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Mutual Information (MI) based feature selection makes use of MI to evaluate each feature and eventually shortlists a relevant feature subset, in order to address issues associated with high-dimensional datasets. Despite the effectiveness of MI in feature selection, we notice that many state-of-the-art algorithms disregard the so-called unique relevance (UR) of features, and arrive at a suboptimal selected feature subset which contains a non-negligible number of redundant features. We point out that the heart of the problem is that all these MIBFS algorithms follow the criterion of Maximize Relevance with Minimum Redundancy (MRwMR), which does not explicitly target UR. This motivates us to augment the existing criterion with the objective of boosting unique relevance (BUR), leading to a new criterion called MRwMR-BUR. Depending on the task being addressed, MRwMR-BUR has two variants, termed MRwMR-BUR-KSG and MRwMR-BUR-CLF, which estimate UR differently. MRwMR-BUR-KSG estimates UR via a nearest-neighbor based approach called the KSG estimator and is designed for three major tasks: (i) Classification Performance. (ii) Feature Interpretability. (iii) Classifier Generalization. MRwMR-BUR-CLF estimates UR via a classifier based approach. It adapts UR to different classifiers, further improving the competitiveness of MRwMR-BUR for classification performance oriented tasks. The performance of both MRwMR-BUR-KSG and MRwMR-BUR-CLF is validated via experiments using six public datasets and three popular classifiers. Specifically, as compared to MRwMR, the proposed MRwMR-BUR-KSG improves the test accuracy by 2% - 3% with 25% - 30% fewer features being selected, without increasing the algorithm complexity. MRwMR-BUR-CLF further improves the classification performance by 3.8%- 5.5% (relative to MRwMR), and it also outperforms three popular classifier dependent feature selection methods.
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Selecting a minimal feature set that is maximally informative about a target variable is a central task in machine learning and statistics. Information theory provides a powerful framework for formulating feature selection algorithms -- yet, a rigorous, information-theoretic definition of feature relevancy, which accounts for feature interactions such as redundant and synergistic contributions, is still missing. We argue that this lack is inherent to classical information theory which does not provide measures to decompose the information a set of variables provides about a target into unique, redundant, and synergistic contributions. Such a decomposition has been introduced only recently by the partial information decomposition (PID) framework. Using PID, we clarify why feature selection is a conceptually difficult problem when approached using information theory and provide a novel definition of feature relevancy and redundancy in PID terms. From this definition, we show that the conditional mutual information (CMI) maximizes relevancy while minimizing redundancy and propose an iterative, CMI-based algorithm for practical feature selection. We demonstrate the power of our CMI-based algorithm in comparison to the unconditional mutual information on benchmark examples and provide corresponding PID estimates to highlight how PID allows to quantify information contribution of features and their interactions in feature-selection problems.
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Variable and feature selection have become the focus of much research in areas of application for which datasets with tens or hundreds of thousands of variables are available. These areas include text processing of internet documents, gene expression array analysis, and combinatorial chemistry. The objective of variable selection is three-fold: improving the prediction performance of the predictors, providing faster and more cost-effective predictors, and providing a better understanding of the underlying process that generated the data. The contributions of this special issue cover a wide range of aspects of such problems: providing a better definition of the objective function, feature construction, feature ranking, multivariate feature selection, efficient search methods, and feature validity assessment methods.
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相关特征的识别,即确定系统的过程或属性的驱动变量,是对具有大量变量的数据集分析的重要组成部分。量化这些特征相关性的数学严格方法是相互信息。相互信息确定特征在其联合相互依赖与感兴趣的财产方面的相关性。但是,相互信息需要作为输入概率分布,这不能可靠地从连续分布(例如长度或能量)等连续分布中估计。在这里,我们介绍了总累积共同信息(TCMI),这是对相互依赖关系的相关性的度量,该信息将相互信息扩展到基于累积概率分布的连续分布的随机变量。 TCMI是一种非参数,鲁棒和确定性的度量,可促进具有不同基数的特征集之间的比较和排名。 TCMI诱导的排名允许特征选择,即,考虑到数据示例的数量以及一组变量集的基数,识别与感兴趣属性的非线性统计学相关的变量集的识别。我们通过模拟数据评估测量的性能,将其性能与类似的多元依赖性度量进行比较,并在一组标准数据集中证明了我们的功能选择方法的有效性以及材料科学中的典型情况。
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我们介绍了强大的子组发现的问题,即,找到一个关于一个或多个目标属性的脱颖而出的子集的一组可解释的描述,2)是统计上的鲁棒,并且3)非冗余。许多尝试已经挖掘了局部强壮的子组或解决模式爆炸,但我们是第一个从全球建模角度同时解决这两个挑战的爆炸。首先,我们制定广泛的模型类别的子组列表,即订购的子组,可以组成的单次组和多变量目标,该目标可以由标称或数字变量组成,并且包括其定义中的传统Top-1子组发现。这种新颖的模型类允许我们使用最小描述长度(MDL)原理来形式地形化最佳强大的子组发现,在那里我们分别为标称和数字目标的最佳归一化最大可能性和贝叶斯编码而度假。其次,正如查找最佳子组列表都是NP-Hard,我们提出了SSD ++,一个贪婪的启发式,找到了很好的子组列表,并保证了根据MDL标准的最重要的子组在每次迭代中添加,这被显示为等同于贝叶斯一个样本比例,多项式或子组之间的多项式或T检验,以及数据集边际目标分布以及多假设检测罚款。我们经验上显示了54个数据集,即SSD ++优于先前的子组设置发现方法和子组列表大小。
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在工程设计过程中的一个重要问题是制定一种了解哪些设计参数对性能影响最大。特别是在优化方法中,这种知识对于实现有效的设计过程并实现高性能结果来实现这一知识。信息理论提供了强大的工具来调查这些关系,因为措施是无模型的,因此还捕获非线性关系,同时仅需要对输入数据的最小假设。因此,我们建议使用最近引入的信息 - 理论方法和估计算法来找到优化结果中最有影响力的输入参数。所提出的方法尤其能够考虑参数之间的相互作用,这些方法通常被忽略,但可能导致多个参数的冗余或协同贡献。我们展示了这些方法在航空航天工程中的优化数据中的应用,在那里我们首先使用最近引入的信息理论特征选择算法来确定最相关的优化参数,该特征选择算法考虑参数之间的交互。其次,我们使用新颖的部分信息分解(PID)框架,该框架允许在所选参数与优化结果方面的冗余和协同贡献来识别参数交互。因此,我们展示了新颖的信息理论方法在识别优化运行中的相关参数中的力量,并突出这些方法如何避免选择冗余参数,同时检测到导致多个参数的协同贡献的交互。
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机器学习(ML)应用程序的数据量不断增长。不仅是观察的数量,特别是测量变量的数量(特征)增加了持续的数字化。选择最适合预测建模的功能是ML在商业和研究中取得成功的重要杠杆。特征选择方法(FSM)独立于某种ML算法 - 所谓的过滤方法 - 已毫无意义地建议,但研究人员和定量建模的指导很少,以选择典型ML问题的适当方法。本次审查在特征选择基准上综合了大量文献,并评估了58种方法在广泛使用的R环境中的性能。对于具体的指导,我们考虑了四种典型的数据集方案,这些情况挑战ML模型(嘈杂,冗余,不平衡数据和具有比观察特征更多的案例)。绘制早期基准的经验,该基准测试较少的FSMS,我们根据四个标准进行比较方法的性能(预测性能,所选的相关功能数,功能集和运行时的稳定性)。我们发现依赖于随机森林方法的方法,双输入对称相关滤波器(浪费)和联合杂质滤波器(Jim)是给定的数据集方案的良好性候选方法。
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由于巨大的未标记数据的出现,现在已经增加了更加关注无监督的功能选择。需要考虑使用更有效的顺序使用样品训练学习方法的样本和潜在效果的分布,以提高该方法的鲁棒性。自定步学习是考虑样本培训顺序的有效方法。在本研究中,通过整合自花枢学习和子空间学习框架来提出无监督的特征选择。此外,保留了局部歧管结构,并且特征的冗余受到两个正则化术语的约束。 $ l_ {2,1 / 2} $ - norm应用于投影矩阵,旨在保留歧视特征,并进一步缓解数据中噪声的影响。然后,提出了一种迭代方法来解决优化问题。理论上和实验证明了该方法的收敛性。将所提出的方法与九个现实世界数据集上的其他技术的算法进行比较。实验结果表明,该方法可以提高聚类方法的性能,优于其他比较算法。
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在许多学科中,在大量解释变量中推断反应变量的直接因果父母的问题具有很高的实际意义。但是,建立的方法通常至少会随着解释变量的数量而呈指数级扩展,难以扩展到非线性关系,并且很难扩展到周期性数据。受{\ em Debiased}机器学习方法的启发,我们研究了一种单Vs.-the-Rest特征选择方法,以发现响应的直接因果父母。我们提出了一种用于纯观测数据的算法,同时还提供理论保证,包括可能在周期存在下的部分非线性关系的情况。由于它仅需要对每个变量进行一个估计,因此我们的方法甚至适用于大图。与既定方法相比,我们证明了显着改善。
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We present a new algorithm for Bayesian network structure learning, called Max-Min Hill-Climbing (MMHC). The algorithm combines ideas from local learning, constraint-based, and search-and-score techniques in a principled and effective way. It first reconstructs the skeleton of a Bayesian network and then performs a Bayesian-scoring greedy hill-climbing search to orient the edges. In our extensive empirical evaluation MMHC outperforms on average and in terms of various metrics several prototypical and state-of-the-art algorithms, namely the PC, Sparse Candidate, Three Phase Dependency Analysis, Optimal Reinsertion, Greedy Equivalence Search, and Greedy Search. These are the first empirical results simultaneously comparing most of the major Bayesian network algorithms against each other. MMHC offers certain theoretical advantages, specifically over the Sparse Candidate algorithm, corroborated by our experiments. MMHC and detailed results of our study are publicly available at http://www.dsl-lab.org/supplements/mmhc paper/mmhc index.html.
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Dataset scaling, also known as normalization, is an essential preprocessing step in a machine learning pipeline. It is aimed at adjusting attributes scales in a way that they all vary within the same range. This transformation is known to improve the performance of classification models, but there are several scaling techniques to choose from, and this choice is not generally done carefully. In this paper, we execute a broad experiment comparing the impact of 5 scaling techniques on the performances of 20 classification algorithms among monolithic and ensemble models, applying them to 82 publicly available datasets with varying imbalance ratios. Results show that the choice of scaling technique matters for classification performance, and the performance difference between the best and the worst scaling technique is relevant and statistically significant in most cases. They also indicate that choosing an inadequate technique can be more detrimental to classification performance than not scaling the data at all. We also show how the performance variation of an ensemble model, considering different scaling techniques, tends to be dictated by that of its base model. Finally, we discuss the relationship between a model's sensitivity to the choice of scaling technique and its performance and provide insights into its applicability on different model deployment scenarios. Full results and source code for the experiments in this paper are available in a GitHub repository.\footnote{https://github.com/amorimlb/scaling\_matters}
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While methods for comparing two learning algorithms on a single data set have been scrutinized for quite some time already, the issue of statistical tests for comparisons of more algorithms on multiple data sets, which is even more essential to typical machine learning studies, has been all but ignored. This article reviews the current practice and then theoretically and empirically examines several suitable tests. Based on that, we recommend a set of simple, yet safe and robust non-parametric tests for statistical comparisons of classifiers: the Wilcoxon signed ranks test for comparison of two classifiers and the Friedman test with the corresponding post-hoc tests for comparison of more classifiers over multiple data sets. Results of the latter can also be neatly presented with the newly introduced CD (critical difference) diagrams.
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机器学习对图像和视频数据的应用通常会产生高维特征空间。有效的功能选择技术确定了一个判别特征子空间,该子空间可降低计算和建模成本,而绩效很少。提出了一种新颖的监督功能选择方法,用于这项工作中的机器学习决策。所得测试分别称为分类和回归问题的判别功能测试(DFT)和相关特征测试(RFT)。 DFT和RFT程序进行了详细描述。此外,我们将DFT和RFT的有效性与几种经典特征选择方法进行了比较。为此,我们使用LENET-5为MNIST和时尚流行数据集获得的深度功能作为说明性示例。其他具有手工制作和基因表达功能的数据集也包括用于性能评估。实验结果表明,DFT和RFT可以在保持较高的决策绩效的同时明确,稳健地选择较低的尺寸特征子空间。
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