视觉变压器的最新进展在基于点产生自我注意的新空间建模机制驱动的各种任务中取得了巨大成功。在本文中,我们表明,视觉变压器背后的关键要素,即输入自适应,远程和高阶空间相互作用,也可以通过基于卷积的框架有效地实现。我们介绍了递归封闭式卷积($ \ textit {g}^\ textit {n} $ conv),该卷积{n} $ conv)与封闭的卷积和递归设计执行高阶空间交互。新操作是高度灵活和可定制的,它与卷积的各种变体兼容,并将自我注意的两阶相互作用扩展到任意订单,而无需引入大量额外的计算。 $ \ textit {g}^\ textit {n} $ conv可以用作插件模块,以改善各种视觉变压器和基于卷积的模型。根据该操作,我们构建了一个名为Hornet的新型通用视觉骨干家族。关于ImageNet分类,可可对象检测和ADE20K语义分割的广泛实验表明,大黄蜂的表现优于Swin变形金刚,并具有相似的整体体系结构和训练配置的明显边距。大黄蜂还显示出对更多训练数据和更大模型大小的有利可伸缩性。除了在视觉编码器中的有效性外,我们还可以将$ \ textit {g}^\ textit {n} $ conv应用于特定于任务的解码器,并始终通过较少的计算来提高密集的预测性能。我们的结果表明,$ \ textIt {g}^\ textit {n} $ conv可以成为视觉建模的新基本模块,可有效结合视觉变形金刚和CNN的优点。代码可从https://github.com/raoyongming/hornet获得
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我们介绍克斯内变压器,一种高效且有效的变压器的骨干,用于通用视觉任务。变压器设计的具有挑战性的问题是,全球自我关注来计算成本昂贵,而局部自我关注经常限制每个令牌的相互作用。为了解决这个问题,我们开发了以平行的横向和垂直条纹在水平和垂直条纹中计算自我关注的交叉形窗口自我关注机制,通过将输入特征分成相等的条纹而获得的每个条纹宽度。我们提供了条纹宽度效果的数学分析,并改变变压器网络的不同层的条纹宽度,这在限制计算成本时实现了强大的建模能力。我们还介绍了本地增强的位置编码(LEPE),比现有的编码方案更好地处理本地位置信息。 LEPE自然支持任意输入分辨率,因此对下游任务特别有效和友好。 CSWIN变压器并入其具有这些设计和分层结构,展示了普通愿景任务的竞争性能。具体来说,它在ImageNet-1K上实现了85.4 \%Top-1精度,而无需任何额外的培训数据或标签,53.9盒AP和46.4掩模AP,ADE20K语义分割任务上的52.2 Miou,超过以前的状态 - 在类似的拖鞋设置下,艺术品+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0分别为+1.2,+2.0,+1.4和+2.0。通过在较大的数据集Imagenet-21k上进行前预先预订,我们在Ave20K上实现了87.5%的成像-1K和高分性能,55.7 miou。代码和模型可在https://github.com/microsoft/cswin-transformer中找到。
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Since the recent success of Vision Transformers (ViTs), explorations toward transformer-style architectures have triggered the resurgence of modern ConvNets. In this work, we explore the representation ability of DNNs through the lens of interaction complexities. We empirically show that interaction complexity is an overlooked but essential indicator for visual recognition. Accordingly, a new family of efficient ConvNets, named MogaNet, is presented to pursue informative context mining in pure ConvNet-based models, with preferable complexity-performance trade-offs. In MogaNet, interactions across multiple complexities are facilitated and contextualized by leveraging two specially designed aggregation blocks in both spatial and channel interaction spaces. Extensive studies are conducted on ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20K semantic segmentation tasks. The results demonstrate that our MogaNet establishes new state-of-the-art over other popular methods in mainstream scenarios and all model scales. Typically, the lightweight MogaNet-T achieves 80.0\% top-1 accuracy with only 1.44G FLOPs using a refined training setup on ImageNet-1K, surpassing ParC-Net-S by 1.4\% accuracy but saving 59\% (2.04G) FLOPs.
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视觉识别的“咆哮20S”开始引入视觉变压器(VITS),这将被取代的Cummnets作为最先进的图像分类模型。另一方面,vanilla vit,当应用于一般计算机视觉任务等对象检测和语义分割时面临困难。它是重新引入多个ConvNet Priors的等级变压器(例如,Swin变压器),使变压器实际上可作为通用视觉骨干网,并在各种视觉任务上展示了显着性能。然而,这种混合方法的有效性仍然在很大程度上归功于变压器的内在优越性,而不是卷积的固有感应偏差。在这项工作中,我们重新审视设计空间并测试纯粹的Convnet可以实现的限制。我们逐渐“现代化”标准Reset朝着视觉变压器的设计设计,并发现几个有助于沿途绩效差异的关键组件。此探索的结果是一个纯粹的ConvNet型号被称为ConvNext。完全由标准的Convnet模块构建,ConvNexts在准确性和可扩展性方面与变压器竞争,实现了87.8%的ImageNet Top-1精度和表现优于COCO检测和ADE20K分割的Swin变压器,同时保持了标准Convnet的简单性和效率。
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We propose focal modulation networks (FocalNets in short), where self-attention (SA) is completely replaced by a focal modulation mechanism for modeling token interactions in vision. Focal modulation comprises three components: (i) hierarchical contextualization, implemented using a stack of depth-wise convolutional layers, to encode visual contexts from short to long ranges, (ii) gated aggregation to selectively gather contexts for each query token based on its content, and (iii) element-wise modulation or affine transformation to inject the aggregated context into the query. Extensive experiments show FocalNets outperform the state-of-the-art SA counterparts (e.g., Swin and Focal Transformers) with similar computational costs on the tasks of image classification, object detection, and segmentation. Specifically, FocalNets with tiny and base size achieve 82.3% and 83.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K. After pretrained on ImageNet-22K in 224 resolution, it attains 86.5% and 87.3% top-1 accuracy when finetuned with resolution 224 and 384, respectively. When transferred to downstream tasks, FocalNets exhibit clear superiority. For object detection with Mask R-CNN, FocalNet base trained with 1\times outperforms the Swin counterpart by 2.1 points and already surpasses Swin trained with 3\times schedule (49.0 v.s. 48.5). For semantic segmentation with UPerNet, FocalNet base at single-scale outperforms Swin by 2.4, and beats Swin at multi-scale (50.5 v.s. 49.7). Using large FocalNet and Mask2former, we achieve 58.5 mIoU for ADE20K semantic segmentation, and 57.9 PQ for COCO Panoptic Segmentation. Using huge FocalNet and DINO, we achieved 64.3 and 64.4 mAP on COCO minival and test-dev, respectively, establishing new SoTA on top of much larger attention-based models like Swinv2-G and BEIT-3. Code and checkpoints are available at https://github.com/microsoft/FocalNet.
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由于复杂的注意机制和模型设计,大多数现有的视觉变压器(VIT)无法在现实的工业部署方案中的卷积神经网络(CNN)高效,例如张力和coreml。这提出了一个独特的挑战:可以设计视觉神经网络以与CNN一样快地推断并表现强大吗?最近的作品试图设计CNN-Transformer混合体系结构来解决这个问题,但是这些作品的整体性能远非令人满意。为了结束这些结束,我们提出了下一代视觉变压器,以在现实的工业场景中有效部署,即下一步,从延迟/准确性权衡的角度来看,它在CNN和VIT上占主导地位。在这项工作中,下一个卷积块(NCB)和下一个变压器块(NTB)分别开发出用于使用部署友好机制捕获本地和全球信息。然后,下一个混合策略(NHS)旨在将NCB和NTB堆叠在有效的混合范式中,从而提高了各种下游任务中的性能。广泛的实验表明,在各种视觉任务方面的延迟/准确性权衡方面,下一个VIT明显优于现有的CNN,VIT和CNN转换混合体系结构。在Tensorrt上,在可可检测上,Next-Vit超过5.4 MAP(从40.4到45.8),在类似延迟下,ADE20K细分的8.2%MIOU(从38.8%到47.0%)。同时,它可以与CSWIN达到可比的性能,而推理速度则以3.6倍的速度加速。在COREML上,在类似的延迟下,在COCO检测上,下一步超过了可可检测的4.6 MAP(从42.6到47.2),ADE20K分割的3.5%MIOU(从45.2%到48.7%)。代码将最近发布。
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Compared to the great progress of large-scale vision transformers (ViTs) in recent years, large-scale models based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are still in an early state. This work presents a new large-scale CNN-based foundation model, termed InternImage, which can obtain the gain from increasing parameters and training data like ViTs. Different from the recent CNNs that focus on large dense kernels, InternImage takes deformable convolution as the core operator, so that our model not only has the large effective receptive field required for downstream tasks such as detection and segmentation, but also has the adaptive spatial aggregation conditioned by input and task information. As a result, the proposed InternImage reduces the strict inductive bias of traditional CNNs and makes it possible to learn stronger and more robust patterns with large-scale parameters from massive data like ViTs. The effectiveness of our model is proven on challenging benchmarks including ImageNet, COCO, and ADE20K. It is worth mentioning that InternImage-H achieved the new record 65.4 mAP on COCO test-dev. The code will be released at https://github.com/OpenGVLab/InternImage.
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This paper presents a new vision Transformer, called Swin Transformer, that capably serves as a general-purpose backbone for computer vision. Challenges in adapting Transformer from language to vision arise from differences between the two domains, such as large variations in the scale of visual entities and the high resolution of pixels in images compared to words in text. To address these differences, we propose a hierarchical Transformer whose representation is computed with Shifted windows. The shifted windowing scheme brings greater efficiency by limiting self-attention computation to non-overlapping local windows while also allowing for cross-window connection. This hierarchical architecture has the flexibility to model at various scales and has linear computational complexity with respect to image size. These qualities of Swin Transformer make it compatible with a broad range of vision tasks, including image classification (87.3 top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K) and dense prediction tasks such as object detection (58.7 box AP and 51.1 mask AP on COCO testdev) and semantic segmentation (53.5 mIoU on ADE20K val). Its performance surpasses the previous state-of-theart by a large margin of +2.7 box AP and +2.6 mask AP on COCO, and +3.2 mIoU on ADE20K, demonstrating the potential of Transformer-based models as vision backbones. The hierarchical design and the shifted window approach also prove beneficial for all-MLP architectures. The code and models are publicly available at https://github. com/microsoft/Swin-Transformer.
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先前的视觉MLP,如MLP-MILER和RESMLP接受线性扁平的图像贴片作为输入,使其对不同的输入大小和难以捕获空间信息。这种方法隐瞒了MLP与基于变压器的对应物相比,并防止它们成为计算机视觉的一般骨干。本文介绍了Hire-MLP,通过\ TextBF {Hi} reachical \ TextBF {Re}排列,这是一个简单而竞争的愿景MLP架构,其中包含两个重排级别。具体地,提出内部区域重新排列以捕获空间区域内的局部信息,并且提出横区域重新排列以使不同区域之间的信息通信能够通过沿空间方向循环地转换所有令牌来实现不同区域之间的信息通信。广泛的实验证明了Hire-MLP作为各种视觉任务的多功能骨干的有效性。特别是,Hire-MLP在图像分类,对象检测和语义分割任务上实现竞争结果,例如,在Imagenet上的83.8%的前1个精度,51.7%盒AP和Coco Val2017上的44.8%掩模AP和Ade20k上的49.9%Miou ,超越以前的基于变压器和基于MLP的型号,具有更好的折衷以获得准确性和吞吐量。代码可在https://github.com/ggjy/hire-wave-mlp.pytorch获得。
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Vision Transformers have shown great promise recently for many vision tasks due to the insightful architecture design and attention mechanism. By revisiting the self-attention responses in Transformers, we empirically observe two interesting issues. First, Vision Transformers present a queryirrelevant behavior at deep layers, where the attention maps exhibit nearly consistent contexts in global scope, regardless of the query patch position (also head-irrelevant). Second, the attention maps are intrinsically sparse, few tokens dominate the attention weights; introducing the knowledge from ConvNets would largely smooth the attention and enhance the performance. Motivated by above observations, we generalize self-attention formulation to abstract a queryirrelevant global context directly and further integrate the global context into convolutions. The resulting model, a Fully Convolutional Vision Transformer (i.e., FCViT), purely consists of convolutional layers and firmly inherits the merits of both attention mechanism and convolutions, including dynamic property, weight sharing, and short- and long-range feature modeling, etc. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of FCViT. With less than 14M parameters, our FCViT-S12 outperforms related work ResT-Lite by 3.7% top1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K. When scaling FCViT to larger models, we still perform better than previous state-of-the-art ConvNeXt with even fewer parameters. FCViT-based models also demonstrate promising transferability to downstream tasks, like object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. Codes and models are made available at: https://github.com/ma-xu/FCViT.
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Very recently, a variety of vision transformer architectures for dense prediction tasks have been proposed and they show that the design of spatial attention is critical to their success in these tasks. In this work, we revisit the design of the spatial attention and demonstrate that a carefully devised yet simple spatial attention mechanism performs favorably against the state-of-the-art schemes. As a result, we propose two vision transformer architectures, namely, Twins-PCPVT and Twins-SVT. Our proposed architectures are highly efficient and easy to implement, only involving matrix multiplications that are highly optimized in modern deep learning frameworks. More importantly, the proposed architectures achieve excellent performance on a wide range of visual tasks including image-level classification as well as dense detection and segmentation. The simplicity and strong performance suggest that our proposed architectures may serve as stronger backbones for many vision tasks. Our Code is available at: https://git.io/Twins.
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变形金刚迅速成为跨模式,域和任务的最深入学习架构之一。在视觉上,除了对普通变压器的持续努力外,层次变压器还引起了人们的重大关注,这要归功于它们的性能和轻松整合到现有框架中。这些模型通常采用局部注意机制,例如滑动窗口社区的注意力(NA)或Swin Transformer转移的窗户自我关注。尽管有效地降低了自我注意力的二次复杂性,但局部注意力却削弱了自我注意力最理想的两个特性:远距离相互依赖性建模和全球接受场。在本文中,我们引入了扩张的邻里注意力(DINA),这是NA的天然,灵活和有效的扩展,可以捕获更多的全球环境,并以无需额外的成本呈指数级扩展接受场。 NA的本地关注和Dina的稀疏全球关注相互补充,因此我们引入了扩张的邻里注意力变压器(Dinat),这是一种新的分层视觉变压器。 Dinat变体对基于注意的基线(例如NAT和SWIN)以及现代卷积基线Convnext都具有重大改进。我们的大型模型在可可对象检测中以1.5%的盒子AP领先于其在COCO物体检测中,1.3%的掩码AP在可可实例分段中,而ADE20K语义分段中的1.1%MIOU和更快的吞吐量。我们认为,NA和Dina的组合有可能增强本文提出的各种任务的能力。为了支持和鼓励朝着这个方向,远见和超越方向进行研究,我们在以下网址开放我们的项目:https://github.com/shi-labs/neighborhood-cithention-transformer。
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我们提出了邻里注意力变压器(NAT),这是一种有效,准确和可扩展的层次变压器,在图像分类和下游视觉任务上都很好地工作。它建立在邻里注意力(NA)的基础上,这是一种简单而灵活的注意机制,将每个查询的接受场都定位到其最近的相邻像素。 NA是自我注意的本地化,并且随着接收场大小的增加而接近它。在拖曳和记忆使用方面,它也等同于Swin Transformer的转移窗口的注意力,而同样的接收场大小,同时受到了较少的约束。此外,NA包括局部电感偏见,从而消除了对像素移位等额外操作的需求。 NAT的实验结果具有竞争力; Nat-tiny在Imagenet上仅具有4.3 GFLOPS和28M参数,在MS-Coco上达到51.4%的MAP和ADE20K上的48.4%MIOU。我们在:https://github.com/shi-labs/neighborhood-cithention-transformer上开放了检查点,代码和CUDA内核。
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本文提出了RESTV2,这是一种更简单,更快,更强的多尺度视觉变压器,用于视觉识别。 RESTV2简化了RESTV1中的EMSA结构(即消除了多头相互作用零件),并采用了upplame操作来重建由下采样操作引起的丢失的中等和高频信息。此外,我们探索了不同的技术,以更好地将RESTV2骨架应用于下游任务。我们发现,尽管将EMSAV2和窗户注意力结合起来可以大大减少理论矩阵乘数拖台,但它可能会大大降低计算密度,从而导致较低的实际速度。我们全面验证RESTV2在Imagenet分类,可可检测和ADE20K语义分割方面。实验结果表明,所提出的RESTV2可以大幅度优于最近最新的骨干,这表明RESTV2作为固体骨架的潜力。代码和模型将在\ url {https://github.com/wofmanaf/rest}公开可用
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