Graph neural networks (GNNs) find applications in various domains such as computational biology, natural language processing, and computer security. Owing to their popularity, there is an increasing need to explain GNN predictions since GNNs are black-box machine learning models. One way to address this is counterfactual reasoning where the objective is to change the GNN prediction by minimal changes in the input graph. Existing methods for counterfactual explanation of GNNs are limited to instance-specific local reasoning. This approach has two major limitations of not being able to offer global recourse policies and overloading human cognitive ability with too much information. In this work, we study the global explainability of GNNs through global counterfactual reasoning. Specifically, we want to find a small set of representative counterfactual graphs that explains all input graphs. Towards this goal, we propose GCFExplainer, a novel algorithm powered by vertex-reinforced random walks on an edit map of graphs with a greedy summary. Extensive experiments on real graph datasets show that the global explanation from GCFExplainer provides important high-level insights of the model behavior and achieves a 46.9% gain in recourse coverage and a 9.5% reduction in recourse cost compared to the state-of-the-art local counterfactual explainers.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a powerful tool for machine learning on graphs. GNNs combine node feature information with the graph structure by recursively passing neural messages along edges of the input graph. However, incorporating both graph structure and feature information leads to complex models and explaining predictions made by GNNs remains unsolved. Here we propose GNNEXPLAINER, the first general, model-agnostic approach for providing interpretable explanations for predictions of any GNN-based model on any graph-based machine learning task. Given an instance, GNNEXPLAINER identifies a compact subgraph structure and a small subset of node features that have a crucial role in GNN's prediction. Further, GNNEXPLAINER can generate consistent and concise explanations for an entire class of instances. We formulate GNNEXPLAINER as an optimization task that maximizes the mutual information between a GNN's prediction and distribution of possible subgraph structures. Experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs show that our approach can identify important graph structures as well as node features, and outperforms alternative baseline approaches by up to 43.0% in explanation accuracy. GNNEXPLAINER provides a variety of benefits, from the ability to visualize semantically relevant structures to interpretability, to giving insights into errors of faulty GNNs.
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在处理表格数据时,基于回归和决策树的模型是一个流行的选择,因为与其他模型类别相比,它们在此类任务上提供了高精度及其易于应用。但是,在图形结构数据方面,当前的树学习算法不提供管理数据结构的工具,而不是依靠功能工程。在这项工作中,我们解决了上述差距,并引入了图形树(GTA),这是一个新的基于树的学习算法,旨在在图形上操作。 GTA既利用图形结构又利用了顶点的特征,并采用了一种注意机制,该机制允许决策专注于图形的子结构。我们分析了GTA模型,并表明它们比平原决策树更具表现力。我们还在多个图和节点预测基准上证明了GTA的好处。在这些实验中,GTA始终优于其他基于树的模型,并且通常优于其他类型的图形学习算法,例如图形神经网络(GNNS)和图核。最后,我们还为GTA提供了一种解释性机制,并证明它可以提供直观的解释。
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Uncovering rationales behind predictions of graph neural networks (GNNs) has received increasing attention over recent years. Instance-level GNN explanation aims to discover critical input elements, like nodes or edges, that the target GNN relies upon for making predictions. Though various algorithms are proposed, most of them formalize this task by searching the minimal subgraph which can preserve original predictions. However, an inductive bias is deep-rooted in this framework: several subgraphs can result in the same or similar outputs as the original graphs. Consequently, they have the danger of providing spurious explanations and fail to provide consistent explanations. Applying them to explain weakly-performed GNNs would further amplify these issues. To address this problem, we theoretically examine the predictions of GNNs from the causality perspective. Two typical reasons of spurious explanations are identified: confounding effect of latent variables like distribution shift, and causal factors distinct from the original input. Observing that both confounding effects and diverse causal rationales are encoded in internal representations, we propose a simple yet effective countermeasure by aligning embeddings. Concretely, concerning potential shifts in the high-dimensional space, we design a distribution-aware alignment algorithm based on anchors. This new objective is easy to compute and can be incorporated into existing techniques with no or little effort. Theoretical analysis shows that it is in effect optimizing a more faithful explanation objective in design, which further justifies the proposed approach.
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Steiner树问题(STP)在图中旨在在连接给定的顶点集的图表中找到一个最小权重的树。它是一种经典的NP - 硬组合优化问题,具有许多现实世界应用(例如,VLSI芯片设计,运输网络规划和无线传感器网络)。为STP开发了许多精确和近似算法,但它们分别遭受高计算复杂性和弱案例解决方案保证。还开发了启发式算法。但是,它们中的每一个都需要应用域知识来设计,并且仅适用于特定方案。最近报道的观察结果,同一NP-COLLECLIAL问题的情况可能保持相同或相似的组合结构,但主要在其数据中不同,我们调查将机器学习技术应用于STP的可行性和益处。为此,我们基于新型图形神经网络和深增强学习设计了一种新型模型瓦坎。 Vulcan的核心是一种新颖的紧凑型图形嵌入,将高瞻度图形结构数据(即路径改变信息)转换为低维矢量表示。鉴于STP实例,Vulcan使用此嵌入来对其路径相关的信息进行编码,并基于双层Q网络(DDQN)将编码的图形发送到深度加强学习组件,以找到解决方案。除了STP之外,Vulcan还可以通过将解决方案(例如,SAT,MVC和X3C)来减少到STP来找到解决方案。我们使用现实世界和合成数据集进行广泛的实验,展示了vulcan的原型,并展示了它的功效和效率。
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图形神经网络(GNN)已成为编码图形结构数据的强大工具。由于其广泛的应用程序,越来越需要开发工具来解释GNN如何做出给定的图形结构数据决定。现有的基于学习的GNN解释方法在培训中是特定于任务的,因此遭受了关键的缺点。具体而言,它们无法为使用单个解释器提供多任务预测模型的解释。在GNN以自我监督的方式训练的情况下,他们也无法提供解释,并且在未来的下游任务中使用了结果表示。为了解决这些局限性,我们提出了一个任务不合时宜的GNN解释器(TAGE),该解释器(Tage)独立于下游模型,并在自学人员的情况下接受了训练,而对下游任务不了解。 Tage可以通过看不见的下游任务来解释GNN嵌入模型,并可以有效解释多任务模型。我们的广泛实验表明,通过使用相同的模型来解释多个下游任务的预测,同时实现了与当前最新的GNN解释方法一样好甚至更好的解释质量,可以显着提高解释效率。我们的代码可公开作为DIG库的一部分,网址为。
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尽管近期图形神经网络(GNN)进展,但解释了GNN的预测仍然具有挑战性。现有的解释方法主要专注于后性后解释,其中采用另一种解释模型提供培训的GNN的解释。后HOC方法未能揭示GNN的原始推理过程的事实引发了建立GNN与内置解释性的需求。在这项工作中,我们提出了原型图形神经网络(Protgnn),其将原型学习与GNNS相结合,并提供了对GNN的解释的新视角。在Protgnn中,解释自然地从基于案例的推理过程衍生,并且实际在分类期间使用。通过将输入与潜伏空间中的一些学习原型的输入进行比较来获得ProtGnn的预测。此外,为了更好地解释性和更高的效率,结合了一种新颖的条件子图采样模块,以指示输入图的哪个部分与ProtGnn +中的每个原型最相似。最后,我们在各种数据集中评估我们的方法并进行具体的案例研究。广泛的结果表明,Protgnn和Protgnn +可以提供固有的解释性,同时实现与非可解释对方的准确性有关的准确性。
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Counterfactual explanations promote explainability in machine learning models by answering the question "how should an input instance be perturbed to obtain a desired predicted label?". The comparison of this instance before and after perturbation can enhance human interpretation. Most existing studies on counterfactual explanations are limited in tabular data or image data. In this work, we study the problem of counterfactual explanation generation on graphs. A few studies have explored counterfactual explanations on graphs, but many challenges of this problem are still not well-addressed: 1) optimizing in the discrete and disorganized space of graphs; 2) generalizing on unseen graphs; and 3) maintaining the causality in the generated counterfactuals without prior knowledge of the causal model. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel framework CLEAR which aims to generate counterfactual explanations on graphs for graph-level prediction models. Specifically, CLEAR leverages a graph variational autoencoder based mechanism to facilitate its optimization and generalization, and promotes causality by leveraging an auxiliary variable to better identify the underlying causal model. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world graphs validate the superiority of CLEAR over the state-of-the-art methods in different aspects.
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have received remarkable success in link prediction (GNNLP) tasks. Existing efforts first predefine the subgraph for the whole dataset and then apply GNNs to encode edge representations by leveraging the neighborhood structure induced by the fixed subgraph. The prominence of GNNLP methods significantly relies on the adhoc subgraph. Since node connectivity in real-world graphs is complex, one shared subgraph is limited for all edges. Thus, the choices of subgraphs should be personalized to different edges. However, performing personalized subgraph selection is nontrivial since the potential selection space grows exponentially to the scale of edges. Besides, the inference edges are not available during training in link prediction scenarios, so the selection process needs to be inductive. To bridge the gap, we introduce a Personalized Subgraph Selector (PS2) as a plug-and-play framework to automatically, personally, and inductively identify optimal subgraphs for different edges when performing GNNLP. PS2 is instantiated as a bi-level optimization problem that can be efficiently solved differently. Coupling GNNLP models with PS2, we suggest a brand-new angle towards GNNLP training: by first identifying the optimal subgraphs for edges; and then focusing on training the inference model by using the sampled subgraphs. Comprehensive experiments endorse the effectiveness of our proposed method across various GNNLP backbones (GCN, GraphSage, NGCF, LightGCN, and SEAL) and diverse benchmarks (Planetoid, OGB, and Recommendation datasets). Our code is publicly available at \url{}
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图形内核是历史上最广泛使用的图形分类任务的技术。然而,由于图的手工制作的组合特征,这些方法具有有限的性能。近年来,由于其性能卓越,图形神经网络(GNNS)已成为与下游图形相关任务的最先进的方法。大多数GNN基于消息传递神经网络(MPNN)框架。然而,最近的研究表明,MPNN不能超过Weisfeiler-Lehman(WL)算法在图形同构术中的力量。为了解决现有图形内核和GNN方法的限制,在本文中,我们提出了一种新的GNN框架,称为\ Texit {内核图形神经网络}(Kernnns),该框架将图形内核集成到GNN的消息传递过程中。通过卷积神经网络(CNNS)中的卷积滤波器的启发,KERGNNS采用可训练的隐藏图作为绘图过滤器,该绘图过滤器与子图组合以使用图形内核更新节点嵌入式。此外,我们表明MPNN可以被视为Kergnns的特殊情况。我们将Kergnns应用于多个与图形相关的任务,并使用交叉验证来与基准进行公平比较。我们表明,与现有的现有方法相比,我们的方法达到了竞争性能,证明了增加GNN的表现能力的可能性。我们还表明,KERGNNS中的训练有素的图形过滤器可以揭示数据集的本地图形结构,与传统GNN模型相比,显着提高了模型解释性。
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With the rapid deployment of graph neural networks (GNNs) based techniques into a wide range of applications such as link prediction, node classification, and graph classification the explainability of GNNs has become an indispensable component for predictive and trustworthy decision-making. Thus, it is critical to explain why graph neural network (GNN) makes particular predictions for them to be believed in many applications. Some GNNs explainers have been proposed recently. However, they lack to generate accurate and real explanations. To mitigate these limitations, we propose GANExplainer, based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture. GANExplainer is composed of a generator to create explanations and a discriminator to assist with the Generator development. We investigate the explanation accuracy of our models by comparing the performance of GANExplainer with other state-of-the-art methods. Our empirical results on synthetic datasets indicate that GANExplainer improves explanation accuracy by up to 35\% compared to its alternatives.
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Explaining machine learning models is an important and increasingly popular area of research interest. The Shapley value from game theory has been proposed as a prime approach to compute feature importance towards model predictions on images, text, tabular data, and recently graph neural networks (GNNs) on graphs. In this work, we revisit the appropriateness of the Shapley value for GNN explanation, where the task is to identify the most important subgraph and constituent nodes for GNN predictions. We claim that the Shapley value is a non-ideal choice for graph data because it is by definition not structure-aware. We propose a Graph Structure-aware eXplanation (GStarX) method to leverage the critical graph structure information to improve the explanation. Specifically, we define a scoring function based on a new structure-aware value from the cooperative game theory proposed by Hamiache and Navarro (HN). When used to score node importance, the HN value utilizes graph structures to attribute cooperation surplus between neighbor nodes, resembling message passing in GNNs, so that node importance scores reflect not only the node feature importance, but also the node structural roles. We demonstrate that GStarX produces qualitatively more intuitive explanations, and quantitatively improves explanation fidelity over strong baselines on chemical graph property prediction and text graph sentiment classification.
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近年来,基于Weisfeiler-Leman算法的算法和神经架构,是一个众所周知的Graph同构问题的启发式问题,它成为具有图形和关系数据的机器学习的强大工具。在这里,我们全面概述了机器学习设置中的算法的使用,专注于监督的制度。我们讨论了理论背景,展示了如何将其用于监督的图形和节点表示学习,讨论最近的扩展,并概述算法的连接(置换 - )方面的神经结构。此外,我们概述了当前的应用和未来方向,以刺激进一步的研究。
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