多用户多输入多输出(MU-MIMO)系统可用于满足5G和超越网络的高吞吐量要求。基站在上行链路MU-MIMO系统中为许多用户提供服务,从而导致多用户干扰(MUI)。设计用于处理强大MUI的高性能探测器具有挑战性。本文分析了最先进消息传递(MP)检测器中使用高MUI的后验分布近似引起的性能降解。我们开发一个基于图神经网络的框架来微调MP检测器的腔分布,从而改善MP检测器中的后验分布近似。然后,我们提出了两个基于神经网络的新型检测器,它们依赖于期望传播(EP)和贝叶斯平行干扰取消(BPIC),分别称为GEPNET和GPICNET探测器。 GEPNET检测器可最大化检测性能,而GPICNET检测器平衡了性能和复杂性。我们提供了置换量比属性的证明,即使在具有动态变化的用户数量的系统中,也只能对检测器进行一次培训。仿真结果表明,所提出的GEPNET检测器性能在各种配置中接近最大似然性能,而GPICNET检测器将BPIC检测器的多路复用增益加倍。
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Iterative detection and decoding (IDD) is known to achieve near-capacity performance in multi-antenna wireless systems. We propose deep-unfolded interleaved detection and decoding (DUIDD), a new paradigm that reduces the complexity of IDD while achieving even lower error rates. DUIDD interleaves the inner stages of the data detector and channel decoder, which expedites convergence and reduces complexity. Furthermore, DUIDD applies deep unfolding to automatically optimize algorithmic hyperparameters, soft-information exchange, message damping, and state forwarding. We demonstrate the efficacy of DUIDD using NVIDIA's Sionna link-level simulator in a 5G-near multi-user MIMO-OFDM wireless system with a novel low-complexity soft-input soft-output data detector, an optimized low-density parity-check decoder, and channel vectors from a commercial ray-tracer. Our results show that DUIDD outperforms classical IDD both in terms of block error rate and computational complexity.
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Link-Adaptation(LA)是无线通信的最重要方面之一,其中发射器使用的调制和编码方案(MCS)适用于通道条件,以满足某些目标误差率。在具有离细胞外干扰的单用户SISO(SU-SISO)系统中,LA是通过计算接收器处计算后平均值 - 交换后噪声比(SINR)进行的。可以在使用线性探测器的多用户MIMO(MU-MIMO)接收器中使用相同的技术。均衡后SINR的另一个重要用途是用于物理层(PHY)抽象,其中几个PHY块(例如通道编码器,检测器和通道解码器)被抽象模型取代,以加快系统级级别的模拟。但是,对于具有非线性接收器的MU-MIMO系统,尚无等效于平衡后的SINR,这使LA和PHY抽象都极具挑战性。这份由两部分组成的论文解决了这个重要问题。在这一部分中,提出了一个称为检测器的称为比特 - 金属解码速率(BMDR)的度量,该指标提出了相当于后平等SINR的建议。由于BMDR没有封闭形式的表达式可以启用其瞬时计算,因此一种机器学习方法可以预测其以及广泛的仿真结果。
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Effective and adaptive interference management is required in next generation wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA), relying on multi-antenna rate-splitting (RS) at the transmitter and successive interference cancellation (SIC) at the receivers, has been intensively studied in recent years, albeit mostly under the assumption of perfect Channel State Information at the Receiver (CSIR) and ideal capacity-achieving modulation and coding schemes. To assess its practical performance, benefits, and limits under more realistic conditions, this work proposes a novel design for a practical RSMA receiver based on model-based deep learning (MBDL) methods, which aims to unite the simple structure of the conventional SIC receiver and the robustness and model agnosticism of deep learning techniques. The MBDL receiver is evaluated in terms of uncoded Symbol Error Rate (SER), throughput performance through Link-Level Simulations (LLS), and average training overhead. Also, a comparison with the SIC receiver, with perfect and imperfect CSIR, is given. Results reveal that the MBDL receiver outperforms by a significant margin the SIC receiver with imperfect CSIR, due to its ability to generate on demand non-linear symbol detection boundaries in a pure data-driven manner.
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由于其快速和低功率配置,可重新配置的智能表面(RISS)最近被视为未来无线网络的节能解决方案,这在实现大规模连通性和低延迟通信方面具有增加的潜力。基于RIS的系统中的准确且低空的通道估计是通常的RIS单元元素及其独特的硬件约束,这是最关键的挑战之一。在本文中,我们专注于RIS授权的多用户多用户多输入单输出(MISO)上行链路通信系统的上行链路,并根据并行因子分解提出了一个通道估计框架,以展开所得的级联通道模型。我们为基站和RIS之间的渠道以及RIS与用户之间的渠道提供了两种迭代估计算法。一个基于交替的最小二乘(ALS),而另一个使用向量近似消息传递到迭代的迭代中,从估计的向量重建了两个未知的通道。为了从理论上评估基于ALS的算法的性能,我们得出了其估计值CRAM \'ER-RAO BOND(CRB)。我们还通过估计的通道和基本站的不同预码方案讨论了可实现的总和率计算。我们的广泛仿真结果表明,我们的算法表现优于基准方案,并且ALS技术可实现CRB。还证明,使用估计通道的总和率总是在各种设置下达到完美通道的总和,从而验证了提出的估计算法的有效性和鲁棒性。
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Channel estimation is a critical task in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) digital communications that substantially effects end-to-end system performance. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for channel estimation using deep score-based generative models. A model is trained to estimate the gradient of the logarithm of a distribution and is used to iteratively refine estimates given measurements of a signal. We introduce a framework for training score-based generative models for wireless MIMO channels and performing channel estimation based on posterior sampling at test time. We derive theoretical robustness guarantees for channel estimation with posterior sampling in single-input single-output scenarios, and experimentally verify performance in the MIMO setting. Our results in simulated channels show competitive in-distribution performance, and robust out-of-distribution performance, with gains of up to $5$ dB in end-to-end coded communication performance compared to supervised deep learning methods. Simulations on the number of pilots show that high fidelity channel estimation with $25$% pilot density is possible for MIMO channel sizes of up to $64 \times 256$. Complexity analysis reveals that model size can efficiently trade performance for estimation latency, and that the proposed approach is competitive with compressed sensing in terms of floating-point operation (FLOP) count.
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在带有频划分双链体(FDD)的常规多用户多用户多输入多输出(MU-MIMO)系统中,尽管高度耦合,但已单独设计了通道采集和预编码器优化过程。本文研究了下行链路MU-MIMO系统的端到端设计,其中包括试点序列,有限的反馈和预编码。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的深度学习(DL)框架,该框架共同优化了用户的反馈信息生成和基础站(BS)的预编码器设计。 MU-MIMO系统中的每个过程都被智能设计的多个深神经网络(DNN)单元所取代。在BS上,神经网络生成试验序列,并帮助用户获得准确的频道状态信息。在每个用户中,频道反馈操作是由单个用户DNN以分布方式进行的。然后,另一个BS DNN从用户那里收集反馈信息,并确定MIMO预编码矩阵。提出了联合培训算法以端到端的方式优化所有DNN单元。此外,还提出了一种可以避免针对可扩展设计的不同网络大小进行重新训练的培训策略。数值结果证明了与经典优化技术和其他常规DNN方案相比,提出的DL框架的有效性。
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Communication and computation are often viewed as separate tasks. This approach is very effective from the perspective of engineering as isolated optimizations can be performed. On the other hand, there are many cases where the main interest is a function of the local information at the devices instead of the local information itself. For such scenarios, information theoretical results show that harnessing the interference in a multiple-access channel for computation, i.e., over-the-air computation (OAC), can provide a significantly higher achievable computation rate than the one with the separation of communication and computation tasks. Besides, the gap between OAC and separation in terms of computation rate increases with more participating nodes. Given this motivation, in this study, we provide a comprehensive survey on practical OAC methods. After outlining fundamentals related to OAC, we discuss the available OAC schemes with their pros and cons. We then provide an overview of the enabling mechanisms and relevant metrics to achieve reliable computation in the wireless channel. Finally, we summarize the potential applications of OAC and point out some future directions.
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Learning precoding policies with neural networks enables low complexity online implementation, robustness to channel impairments, and joint optimization with channel acquisition. However, existing neural networks suffer from high training complexity and poor generalization ability when they are used to learn to optimize precoding for mitigating multi-user interference. This impedes their use in practical systems where the number of users is time-varying. In this paper, we propose a graph neural network (GNN) to learn precoding policies by harnessing both the mathematical model and the property of the policies. We first show that a vanilla GNN cannot well-learn pseudo-inverse of channel matrix when the numbers of antennas and users are large, and is not generalizable to unseen numbers of users. Then, we design a GNN by resorting to the Taylor's expansion of matrix pseudo-inverse, which allows for capturing the importance of the neighbored edges to be aggregated that is crucial for learning precoding policies efficiently. Simulation results show that the proposed GNN can well learn spectral efficient and energy efficient precoding policies in single- and multi-cell multi-user multi-antenna systems with low training complexity, and can be well generalized to the numbers of users.
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由于处理非covex公式的能力,深入研究深度学习(DL)技术以优化多用户多输入单输出(MU-MISO)下行链接系统。但是,现有的深神经网络(DNN)的固定计算结构在系统大小(即天线或用户的数量)方面缺乏灵活性。本文开发了一个双方图神经网络(BGNN)框架,这是一种可扩展的DL溶液,旨在多端纳纳波束形成优化。首先,MU-MISO系统以两分图为特征,其中两个不相交的顶点集(由传输天线和用户组成)通过成对边缘连接。这些顶点互连状态是通过通道褪色系数建模的。因此,将通用的光束优化过程解释为重量双分图上的计算任务。这种方法将波束成型的优化过程分为多个用于单个天线顶点和用户顶点的子操作。分离的顶点操作导致可扩展的光束成型计算,这些计算不变到系统大小。顶点操作是由一组DNN模块实现的,这些DNN模块共同构成了BGNN体系结构。在所有天线和用户中都重复使用相同的DNN,以使所得的学习结构变得灵活地适合网络大小。 BGNN的组件DNN在许多具有随机变化的网络尺寸的MU-MISO配置上进行了训练。结果,训练有素的BGNN可以普遍应用于任意的MU-MISO系统。数值结果验证了BGNN框架比常规方法的优势。
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Deep learning-based approaches have been developed to solve challenging problems in wireless communications, leading to promising results. Early attempts adopted neural network architectures inherited from applications such as computer vision. They often yield poor performance in large scale networks (i.e., poor scalability) and unseen network settings (i.e., poor generalization). To resolve these issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been recently adopted, as they can effectively exploit the domain knowledge, i.e., the graph topology in wireless communications problems. GNN-based methods can achieve near-optimal performance in large-scale networks and generalize well under different system settings, but the theoretical underpinnings and design guidelines remain elusive, which may hinder their practical implementations. This paper endeavors to fill both the theoretical and practical gaps. For theoretical guarantees, we prove that GNNs achieve near-optimal performance in wireless networks with much fewer training samples than traditional neural architectures. Specifically, to solve an optimization problem on an $n$-node graph (where the nodes may represent users, base stations, or antennas), GNNs' generalization error and required number of training samples are $\mathcal{O}(n)$ and $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ times lower than the unstructured multi-layer perceptrons. For design guidelines, we propose a unified framework that is applicable to general design problems in wireless networks, which includes graph modeling, neural architecture design, and theory-guided performance enhancement. Extensive simulations, which cover a variety of important problems and network settings, verify our theory and the effectiveness of the proposed design framework.
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给定有限数量的训练数据样本的分类的基本任务被考虑了具有已知参数统计模型的物理系统。基于独立的学习和统计模型的分类器面临使用小型训练集实现分类任务的主要挑战。具体地,单独依赖基于物理的统计模型的分类器通常遭受它们无法适当地调整底层的不可观察的参数,这导致系统行为的不匹配表示。另一方面,基于学习的分类器通常依赖于来自底层物理过程的大量培训数据,这在最实际的情况下可能不可行。本文提出了一种混合分类方法 - 被称为亚牙线的菌丝 - 利用基于物理的统计模型和基于学习的分类器。所提出的解决方案基于猜想,即通过融合它们各自的优势,刺鼠线将减轻与基于学习和统计模型的分类器的各个方法相关的挑战。所提出的混合方法首先使用可用(次优)统计估计程序来估计不可观察的模型参数,随后使用基于物理的统计模型来生成合成数据。然后,培训数据样本与基于学习的分类器中的合成数据结合到基于神经网络的域 - 对抗训练。具体地,为了解决不匹配问题,分类器将从训练数据和合成数据的映射学习到公共特征空间。同时,培训分类器以在该空间内找到判别特征,以满足分类任务。
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In this paper, we investigate the joint device activity and data detection in massive machine-type communications (mMTC) with a one-phase non-coherent scheme, where data bits are embedded in the pilot sequences and the base station simultaneously detects active devices and their embedded data bits without explicit channel estimation. Due to the correlated sparsity pattern introduced by the non-coherent transmission scheme, the traditional approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm cannot achieve satisfactory performance. Therefore, we propose a deep learning (DL) modified AMP network (DL-mAMPnet) that enhances the detection performance by effectively exploiting the pilot activity correlation. The DL-mAMPnet is constructed by unfolding the AMP algorithm into a feedforward neural network, which combines the principled mathematical model of the AMP algorithm with the powerful learning capability, thereby benefiting from the advantages of both techniques. Trainable parameters are introduced in the DL-mAMPnet to approximate the correlated sparsity pattern and the large-scale fading coefficient. Moreover, a refinement module is designed to further advance the performance by utilizing the spatial feature caused by the correlated sparsity pattern. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DL-mAMPnet can significantly outperform traditional algorithms in terms of the symbol error rate performance.
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我们考虑无上行赠款非正交多访问(NOMA)中的多用户检测(MUD)问题,其中访问点必须确定活动互联网(IoT)设备的总数和正确的身份他们传输的数据。我们假设IoT设备使用复杂的扩散序列并以随机访问的方式传输信息,按照爆发 - 距离模型,其中一些物联网设备以高概率在多个相邻的时间插槽中传输其数据,而另一些物联网设备在帧中仅传输一次。利用时间相关性,我们提出了一个基于注意力的双向长期记忆(BILSTM)网络来解决泥浆问题。 Bilstm网络使用前向和反向通过LSTM创建设备激活历史记录的模式,而注意机制为设备激活点提供了基本背景。通过这样做,遵循了层次途径,以在无拨款方案中检测主动设备。然后,通过利用复杂的扩散序列,对估计的活动设备进行了盲数据检测。所提出的框架不需要对设备稀疏水平和执行泥浆的通道的先验知识。结果表明,与现有的基准方案相比,提议的网络的性能更好。
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