BEGIN publicly available at https://github.com/ google/BEGIN-dataset.
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Conversational recommender systems (CRS) aim to employ natural language conversations to suggest suitable products to users. Understanding user preferences for prospective items and learning efficient item representations are crucial for CRS. Despite various attempts, earlier studies mostly learned item representations based on individual conversations, ignoring item popularity embodied among all others. Besides, they still need support in efficiently capturing user preferences since the information reflected in a single conversation is limited. Inspired by collaborative filtering, we propose a collaborative augmentation (COLA) method to simultaneously improve both item representation learning and user preference modeling to address these issues. We construct an interactive user-item graph from all conversations, which augments item representations with user-aware information, i.e., item popularity. To improve user preference modeling, we retrieve similar conversations from the training corpus, where the involved items and attributes that reflect the user's potential interests are used to augment the user representation through gate control. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/DongdingLin/COLA.
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We develop a high-quality multi-turn dialog dataset, DailyDialog, which is intriguing in several aspects. The language is human-written and less noisy. The dialogues in the dataset reflect our daily communication way and cover various topics about our daily life. We also manually label the developed dataset with communication intention and emotion information. Then, we evaluate existing approaches on DailyDialog dataset and hope it benefit the research field of dialog systems 1 .
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这项工作提出了一个新的对话数据集,即cookdial,该数据集促进了对任务知识了解的面向任务的对话系统的研究。该语料库包含260个以人类对任务为导向的对话框,其中代理给出了配方文档,指导用户烹饪菜肴。 Cookdial中的对话框展示了两个独特的功能:(i)对话流与支持文档之间的程序对齐; (ii)复杂的代理决策涉及分割长句子,解释硬说明并在对话框上下文中解决核心。此外,我们在假定的面向任务的对话框系统中确定了三个具有挑战性的(子)任务:(1)用户问题理解,(2)代理操作框架预测和(3)代理响应生成。对于这些任务中的每一个,我们都会开发一个神经基线模型,我们在cookdial数据集上进行了评估。我们公开发布烹饪数据集,包括对话框和食谱文档的丰富注释,以刺激对特定于域的文档接地对话框系统的进一步研究。
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会话推荐系统(CRS)旨在捕获用户的当前意图,并通过实时多转交流交互提供建议。作为人机互动系统,CRS必须改善用户体验。但是,大多数CRS方法忽略了用户体验的重要性。在本文中,我们为CRS提出了两个关键点,以改善用户体验:(1)像人类一样说话,人类可以根据当前的对话环境以不同的风格说话。 (2)识别精细颗粒的意图,即使对于相同的话语,不同的用户也具有多种良好的意图,这与用户的固有偏好有关。根据观察结果,我们提出了一个新颖的CRS模型,即创建的定制对话推荐系统(CCRS),该系统从三个角度从三个角度定制了用户的CRS模型。对于类似人类的对话服务,我们提出了多式对话响应生成器,该响应响应生成器选择了语音发言的上下文感知语言风格。为了提供个性化的建议,我们在用户固有的偏好的指导下从对话上下文中提取用户当前的细粒度意图。最后,为了自定义每个用户的模型参数,我们从元学习的角度训练模型。广泛的实验和一系列分析表明,我们的CCR在推荐和对话服务上的优势。
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问答系统被认为是流行且经常有效的信息在网络上寻求信息的手段。在这样的系统中,寻求信息者可以通过自然语言提出问题来获得对他们的查询的简短回应。交互式问题回答是一种最近提出且日益流行的解决方案,它位于问答和对话系统的交集。一方面,用户可以以普通语言提出问题,并找到对她的询问的实际回答;另一方面,如果在初始请求中有多个可能的答复,很少或歧义,则系统可以将问题交通会话延长到对话中。通过允许用户提出更多问题,交互式问题回答使用户能够与系统动态互动并获得更精确的结果。这项调查提供了有关当前文献中普遍存在的交互式提问方法的详细概述。它首先要解释提问系统的基本原理,从而定义新的符号和分类法,以将所有已确定的作品结合在统一框架内。然后,根据提出的方法,评估方法和数据集/应用程序域来介绍和检查有关交互式问题解答系统的审查已发表的工作。我们还描述了围绕社区提出的特定任务和问题的趋势,从而阐明了学者的未来利益。 GitHub页面的综合综合了本文献研究中涵盖的所有主要主题,我们的工作得到了进一步的支持。 https://sisinflab.github.io/interactive-question-answering-systems-survey/
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Conversational recommender systems (CRSs) often utilize external knowledge graphs (KGs) to introduce rich semantic information and recommend relevant items through natural language dialogues. However, original KGs employed in existing CRSs are often incomplete and sparse, which limits the reasoning capability in recommendation. Moreover, only few of existing studies exploit the dialogue context to dynamically refine knowledge from KGs for better recommendation. To address the above issues, we propose the Variational Reasoning over Incomplete KGs Conversational Recommender (VRICR). Our key idea is to incorporate the large dialogue corpus naturally accompanied with CRSs to enhance the incomplete KGs; and perform dynamic knowledge reasoning conditioned on the dialogue context. Specifically, we denote the dialogue-specific subgraphs of KGs as latent variables with categorical priors for adaptive knowledge graphs refactor. We propose a variational Bayesian method to approximate posterior distributions over dialogue-specific subgraphs, which not only leverages the dialogue corpus for restructuring missing entity relations but also dynamically selects knowledge based on the dialogue context. Finally, we infuse the dialogue-specific subgraphs to decode the recommendation and responses. We conduct experiments on two benchmark CRSs datasets. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method.
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