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Contextualized representation models such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from four recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer comparably small improvements on semantic tasks over a non-contextual baseline.
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基于变压器的语言模型最近在许多自然语言任务中取得了显着的结果。但是,通常通过利用大量培训数据来实现排行榜的性能,并且很少通过将明确的语言知识编码为神经模型。这使许多人质疑语言学对现代自然语言处理的相关性。在本文中,我介绍了几个案例研究,以说明理论语言学和神经语言模型仍然相互关联。首先,语言模型通过提供一个客观的工具来测量语义距离,这对语言学家很有用,语义距离很难使用传统方法。另一方面,语言理论通过提供框架和数据源来探究我们的语言模型,以了解语言理解的特定方面,从而有助于语言建模研究。本论文贡献了三项研究,探讨了语言模型中语法 - 听觉界面的不同方面。在论文的第一部分中,我将语言模型应用于单词类灵活性的问题。我将Mbert作为语义距离测量的来源,我提供了有利于将单词类灵活性分析为方向过程的证据。在论文的第二部分中,我提出了一种方法来测量语言模型中间层的惊奇方法。我的实验表明,包含形态句法异常的句子触发了语言模型早期的惊喜,而不是语义和常识异常。最后,在论文的第三部分中,我适应了一些心理语言学研究,以表明语言模型包含了论证结构结构的知识。总而言之,我的论文在自然语言处理,语言理论和心理语言学之间建立了新的联系,以为语言模型的解释提供新的观点。
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Multilingual BERT (mBERT) has demonstrated considerable cross-lingual syntactic ability, whereby it enables effective zero-shot cross-lingual transfer of syntactic knowledge. The transfer is more successful between some languages, but it is not well understood what leads to this variation and whether it fairly reflects difference between languages. In this work, we investigate the distributions of grammatical relations induced from mBERT in the context of 24 typologically different languages. We demonstrate that the distance between the distributions of different languages is highly consistent with the syntactic difference in terms of linguistic formalisms. Such difference learnt via self-supervision plays a crucial role in the zero-shot transfer performance and can be predicted by variation in morphosyntactic properties between languages. These results suggest that mBERT properly encodes languages in a way consistent with linguistic diversity and provide insights into the mechanism of cross-lingual transfer.
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The word alignment task, despite its prominence in the era of statistical machine translation (SMT), is niche and under-explored today. In this two-part tutorial, we argue for the continued relevance for word alignment. The first part provides a historical background to word alignment as a core component of the traditional SMT pipeline. We zero-in on GIZA++, an unsupervised, statistical word aligner with surprising longevity. Jumping forward to the era of neural machine translation (NMT), we show how insights from word alignment inspired the attention mechanism fundamental to present-day NMT. The second part shifts to a survey approach. We cover neural word aligners, showing the slow but steady progress towards surpassing GIZA++ performance. Finally, we cover the present-day applications of word alignment, from cross-lingual annotation projection, to improving translation.
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我们通过纳入通用依赖性(UD)的句法特征来瞄准直接零射击设置中的跨语言机器阅读理解(MRC)的任务,以及我们使用的关键功能是每个句子中的语法关系。虽然以前的工作已经证明了有效的语法引导MRC模型,但我们建议采用句子际句法关系,除了基本的句子关系外,还可以进一步利用MRC任务的多句子输入中的句法依赖性。在我们的方法中,我们构建了句子间依赖图(ISDG)连接依赖树以形成横跨句子的全局句法关系。然后,我们提出了编码全局依赖关系图的ISDG编码器,通过明确地通过一个跳和多跳依赖性路径来解决句子间关系。三个多语言MRC数据集(XQUAD,MLQA,Tydiqa-Goldp)的实验表明,我们仅对英语培训的编码器能够在涵盖8种语言的所有14个测试集中提高零射性能,最高可达3.8 F1 / 5.2 EM平均改善,以及某些语言的5.2 F1 / 11.2 em。进一步的分析表明,改进可以归因于跨语言上一致的句法路径上的注意力。
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尽管在理解深度NLP模型中学到的表示形式以及他们所捕获的知识方面已经做了很多工作,但对单个神经元的关注很少。我们提出了一种称为语言相关性分析的技术,可在任何外部特性中提取模型中的显着神经元 - 目的是了解如何保留这种知识在神经元中。我们进行了细粒度的分析以回答以下问题:(i)我们可以识别网络中捕获特定语言特性的神经元子集吗? (ii)整个网络中的局部或分布式神经元如何? iii)信息保留了多么冗余? iv)针对下游NLP任务的微调预训练模型如何影响学习的语言知识? iv)架构在学习不同的语言特性方面有何不同?我们的数据驱动的定量分析阐明了有趣的发现:(i)我们发现了可以预测不同语言任务的神经元的小亚集,ii)捕获基本的词汇信息(例如后缀),而这些神经元位于较低的大多数层中,iii,iii),而这些神经元,而那些神经元,而那些神经元则可以预测。学习复杂的概念(例如句法角色)主要是在中间和更高层中,iii),在转移学习过程中,显着的语言神经元从较高到较低的层移至较低的层,因为网络保留了较高的层以特定于任务信息,iv)我们发现很有趣在培训预训练模型之间的差异,关于如何保留语言信息,V)我们发现概念在多语言变压器模型中跨不同语言表现出相似的神经元分布。我们的代码作为Neurox工具包的一部分公开可用。
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多语言语言模型(\ mllms),如mbert,xlm,xlm-r,\ textit {etc。}已成为一种可行的选择,使预先估计到大量语言的力量。鉴于他们的成功在零射击转移学习中,在(i)建立更大的\ mllms〜覆盖了大量语言(ii)创建覆盖更广泛的任务和语言来评估的详尽工作基准mllms〜(iii)分析单音零点,零拍摄交叉和双语任务(iv)对Monolingual的性能,了解\ mllms〜(v)增强(通常)学习的通用语言模式(如果有的话)有限的容量\ mllms〜以提高他们在已见甚至看不见语言的表现。在这项调查中,我们审查了现有的文学,涵盖了上述与\ MLLMS有关的广泛研究领域。根据我们的调查,我们建议您有一些未来的研究方向。
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We propose a transition-based approach that, by training a single model, can efficiently parse any input sentence with both constituent and dependency trees, supporting both continuous/projective and discontinuous/non-projective syntactic structures. To that end, we develop a Pointer Network architecture with two separate task-specific decoders and a common encoder, and follow a multitask learning strategy to jointly train them. The resulting quadratic system, not only becomes the first parser that can jointly produce both unrestricted constituent and dependency trees from a single model, but also proves that both syntactic formalisms can benefit from each other during training, achieving state-of-the-art accuracies in several widely-used benchmarks such as the continuous English and Chinese Penn Treebanks, as well as the discontinuous German NEGRA and TIGER datasets.
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介词经常出现多元化词。歧义歧义在语义角色标记,问题应答,文本征报和名词复合释义中,歧义是至关重要的。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的介词意义消费者(PSD)方法,其不使用任何语言工具。在监督设置中,机器学习模型提出有句子,其中介词已经用感测量注释。这些感官是ID所谓的介词项目(TPP)。我们使用预先训练的BERT和BERT VARIANTS的隐藏层表示。然后使用多层Perceptron将潜在的表示分为正确的感测ID。用于此任务的数据集来自Semeval-2007任务-6。我们的方法理解为86.85%,比最先进的更好。
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Transformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.
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我们提出了一种方法,通过将知识存储在外部知识图(kg)中,并使用密集的索引从该kg中检索,使自然语言理解模型更有效地有效。给定(可能是多语言的)下游任务数据,例如德语中的句子,我们从kg中检索实体,并使用其多模式表示形式来改善下游任务绩效。我们使用最近发布的VisualSem KG作为我们的外部知识存储库,涵盖了Wikipedia和WordNet实体的子集,并比较基于元组和基于图的算法的混合,以学习基于KG多模式信息的实体和关系表示。 。我们在两个下游任务上展示了学识渊博的实体表示形式的有用性,并在多语言命名实体识别任务上的性能提高了$ 0.3 \%$ - $ 0.7 \%\%$ f1,而我们的准确度最高为$ 2.5 \%\%$ $提高。在视觉意义上的歧义任务上。我们所有的代码和数据都提供:\ url {https://github.com/iacercalixto/visualsem-kg}。
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In this paper, we show that Multilingual BERT (M-BERT), released by Devlin et al. (2019) as a single language model pre-trained from monolingual corpora in 104 languages, is surprisingly good at zero-shot cross-lingual model transfer, in which task-specific annotations in one language are used to fine-tune the model for evaluation in another language. To understand why, we present a large number of probing experiments, showing that transfer is possible even to languages in different scripts, that transfer works best between typologically similar languages, that monolingual corpora can train models for code-switching, and that the model can find translation pairs. From these results, we can conclude that M-BERT does create multilingual representations, but that these representations exhibit systematic deficiencies affecting certain language pairs.
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Relation extraction (RE) is a sub-discipline of information extraction (IE) which focuses on the prediction of a relational predicate from a natural-language input unit (such as a sentence, a clause, or even a short paragraph consisting of multiple sentences and/or clauses). Together with named-entity recognition (NER) and disambiguation (NED), RE forms the basis for many advanced IE tasks such as knowledge-base (KB) population and verification. In this work, we explore how recent approaches for open information extraction (OpenIE) may help to improve the task of RE by encoding structured information about the sentences' principal units, such as subjects, objects, verbal phrases, and adverbials, into various forms of vectorized (and hence unstructured) representations of the sentences. Our main conjecture is that the decomposition of long and possibly convoluted sentences into multiple smaller clauses via OpenIE even helps to fine-tune context-sensitive language models such as BERT (and its plethora of variants) for RE. Our experiments over two annotated corpora, KnowledgeNet and FewRel, demonstrate the improved accuracy of our enriched models compared to existing RE approaches. Our best results reach 92% and 71% of F1 score for KnowledgeNet and FewRel, respectively, proving the effectiveness of our approach on competitive benchmarks.
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The rapid advancement of AI technology has made text generation tools like GPT-3 and ChatGPT increasingly accessible, scalable, and effective. This can pose serious threat to the credibility of various forms of media if these technologies are used for plagiarism, including scientific literature and news sources. Despite the development of automated methods for paraphrase identification, detecting this type of plagiarism remains a challenge due to the disparate nature of the datasets on which these methods are trained. In this study, we review traditional and current approaches to paraphrase identification and propose a refined typology of paraphrases. We also investigate how this typology is represented in popular datasets and how under-representation of certain types of paraphrases impacts detection capabilities. Finally, we outline new directions for future research and datasets in the pursuit of more effective paraphrase detection using AI.
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