随着处理点云数据中深度学习的繁荣,最近的作品表明,后门攻击对3D视觉应用构成了严重的安全威胁。攻击者通过用触发器中毒一些训练样本将后门注射到3D模型中,从而使后门模型在干净的样品上表现良好,但在出现扳机模式时会恶意行为。现有的攻击通常将一些附加点插入点云中,或使用线性转换(例如旋转)来构建中毒点云。但是,这些中毒样品的影响可能会被某些常用的3D点云的常用预处理技术削弱,甚至可以消除,例如,离群的去除或旋转增强。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的觉得不可察觉,强大的后门攻击(IRBA)来应对这一挑战。我们利用一种称为加权局部变换(WLT)的非线性和局部变换来构建具有独特转换的中毒样品。由于WLT中有几种超参数和随机性,因此很难产生两个类似的转换。因此,具有独特转化的中毒样品可能对上述预处理技术有抵抗力。此外,由于由固定的WLT引起的失真的可控性和平滑度,因此生成的中毒样品也无法察觉到人类检查。在三个基准数据集和四个模型上进行的广泛实验表明,即使使用预处理技术,IRBA在大多数情况下都可以达到80%+ ASR,这显着高于以前的最新攻击。
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For saving cost, many deep neural networks (DNNs) are trained on third-party datasets downloaded from internet, which enables attacker to implant backdoor into DNNs. In 2D domain, inherent structures of different image formats are similar. Hence, backdoor attack designed for one image format will suite for others. However, when it comes to 3D world, there is a huge disparity among different 3D data structures. As a result, backdoor pattern designed for one certain 3D data structure will be disable for other data structures of the same 3D scene. Therefore, this paper designs a uniform backdoor pattern: NRBdoor (Noisy Rotation Backdoor) which is able to adapt for heterogeneous 3D data structures. Specifically, we start from the unit rotation and then search for the optimal pattern by noise generation and selection process. The proposed NRBdoor is natural and imperceptible, since rotation is a common operation which usually contains noise due to both the miss match between a pair of points and the sensor calibration error for real-world 3D scene. Extensive experiments on 3D mesh and point cloud show that the proposed NRBdoor achieves state-of-the-art performance, with negligible shape variation.
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虽然近年来,在2D图像领域的攻击和防御中,许多努力已经探讨了3D模型的脆弱性。现有的3D攻击者通常在点云上执行点明智的扰动,从而导致变形的结构或异常值,这很容易被人类察觉。此外,它们的对抗示例是在白盒设置下产生的,当转移到攻击远程黑匣子型号时经常遭受低成功率。在本文中,我们通过提出一种新的难以察觉的转移攻击(ITA):1)难以察觉的3D点云攻击来自两个新的和具有挑战性的观点:1)难以察觉:沿着邻域表面的正常向量限制每个点的扰动方向,导致产生具有类似几何特性的示例,从而增强了难以察觉。 2)可转移性:我们开发了一个对抗性转变模型,以产生最有害的扭曲,并强制实施对抗性示例来抵抗它,从而提高其对未知黑匣子型号的可转移性。此外,我们建议通过学习更辨别的点云表示来培训更强大的黑盒3D模型来防御此类ITA攻击。广泛的评估表明,我们的ITA攻击比最先进的人更令人无法察觉和可转让,并验证我们的国防战略的优势。
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Transforming off-the-shelf deep neural network (DNN) models into dynamic multi-exit architectures can achieve inference and transmission efficiency by fragmenting and distributing a large DNN model in edge computing scenarios (e.g., edge devices and cloud servers). In this paper, we propose a novel backdoor attack specifically on the dynamic multi-exit DNN models. Particularly, we inject a backdoor by poisoning one DNN model's shallow hidden layers targeting not this vanilla DNN model but only its dynamically deployed multi-exit architectures. Our backdoored vanilla model behaves normally on performance and cannot be activated even with the correct trigger. However, the backdoor will be activated when the victims acquire this model and transform it into a dynamic multi-exit architecture at their deployment. We conduct extensive experiments to prove the effectiveness of our attack on three structures (ResNet-56, VGG-16, and MobileNet) with four datasets (CIFAR-10, SVHN, GTSRB, and Tiny-ImageNet) and our backdoor is stealthy to evade multiple state-of-the-art backdoor detection or removal methods.
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后门攻击威胁着深度神经网络(DNNS)。对于隐身性,研究人员提出了清洁标签的后门攻击,这要求对手不要更改中毒训练数据集的标签。由于正确的图像标签对,清洁标签的设置使攻击更加隐秘,但仍然存在一些问题:首先,传统的中毒训练数据方法无效;其次,传统的触发器并不是仍然可感知的隐形。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种两相和特定图像的触发器生成方法,以增强清洁标签的后门攻击。我们的方法是(1)功能强大:我们的触发器都可以同时促进后门攻击中的两个阶段(即后门植入和激活阶段)。 (2)隐身:我们的触发器是从每个图像中生成的。它们是特定于图像的而不是固定触发器。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法可以达到奇妙的攻击成功率〜(98.98%),中毒率低(5%),在许多评估指标下高隐身,并且对后门防御方法有抵抗力。
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Point cloud completion, as the upstream procedure of 3D recognition and segmentation, has become an essential part of many tasks such as navigation and scene understanding. While various point cloud completion models have demonstrated their powerful capabilities, their robustness against adversarial attacks, which have been proven to be fatally malicious towards deep neural networks, remains unknown. In addition, existing attack approaches towards point cloud classifiers cannot be applied to the completion models due to different output forms and attack purposes. In order to evaluate the robustness of the completion models, we propose PointCA, the first adversarial attack against 3D point cloud completion models. PointCA can generate adversarial point clouds that maintain high similarity with the original ones, while being completed as another object with totally different semantic information. Specifically, we minimize the representation discrepancy between the adversarial example and the target point set to jointly explore the adversarial point clouds in the geometry space and the feature space. Furthermore, to launch a stealthier attack, we innovatively employ the neighbourhood density information to tailor the perturbation constraint, leading to geometry-aware and distribution-adaptive modifications for each point. Extensive experiments against different premier point cloud completion networks show that PointCA can cause a performance degradation from 77.9% to 16.7%, with the structure chamfer distance kept below 0.01. We conclude that existing completion models are severely vulnerable to adversarial examples, and state-of-the-art defenses for point cloud classification will be partially invalid when applied to incomplete and uneven point cloud data.
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Backdoor attacks have emerged as one of the major security threats to deep learning models as they can easily control the model's test-time predictions by pre-injecting a backdoor trigger into the model at training time. While backdoor attacks have been extensively studied on images, few works have investigated the threat of backdoor attacks on time series data. To fill this gap, in this paper we present a novel generative approach for time series backdoor attacks against deep learning based time series classifiers. Backdoor attacks have two main goals: high stealthiness and high attack success rate. We find that, compared to images, it can be more challenging to achieve the two goals on time series. This is because time series have fewer input dimensions and lower degrees of freedom, making it hard to achieve a high attack success rate without compromising stealthiness. Our generative approach addresses this challenge by generating trigger patterns that are as realistic as real-time series patterns while achieving a high attack success rate without causing a significant drop in clean accuracy. We also show that our proposed attack is resistant to potential backdoor defenses. Furthermore, we propose a novel universal generator that can poison any type of time series with a single generator that allows universal attacks without the need to fine-tune the generative model for new time series datasets.
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Dataset distillation has emerged as a prominent technique to improve data efficiency when training machine learning models. It encapsulates the knowledge from a large dataset into a smaller synthetic dataset. A model trained on this smaller distilled dataset can attain comparable performance to a model trained on the original training dataset. However, the existing dataset distillation techniques mainly aim at achieving the best trade-off between resource usage efficiency and model utility. The security risks stemming from them have not been explored. This study performs the first backdoor attack against the models trained on the data distilled by dataset distillation models in the image domain. Concretely, we inject triggers into the synthetic data during the distillation procedure rather than during the model training stage, where all previous attacks are performed. We propose two types of backdoor attacks, namely NAIVEATTACK and DOORPING. NAIVEATTACK simply adds triggers to the raw data at the initial distillation phase, while DOORPING iteratively updates the triggers during the entire distillation procedure. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, architectures, and dataset distillation techniques. Empirical evaluation shows that NAIVEATTACK achieves decent attack success rate (ASR) scores in some cases, while DOORPING reaches higher ASR scores (close to 1.0) in all cases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive ablation study to analyze the factors that may affect the attack performance. Finally, we evaluate multiple defense mechanisms against our backdoor attacks and show that our attacks can practically circumvent these defense mechanisms.
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典型的深神经网络(DNN)后门攻击基于输入中嵌入的触发因素。现有的不可察觉的触发因素在计算上昂贵或攻击成功率低。在本文中,我们提出了一个新的后门触发器,该扳机易于生成,不可察觉和高效。新的触发器是一个均匀生成的三维(3D)二进制图案,可以水平和/或垂直重复和镜像,并将其超级贴在三通道图像上,以训练后式DNN模型。新型触发器分散在整个图像中,对单个像素产生微弱的扰动,但共同拥有强大的识别模式来训练和激活DNN的后门。我们还通过分析表明,随着图像的分辨率提高,触发因素越来越有效。实验是使用MNIST,CIFAR-10和BTSR数据集上的RESNET-18和MLP模型进行的。在无遗象的方面,新触发的表现优于现有的触发器,例如Badnet,Trojaned NN和隐藏的后门。新的触发因素达到了几乎100%的攻击成功率,仅将分类准确性降低了不到0.7%-2.4%,并使最新的防御技术无效。
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后门攻击已成为深度神经网络(DNN)的主要安全威胁。虽然现有的防御方法在检测或擦除后以后展示了有希望的结果,但仍然尚不清楚是否可以设计强大的培训方法,以防止后门触发器首先注入训练的模型。在本文中,我们介绍了\ emph {反后门学习}的概念,旨在培训\ emph {Clean}模型给出了后门中毒数据。我们将整体学习过程框架作为学习\ emph {clean}和\ emph {backdoor}部分的双重任务。从这种观点来看,我们确定了两个后门攻击的固有特征,因为他们的弱点2)后门任务与特定类(后门目标类)相关联。根据这两个弱点,我们提出了一般学习计划,反后门学习(ABL),在培训期间自动防止后门攻击。 ABL引入了标准培训的两级\ EMPH {梯度上升}机制,帮助分离早期训练阶段的后台示例,2)在后续训练阶段中断后门示例和目标类之间的相关性。通过对多个基准数据集的广泛实验,针对10个最先进的攻击,我们经验证明,后卫中毒数据上的ABL培训模型实现了与纯净清洁数据训练的相同性能。代码可用于\ url {https:/github.com/boylyg/abl}。
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随着各种3D安全关键应用的关注,点云学习模型已被证明容易受到对抗性攻击的影响。尽管现有的3D攻击方法达到了很高的成功率,但它们会以明显的扰动来深入研究数据空间,这可能会忽略几何特征。取而代之的是,我们从新的角度提出了点云攻击 - 图谱域攻击,旨在在光谱域中扰动图形转换系数,该系数对应于改变某些几何结构。具体而言,利用图形信号处理,我们首先通过图形傅立叶变换(GFT)自适应地将点的坐标转换为光谱域,以进行紧凑的表示。然后,我们基于我们建议通过可学习的图形光谱滤波器扰动GFT系数的几何结构的影响。考虑到低频组件主要有助于3D对象的粗糙形状,我们进一步引入了低频约束,以限制不察觉到的高频组件中的扰动。最后,通过将扰动的光谱表示形式转换回数据域,从而生成对抗点云。实验结果证明了拟议攻击的有效性,这些攻击既有易经性和攻击成功率。
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对象检测是各种关键计算机视觉任务的基础,例如分割,对象跟踪和事件检测。要以令人满意的精度训练对象探测器,需要大量数据。但是,由于注释大型数据集涉及大量劳动力,这种数据策展任务通常被外包给第三方或依靠志愿者。这项工作揭示了此类数据策展管道的严重脆弱性。我们提出MACAB,即使数据策展人可以手动审核图像,也可以将干净的图像制作清洁的图像将后门浸入对象探测器中。我们观察到,当后门被不明确的天然物理触发器激活时,在野外实现了错误分类和披肩的后门效应。与带有清洁标签的现有图像分类任务相比,带有清洁通道的非分类对象检测具有挑战性,这是由于每个帧内有多个对象的复杂性,包括受害者和非视野性对象。通过建设性地滥用深度学习框架使用的图像尺度函数,II结合了所提出的对抗性清洁图像复制技术,以及在考虑到毒品数据选择标准的情况下,通过建设性地滥用图像尺度尺度,可以确保MACAB的功效。广泛的实验表明,在各种现实世界中,MacAB在90%的攻击成功率中表现出超过90%的攻击成功率。这包括披肩和错误分类后门效应,甚至限制了较小的攻击预算。最先进的检测技术无法有效地识别中毒样品。全面的视频演示位于https://youtu.be/ma7l_lpxkp4上,该演示基于yolov4倒置的毒药率为0.14%,yolov4 clokaking后门和更快的速度R-CNN错误分类后门。
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Open software supply chain attacks, once successful, can exact heavy costs in mission-critical applications. As open-source ecosystems for deep learning flourish and become increasingly universal, they present attackers previously unexplored avenues to code-inject malicious backdoors in deep neural network models. This paper proposes Flareon, a small, stealthy, seemingly harmless code modification that specifically targets the data augmentation pipeline with motion-based triggers. Flareon neither alters ground-truth labels, nor modifies the training loss objective, nor does it assume prior knowledge of the victim model architecture, training data, and training hyperparameters. Yet, it has a surprisingly large ramification on training -- models trained under Flareon learn powerful target-conditional (or "any2any") backdoors. The resulting models can exhibit high attack success rates for any target choices and better clean accuracies than backdoor attacks that not only seize greater control, but also assume more restrictive attack capabilities. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of Flareon against recent defenses. Flareon is fully open-source and available online to the deep learning community: https://github.com/lafeat/flareon.
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文本后门攻击是对NLP系统的实际威胁。通过在训练阶段注入后门,对手可以通过预定义的触发器控制模型预测。由于已经提出了各种攻击和防御模型,因此进行严格的评估至关重要。但是,我们在以前的后门学习评估中重点介绍了两个问题:(1)忽略了现实世界情景(例如释放中毒的数据集或模型)之间的差异,我们认为每种情况都有其自身的限制和关注点,因此需要特定的评估。协议; (2)评估指标仅考虑攻击是否可以翻转模型对中毒样品的预测并保留对良性样品的表演,但是忽略了中毒样品也应该是隐秘和语义上的。为了解决这些问题,我们将现有作品分为三种实际情况,在这种情况下,攻击者分别释放数据集,预培训模型和微调模型,然后讨论其独特的评估方法。关于指标,为了完全评估中毒样本,我们使用语法误差增加和隐形性差异以及有效性的文本相似性。对框架进行正式化后,我们开发了一个开源工具包openbackdoor,以促进文本后门学习的实现和评估。使用此工具包,我们在建议的范式下进行基准攻击和防御模型进行广泛的实验。为了促进针对中毒数据集的不充分的防御能力,我们进一步提出了Cube,这是一个简单而强大的基于聚类的防御基线。我们希望我们的框架和基准可以作为未来模型开发和评估的基石。
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