GPT-3等大型自回归语言模型是几秒钟的学习者,可以在没有微调的情况下执行各种语言任务。虽然已知这些模型能够共同代表许多不同的语言,但他们的培训数据由英语主导,可能限制了它们的交叉概括。在这项工作中,我们在覆盖多种语言的平衡语料库上培训多语言自回归语言模型,并在广泛的任务中研究他们几乎没有零点的学习能力。我们最大的模型,具有75亿参数,在20多种代表语言中,在几种代表语言中,在几种代表性语言中,在几种代表性语言中,在多语言型号推理中表现出可比大小的GPT-3(在0次设置和0次拍摄设置中的绝对精度改善+ 7.4% 4-拍摄设置中的9.4%)和自然语言推理(每次拍摄和4次设置中的每一个+ 5.4%)。在Flores-101机器翻译基准测试中,我们的模型优于GPT-3在182个翻译方向上有32个培训例子,同时超过45个方向的官方监督基线。我们介绍了模型成功和失败的位置的详细分析,特别是它尤其显示在某些任务中实现交叉语境的内容学习,而仍然存在改善表面的鲁棒性和适应没有a的任务的余地自然冻结形式。最后,我们评估我们在仇恨语音检测中以五种语言的仇恨语音检测的模型,并发现它具有与可比大小的GPT-3模型类似的限制。
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在这项工作中,我们证明了多种语的大规模序列到序列(SEQ2SEQ)模型,该模型是通过Denoising和因果语言建模(CLM)任务的混合物进行训练的,比仅解码器模型更有效地进行了效率的学习者在各种任务上。特别是,我们培训了一个名为Alexa教师模型(Alexatm 20b)的200亿个参数多语言SEQ2SEQ模型,并表明它在1-Shot摘要任务上实现了最先进的(SOTA)性能,超过了更大的540B PALM DOPODER模型。 Alexatm 20b还可以在1-Shot Machine翻译中实现SOTA,尤其是对于低资源语言,几乎所有语言对(阿拉伯语,英语,法语,德语,德语,印地语,意大利语,日语,以及flores-101数据集上的泰卢固语)。我们还显示了零拍设置,AlexATM 20B在SuperGlue和SqueadV2数据集上的表现优于GPT3(175B),并在XNLI,XCOPA,PAWS-X和XWINOGRAD等多语言任务上提供SOTA性能。总体而言,我们的结果为SEQ2SEQ模型提供了一个令人信服的案例,作为大型语言模型(LLM)培训的仅解码器模型的强大替代方法。
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We present NusaCrowd, a collaborative initiative to collect and unite existing resources for Indonesian languages, including opening access to previously non-public resources. Through this initiative, we have has brought together 137 datasets and 117 standardized data loaders. The quality of the datasets has been assessed manually and automatically, and their effectiveness has been demonstrated in multiple experiments. NusaCrowd's data collection enables the creation of the first zero-shot benchmarks for natural language understanding and generation in Indonesian and its local languages. Furthermore, NusaCrowd brings the creation of the first multilingual automatic speech recognition benchmark in Indonesian and its local languages. Our work is intended to help advance natural language processing research in under-represented languages.
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Translating training data into many languages has emerged as a practical solution for improving cross-lingual transfer. For tasks that involve span-level annotations, such as information extraction or question answering, an additional label projection step is required to map annotated spans onto the translated texts. Recently, a few efforts have utilized a simple mark-then-translate method to jointly perform translation and projection by inserting special markers around the labeled spans in the original sentence. However, as far as we are aware, no empirical analysis has been conducted on how this approach compares to traditional annotation projection based on word alignment. In this paper, we present an extensive empirical study across 42 languages and three tasks (QA, NER, and Event Extraction) to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of both methods, filling an important gap in the literature. Experimental results show that our optimized version of mark-then-translate, which we call EasyProject, is easily applied to many languages and works surprisingly well, outperforming the more complex word alignment-based methods. We analyze several key factors that affect end-task performance, and show EasyProject works well because it can accurately preserve label span boundaries after translation. We will publicly release all our code and data.
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本文探讨了提高语言模型的零次学习能力的简单方法。我们表明,指令调整 - 通过对说明书中所述的任务集合微调语言模型 - 大幅提升零射门上看不见任务中的表现。我们采取预训练的语言模型和指令调整它通过自然语言指令模板语言表达了60NLP任务137B参数。我们评估这种指令调整模型,我们称之为FLAN,在看不见的任务类型。FLAN显着改善其未修饰的对应的性能和超过25的20个任务,我们评估零射门175BGPT-3。FLAN甚至GPT-3通过在安利,RTE,BoolQ,AI2-ARC,OpenbookQA和StoryCloze大比分胜过几拍。消融研究显示任务和模型的规模,这个数字是指令调整取得成功的关键组成部分。
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通过自我监督的学习预先训练的大型语言模型在各种各样的任务上表现出令人印象深刻的零击功能。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Welm:一种针对中文的精心读取的预训练的语言模型,能够无缝执行不同类型的任务,以零或几次演示。 Welm通过“阅读”涵盖广泛主题的精选高质量语料库来接受10b参数的培训。我们表明,韦尔姆拥有有关各种领域和语言的广泛知识。在18个单语(中文)任务中,WELM可以大大优于现有的预训练模型,尺寸相似,并匹配高达25倍大的模型的性能。韦尔姆还表现出强大的多种语言和代码转换理解的能力,优于预先对30种语言进行预培训的现有多语言模型。此外,我们收集了人工编写的提示,并通过多次培训进行了大量的中文和微调韦尔姆的监督数据集。最终的模型可以实现对看不见的任务类型的强烈概括,并在零射门学习中优于无监督的韦尔姆。最后,我们证明韦尔姆具有解释和校准自己的决策的基本技能,这可能是未来研究的有希望的方向。我们的模型可以从应用。
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Task agnostic generative pretraining (GPT) has recently proved promising for zero- and few-shot learning, gradually diverting attention from the expensive supervised learning paradigm. Although the community is accumulating knowledge as to capabilities of English-language autoregressive models such as GPT-3 adopting this generative approach, scholarship about these models remains acutely Anglocentric. Consequently, the community currently has serious gaps in its understanding of this class of models, their potential, and their societal impacts in diverse settings, linguistic traditions, and cultures. To alleviate this issue for Arabic, a collection of diverse languages and language varieties with more than $400$ million population, we introduce JASMINE, a suite of powerful Arabic autoregressive Transformer language models ranging in size between 300 million-13 billion parameters. We pretrain our new models with large amounts of diverse data (400GB of text) from different Arabic varieties and domains. We evaluate JASMINE extensively in both intrinsic and extrinsic settings, using a comprehensive benchmark for zero- and few-shot learning across a wide range of NLP tasks. We also carefully develop and release a novel benchmark for both automated and human evaluation of Arabic autoregressive models focused at investigating potential social biases, harms, and toxicity in these models. We aim to responsibly release our models with interested researchers, along with code for experimenting with them
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In this work, we introduce IndicXTREME, a benchmark consisting of nine diverse tasks covering 18 languages from the Indic sub-continent belonging to four different families. Across languages and tasks, IndicXTREME contains a total of 103 evaluation sets, of which 51 are new contributions to the literature. To maintain high quality, we only use human annotators to curate or translate\footnote{for IndicXParaphrase, where an automatic translation system is used, a second human verification and correction step is done.} our datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort toward creating a standard benchmark for Indic languages that aims to test the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained language models. We also release IndicCorp v2, an updated and much larger version of IndicCorp that contains 20.9 billion tokens in 24 languages. We pretrain IndicBERT v2 on IndicCorp v2 and evaluate it on IndicXTREME to show that it outperforms existing multilingual language models such as XLM-R and MuRIL.
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This paper aims for a potential architectural improvement for multilingual learning and asks: Can different tasks from different languages be modeled in a monolithic framework, i.e. without any task/language-specific module? The benefit of achieving this could open new doors for future multilingual research, including allowing systems trained on low resources to be further assisted by other languages as well as other tasks. We approach this goal by developing a learning framework named Polyglot Prompting to exploit prompting methods for learning a unified semantic space for different languages and tasks with multilingual prompt engineering. We performed a comprehensive evaluation of 6 tasks, namely topic classification, sentiment classification, named entity recognition, question answering, natural language inference, and summarization, covering 24 datasets and 49 languages. The experimental results demonstrated the efficacy of multilingual multitask prompt-based learning and led to inspiring observations. We also present an interpretable multilingual evaluation methodology and show how the proposed framework, multilingual multitask prompt training, works. We release all datasets prompted in the best setting and code.
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Multilingual Pretrained Language Models (MPLMs) have shown their strong multilinguality in recent empirical cross-lingual transfer studies. In this paper, we propose the Prompts Augmented by Retrieval Crosslingually (PARC) pipeline to improve the zero-shot performance on low-resource languages (LRLs) by augmenting the context with semantically similar sentences retrieved from a high-resource language (HRL) as prompts. PARC improves the zero-shot performance on three downstream tasks (binary sentiment classification, topic categorization and natural language inference) with multilingual parallel test sets across 10 LRLs covering 6 language families in both unlabeled settings (+5.1%) and labeled settings (+16.3%). PARC-labeled also outperforms the finetuning baseline by 3.7%. We find a significant positive correlation between cross-lingual transfer performance on one side, and the similarity between the high- and low-resource languages as well as the amount of low-resource pretraining data on the other side. A robustness analysis suggests that PARC has the potential to achieve even stronger performance with more powerful MPLMs.
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This paper demonstrates that multilingual denoising pre-training produces significant performance gains across a wide variety of machine translation (MT) tasks. We present mBART -a sequence-to-sequence denoising auto-encoder pre-trained on large-scale monolingual corpora in many languages using the BART objective . mBART is the first method for pre-training a complete sequence-to-sequence model by denoising full texts in multiple languages, while previous approaches have focused only on the encoder, decoder, or reconstructing parts of the text. Pre-training a complete model allows it to be directly fine tuned for supervised (both sentence-level and document-level) and unsupervised machine translation, with no task-specific modifications. We demonstrate that adding mBART initialization produces performance gains in all but the highest-resource settings, including up to 12 BLEU points for low resource MT and over 5 BLEU points for many document-level and unsupervised models. We also show it also enables new types of transfer to language pairs with no bi-text or that were not in the pre-training corpus, and present extensive analysis of which factors contribute the most to effective pre-training.
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在本文中,我们分享了我们努力建立能够翻译一千多种语言的实用机器翻译(MT)系统的发现。我们在三个研究领域中描述了结果:(i)通过利用半监督预训练的语言识别和开发数据驱动的过滤技术来构建1500多种语言的清洁,网挖数据集; (ii)通过利用大规模的多语言模型来开发用于服务不足的语言的实用MT模型,该模型训练了有监督的并行数据,以使用100多种高资源语言和单语言数据集,以增加1000多种语言; (iii)研究这些语言的评估指标的局限性,并对我们MT模型的输出进行定性分析,突出显示了这些类型模型的几种频繁误差模式。我们希望我们的工作为旨在为当前研究的语言构建MT系统的从业者提供有用的见解,并突出显示可以补充Data-Sparse设置中大量多语言模型的弱点的研究方向。
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Software engineers working with the same programming language (PL) may speak different natural languages (NLs) and vice versa, erecting huge barriers to communication and working efficiency. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of generative pre-training in computer programs, yet they are always English-centric. In this work, we step towards bridging the gap between multilingual NLs and multilingual PLs for large language models (LLMs). We release ERNIE-Code, a unified pre-trained language model for 116 NLs and 6 PLs. We employ two methods for universal cross-lingual pre-training: span-corruption language modeling that learns patterns from monolingual NL or PL; and pivot-based translation language modeling that relies on parallel data of many NLs and PLs. Extensive results show that ERNIE-Code outperforms previous multilingual LLMs for PL or NL across a wide range of end tasks of code intelligence, including multilingual code-to-text, text-to-code, code-to-code, and text-to-text generation. We further show its advantage of zero-shot prompting on multilingual code summarization and text-to-text translation. We will make our code and pre-trained models publicly available.
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Much recent progress in applications of machine learning models to NLP has been driven by benchmarks that evaluate models across a wide variety of tasks. However, these broad-coverage benchmarks have been mostly limited to English, and despite an increasing interest in multilingual models, a benchmark that enables the comprehensive evaluation of such methods on a diverse range of languages and tasks is still missing. To this end, we introduce the Cross-lingual TRansfer Evaluation of Multilingual Encoders (XTREME) benchmark, a multi-task benchmark for evaluating the cross-lingual generalization capabilities of multilingual representations across 40 languages and 9 tasks. We demonstrate that while models tested on English reach human performance on many tasks, there is still a sizable gap in the performance of cross-lingually transferred models, particularly on syntactic and sentence retrieval tasks. There is also a wide spread of results across languages. We release the benchmark 1 to encourage research on cross-lingual learning methods that transfer linguistic knowledge across a diverse and representative set of languages and tasks.
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Finetuning language models on a collection of datasets phrased as instructions has been shown to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. In this paper we explore instruction finetuning with a particular focus on (1) scaling the number of tasks, (2) scaling the model size, and (3) finetuning on chain-of-thought data. We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation). For instance, Flan-PaLM 540B instruction-finetuned on 1.8K tasks outperforms PALM 540B by a large margin (+9.4% on average). Flan-PaLM 540B achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, such as 75.2% on five-shot MMLU. We also publicly release Flan-T5 checkpoints, which achieve strong few-shot performance even compared to much larger models, such as PaLM 62B. Overall, instruction finetuning is a general method for improving the performance and usability of pretrained language models.
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我们介绍了MTG,这是一套新的基准套件,用于培训和评估多语言文本生成。它是具有最大人类通知数据(400K)的第一次传播的多语言多路文本生成数据集。它包括五种语言(英语,德语,法语,西班牙语和中文)的四代任务(故事产生,问题生成,标题生成和文本摘要)。Multiway设置可以启用跨语言和任务的模型测试知识传输功能。使用MTG,我们从不同方面训练和分析了几种流行的多语言生成模型。我们的基准套件通过更多的人为宣传的并行数据促进了模型性能增强。它提供了各种一代方案的全面评估。代码和数据可在\ url {}上获得。
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多语言语言模型(\ mllms),如mbert,xlm,xlm-r,\ textit {etc。}已成为一种可行的选择,使预先估计到大量语言的力量。鉴于他们的成功在零射击转移学习中,在(i)建立更大的\ mllms〜覆盖了大量语言(ii)创建覆盖更广泛的任务和语言来评估的详尽工作基准mllms〜(iii)分析单音零点,零拍摄交叉和双语任务(iv)对Monolingual的性能,了解\ mllms〜(v)增强(通常)学习的通用语言模式(如果有的话)有限的容量\ mllms〜以提高他们在已见甚至看不见语言的表现。在这项调查中,我们审查了现有的文学,涵盖了上述与\ MLLMS有关的广泛研究领域。根据我们的调查,我们建议您有一些未来的研究方向。
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