本文的目的是描述一种从贝叶斯推理的观点来描述一种新的非参数降噪技术,其可以自动提高一个和二维数据的信噪比,例如例如,例如,天文图像和光谱。该算法迭代地评估数据的可能的平滑版本,平滑模型,获得与嘈杂测量统计上兼容的底层信号的估计。迭代基于最后一个顺利模型的证据和$ \ Chi ^ 2 $统计数据,并且我们将信号的预期值计算为整个平滑模型的加权平均值。在本文中,我们解释了算法的数学形式主义和数值实现,我们在利用真正的天文观测的电池对峰值信号,结构相似性指数和时间有效载荷来评估其性能。我们完全自适应的贝叶斯算法用于数据分析(Fabada)产生结果,没有任何参数调谐,与标准图像处理算法相当,其参数基于要恢复的真实信号进行了优化,在实际应用中不可能。诸如BM3D的最先进的非参数方法,以高信噪比提供稍微更好的性能,而我们的算法对于极其嘈杂的数据显着更准确(高于20-40 \%$相对错误,在天文领域特别兴趣的情况)。在此范围内,通过我们的重建获得的残差的标准偏差可能变得比原始测量值低的数量级。复制本报告中显示的所有结果所需的源代码,包括该方法的实现,在https://github.com/pablolyanala/fabada公开使用
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We propose a novel image denoising strategy based on an enhanced sparse representation in transform domain. The enhancement of the sparsity is achieved by grouping similar 2-D image fragments (e.g., blocks) into 3-D data arrays which we call "groups." Collaborative filtering is a special procedure developed to deal with these 3-D groups. We realize it using the three successive steps: 3-D transformation of a group, shrinkage of the transform spectrum, and inverse 3-D transformation. The result is a 3-D estimate that consists of the jointly filtered grouped image blocks. By attenuating the noise, the collaborative filtering reveals even the finest details shared by grouped blocks and, at the same time, it preserves the essential unique features of each individual block. The filtered blocks are then returned to their original positions. Because these blocks are overlapping, for each pixel, we obtain many different estimates which need to be combined. Aggregation is a particular averaging procedure which is exploited to take advantage of this redundancy. A significant improvement is obtained by a specially developed collaborative Wiener filtering. An algorithm based on this novel denoising strategy and its efficient implementation are presented in full detail; an extension to color-image denoising is also developed. The experimental results demonstrate that this computationally scalable algorithm achieves state-of-the-art denoising performance in terms of both peak signal-to-noise ratio and subjective visual quality.
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Objective methods for assessing perceptual image quality have traditionally attempted to quantify the visibility of errors between a distorted image and a reference image using a variety of known properties of the human visual system. Under the assumption that human visual perception is highly adapted for extracting structural information from a scene, we introduce an alternative framework for quality assessment based on the degradation of structural information. As a specific example of this concept, we develop a Structural Similarity Index and demonstrate its promise through a set of intuitive examples, as well as comparison to both subjective ratings and state-of-the-art objective methods on a database of images compressed with JPEG and JPEG2000. 1
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$ \ Texit {Fermi} $数据中的银河系中多余(GCE)的两个领先假设是一个未解决的微弱毫秒脉冲条件(MSP)和暗物质(DM)湮灭。这些解释之间的二分法通常通过将它们建模为两个单独的发射组分来反映。然而,诸如MSP的点源(PSS)在超微弱的极限中具有统计变质的泊松发射(正式的位置,预期每个来源平均贡献远低于一个光子),导致可能提出问题的歧义如排放是否是PS样或性质中的泊松人。我们提出了一种概念上的新方法,以统一的方式描述PS和泊松发射,并且刚刚从此获得的结果中获得了对泊松组件的约束。为了实现这种方法,我们利用深度学习技术,围绕基于神经网络的方法,用于直方图回归,其表达量数量的不确定性。我们证明我们的方法对许多困扰先前接近的系统,特别是DM / PS误操作来稳健。在$ \ texit {fermi} $数据中,我们发现由$ \ sim4 \ times 10 ^ {-11} \ \ text {counts} \ {counts} \ text {counts} \ text {counts} \ \ text {cm} ^ { - 2} \ \ text {s} ^ { - 1} $(对应于$ \ sim3 - 4 $每pL期望计数),这需要$ n \ sim \ mathcal {o}( 10 ^ 4)$源来解释整个过剩(中位数价值$ n = \文本{29,300} $横跨天空)。虽然微弱,但这种SCD允许我们获得95%信心的Poissonian比赛的约束$ \ eta_p \ leq 66 \%$。这表明大量的GCE通量是由于PSS 。
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图像质量是一个模糊的概念,对不同的人不同的含义。为了量化图像质量,通常在损坏的图像和地面真实图像之间计算相对差异。但是我们应该使用哪些指标来测量这种差异?理想情况下,公制应对自然和科学图像表现良好。结构相似度指数(SSIM)是人类如何感知图像相似性的好措施,但对显微镜中科学有意义的差异不敏感。在电子和超分辨率显微镜中,经常使用傅里叶环相关(FRC),但在这些领域之外几乎是知名的。在这里,我们表明FRC同样可以应用于自然图像,例如自然图像。 Google打开图像数据集。然后,我们基于FRC定义了损失功能,表明它是在分析上可分的,并使用它来训练U-Net以用于去噪图像。这种基于FRC的损耗功能允许网络训练更快并达到与使用基于L1或L2的损失相似或更好的结果。我们还研究了通过FRC分析的神经网络去噪的性质和局限性。
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我们在并行计算机架构上的图像的自适应粒子表示(APR)上的离散卷积运算符的本机实现数据结构和算法。 APR是一个内容 - 自适应图像表示,其本地地将采样分辨率局部调整到图像信号。已经开发为大,稀疏图像的像素表示的替代方案,因为它们通常在荧光显微镜中发生。已经显示出降低存储,可视化和处理此类图像的存储器和运行时成本。然而,这要求图像处理本身在APRS上运行,而无需中间恢复为像素。然而,设计高效和可扩展的APR-Native图像处理原语是APR的不规则内存结构的复杂性。这里,我们提供了使用可以在离散卷积方面配制的各种算法有效和本地地处理APR图像所需的算法建筑块。我们表明APR卷积自然地导致缩放 - 自适应算法,可在多核CPU和GPU架构上有效地平行化。与基于像素的算法和概念性数据的卷积相比,我们量化了加速度。我们在单个NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Gaming GPU上实现了最多1 TB / s的像素等效吞吐量,而不是基于像素的实现的存储器最多两个数量级。
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我们提出了一种新的图像缩放方法,既用于缩小和放大尺寸,都以任何比例因子或所需的大小运行。调整大小的图像是通过对全球范围内的双变量多项式进行采样来实现的。该方法的特殊性在于我们使用的采样模型和插值多项式。我们考虑了基于第一类Chebyshev零的不寻常的采样系统,而不是经典的统一网格。这种节点的最佳分布允许考虑由de la vall \'ee poussin型过滤器定义的接近最佳的插值多项​​式。该过滤器的动作射线提供了一个附加参数,可以适当调节以改善近似值。该方法已在大量不同的图像数据集上进行了测试。结果以定性和定量术语进行评估,并与其他可用竞争方法进行比较。所得缩放图像的感知质量使得保留了重要的细节,并且伪像的外观很低。竞争性质量测量值,良好的视觉质量,有限的计算工作和中等记忆需求使该方法适合现实世界应用。
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Lensless cameras are a class of imaging devices that shrink the physical dimensions to the very close vicinity of the image sensor by replacing conventional compound lenses with integrated flat optics and computational algorithms. Here we report a diffractive lensless camera with spatially-coded Voronoi-Fresnel phase to achieve superior image quality. We propose a design principle of maximizing the acquired information in optics to facilitate the computational reconstruction. By introducing an easy-to-optimize Fourier domain metric, Modulation Transfer Function volume (MTFv), which is related to the Strehl ratio, we devise an optimization framework to guide the optimization of the diffractive optical element. The resulting Voronoi-Fresnel phase features an irregular array of quasi-Centroidal Voronoi cells containing a base first-order Fresnel phase function. We demonstrate and verify the imaging performance for photography applications with a prototype Voronoi-Fresnel lensless camera on a 1.6-megapixel image sensor in various illumination conditions. Results show that the proposed design outperforms existing lensless cameras, and could benefit the development of compact imaging systems that work in extreme physical conditions.
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新磁共振(MR)成像方式可以量化血流动力学,但需要长时间的采集时间,妨碍其广泛用于早期诊断心血管疾病。为了减少采集​​时间,常规使用来自未采样测量的重建方法,使得利用旨在提高图像可压缩性的表示。重建的解剖和血液动力学图像可能存在视觉伪影。尽管这些工件中的一些基本上是重建错误,因此欠采样的后果,其他人可能是由于测量噪声或采样频率的随机选择。另有说明,重建的图像变为随机变量,并且其偏差和其协方差都可以导致视觉伪影;后者会导致可能误解的空间相关性以用于视觉信息。虽然前者的性质已经在文献中已经研究过,但后者尚未得到关注。在这项研究中,我们研究了从重建过程产生的随机扰动的理论特性,并对模拟和主动脉瘤进行了许多数值实验。我们的结果表明,当基于$ \ ell_1 $ -norm最小化的高斯欠采样模式与恢复算法组合时,相关长度保持限制为2到三个像素。然而,对于其他欠采样模式,相关长度可以显着增加,较高的欠采样因子(即8倍或16倍压缩)和不同的重建方法。
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为了解决逆问题,已经开发了插件(PNP)方法,可以用呼叫特定于应用程序的DeNoiser在凸优化算法中替换近端步骤,该算法通常使用深神经网络(DNN)实现。尽管这种方法已经成功,但可以改进它们。例如,Denoiser通常经过设计/训练以消除白色高斯噪声,但是PNP算法中的DINOISER输入误差通常远非白色或高斯。近似消息传递(AMP)方法提供了白色和高斯DEOISER输入误差,但仅当正向操作员是一个大的随机矩阵时。在这项工作中,对于基于傅立叶的远期运营商,我们提出了一种基于普遍期望一致性(GEC)近似的PNP算法 - AMP的紧密表弟 - 在每次迭代时提供可预测的错误统计信息,以及新的DNN利用这些统计数据的Denoiser。我们将方法应用于磁共振成像(MRI)图像恢复,并证明其优于现有的PNP和AMP方法。
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Deconvolution is a widely used strategy to mitigate the blurring and noisy degradation of hyperspectral images~(HSI) generated by the acquisition devices. This issue is usually addressed by solving an ill-posed inverse problem. While investigating proper image priors can enhance the deconvolution performance, it is not trivial to handcraft a powerful regularizer and to set the regularization parameters. To address these issues, in this paper we introduce a tuning-free Plug-and-Play (PnP) algorithm for HSI deconvolution. Specifically, we use the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to decompose the optimization problem into two iterative sub-problems. A flexible blind 3D denoising network (B3DDN) is designed to learn deep priors and to solve the denoising sub-problem with different noise levels. A measure of 3D residual whiteness is then investigated to adjust the penalty parameters when solving the quadratic sub-problems, as well as a stopping criterion. Experimental results on both simulated and real-world data with ground-truth demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.
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We propose a natural scene statistic-based distortion-generic blind/no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) model that operates in the spatial domain. The new model, dubbed blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) does not compute distortion-specific features, such as ringing, blur, or blocking, but instead uses scene statistics of locally normalized luminance coefficients to quantify possible losses of "naturalness" in the image due to the presence of distortions, thereby leading to a holistic measure of quality. The underlying features used derive from the empirical distribution of locally normalized luminances and products of locally normalized luminances under a spatial natural scene statistic model. No transformation to another coordinate frame (DCT, wavelet, etc.) is required, distinguishing it from prior NR IQA approaches. Despite its simplicity, we are able to show that BRISQUE is statistically better than the full-reference peak signal-tonoise ratio and the structural similarity index, and is highly competitive with respect to all present-day distortion-generic NR IQA algorithms. BRISQUE has very low computational complexity, making it well suited for real time applications. BRISQUE features may be used for distortion-identification as well. To illustrate a new practical application of BRISQUE, we describe how a nonblind image denoising algorithm can be augmented with BRISQUE in order to perform blind image denoising. Results show that BRISQUE augmentation leads to performance improvements over state-of-the-art methods. A software release of BRISQUE is available online: http:// live.ece.utexas.edu/ research/ quality/ BRISQUE_release.zip for public use and evaluation.
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We present the GPry algorithm for fast Bayesian inference of general (non-Gaussian) posteriors with a moderate number of parameters. GPry does not need any pre-training, special hardware such as GPUs, and is intended as a drop-in replacement for traditional Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference. Our algorithm is based on generating a Gaussian Process surrogate model of the log-posterior, aided by a Support Vector Machine classifier that excludes extreme or non-finite values. An active learning scheme allows us to reduce the number of required posterior evaluations by two orders of magnitude compared to traditional Monte Carlo inference. Our algorithm allows for parallel evaluations of the posterior at optimal locations, further reducing wall-clock times. We significantly improve performance using properties of the posterior in our active learning scheme and for the definition of the GP prior. In particular we account for the expected dynamical range of the posterior in different dimensionalities. We test our model against a number of synthetic and cosmological examples. GPry outperforms traditional Monte Carlo methods when the evaluation time of the likelihood (or the calculation of theoretical observables) is of the order of seconds; for evaluation times of over a minute it can perform inference in days that would take months using traditional methods. GPry is distributed as an open source Python package (pip install gpry) and can also be found at https://github.com/jonaselgammal/GPry.
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在计算机视觉和邻近字段中,已广泛研究了盲图片脱毛(BID)。投标的现代方法可以分为两类:使用统计推断和数值优化处理单个实例的单个实体方法,以及数据驱动的方法,这些方法可以直接训练深度学习模型来直接删除未来实例。数据驱动的方法可以摆脱得出准确的模型模型的困难,但从根本上受到培训数据的多样性和质量的限制 - 收集足够表达和现实的培训数据是一个坚定的挑战。在本文中,我们专注于保持竞争力和必不可少的单一稳定方法。但是,大多数此类方法没有规定如何处理未知内核大小和实质性噪音,从而排除了实际部署。实际上,我们表明,当核大小被明确指定时,几种最新的(SOTA)单位方法是不稳定的,并且/或噪声水平很高。从积极的一面来看,我们提出了一种实用的出价方法,该方法对这两者都是稳定的,这是同类的。我们的方法建立在最新的思想,即通过整合物理模型和结构深度神经网络而没有额外的培训数据来解决反问题。我们引入了几种关键修改以实现所需的稳定性。与SOTA单位结构以及数据驱动的方法相比,对标准合成数据集以及现实世界中的NTIRE2020和REALBLUR数据集进行了广泛的经验测试。我们方法的代码可在:\ url {https://github.com/sun-unm/blind-image-deblurring}中获得。
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