Time series anomaly detection strives to uncover potential abnormal behaviors and patterns from temporal data, and has fundamental significance in diverse application scenarios. Constructing an effective detection model usually requires adequate training data stored in a centralized manner, however, this requirement sometimes could not be satisfied in realistic scenarios. As a prevailing approach to address the above problem, federated learning has demonstrated its power to cooperate with the distributed data available while protecting the privacy of data providers. However, it is still unclear that how existing time series anomaly detection algorithms perform with decentralized data storage and privacy protection through federated learning. To study this, we conduct a federated time series anomaly detection benchmark, named FedTADBench, which involves five representative time series anomaly detection algorithms and four popular federated learning methods. We would like to answer the following questions: (1)How is the performance of time series anomaly detection algorithms when meeting federated learning? (2) Which federated learning method is the most appropriate one for time series anomaly detection? (3) How do federated time series anomaly detection approaches perform on different partitions of data in clients? Numbers of results as well as corresponding analysis are provided from extensive experiments with various settings. The source code of our benchmark is publicly available at https://github.com/fanxingliu2020/FedTADBench.
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In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), network-wide anomaly detection is a crucial part of monitoring IoT networks due to the inherent security vulnerabilities of most IoT devices. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) has been proposed to separate network traffics into two disjoint subspaces corresponding to normal and malicious behaviors for anomaly detection. However, the privacy concerns and limitations of devices' computing resources compromise the practical effectiveness of PCA. We propose a federated PCA-based Grassmannian optimization framework that coordinates IoT devices to aggregate a joint profile of normal network behaviors for anomaly detection. First, we introduce a privacy-preserving federated PCA framework to simultaneously capture the profile of various IoT devices' traffic. Then, we investigate the alternating direction method of multipliers gradient-based learning on the Grassmann manifold to guarantee fast training and the absence of detecting latency using limited computational resources. Empirical results on the NSL-KDD dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms baseline approaches. Finally, we show that the Grassmann manifold algorithm is highly adapted for IoT anomaly detection, which permits drastically reducing the analysis time of the system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first federated PCA algorithm for anomaly detection meeting the requirements of IoT networks.
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Federated learning has recently been applied to recommendation systems to protect user privacy. In federated learning settings, recommendation systems can train recommendation models only collecting the intermediate parameters instead of the real user data, which greatly enhances the user privacy. Beside, federated recommendation systems enable to collaborate with other data platforms to improve recommended model performance while meeting the regulation and privacy constraints. However, federated recommendation systems faces many new challenges such as privacy, security, heterogeneity and communication costs. While significant research has been conducted in these areas, gaps in the surveying literature still exist. In this survey, we-(1) summarize some common privacy mechanisms used in federated recommendation systems and discuss the advantages and limitations of each mechanism; (2) review some robust aggregation strategies and several novel attacks against security; (3) summarize some approaches to address heterogeneity and communication costs problems; (4)introduce some open source platforms that can be used to build federated recommendation systems; (5) present some prospective research directions in the future. This survey can guide researchers and practitioners understand the research progress in these areas.
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Mobile traffic prediction is of great importance on the path of enabling 5G mobile networks to perform smart and efficient infrastructure planning and management. However, available data are limited to base station logging information. Hence, training methods for generating high-quality predictions that can generalize to new observations on different parties are in demand. Traditional approaches require collecting measurements from different base stations and sending them to a central entity, followed by performing machine learning operations using the received data. The dissemination of local observations raises privacy, confidentiality, and performance concerns, hindering the applicability of machine learning techniques. Various distributed learning methods have been proposed to address this issue, but their application to traffic prediction has yet to be explored. In this work, we study the effectiveness of federated learning applied to raw base station aggregated LTE data for time-series forecasting. We evaluate one-step predictions using 5 different neural network architectures trained with a federated setting on non-iid data. The presented algorithms have been submitted to the Global Federated Traffic Prediction for 5G and Beyond Challenge. Our results show that the learning architectures adapted to the federated setting achieve equivalent prediction error to the centralized setting, pre-processing techniques on base stations lead to higher forecasting accuracy, while state-of-the-art aggregators do not outperform simple approaches.
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Federated learning is a popular paradigm for machine learning. Ideally, federated learning works best when all clients share a similar data distribution. However, it is not always the case in the real world. Therefore, the topic of federated learning on heterogeneous data has gained more and more effort from both academia and industry. In this project, we first do extensive experiments to show how data skew and quantity skew will affect the performance of state-of-art federated learning algorithms. Then we propose a new algorithm FedMix which adjusts existing federated learning algorithms and we show its performance. We find that existing state-of-art algorithms such as FedProx and FedNova do not have a significant improvement in all testing cases. But by testing the existing and new algorithms, it seems that tweaking the client side is more effective than tweaking the server side.
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正在进行的“数字化转型”从根本上改变了审计证据的性质,记录和数量。如今,国际审计标准(ISA)要求审计师检查财务报表的大量基础数字会计记录。结果,审计公司还“数字化”了他们的分析能力并投资深度学习(DL),这是机器学习的成功子学科。 DL的应用提供了从多个客户(例如在同一行业或管辖权中运营的组织)学习专业审计模型的能力。通常,法规要求审核员遵守严格的数据机密性措施。同时,最近有趣的发现表明,大规模的DL模型容易受到泄漏敏感培训数据信息的影响。如今,尚不清楚审计公司在遵守数据保护法规的同时如何应用DL模型。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个联合学习框架,以培训DL模型,以审核多个客户的相关会计数据。该框架涵盖了差异隐私和拆分学习能力,以减轻模型推断中的数据机密性风险。我们评估了在三个现实世界中付款数据集中检测会计异常的方法。我们的结果提供了经验证据,表明审计师可以从DL模型中受益,这些模型从专有客户数据的多个来源积累知识。
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这项工作调查了联合学习的可能性,了解IOT恶意软件检测,并研究该新学习范式固有的安全问题。在此上下文中,呈现了一种使用联合学习来检测影响物联网设备的恶意软件的框架。 n-baiot,一个数据集在由恶意软件影响的几个实际物联网设备的网络流量,已被用于评估所提出的框架。经过培训和评估监督和无监督和无监督的联邦模型(多层Perceptron和AutoEncoder)能够检测到MATEN和UNEEN的IOT设备的恶意软件,并进行了培训和评估。此外,它们的性能与两种传统方法进行了比较。第一个允许每个参与者在本地使用自己的数据局面训练模型,而第二个包括使参与者与负责培训全局模型的中央实体共享他们的数据。这种比较表明,在联合和集中方法中完成的使用更多样化和大数据,对模型性能具有相当大的积极影响。此外,联邦模型,同时保留了参与者的隐私,将类似的结果与集中式相似。作为额外的贡献,并衡量联邦方法的稳健性,已经考虑了具有若干恶意参与者中毒联邦模型的对抗性设置。即使使用单个对手,大多数联邦学习算法中使用的基线模型聚合平均步骤也很容易受到不同攻击的影响。因此,在相同的攻击方案下评估了作为对策的其他模型聚合函数的性能。这些职能对恶意参与者提供了重大改善,但仍然需要更多的努力来使联邦方法强劲。
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The statistical heterogeneity of the non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data in local clients significantly limits the performance of federated learning. Previous attempts like FedProx, SCAFFOLD, MOON, FedNova and FedDyn resort to an optimization perspective, which requires an auxiliary term or re-weights local updates to calibrate the learning bias or the objective inconsistency. However, in addition to previous explorations for improvement in federated averaging, our analysis shows that another critical bottleneck is the poorer optima of client models in more heterogeneous conditions. We thus introduce a data-driven approach called FedSkip to improve the client optima by periodically skipping federated averaging and scattering local models to the cross devices. We provide theoretical analysis of the possible benefit from FedSkip and conduct extensive experiments on a range of datasets to demonstrate that FedSkip achieves much higher accuracy, better aggregation efficiency and competing communication efficiency. Source code is available at: https://github.com/MediaBrain-SJTU/FedSkip.
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