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We introduce a new family of deep neural network models. Instead of specifying a discrete sequence of hidden layers, we parameterize the derivative of the hidden state using a neural network. The output of the network is computed using a blackbox differential equation solver. These continuous-depth models have constant memory cost, adapt their evaluation strategy to each input, and can explicitly trade numerical precision for speed. We demonstrate these properties in continuous-depth residual networks and continuous-time latent variable models. We also construct continuous normalizing flows, a generative model that can train by maximum likelihood, without partitioning or ordering the data dimensions. For training, we show how to scalably backpropagate through any ODE solver, without access to its internal operations. This allows end-to-end training of ODEs within larger models.
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神经普通微分方程模型的动态系统,\ textit {ode}由神经网络学习。但是,ODE从根本上是不足以建模具有长期依赖性或不连续性的系统,这些系统在工程和生物系统中很常见。已经提出了更广泛的微分方程(DE)类作为补救措施,包括延迟微分方程和整数差异方程。此外,当通过分段强迫函数对硬质量和odes进行建模时,神经颂歌会遭受数值的不稳定性。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ textit {neural laplace},这是一个学习不同类别的统一框架,包括上述所有类别。我们没有在时间域中对动态进行建模,而是在拉普拉斯域中对其进行建模,在拉普拉斯域中,可以将历史依赖性和时间的不连续性表示为复杂指数的求和。为了提高学习效率,我们使用Riemann Sphere的几何立体图来诱导Laplace域中的平滑度。在实验中,神经拉普拉斯在建模和推断DES类别的轨迹方面表现出卓越的性能,包括具有复杂历史依赖性和突然变化的DES类别。
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Methods based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are widely used to build generative models of time-series. In addition to high computational overhead due to explicitly computing hidden states recurrence, existing ODE-based models fall short in learning sequence data with sharp transitions - common in many real-world systems - due to numerical challenges during optimization. In this work, we propose LS4, a generative model for sequences with latent variables evolving according to a state space ODE to increase modeling capacity. Inspired by recent deep state space models (S4), we achieve speedups by leveraging a convolutional representation of LS4 which bypasses the explicit evaluation of hidden states. We show that LS4 significantly outperforms previous continuous-time generative models in terms of marginal distribution, classification, and prediction scores on real-world datasets in the Monash Forecasting Repository, and is capable of modeling highly stochastic data with sharp temporal transitions. LS4 sets state-of-the-art for continuous-time latent generative models, with significant improvement of mean squared error and tighter variational lower bounds on irregularly-sampled datasets, while also being x100 faster than other baselines on long sequences.
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Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)-based models have become popular foundation models to solve many time-series problems. Combining neural ODEs with traditional RNN models has provided the best representation for irregular time series. However, ODE-based models require the trajectory of hidden states to be defined based on the initial observed value or the last available observation. This fact raises questions about how long the generated hidden state is sufficient and whether it is effective when long sequences are used instead of the typically used shorter sequences. In this article, we introduce CrossPyramid, a novel ODE-based model that aims to enhance the generalizability of sequences representation. CrossPyramid does not rely only on the hidden state from the last observed value; it also considers ODE latent representations learned from other samples. The main idea of our proposed model is to define the hidden state for the unobserved values based on the non-linear correlation between samples. Accordingly, CrossPyramid is built with three distinctive parts: (1) ODE Auto-Encoder to learn the best data representation. (2) Pyramidal attention method to categorize the learned representations (hidden state) based on the relationship characteristics between samples. (3) Cross-level ODE-RNN to integrate the previously learned information and provide the final latent state for each sample. Through extensive experiments on partially-observed synthetic and real-world datasets, we show that the proposed architecture can effectively model the long gaps in intermittent series and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. The results show an average improvement of 10\% on univariate and multivariate datasets for both forecasting and classification tasks.
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虽然外源变量对时间序列分析的性能改善有重大影响,但在当前的连续方法中很少考虑这些序列间相关性和时间依赖性。多元时间序列的动力系统可以用复杂的未知偏微分方程(PDE)进行建模,这些方程(PDE)在科学和工程的许多学科中都起着重要作用。在本文中,我们提出了一个任意步骤预测的连续时间模型,以学习多元时间序列中的未知PDE系统,其管理方程是通过自我注意和封闭的复发神经网络参数化的。所提出的模型\下划线{变量及其对目标系列的影响。重要的是,使用特殊设计的正则化指南可以将模型简化为正则化的普通微分方程(ODE)问题,这使得可以触犯的PDE问题以获得数值解决方案,并且可行,以预测目标序列的多个未来值。广泛的实验表明,我们提出的模型可以在强大的基准中实现竞争精度:平均而言,它通过降低RMSE的$ 9.85 \%$和MAE的MAE $ 13.98 \%$的基线表现优于最佳基准,以获得任意步骤预测的MAE $。
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Neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) have emerged as a novel network architecture that bridges dynamical systems and deep learning. However, the gradient obtained with the continuous adjoint method in the vanilla neural ODE is not reverse-accurate. Other approaches suffer either from an excessive memory requirement due to deep computational graphs or from limited choices for the time integration scheme, hampering their application to large-scale complex dynamical systems. To achieve accurate gradients without compromising memory efficiency and flexibility, we present a new neural ODE framework, PNODE, based on high-level discrete adjoint algorithmic differentiation. By leveraging discrete adjoint time integrators and advanced checkpointing strategies tailored for these integrators, PNODE can provide a balance between memory and computational costs, while computing the gradients consistently and accurately. We provide an open-source implementation based on PyTorch and PETSc, one of the most commonly used portable, scalable scientific computing libraries. We demonstrate the performance through extensive numerical experiments on image classification and continuous normalizing flow problems. We show that PNODE achieves the highest memory efficiency when compared with other reverse-accurate methods. On the image classification problems, PNODE is up to two times faster than the vanilla neural ODE and up to 2.3 times faster than the best existing reverse-accurate method. We also show that PNODE enables the use of the implicit time integration methods that are needed for stiff dynamical systems.
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Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have brought a lot of advancements in sequence labeling tasks and sequence data. However, their effectiveness is limited when the observations in the sequence are irregularly sampled, where the observations arrive at irregular time intervals. To address this, continuous time variants of the RNNs were introduced based on neural ordinary differential equations (NODE). They learn a better representation of the data using the continuous transformation of hidden states over time, taking into account the time interval between the observations. However, they are still limited in their capability as they use the discrete transformations and a fixed discrete number of layers (depth) over an input in the sequence to produce the output observation. We intend to address this limitation by proposing RNNs based on differential equations which model continuous transformations over both depth and time to predict an output for a given input in the sequence. Specifically, we propose continuous depth recurrent neural differential equations (CDR-NDE) which generalizes RNN models by continuously evolving the hidden states in both the temporal and depth dimensions. CDR-NDE considers two separate differential equations over each of these dimensions and models the evolution in the temporal and depth directions alternatively. We also propose the CDR-NDE-heat model based on partial differential equations which treats the computation of hidden states as solving a heat equation over time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models by comparing against the state-of-the-art RNN models on real world sequence labeling problems and data.
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像长期短期内存网络(LSTMS)和门控复发单元(GRUS)相同的经常性神经网络(RNN)是建模顺序数据的流行选择。它们的门控机构允许以来自传入观测的新信息在隐藏状态中编码的先前历史。在许多应用程序中,例如医疗记录,观察时间是不规则的并且携带重要信息。然而,LSTM和GRUS在观察之间假设恒定的时间间隔。为了解决这一挑战,我们提出了连续的经常性单位(CRU)-A神经结构,可以自然地处理观察之间的不规则时间间隔。 CRU的浇注机制采用卡尔曼滤波器的连续制剂,并且根据线性随机微分方程(SDE)和(2)潜伏状态在新观察进入时,在(1)之间的连续潜在传播之间的交替。在实证研究,我们表明CRU可以比神经常规差分方程(神经颂歌)的模型更好地插值不规则时间序列。我们还表明,我们的模型可以从IM-AGES推断动力学,并且卡尔曼有效地单挑出候选人的候选人,从而从嘈杂的观察中获得有价值的状态更新。
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Neural compression offers a domain-agnostic approach to creating codecs for lossy or lossless compression via deep generative models. For sequence compression, however, most deep sequence models have costs that scale with the sequence length rather than the sequence complexity. In this work, we instead treat data sequences as observations from an underlying continuous-time process and learn how to efficiently discretize while retaining information about the full sequence. As a consequence of decoupling sequential information from its temporal discretization, our approach allows for greater compression rates and smaller computational complexity. Moreover, the continuous-time approach naturally allows us to decode at different time intervals. We empirically verify our approach on multiple domains involving compression of video and motion capture sequences, showing that our approaches can automatically achieve reductions in bit rates by learning how to discretize.
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Temporal data like time series are often observed at irregular intervals which is a challenging setting for existing machine learning methods. To tackle this problem, we view such data as samples from some underlying continuous function. We then define a diffusion-based generative model that adds noise from a predefined stochastic process while preserving the continuity of the resulting underlying function. A neural network is trained to reverse this process which allows us to sample new realizations from the learned distribution. We define suitable stochastic processes as noise sources and introduce novel denoising and score-matching models on processes. Further, we show how to apply this approach to the multivariate probabilistic forecasting and imputation tasks. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms previous models on synthetic and real-world datasets.
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差分方程管理的学习动态对于预测和控制科学和工程系统来说至关重要。神经常规方程(节点)是一种与微分方程集成的深度学习模型,最近是由于其对不规则样本的鲁棒性及其对高维输入的灵活性而流行的学习动态。然而,节点的训练对数值求解器的精度敏感,这使得节点的收敛不稳定,特别是对于不稳定的动态系统。在本文中,为了减少对数值求解器的依赖,我们建议提高节点训练中的监督信号。具体地,我们预先训练神经差分运算符(NDO)以输出衍生物的估计用作额外的监督信号。 NDO在一类基础函数上预先培训,并将这些功能的轨迹样本之间的映射学习到其衍生物。为了利用来自NDO的轨迹信号和估计的衍生工具,我们提出了一种称为NDO-Node的算法,其中损耗函数包含两个术语:真正轨迹样本的适应性以及由输出的估计衍生物的适应度预先训练的NDO。各种动力学的实验表明,我们提出的NDO-Node可以一致地用一个预先训练的NDO来改善预测精度。特别是对于僵硬的杂散,我们观察到与其他正则化方法相比,NDO-Node可以更准确地捕获动态的过渡。
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受微分方程式启发的深度学习是最近的研究趋势,它标志着许多机器学习任务的最先进的表现。其中,具有神经控制的微分方程(NCDE)的时间序列建模被认为是突破。在许多情况下,基于NCDE的模型不仅比复发性神经网络(RNN)提供了更好的准确性,而且还可以处理不规则的时间序列。在这项工作中,我们通过重新设计其核心部分,即从离散的时间序列输入产生连续路径来增强NCDES。 NCDE通常使用插值算法将离散的时间序列样本转换为连续路径。但是,我们向i)提出建议,使用编码器解码器体系结构生成另一个潜在的连续路径,该架构对应于NCDE的插值过程,即我们的基于神经网络的插值与现有的显式插值相对于现有的显式插值以及II)解码器的外推超出了原始数据的时域的外推。因此,我们的NCDE设计可以同时使用插值和外推信息进行下游机器学习任务。在我们使用5个现实世界数据集和12个基线的实验中,我们的外推和基于插值的NCDES超过了非平凡的边缘的现有基线。
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