知识图嵌入研究主要集中于学习知识图的连续表示链接预测问题。最近开发的框架可以有效地应用于研究相关的应用中。但是,这些框架无法满足现实应用程序的许多要求。随着知识图的大小的增长,在这些框架中,将计算从商品计算机转移到一组计算机变得更具挑战性。查找合适的高参数设置W.R.T.时间和计算预算留给从业者。此外,尽管持续学习在许多现实世界(深)学习驱动的应用中,持续学习在知识图嵌入框架中的持续学习方面通常被忽略。可以说,这些局限性解释了缺乏大型知识图的公开知识图嵌入模型。我们以框架的框架,pytorch闪电和拥抱面的框架开发了一个框架,以用硬件 - 静态方式计算大规模知识图的嵌入,以解决与真实应用规模有关的现实世界挑战。我们提供框架的开源版本以及具有超过11.4 B参数的预训练模型的枢纽。
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知识图形嵌入研究主要集中在两个最小的规范部门代数,$ \ mathbb {r} $和$ \ mathbb {c} $。最近的结果表明,四元增值嵌入的三线性产品可以是解决链路预测的更有效手段。此外,基于真实嵌入的卷曲的模型通常会产生最先进的链路预测结果。在本文中,我们调查了一种卷积操作的组成,具有超量用乘法。我们提出了四个方法qmult,amult,convic和convo来解决链路预测问题。 Qmult和Omult可以被视为先前最先进方法的四元数和octonion扩展,包括Distmult和复杂。 Convic和Convo在Qmult和Omlult上建立在剩余学习框架的方式中包括卷积操作。我们在七个链路预测数据集中评估了我们的方法,包括WN18RR,FB15K-237和YAGO3-10。实验结果表明,随着知识图的规模和复杂性的增长,学习超复分价值的矢量表示的益处变得更加明显。 Convo优于MRR的FB15K-237上的最先进的方法,命中@ 1并点击@ 3,而Qmult,Omlult,Convic和Convo在所有度量标准中的Yago3-10上的最终倾斜的方式。结果还表明,通过预测平均可以进一步改善链路预测性能。为了培养可重复的研究,我们提供了开源的方法,包括培训和评估脚本以及佩戴型模型。
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本文介绍了$ \ mu \ text {kg} $,一个开源python库,用于在知识图上进行表示。 $ \ mu \ text {kg} $支持通过多源知识图(以及单个知识图),多个深度学习库(Pytorch和Tensorflow2),多个嵌入任务(链接预​​测,实体对准,实体键入,实体键入),支持联合表示。 ,以及多源链接预测)以及多个并行计算模式(多进程和多GPU计算)。它目前实现26个流行知识图嵌入模型,并支持16个基准数据集。 $ \ mu \ text {kg} $提供了具有不同任务的简化管道的嵌入技术的高级实现。它还带有高质量的文档,以易于使用。 $ \ mu \ text {kg} $比现有的知识图嵌入库更全面。它对于对各种嵌入模型和任务进行彻底比较和分析非常有用。我们表明,共同学习的嵌入可以极大地帮助知识驱动的下游任务,例如多跳知识图形答案。我们将与相关字段中的最新发展保持一致,并将其纳入$ \ mu \ text {kg} $中。
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链路预测是预测知识图的实体之间缺失关系的任务。最近的链路预测工作已经尝试通过在神经网络架构中使用更多层来提供增加链路预测精度的模型。在本文中,我们提出了一种精炼知识图的新方法,从而可以使用相对快速的翻译模型更准确地执行链路预测操作。翻译链接预测模型,如Transe,Transh,Transd,而不是深度学习方法的复杂性较小。我们的方法使用知识图中的关系和实体的层次结构将实体信息作为辅助节点添加到图形中,并将它们连接到包含在其层级中的该信息的节点。我们的实验表明,我们的方法可以显着提高H @ 10的翻译链路预测方法的性能,MRR,MRR。
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Biomedical knowledge graphs (KG) are heterogenous networks consisting of biological entities as nodes and relations between them as edges. These entities and relations are extracted from millions of research papers and unified in a single resource. The goal of biomedical multi-hop question-answering over knowledge graph (KGQA) is to help biologist and scientist to get valuable insights by asking questions in natural language. Relevant answers can be found by first understanding the question and then querying the KG for right set of nodes and relationships to arrive at an answer. To model the question, language models such as RoBERTa and BioBERT are used to understand context from natural language question. One of the challenges in KGQA is missing links in the KG. Knowledge graph embeddings (KGE) help to overcome this problem by encoding nodes and edges in a dense and more efficient way. In this paper, we use a publicly available KG called Hetionet which is an integrative network of biomedical knowledge assembled from 29 different databases of genes, compounds, diseases, and more. We have enriched this KG dataset by creating a multi-hop biomedical question-answering dataset in natural language for testing the biomedical multi-hop question-answering system and this dataset will be made available to the research community. The major contribution of this research is an integrated system that combines language models with KG embeddings to give highly relevant answers to free-form questions asked by biologists in an intuitive interface. Biomedical multi-hop question-answering system is tested on this data and results are highly encouraging.
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Covid-19上的知识图(KGS)已建立在加速Covid-19的研究过程中。然而,KGs总是不完整,特别是新建造的Covid-19公斤。链路预测任务旨在预测(e,r,t)或(h,r,e)的丢失实体,其中H和t是某些实体,E是需要预测的实体,R是关系。这项任务还有可能解决Covid-19相关的KGS的不完全问题。虽然已经提出了各种知识图形嵌入(KGE)方法的链路预测任务,但这些现有方法遭受了使用单个评分函数的限制,这不能捕获Covid-19 Kgs的丰富特征。在这项工作中,我们提出了利用多个评分函数来提取来自现有三元组的更多特征的MDistmult模型。我们在CCKS2020 Covid-19抗病毒药物知识图(CADKG)上采用实验。实验结果表明,我们的MDistmult在CADKG数据集上的链路预测任务中实现了最先进的性能
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Link prediction for knowledge graphs is the task of predicting missing relationships between entities. Previous work on link prediction has focused on shallow, fast models which can scale to large knowledge graphs. However, these models learn less expressive features than deep, multi-layer modelswhich potentially limits performance. In this work we introduce ConvE, a multi-layer convolutional network model for link prediction, and report state-of-the-art results for several established datasets. We also show that the model is highly parameter efficient, yielding the same performance as DistMult and R-GCN with 8x and 17x fewer parameters. Analysis of our model suggests that it is particularly effective at modelling nodes with high indegree -which are common in highlyconnected, complex knowledge graphs such as Freebase and YAGO3. In addition, it has been noted that the WN18 and FB15k datasets suffer from test set leakage, due to inverse relations from the training set being present in the test sethowever, the extent of this issue has so far not been quantified. We find this problem to be severe: a simple rule-based model can achieve state-of-the-art results on both WN18 and FB15k. To ensure that models are evaluated on datasets where simply exploiting inverse relations cannot yield competitive results, we investigate and validate several commonly used datasets -deriving robust variants where necessary. We then perform experiments on these robust datasets for our own and several previously proposed models, and find that ConvE achieves state-of-the-art Mean Reciprocal Rank across most datasets.
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We address the challenge of building domain-specific knowledge models for industrial use cases, where labelled data and taxonomic information is initially scarce. Our focus is on inductive link prediction models as a basis for practical tools that support knowledge engineers with exploring text collections and discovering and linking new (so-called open-world) entities to the knowledge graph. We argue that - though neural approaches to text mining have yielded impressive results in the past years - current benchmarks do not reflect the typical challenges encountered in the industrial wild properly. Therefore, our first contribution is an open benchmark coined IRT2 (inductive reasoning with text) that (1) covers knowledge graphs of varying sizes (including very small ones), (2) comes with incidental, low-quality text mentions, and (3) includes not only triple completion but also ranking, which is relevant for supporting experts with discovery tasks. We investigate two neural models for inductive link prediction, one based on end-to-end learning and one that learns from the knowledge graph and text data in separate steps. These models compete with a strong bag-of-words baseline. The results show a significant advance in performance for the neural approaches as soon as the available graph data decreases for linking. For ranking, the results are promising, and the neural approaches outperform the sparse retriever by a wide margin.
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学习知识图的嵌入对人工智能至关重要,可以使各种下游应用受益,例如推荐和问题回答。近年来,已经提出了许多研究努力,以嵌入知识图形。然而,最先前的知识图形嵌入方法忽略不同三元组中的相关实体和实体关系耦合之间的语义相似性,因为它们与评分函数分别优化每个三倍。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个简单但有效的对比学习框架,用于知识图形嵌入,可以缩短不同三元组中相关实体和实体关系耦合的语义距离,从而提高知识图形嵌入的表现力。我们在三个标准知识图形基准上评估我们提出的方法。值得注意的是,我们的方法可以产生一些新的最先进的结果,在WN18RR数据集中实现51.2%的MRR,46.8%HITS @ 1,59.1%的MRR,51.8%在YAGO3-10数据集中击打@ 1 。
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The ability of knowledge graphs to represent complex relationships at scale has led to their adoption for various needs including knowledge representation, question-answering, fraud detection, and recommendation systems. Knowledge graphs are often incomplete in the information they represent, necessitating the need for knowledge graph completion tasks, such as link and relation prediction. Pre-trained and fine-tuned language models have shown promise in these tasks although these models ignore the intrinsic information encoded in the knowledge graph, namely the entity and relation types. In this work, we propose the Knowledge Graph Language Model (KGLM) architecture, where we introduce a new entity/relation embedding layer that learns to differentiate distinctive entity and relation types, therefore allowing the model to learn the structure of the knowledge graph. In this work, we show that further pre-training the language models with this additional embedding layer using the triples extracted from the knowledge graph, followed by the standard fine-tuning phase sets a new state-of-the-art performance for the link prediction task on the benchmark datasets.
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Knowledge graph embedding (KGE), which maps entities and relations in a knowledge graph into continuous vector spaces, has achieved great success in predicting missing links in knowledge graphs. However, knowledge graphs often contain incomplete triples that are difficult to inductively infer by KGEs. To address this challenge, we resort to analogical inference and propose a novel and general self-supervised framework AnKGE to enhance KGE models with analogical inference capability. We propose an analogical object retriever that retrieves appropriate analogical objects from entity-level, relation-level, and triple-level. And in AnKGE, we train an analogy function for each level of analogical inference with the original element embedding from a well-trained KGE model as input, which outputs the analogical object embedding. In order to combine inductive inference capability from the original KGE model and analogical inference capability enhanced by AnKGE, we interpolate the analogy score with the base model score and introduce the adaptive weights in the score function for prediction. Through extensive experiments on FB15k-237 and WN18RR datasets, we show that AnKGE achieves competitive results on link prediction task and well performs analogical inference.
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Knowledge graph (KG) link prediction aims to infer new facts based on existing facts in the KG. Recent studies have shown that using the graph neighborhood of a node via graph neural networks (GNNs) provides more useful information compared to just using the query information. Conventional GNNs for KG link prediction follow the standard message-passing paradigm on the entire KG, which leads to over-smoothing of representations and also limits their scalability. On a large scale, it becomes computationally expensive to aggregate useful information from the entire KG for inference. To address the limitations of existing KG link prediction frameworks, we propose a novel retrieve-and-read framework, which first retrieves a relevant subgraph context for the query and then jointly reasons over the context and the query with a high-capacity reader. As part of our exemplar instantiation for the new framework, we propose a novel Transformer-based GNN as the reader, which incorporates graph-based attention structure and cross-attention between query and context for deep fusion. This design enables the model to focus on salient context information relevant to the query. Empirical results on two standard KG link prediction datasets demonstrate the competitive performance of the proposed method.
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