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普遍认为对抗培训是一种可靠的方法来改善对抗对抗攻击的模型稳健性。但是,在本文中,我们表明,当训练在一种类型的中毒数据时,对抗性培训也可以被愚蠢地具有灾难性行为,例如,$ <1 \%$强大的测试精度,以$> 90 \%$强大的训练准确度在CiFar-10数据集上。以前,在培训数据中,已经成功愚弄了标准培训($ 15.8 \%$标准测试精度,在CIFAR-10数据集中的标准训练准确度为99.9美元,但它们的中毒可以很容易地删除采用对抗性培训。因此,我们的目标是设计一种名为Advin的新型诱导噪声,这是一种不可动摇的培训数据中毒。 Advin不仅可以通过大幅度的利润率降低对抗性培训的鲁棒性,例如,从Cifar-10数据集每次为0.57 \%$ 0.57 \%$ 0.57 \%$ 0.1,但也有效地愚弄标准培训($ 13.1 \%$标准测试准确性$ 100 \%$标准培训准确度)。此外,否则可以应用于防止个人数据(如SELYIES)在没有授权的情况下剥削,无论是标准还是对抗性培训。
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对抗性训练遭受了稳健的过度装备,这是一种现象,在训练期间鲁棒测试精度开始减少。在本文中,我们专注于通过使用常见的数据增强方案来减少强大的过度装备。我们证明,与先前的发现相反,当与模型重量平均结合时,数据增强可以显着提高鲁棒精度。此外,我们比较各种增强技术,并观察到空间组合技术适用于对抗性培训。最后,我们评估了我们在Cifar-10上的方法,而不是$ \ ell_ indty $和$ \ ell_2 $ norm-indeded扰动分别为尺寸$ \ epsilon = 8/255 $和$ \ epsilon = 128/255 $。与以前的最先进的方法相比,我们表现出+ 2.93%的绝对改善+ 2.93%,+ 2.16%。特别是,反对$ \ ell_ infty $ norm-indeded扰动尺寸$ \ epsilon = 8/255 $,我们的模型达到60.07%的强劲准确性而不使用任何外部数据。我们还通过这种方法实现了显着的性能提升,同时使用其他架构和数据集如CiFar-100,SVHN和TinyimageNet。
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不分青红皂白血管中毒攻击,它为训练数据添加了不可察觉的扰动,以最大化训练有素的模型的测试错误,已成为一个时尚的主题,因为它们被认为能够防止未经授权使用数据。在这项工作中,我们调查为什么这些扰动原则上的工作。我们发现,当分配了相应样本的目标标签时,高级中毒攻击的扰动几乎是\ textBF {线性分离},因此可以为学习目标作为\ emph {快捷方式}工作。这个重要的人口财产尚未在之前揭幕。此外,我们进一步验证了线性可分性确实是中毒攻击的摩擦。我们将线性可分离数据综合为扰动,表明这种合成扰动与故意制作的攻击一样强大。我们的发现表明,\ emph {捷径学习}问题比以前认为深入学习依赖于快捷方式,即使它们与正常特征相混合,也会依赖于捷径。这一发现还建议预审训练的特征提取器会有效地禁用这些中毒攻击。
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Although deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great success in many tasks, they can often be fooled by adversarial examples that are generated by adding small but purposeful distortions to natural examples. Previous studies to defend against adversarial examples mostly focused on refining the DNN models, but have either shown limited success or required expensive computation. We propose a new strategy, feature squeezing, that can be used to harden DNN models by detecting adversarial examples. Feature squeezing reduces the search space available to an adversary by coalescing samples that correspond to many different feature vectors in the original space into a single sample. By comparing a DNN model's prediction on the original input with that on squeezed inputs, feature squeezing detects adversarial examples with high accuracy and few false positives.This paper explores two feature squeezing methods: reducing the color bit depth of each pixel and spatial smoothing. These simple strategies are inexpensive and complementary to other defenses, and can be combined in a joint detection framework to achieve high detection rates against state-of-the-art attacks.
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删除攻击旨在通过略微扰动正确标记的训练示例的特征来大幅恶化学习模型的测试准确性。通过将这种恶意攻击正式地找到特定$ \ infty $ -wassersein球中的最坏情况培训数据,我们表明最小化扰动数据的对抗性风险相当于优化原始数据上的自然风险的上限。这意味着对抗性培训可以作为防止妄想攻击的原则防御。因此,通过普遍训练可以很大程度地回收测试精度。为了进一步了解国防的内部机制,我们披露了对抗性培训可以通过防止学习者过于依赖于自然环境中的非鲁棒特征来抵制妄想扰动。最后,我们将我们的理论调查结果与一系列关于流行的基准数据集进行了补充,这表明防御能够承受六种不同的实际攻击。在面对令人难以闻名的对手时,理论和经验结果投票给逆势训练。
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The authors thank Nicholas Carlini (UC Berkeley) and Dimitris Tsipras (MIT) for feedback to improve the survey quality. We also acknowledge X. Huang (Uni. Liverpool), K. R. Reddy (IISC), E. Valle (UNICAMP), Y. Yoo (CLAIR) and others for providing pointers to make the survey more comprehensive.
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The success of deep learning is partly attributed to the availability of massive data downloaded freely from the Internet. However, it also means that users' private data may be collected by commercial organizations without consent and used to train their models. Therefore, it's important and necessary to develop a method or tool to prevent unauthorized data exploitation. In this paper, we propose ConfounderGAN, a generative adversarial network (GAN) that can make personal image data unlearnable to protect the data privacy of its owners. Specifically, the noise produced by the generator for each image has the confounder property. It can build spurious correlations between images and labels, so that the model cannot learn the correct mapping from images to labels in this noise-added dataset. Meanwhile, the discriminator is used to ensure that the generated noise is small and imperceptible, thereby remaining the normal utility of the encrypted image for humans. The experiments are conducted in six image classification datasets, consisting of three natural object datasets and three medical datasets. The results demonstrate that our method not only outperforms state-of-the-art methods in standard settings, but can also be applied to fast encryption scenarios. Moreover, we show a series of transferability and stability experiments to further illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method.
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由明确的反对派制作的对抗例子在机器学习中引起了重要的关注。然而,潜在虚假朋友带来的安全风险基本上被忽视了。在本文中,我们揭示了虚伪的例子的威胁 - 最初被错误分类但是虚假朋友扰乱的投入,以强迫正确的预测。虽然这种扰动的例子似乎是无害的,但我们首次指出,它们可能是恶意地用来隐瞒评估期间不合格(即,不如所需)模型的错误。一旦部署者信任虚伪的性能并在真实应用程序中应用“良好的”模型,即使在良性环境中也可能发生意外的失败。更严重的是,这种安全风险似乎是普遍存在的:我们发现许多类型的不合标准模型易受多个数据集的虚伪示例。此外,我们提供了第一次尝试,以称为虚伪风险的公制表征威胁,并试图通过一些对策来规避它。结果表明对策的有效性,即使在自适应稳健的培训之后,风险仍然是不可忽视的。
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在本文中,我们询问视觉变形金刚(VIT)是否可以作为改善机器学习模型对抗逃避攻击的对抗性鲁棒性的基础结构。尽管较早的作品集中在改善卷积神经网络上,但我们表明VIT也非常适合对抗训练以实现竞争性能。我们使用自定义的对抗训练配方实现了这一目标,该配方是在Imagenet数据集的一部分上使用严格的消融研究发现的。与卷积相比,VIT的规范培训配方建议强大的数据增强,部分是为了补偿注意力模块的视力归纳偏置。我们表明,该食谱在用于对抗训练时可实现次优性能。相比之下,我们发现省略所有重型数据增强,并添加一些额外的零件($ \ varepsilon $ -Warmup和更大的重量衰减),从而大大提高了健壮的Vits的性能。我们表明,我们的配方在完整的Imagenet-1k上概括了不同类别的VIT体系结构和大规模模型。此外,调查了模型鲁棒性的原因,我们表明,在使用我们的食谱时,在训练过程中产生强烈的攻击更加容易,这会在测试时提高鲁棒性。最后,我们通过提出一种量化对抗性扰动的语义性质并强调其与模型的鲁棒性的相关性来进一步研究对抗训练的结果。总体而言,我们建议社区应避免将VIT的规范培训食谱转换为在对抗培训的背景下进行强大的培训和重新思考常见的培训选择。
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There is a growing interest in developing unlearnable examples (UEs) against visual privacy leaks on the Internet. UEs are training samples added with invisible but unlearnable noise, which have been found can prevent unauthorized training of machine learning models. UEs typically are generated via a bilevel optimization framework with a surrogate model to remove (minimize) errors from the original samples, and then applied to protect the data against unknown target models. However, existing UE generation methods all rely on an ideal assumption called label-consistency, where the hackers and protectors are assumed to hold the same label for a given sample. In this work, we propose and promote a more practical label-agnostic setting, where the hackers may exploit the protected data quite differently from the protectors. E.g., a m-class unlearnable dataset held by the protector may be exploited by the hacker as a n-class dataset. Existing UE generation methods are rendered ineffective in this challenging setting. To tackle this challenge, we present a novel technique called Unlearnable Clusters (UCs) to generate label-agnostic unlearnable examples with cluster-wise perturbations. Furthermore, we propose to leverage VisionandLanguage Pre-trained Models (VLPMs) like CLIP as the surrogate model to improve the transferability of the crafted UCs to diverse domains. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach under a variety of settings with different datasets, target models, and even commercial platforms Microsoft Azure and Baidu PaddlePaddle.
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Learning-based pattern classifiers, including deep networks, have shown impressive performance in several application domains, ranging from computer vision to cybersecurity. However, it has also been shown that adversarial input perturbations carefully crafted either at training or at test time can easily subvert their predictions. The vulnerability of machine learning to such wild patterns (also referred to as adversarial examples), along with the design of suitable countermeasures, have been investigated in the research field of adversarial machine learning. In this work, we provide a thorough overview of the evolution of this research area over the last ten years and beyond, starting from pioneering, earlier work on the security of non-deep learning algorithms up to more recent work aimed to understand the security properties of deep learning algorithms, in the context of computer vision and cybersecurity tasks. We report interesting connections between these apparently-different lines of work, highlighting common misconceptions related to the security evaluation of machine-learning algorithms. We review the main threat models and attacks defined to this end, and discuss the main limitations of current work, along with the corresponding future challenges towards the design of more secure learning algorithms.
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Recent work has demonstrated that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples-inputs that are almost indistinguishable from natural data and yet classified incorrectly by the network. In fact, some of the latest findings suggest that the existence of adversarial attacks may be an inherent weakness of deep learning models. To address this problem, we study the adversarial robustness of neural networks through the lens of robust optimization. This approach provides us with a broad and unifying view on much of the prior work on this topic. Its principled nature also enables us to identify methods for both training and attacking neural networks that are reliable and, in a certain sense, universal. In particular, they specify a concrete security guarantee that would protect against any adversary. These methods let us train networks with significantly improved resistance to a wide range of adversarial attacks. They also suggest the notion of security against a first-order adversary as a natural and broad security guarantee. We believe that robustness against such well-defined classes of adversaries is an important stepping stone towards fully resistant deep learning models. 1
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最近的工作认为,强大的培训需要比标准分类所需的数据集大得多。在CiFar-10和CiFar-100上,这转化为仅培训的型号之间的可稳健稳健精度差距,这些型号来自原始训练集的数据,那些从“80万微小图像”数据集(TI-80M)提取的附加数据培训。在本文中,我们探讨了单独培训的生成模型如何利用人为地提高原始训练集的大小,并改善对$ \ ell_p $ norm-inded扰动的对抗鲁棒性。我们确定了包含额外生成数据的充分条件可以改善鲁棒性,并证明可以显着降低具有额外实际数据训练的模型的强大准确性差距。令人惊讶的是,我们甚至表明即使增加了非现实的随机数据(由高斯采样产生)也可以改善鲁棒性。我们在Cifar-10,CiFar-100,SVHN和Tinyimagenet上评估我们的方法,而$ \ ell_ indty $和$ \ ell_2 $ norm-indeded扰动尺寸$ \ epsilon = 8/255 $和$ \ epsilon = 128/255 $分别。与以前的最先进的方法相比,我们以强大的准确性显示出大的绝对改进。反对$ \ ell_ \ infty $ norm-indeded扰动尺寸$ \ epsilon = 8/255 $,我们的车型分别在Cifar-10和Cifar-100上达到66.10%和33.49%(改善状态)最新美术+ 8.96%和+ 3.29%)。反对$ \ ell_2 $ norm-indeded扰动尺寸$ \ epsilon = 128/255 $,我们的型号在Cifar-10(+ 3.81%)上实现78.31%。这些结果击败了使用外部数据的最先前的作品。
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Adaptive attacks have (rightfully) become the de facto standard for evaluating defenses to adversarial examples. We find, however, that typical adaptive evaluations are incomplete. We demonstrate that thirteen defenses recently published at ICLR, ICML and NeurIPS-and which illustrate a diverse set of defense strategies-can be circumvented despite attempting to perform evaluations using adaptive attacks. While prior evaluation papers focused mainly on the end result-showing that a defense was ineffective-this paper focuses on laying out the methodology and the approach necessary to perform an adaptive attack. Some of our attack strategies are generalizable, but no single strategy would have been sufficient for all defenses. This underlines our key message that adaptive attacks cannot be automated and always require careful and appropriate tuning to a given defense. We hope that these analyses will serve as guidance on how to properly perform adaptive attacks against defenses to adversarial examples, and thus will allow the community to make further progress in building more robust models.
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