我们证明,Littlestone Dimension $ d $的每一个在线学习的功能都可以接受具有有限信息复杂性的学习算法。为此,我们使用了全球稳定算法的概念。通常,这种全球稳定算法的信息复杂性是大但有限的,大致在$ d $中。我们还显示有改进的空间;对于规范的在线学习类,尺寸$ d $的仿射子空间的指标函数,信息复杂性可以在$ d $中以上对数。
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We first prove that Littlestone classes, those which model theorists call stable, characterize learnability in a new statistical model: a learner in this new setting outputs the same hypothesis, up to measure zero, with probability one, after a uniformly bounded number of revisions. This fills a certain gap in the literature, and sets the stage for an approximation theorem characterizing Littlestone classes in terms of a range of learning models, by analogy to definability of types in model theory. We then give a complete analogue of Shelah's celebrated (and perhaps a priori untranslatable) Unstable Formula Theorem in the learning setting, with algorithmic arguments taking the place of the infinite.
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在这项工作中,我们调查了Steinke和Zakynthinou(2020)的“条件互信息”(CMI)框架的表现力,以及使用它来提供统一框架,用于在可实现的环境中证明泛化界限。我们首先证明可以使用该框架来表达任何用于从一类界限VC维度输出假设的任何学习算法的非琐碎(但是次优)界限。我们证明了CMI框架在用于学习半个空间的预期风险上产生最佳限制。该结果是我们的一般结果的应用,显示稳定的压缩方案Bousquet al。 (2020)尺寸$ k $有统一有限的命令$ o(k)$。我们进一步表明,适当学习VC类的固有限制与恒定的CMI存在适当的学习者的存在,并且它意味着对Steinke和Zakynthinou(2020)的开放问题的负面分辨率。我们进一步研究了价值最低限度(ERMS)的CMI的级别$ H $,并表明,如果才能使用有界CMI输出所有一致的分类器(版本空间),只有在$ H $具有有界的星号(Hanneke和杨(2015)))。此外,我们证明了一般性的减少,表明“休假”分析通过CMI框架表示。作为推论,我们研究了Haussler等人提出的一包图算法的CMI。 (1994)。更一般地说,我们表明CMI框架是通用的,因为对于每一项一致的算法和数据分布,当且仅当其评估的CMI具有样品的载位增长时,预期的风险就会消失。
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We derive upper bounds on the generalization error of a learning algorithm in terms of the mutual information between its input and output. The bounds provide an information-theoretic understanding of generalization in learning problems, and give theoretical guidelines for striking the right balance between data fit and generalization by controlling the input-output mutual information. We propose a number of methods for this purpose, among which are algorithms that regularize the ERM algorithm with relative entropy or with random noise. Our work extends and leads to nontrivial improvements on the recent results of Russo and Zou.
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给定真实的假设类$ \ mathcal {h} $,我们在什么条件下调查有一个差异的私有算法,它从$ \ mathcal {h} $给出的最佳假设.I.i.d.数据。灵感来自最近的成果的二进制分类的相关环境(Alon等,2019; Bun等,2020),其中显示了二进制类的在线学习是必要的,并且足以追随其私人学习,Jung等人。 (2020)显示,在回归的设置中,$ \ mathcal {h} $的在线学习是私人可读性所必需的。这里的在线学习$ \ mathcal {h} $的特点是其$ \ eta $-sequentient胖胖子的优势,$ {\ rm sfat} _ \ eta(\ mathcal {h})$,适用于所有$ \ eta> 0 $。就足够的私人学习条件而言,Jung等人。 (2020)显示$ \ mathcal {h} $私下学习,如果$ \ lim _ {\ eta \ downarrow 0} {\ rm sfat} _ \ eta(\ mathcal {h})$是有限的,这是一个相当限制的健康)状况。我们展示了在轻松的条件下,\ LIM \ INF _ {\ eta \ downarrow 0} \ eta \ cdot {\ rm sfat} _ \ eta(\ mathcal {h})= 0 $,$ \ mathcal {h} $私人学习,为\ \ rm sfat} _ \ eta(\ mathcal {h})$ \ eta \ dockarrow 0 $ divering建立第一个非参数私人学习保证。我们的技术涉及一种新颖的过滤过程,以输出非参数函数类的稳定假设。
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Recently, Robey et al. propose a notion of probabilistic robustness, which, at a high-level, requires a classifier to be robust to most but not all perturbations. They show that for certain hypothesis classes where proper learning under worst-case robustness is \textit{not} possible, proper learning under probabilistic robustness \textit{is} possible with sample complexity exponentially smaller than in the worst-case robustness setting. This motivates the question of whether proper learning under probabilistic robustness is always possible. In this paper, we show that this is \textit{not} the case. We exhibit examples of hypothesis classes $\mathcal{H}$ with finite VC dimension that are \textit{not} probabilistically robustly PAC learnable with \textit{any} proper learning rule. However, if we compare the output of the learner to the best hypothesis for a slightly \textit{stronger} level of probabilistic robustness, we show that not only is proper learning \textit{always} possible, but it is possible via empirical risk minimization.
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在本文中,我们介绍了超模块化$ \ mf $ -Diverences,并为它们提供了三个应用程序:(i)我们在基于超模型$ \ MF $ - 基于独立随机变量的尾部引入了Sanov的上限。分歧并表明我们的广义萨诺夫(Sanov)严格改善了普通的界限,(ii)我们考虑了有损耗的压缩问题,该问题研究了给定失真和代码长度的一组可实现的速率。我们使用互助$ \ mf $ - 信息扩展了利率 - 延伸函数,并使用超模块化$ \ mf $ -Diverences在有限的区块长度方面提供了新的,严格的更好的界限,并且(iii)我们提供了连接具有有限输入/输出共同$ \ mf $的算法的概括误差和广义率延伸问题。该连接使我们能够使用速率函数的下限来限制学习算法的概括误差。我们的界限是基于对利率延伸函数的新下限,该函数(对于某些示例)严格改善了以前最著名的界限。此外,使用超模块化$ \ mf $ -Divergences来减少问题的尺寸并获得单字母界限。
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我们研究了学习算法的输出及其$ n $培训数据之间(某些摘要)之间的共同信息,以$ n+1 $ i.i.d.的超级样本为条件。随机选择训练数据而无需更换的数据。这些算法(Steinke and Zakynthinou,2020)的条件相互信息(CMI)的这些剩余变体也被认为可以控制具有有界损耗函数的学习算法的平均通用误差。为了学习在0-1损失(即插值算法)下实现零经验风险的学习算法,我们提供了剩余的CMI与风险的经典保留误差估计之间的明确联系。使用此连接,我们就(评估)保留的CMI获得了上限和下限。当限制风险恒定或多项式衰减时,边界会收敛到两个恒定因子。作为应用程序,我们分析了单个包含图算法的人口风险,这是一种在可实现的环境中的VC类的通用转导学习算法。使用一对一的CMI,我们匹配在可实现的设置中学习VC课程的最佳界限,回答了Steinke和Zakynthinou(2020)提出的开放挑战。最后,为了理解剩余的CMI在研究概括中的作用,我们将剩余的CMI放在措施层次结构中,并在根本上使用新颖的无条件相互信息。对于0-1的损失和插值学习算法,观察到此相互信息恰恰是风险。
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使用差异隐私(DP)学习的大多数工作都集中在每个用户具有单个样本的设置上。在这项工作中,我们考虑每个用户持有M $ Samples的设置,并且在每个用户数据的级别强制执行隐私保护。我们展示了,在这个设置中,我们可以学习少数用户。具体而言,我们表明,只要每个用户收到足够多的样本,我们就可以通过$(\ epsilon,\ delta)$ - dp算法使用$ o(\ log(1 / \ delta)来学习任何私人学习的课程/ \ epsilon)$用户。对于$ \ epsilon $ -dp算法,我们展示我们即使在本地模型中也可以使用$ o _ {\ epsilon}(d)$用户学习,其中$ d $是概率表示维度。在这两种情况下,我们在所需用户数量上显示了几乎匹配的下限。我们的结果的一个关键组成部分是全局稳定性的概括[Bun等,Focs 2020]允许使用公共随机性。在这种轻松的概念下,我们采用相关的采样策略来表明全局稳定性可以在样品数量的多项式牺牲中被提升以任意接近一个。
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我们研究了非参数在线回归中的快速收敛速度,即遗憾的是关于具有有界复杂度的任意函数类来定义后悔。我们的贡献是两倍: - 在绝对损失中的非参数网上回归的可实现设置中,我们提出了一种随机适当的学习算法,该算法在假设类的顺序脂肪破碎尺寸方面获得了近乎最佳的错误。在与一类Littlestone维度$ D $的在线分类中,我们的绑定减少到$ d \ cdot {\ rm poly} \ log t $。这结果回答了一个问题,以及适当的学习者是否可以实现近乎最佳错误的界限;以前,即使在线分类,绑定的最知名错误也是$ \ tilde o(\ sqrt {dt})$。此外,对于真实值(回归)设置,在这项工作之前,界定的最佳错误甚至没有以不正当的学习者所知。 - 使用上述结果,我们展示了Littlestone维度$ D $的一般总和二进制游戏的独立学习算法,每个玩家达到后悔$ \ tilde o(d ^ {3/4} \ cdot t ^ {1 / 4})$。该结果概括了Syrgkanis等人的类似结果。 (2015)谁表明,在有限的游戏中,最佳遗憾可以从普通的o(\ sqrt {t})$中的$ o(\ sqrt {t})为游戏设置中的$ o(t ^ {1/4})$。要建立上述结果,我们介绍了几种新技术,包括:分层聚合规则,以实现对实际类别的最佳错误,Hanneke等人的适当在线可实现学习者的多尺度扩展。 (2021),一种方法来表明这种非参数学习算法的输出是稳定的,并且证明Minimax定理在所有在线学习游戏中保持。
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Learning problems form an important category of computational tasks that generalizes many of the computations researchers apply to large real-life data sets. We ask: what concept classes can be learned privately, namely, by an algorithm whose output does not depend too heavily on any one input or specific training example? More precisely, we investigate learning algorithms that satisfy differential privacy, a notion that provides strong confidentiality guarantees in contexts where aggregate information is released about a database containing sensitive information about individuals.Our goal is a broad understanding of the resources required for private learning in terms of samples, computation time, and interaction. We demonstrate that, ignoring computational constraints, it is possible to privately agnostically learn any concept class using a sample size approximately logarithmic in the cardinality of the concept class. Therefore, almost anything learnable is learnable privately: specifically, if a concept class is learnable by a (non-private) algorithm with polynomial sample complexity and output size, then it can be learned privately using a polynomial number of samples. We also present a computationally efficient private PAC learner for the class of parity functions. This result dispels the similarity between learning with noise and private learning (both must be robust to small changes in inputs), since parity is thought to be very hard to learn given random classification noise.Local (or randomized response) algorithms are a practical class of private algorithms that have received extensive investigation. We provide a precise characterization of local private learning algorithms. We show that a concept class is learnable by a local algorithm if and only if it is learnable in the statistical query (SQ) model. Therefore, for local private learning algorithms, the similarity to learning with noise is stronger: local learning is equivalent to SQ learning, and SQ algorithms include most known noise-tolerant learning algorithms. Finally, we present a separation between the power of interactive and noninteractive local learning algorithms. Because of the equivalence to SQ learning, this result also separates adaptive and nonadaptive SQ learning.
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学习曲线将学习算法的预期误差绘制为标记输入样本数量的函数。它们被机器学习实践者广泛使用,以衡量算法的性能,但是经典的PAC学习理论无法解释其行为。在本文中,我们介绍了一种称为VCL维度的新组合表征,该表征改进并完善了Bousquet等人的最新结果。 (2021)。我们的表征通过提供细粒度的边界来展示学习曲线的结构,并表明对于有限VCL的类,可以将衰减的速率分解为仅取决于假设类别和指数成分的线性组件,该成分是指数的成分。还取决于目标分布。特别是,VCL维度的细微差别意味着比Bousquet等人的边界更强大的下限。 (2021年),比经典的“无免费午餐”下界强。 VCL表征解决了Antos and Lugosi(1998)研究的一个开放问题,他们询问在哪些情况下存在这种下限。作为推论,我们在$ \ mathbb {r}^d $中恢复了其下限,并以原则性的方式也适用于其他情况。最后,为了对我们的工作以及与传统PAC学习界的比较提供另一个观点,我们还以一种更接近PAC环境的语言展示了结果的替代表述。
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Concentrated differential privacy" was recently introduced by Dwork and Rothblum as a relaxation of differential privacy, which permits sharper analyses of many privacy-preserving computations. We present an alternative formulation of the concept of concentrated differential privacy in terms of the Rényi divergence between the distributions obtained by running an algorithm on neighboring inputs. With this reformulation in hand, we prove sharper quantitative results, establish lower bounds, and raise a few new questions. We also unify this approach with approximate differential privacy by giving an appropriate definition of "approximate concentrated differential privacy."
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我们考虑在对抗环境中的强大学习模型。学习者获得未腐败的培训数据,并访问可能受到测试期间对手影响的可能腐败。学习者的目标是建立一个强大的分类器,该分类器将在未来的对抗示例中进行测试。每个输入的对手仅限于$ k $可能的损坏。我们将学习者 - 对手互动建模为零和游戏。该模型与Schmidt等人的对抗示例模型密切相关。 (2018); Madry等。 (2017)。我们的主要结果包括对二进制和多类分类的概括界限,以及实现的情况(回归)。对于二元分类设置,我们都拧紧Feige等人的概括。 (2015年),也能够处理无限假设类别。样本复杂度从$ o(\ frac {1} {\ epsilon^4} \ log(\ frac {| h |} {\ delta})$ to $ o \ big(\ frac {1} { epsilon^2}(kvc(h)\ log^{\ frac {3} {2}+\ alpha}(kvc(h))+\ log(\ frac {1} {\ delta} {\ delta})\ big)\ big)\ big)$ for任何$ \ alpha> 0 $。此外,我们将算法和概括从二进制限制到多类和真实价值的案例。一路上,我们获得了脂肪震惊的尺寸和$ k $ fold的脂肪的尺寸和Rademacher复杂性的结果最大值的功能类别;这些可能具有独立的兴趣。对于二进制分类,Feige等人(2015年)使用遗憾的最小化算法和Erm Oracle作为黑匣子;我们适应了多类和回归设置。该算法为我们提供了给定培训样本中的球员的近乎最佳政策。
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The problem of learning threshold functions is a fundamental one in machine learning. Classical learning theory implies sample complexity of $O(\xi^{-1} \log(1/\beta))$ (for generalization error $\xi$ with confidence $1-\beta$). The private version of the problem, however, is more challenging and in particular, the sample complexity must depend on the size $|X|$ of the domain. Progress on quantifying this dependence, via lower and upper bounds, was made in a line of works over the past decade. In this paper, we finally close the gap for approximate-DP and provide a nearly tight upper bound of $\tilde{O}(\log^* |X|)$, which matches a lower bound by Alon et al (that applies even with improper learning) and improves over a prior upper bound of $\tilde{O}((\log^* |X|)^{1.5})$ by Kaplan et al. We also provide matching upper and lower bounds of $\tilde{\Theta}(2^{\log^*|X|})$ for the additive error of private quasi-concave optimization (a related and more general problem). Our improvement is achieved via the novel Reorder-Slice-Compute paradigm for private data analysis which we believe will have further applications.
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We define notions of stability for learning algorithms and show how to use these notions to derive generalization error bounds based on the empirical error and the leave-one-out error. The methods we use can be applied in the regression framework as well as in the classification one when the classifier is obtained by thresholding a real-valued function. We study the stability properties of large classes of learning algorithms such as regularization based algorithms. In particular we focus on Hilbert space regularization and Kullback-Leibler regularization. We demonstrate how to apply the results to SVM for regression and classification.1. For a qualitative discussion about sensitivity analysis with links to other resources see e.g. http://sensitivity-analysis.jrc.cec.eu.int/
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收购数据是机器学习的许多应用中的一项艰巨任务,只有一个人希望并且预期人口风险在单调上汇率增加(更好的性能)。事实证明,甚至对于最小化经验风险的最大限度的算法,甚至不令人惊讶的情况。在训练中的风险和不稳定的非单调行为表现出并出现在双重血统描述中的流行深度学习范式中。这些问题突出了目前对学习算法和泛化的理解缺乏了解。因此,追求这种行为的表征是至关重要的,这是至关重要的。在本文中,我们在弱假设下获得了一致和风险的单调算法,从而解决了一个打开问题Viering等。 2019关于如何避免风险曲线的非单调行为。我们进一步表明,风险单调性不一定以更糟糕的风险率的价格出现。为实现这一目标,我们推出了持有某些非I.I.D的独立利益的新经验伯恩斯坦的浓度不等式。鞅差异序列等进程。
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