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The detection of anomalies in time series data is crucial in a wide range of applications, such as system monitoring, health care or cyber security. While the vast number of available methods makes selecting the right method for a certain application hard enough, different methods have different strengths, e.g. regarding the type of anomalies they are able to find. In this work, we compare six unsupervised anomaly detection methods with different complexities to answer the questions: Are the more complex methods usually performing better? And are there specific anomaly types that those method are tailored to? The comparison is done on the UCR anomaly archive, a recent benchmark dataset for anomaly detection. We compare the six methods by analyzing the experimental results on a dataset- and anomaly type level after tuning the necessary hyperparameter for each method. Additionally we examine the ability of individual methods to incorporate prior knowledge about the anomalies and analyse the differences of point-wise and sequence wise features. We show with broad experiments, that the classical machine learning methods show a superior performance compared to the deep learning methods across a wide range of anomaly types.
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异常的可视化和检测异常(异常值)对许多领域,特别是网络安全的重要性至关重要。在这些领域提出了几种方法,但我们的知识迄今为止,它们都不是在一个相干框架中同时或合作地满足了两个目标。引入了这些方法的可视化方法,用于解释检测算法的输出,而不是用于促进独立视觉检测的数据探测。这是我们的出发点:未经避免,不审视和非分析方法,对Vission(人类流程)和检测(算法)的异常值,分配不变的异常分数(标准化为$ [0,1] $) ,而不是硬二元决定。 Novely的新颖性的主要方面是它将数据转换为新的空间,该空间是在本文中引入的作为邻域累积密度函数(NCDF),其中进行了可视化和检测。在该空间中,异常值非常明显可区分,因此检测算法分配的异常分数在ROC曲线(AUC)下实现了高区域。我们在模拟和最近公布的网络安全数据集中评估了不避免,并将其与其中的三种最成功的异常检测方法进行比较:LOF,IF和FABOD。就AUC而言,不避免几乎是整体胜利者。这篇文章通过提供了对未避免的新理论和实际途径的预测来了解。其中包括设计一种可视化辅助异常检测(Vaad),一种软件通过提供不避免的检测算法(在后发动机中运行),NCDF可视化空间(呈现为绘图)以及其他传统方法在原始特征空间中的可视化,所有这些都在一个交互环境中链接。
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流媒体数据中对异常的实时检测正在受到越来越多的关注,因为它使我们能够提高警报,预测故障并检测到整个行业的入侵或威胁。然而,很少有人注意比较流媒体数据(即在线算法)的异常检测器的有效性和效率。在本文中,我们介绍了来自不同算法家族(即基于距离,密度,树木或投影)的主要在线检测器的定性合成概述,并突出了其构建,更新和测试检测模型的主要思想。然后,我们对在线检测算法的定量实验评估以及其离线对应物进行了彻底的分析。检测器的行为与不同数据集(即元功能)的特征相关,从而提供了对其性能的元级分析。我们的研究介绍了文献中几个缺失的见解,例如(a)检测器对随机分类器的可靠性以及什么数据集特性使它们随机执行; (b)在线探测器在何种程度上近似离线同行的性能; (c)哪种绘制检测器的策略和更新原始图最适合检测仅在数据集的功能子空间中可见的异常; (d)属于不同算法家族的探测器的有效性与效率之间的权衡是什么; (e)数据集的哪些特定特征产生在线算法以胜过所有其他特征。
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在许多应用程序中,检测异常行为是新兴的需求,尤其是在安全性和可靠性是关键方面的情况下。尽管对异常的定义严格取决于域框架,但它通常是不切实际的或太耗时的,无法获得完全标记的数据集。使用无监督模型来克服缺乏标签的模型通常无法捕获特定的特定异常情况,因为它们依赖于异常值的一般定义。本文提出了一种新的基于积极学习的方法Alif,以通过减少所需标签的数量并将检测器调整为用户提供的异常的定义来解决此问题。在存在决策支持系统(DSS)的情况下,提出的方法特别有吸引力,这种情况在现实世界中越来越流行。尽管常见的DSS嵌入异常检测功能取决于无监督的模型,但它们没有办法提高性能:Alif能够通过在常见操作期间利用用户反馈来增强DSS的功能。 Alif是对流行的隔离森林的轻巧修改,在许多真实的异常检测数据集中,相对于其他最先进的算法证明了相对于其他最先进算法的出色性能。
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异常(或异常值)在现实世界的经验观察中普遍存在,并且潜在地掩盖了重要的基础结构。准确识别异常样品对于下游数据分析任务的成功至关重要。为了自动识别异常,我们提出了概率鲁棒性自动编码器(PRAE)。 PRAE的目的是同时删除异常值并确定嵌入式样品的低维表示。我们首先提出了强大的自动编码器(RAE)目标,作为将数据拆分为嵌入式和离群值的最小化问题。我们的目标旨在排除离群值,同时包括可以使用自动编码器(AE)有效重建的样本(Inliers)的子集。 RAE最小化自动编码器的重建误差,同时合并尽可能多的样品。可以通过减去$ \ ell_0 $ norm对重建项中所选样本的数量进行$ \ ell_0 $ norm来制定这一点。不幸的是,这导致了一个棘手的组合问题。因此,我们提出了两种RAE的概率放松,它们是可区分的,可以减轻组合搜索的需求。我们证明,解决PRAE问题的解决方案等效于RAE的解决方案。我们使用合成数据来表明PRAE可以准确地删除广泛污染水平的异常值。最后,我们证明,使用PRAE进行异常检测会导致各种基准数据集中的最新结果。
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Unsupervised anomaly detection in time-series has been extensively investigated in the literature. Notwithstanding the relevance of this topic in numerous application fields, a complete and extensive evaluation of recent state-of-the-art techniques is still missing. Few efforts have been made to compare existing unsupervised time-series anomaly detection methods rigorously. However, only standard performance metrics, namely precision, recall, and F1-score are usually considered. Essential aspects for assessing their practical relevance are therefore neglected. This paper proposes an original and in-depth evaluation study of recent unsupervised anomaly detection techniques in time-series. Instead of relying solely on standard performance metrics, additional yet informative metrics and protocols are taken into account. In particular, (1) more elaborate performance metrics specifically tailored for time-series are used; (2) the model size and the model stability are studied; (3) an analysis of the tested approaches with respect to the anomaly type is provided; and (4) a clear and unique protocol is followed for all experiments. Overall, this extensive analysis aims to assess the maturity of state-of-the-art time-series anomaly detection, give insights regarding their applicability under real-world setups and provide to the community a more complete evaluation protocol.
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隔离林或“IFOREST”是一种直观且广泛使用的异常检测算法,其遵循一个简单而有效的想法:在给定的数据分布中,如果在某种变量和数据的范围内随机地均匀选择阈值(分割点)根据它们是否更大或小于此阈值,异常值更可能在较小的分区中最终或较小分区划分点。原始程序建议选择变量以在每个步骤中随机均匀地完成变量的变量,但本文表明“集群化”不同的异常值 - 通常比其他人更有趣的异常值 - 可以更多通过应用非均匀 - 随机的变量和/或阈值来容易地识别。比较不同的分割指导标准,发现一些结果导致某些异常值的明显差异更好。
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给定传感器读数随着时间的推移从电网上,我们如何在发生异常时准确地检测?实现这一目标的关键部分是使用电网传感器网络在电网上实时地在实时检测到自然故障或恶意的任何不寻常的事件。行业中现有的坏数据探测器缺乏鲁布布利地检测广泛类型的异常,特别是由于新兴网络攻击而造成的复杂性,因为它们一次在网格的单个测量快照上运行。新的ML方法更广泛适用,但通常不会考虑拓扑变化对传感器测量的影响,因此无法适应历史数据中的定期拓扑调整。因此,我们向DynWatch,基于域知识和拓扑知识算法用于使用动态网格上的传感器进行异常检测。我们的方法准确,优于实验中的现有方法20%以上(F-Measure);快速,在60K +分支机用中的每次传感器上平均运行小于1.7ms,使用笔记本电脑,并在图表的大小上线性缩放。
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The library scikit-fda is a Python package for Functional Data Analysis (FDA). It provides a comprehensive set of tools for representation, preprocessing, and exploratory analysis of functional data. The library is built upon and integrated in Python's scientific ecosystem. In particular, it conforms to the scikit-learn application programming interface so as to take advantage of the functionality for machine learning provided by this package: pipelines, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, among others. The scikit-fda package has been released as free and open-source software under a 3-Clause BSD license and is open to contributions from the FDA community. The library's extensive documentation includes step-by-step tutorials and detailed examples of use.
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长序列中的子序列异常检测是在广泛域中应用的重要问题。但是,迄今为止文献中提出的方法具有严重的局限性:它们要么需要用于设计异常发现算法的先前领域知识,要么在与相同类型的复发异常情况下使用繁琐且昂贵。在这项工作中,我们解决了这些问题,并提出了一种适用于域的不可知论次序列异常检测的方法。我们的方法series2graph基于新型低维嵌入子序列的图表。 Series2Graph不需要标记的实例(例如监督技术)也不需要无异常的数据(例如零阳性学习技术),也不需要识别长度不同的异常。在迄今为止使用的最大合成和真实数据集的实验结果表明,所提出的方法正确地识别了单一和复发异常,而无需任何先验的特征,以优于多种差距的准确性,同时提高了几种竞争的方法,同时又表现出色更快的数量级。本文出现在VLDB 2020中。
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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孤立森林(Iforest)近年来已经成为最受欢迎的异常检测器。它迭代地在树结构中执行轴平行的数据空间分区,以将偏差的数据对象与其他数据隔离,并且定义为异常得分的对象的隔离难度。 iForest在流行的数据集基准中显示出有效的性能,但其基于轴平行的线性数据分区无效地处理高维/非线性数据空间中的硬异常,甚至更糟糕的是,它导致了臭名昭著的算法偏见。为人工制品区域分配了出乎意料的较大的异常得分。有几个扩展的Iforest,但它们仍然专注于线性数据分区,无法有效地隔离这些硬异常。本文介绍了iforest,深层隔离森林的新型扩展。我们的方法提供了一种综合的隔离方法,可以在任何大小的子空间上任意将数据任意划分数据,从而有效地避免了线性分区中的算法偏置。此外,它仅需要随机初始化的神经网络(即,我们的方法中不需要优化)来确保分区的自由。这样一来,可以完全利用基于网络的随机表示和基于随机分区的隔离的所需随机性和多样性,以显着增强基于隔离集合的异常检测。此外,我们的方法还提供了数据型 - 敏捷的异常检测解决方案。通过简单地插入功能映射中的随机初始化的神经网络来检测不同类型数据中的异常。大量现实数据集的广泛经验结果表明,我们的模型对基于最新的隔离和基于非异常的异常检测模型有了显着改善。
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This paper presents an introduction to the state-of-the-art in anomaly and change-point detection. On the one hand, the main concepts needed to understand the vast scientific literature on those subjects are introduced. On the other, a selection of important surveys and books, as well as two selected active research topics in the field, are presented.
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We combine the metrics of distance and isolation to develop the \textit{Analytic Isolation and Distance-based Anomaly (AIDA) detection algorithm}. AIDA is the first distance-based method that does not rely on the concept of nearest-neighbours, making it a parameter-free model. Differently from the prevailing literature, in which the isolation metric is always computed via simulations, we show that AIDA admits an analytical expression for the outlier score, providing new insights into the isolation metric. Additionally, we present an anomaly explanation method based on AIDA, the \textit{Tempered Isolation-based eXplanation (TIX)} algorithm, which finds the most relevant outlier features even in data sets with hundreds of dimensions. We test both algorithms on synthetic and empirical data: we show that AIDA is competitive when compared to other state-of-the-art methods, and it is superior in finding outliers hidden in multidimensional feature subspaces. Finally, we illustrate how the TIX algorithm is able to find outliers in multidimensional feature subspaces, and use these explanations to analyze common benchmarks used in anomaly detection.
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