A central challenge to many fields of science and engineering involves minimizing non-convex error functions over continuous, high dimensional spaces. Gradient descent or quasi-Newton methods are almost ubiquitously used to perform such minimizations, and it is often thought that a main source of difficulty for these local methods to find the global minimum is the proliferation of local minima with much higher error than the global minimum. Here we argue, based on results from statistical physics, random matrix theory, neural network theory, and empirical evidence, that a deeper and more profound difficulty originates from the proliferation of saddle points, not local minima, especially in high dimensional problems of practical interest. Such saddle points are surrounded by high error plateaus that can dramatically slow down learning, and give the illusory impression of the existence of a local minimum. Motivated by these arguments, we propose a new approach to second-order optimization, the saddle-free Newton method, that can rapidly escape high dimensional saddle points, unlike gradient descent and quasi-Newton methods. We apply this algorithm to deep or recurrent neural network training, and provide numerical evidence for its superior optimization performance. This work extends the results of .
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Deep Learning optimization involves minimizing a high-dimensional loss function in the weight space which is often perceived as difficult due to its inherent difficulties such as saddle points, local minima, ill-conditioning of the Hessian and limited compute resources. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of 12 standard optimization methods successfully used in deep learning research and a theoretical assessment of the difficulties in numerical optimization from the optimization literature.
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我们研究了使用尖刺,现场依赖的随机矩阵理论研究迷你批次对深神经网络损失景观的影响。我们表明,批量黑森州的极值值的大小大于经验丰富的黑森州。我们还获得了类似的结果对Hessian的概括高斯牛顿矩阵近似。由于我们的定理,我们推导出作为批量大小的最大学习速率的分析表达式,为随机梯度下降(线性缩放)和自适应算法(例如ADAM(Square Root Scaling)提供了通知实际培训方案,例如光滑,非凸深神经网络。虽然随机梯度下降的线性缩放是在我们概括的更多限制性条件下导出的,但是适应优化者的平方根缩放规则是我们的知识,完全小说。随机二阶方法和自适应方法的百分比,我们得出了最小阻尼系数与学习率与批量尺寸的比率成比例。我们在Cifar-$ 100 $和ImageNet数据集上验证了我们的VGG / WimerEsnet架构上的索赔。根据我们对象检的调查,我们基于飞行学习率和动量学习者开发了一个随机兰齐齐竞争,这避免了对这些关键的超参数进行昂贵的多重评估的需求,并在预残留的情况下显示出良好的初步结果Cifar的architecure - $ 100 $。
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分析高维损失函数的几何特性,例如局部曲率以及围绕损失空间某个特定点的其他Optima的存在,可以帮助您更好地理解神经网络结构,实现属性和学习绩效之间的相互作用。在这项工作中,我们将概念从高维概率和差异几何形状结合在一起,以研究低维损耗表示中的曲率特性如何取决于原始损失空间中的曲率。我们表明,如果使用随机投影,则很少在较低维表示中正确识别原始空间中的鞍点。在这样的预测中,较低维表示中的预期曲率与原始损耗空间中的平均曲率成正比。因此,原始损耗空间中的平均曲率决定了鞍点是否平均显示为最小值,最大值或几乎平坦的区域。我们使用预期曲率和平均曲率(即标准化的Hessian Trace)之间的连接来估计黑森的痕迹,而无需像Hutchinson的方法一样计算Hessian或Hessian-Vector产品。由于随机预测无法正确识别马鞍信息,因此我们建议沿着与最大和最小的主要曲线相关的Hessian指示进行预测。我们将发现与正在进行的有关损失景观平坦性和普遍性的辩论联系起来。最后,我们在不同图像分类器上的数值实验中说明了我们的方法,最高$ 7 \ times 10^6 $参数。
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Deep neural networks are usually trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD), which minimizes objective function using very rough approximations of gradient, only averaging to the real gradient. Standard approaches like momentum or ADAM only consider a single direction, and do not try to model distance from extremum - neglecting valuable information from calculated sequence of gradients, often stagnating in some suboptimal plateau. Second order methods could exploit these missed opportunities, however, beside suffering from very large cost and numerical instabilities, many of them attract to suboptimal points like saddles due to negligence of signs of curvatures (as eigenvalues of Hessian). Saddle-free Newton method is a rare example of addressing this issue - changes saddle attraction into repulsion, and was shown to provide essential improvement for final value this way. However, it neglects noise while modelling second order behavior, focuses on Krylov subspace for numerical reasons, and requires costly eigendecomposion. Maintaining SFN advantages, there are proposed inexpensive ways for exploiting these opportunities. Second order behavior is linear dependence of first derivative - we can optimally estimate it from sequence of noisy gradients with least square linear regression, in online setting here: with weakening weights of old gradients. Statistically relevant subspace is suggested by PCA of recent noisy gradients - in online setting it can be made by slowly rotating considered directions toward new gradients, gradually replacing old directions with recent statistically relevant. Eigendecomposition can be also performed online: with regularly performed step of QR method to maintain diagonal Hessian. Outside the second order modeled subspace we can simultaneously perform gradient descent.
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This paper proposes a new optimization algorithm called Entropy-SGD for training deep neural networks that is motivated by the local geometry of the energy landscape. Local extrema with low generalization error have a large proportion of almost-zero eigenvalues in the Hessian with very few positive or negative eigenvalues. We leverage upon this observation to construct a local-entropy-based objective function that favors well-generalizable solutions lying in large flat regions of the energy landscape, while avoiding poorly-generalizable solutions located in the sharp valleys. Conceptually, our algorithm resembles two nested loops of SGD where we use Langevin dynamics in the inner loop to compute the gradient of the local entropy before each update of the weights. We show that the new objective has a smoother energy landscape and show improved generalization over SGD using uniform stability, under certain assumptions. Our experiments on convolutional and recurrent networks demonstrate that Entropy-SGD compares favorably to state-of-the-art techniques in terms of generalization error and training time.
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我们调查了Wigner半圈和Marcenko-Pastur分布,通常用于深度神经网络理论分析,匹配经验观察到的光谱密度。我们发现甚至允许异常值,观察到的光谱形状强烈地偏离了这种理论预测。这提出了关于这些模型在深度学习中的有用性的重要问题。我们进一步表明,理论结果,例如关键点的分层性质,强烈依赖于这些限制光谱密度的确切形式的使用。我们考虑两个新的矩阵集合;随机Wigner / Wishart集合产品和渗透的Wigner / Wishart集合,两者都更好地匹配观察光谱。它们还给出了原点的大型离散光谱峰,为观察提供了一种理论解释,即各种Optima可以通过一维的低损耗值连接。我们进一步表明,在随机矩阵产品的情况下,离散光谱分量的重量为0美元取决于权重矩阵的尺寸的比率。
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We propose an efficient method for approximating natural gradient descent in neural networks which we call Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC). K-FAC is based on an efficiently invertible approximation of a neural network's Fisher information matrix which is neither diagonal nor low-rank, and in some cases is completely non-sparse. It is derived by approximating various large blocks of the Fisher (corresponding to entire layers) as being the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. While only several times more expensive to compute than the plain stochastic gradient, the updates produced by K-FAC make much more progress optimizing the objective, which results in an algorithm that can be much faster than stochastic gradient descent with momentum in practice. And unlike some previously proposed approximate natural-gradient/Newton methods which use high-quality non-diagonal curvature matrices (such as Hessian-free optimization), K-FAC works very well in highly stochastic optimization regimes. This is because the cost of storing and inverting K-FAC's approximation to the curvature matrix does not depend on the amount of data used to estimate it, which is a feature typically associated only with diagonal or low-rank approximations to the curvature matrix.
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近期在应用于培训深度神经网络和数据分析中的其他优化问题中的非凸优化的优化算法的兴趣增加,我们概述了最近对非凸优化优化算法的全球性能保证的理论结果。我们从古典参数开始,显示一般非凸面问题无法在合理的时间内有效地解决。然后,我们提供了一个问题列表,可以通过利用问题的结构来有效地找到全球最小化器,因为可能的问题。处理非凸性的另一种方法是放宽目标,从找到全局最小,以找到静止点或局部最小值。对于该设置,我们首先为确定性一阶方法的收敛速率提出了已知结果,然后是最佳随机和随机梯度方案的一般理论分析,以及随机第一阶方法的概述。之后,我们讨论了非常一般的非凸面问题,例如最小化$ \ alpha $ -weakly-are-convex功能和满足Polyak-lojasiewicz条件的功能,这仍然允许获得一阶的理论融合保证方法。然后,我们考虑更高阶和零序/衍生物的方法及其收敛速率,以获得非凸优化问题。
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已知生物制剂在他们的生活过程中学习许多不同的任务,并且能够重新审视以前的任务和行为,而没有表现不损失。相比之下,人工代理容易出于“灾难性遗忘”,在以前任务上的性能随着所获取的新的任务而恶化。最近使用该方法通过鼓励参数保持接近以前任务的方法来解决此缺点。这可以通过(i)使用特定的参数正常数来完成,该参数正常数是在参数空间中映射合适的目的地,或(ii)通过将渐变投影到不会干扰先前任务的子空间来指导优化旅程。然而,这些方法通常在前馈和经常性神经网络中表现出子分子表现,并且经常性网络对支持生物持续学习的神经动力学研究感兴趣。在这项工作中,我们提出了自然的持续学习(NCL),一种统一重量正则化和预测梯度下降的新方法。 NCL使用贝叶斯重量正常化来鼓励在收敛的所有任务上进行良好的性能,并将其与梯度投影结合使用先前的精度,这可以防止在优化期间陷入灾难性遗忘。当应用于前馈和经常性网络中的连续学习问题时,我们的方法占据了标准重量正则化技术和投影的方法。最后,训练有素的网络演变了特定于任务特定的动态,这些动态被认为是学习的新任务,类似于生物电路中的实验结果。
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Despite the widespread practical success of deep learning methods, our theoretical understanding of the dynamics of learning in deep neural networks remains quite sparse. We attempt to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of deep learning by systematically analyzing learning dynamics for the restricted case of deep linear neural networks. Despite the linearity of their input-output map, such networks have nonlinear gradient descent dynamics on weights that change with the addition of each new hidden layer. We
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