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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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本论文主要涉及解决深层(时间)高斯过程(DGP)回归问题的状态空间方法。更具体地,我们代表DGP作为分层组合的随机微分方程(SDES),并且我们通过使用状态空间过滤和平滑方法来解决DGP回归问题。由此产生的状态空间DGP(SS-DGP)模型生成丰富的电视等级,与建模许多不规则信号/功能兼容。此外,由于他们的马尔可道结构,通过使用贝叶斯滤波和平滑方法可以有效地解决SS-DGPS回归问题。本论文的第二次贡献是我们通过使用泰勒力矩膨胀(TME)方法来解决连续离散高斯滤波和平滑问题。这诱导了一类滤波器和SmooThers,其可以渐近地精确地预测随机微分方程(SDES)解决方案的平均值和协方差。此外,TME方法和TME过滤器和SmoOthers兼容模拟SS-DGP并解决其回归问题。最后,本文具有多种状态 - 空间(深)GPS的应用。这些应用主要包括(i)来自部分观察到的轨迹的SDES的未知漂移功能和信号的光谱 - 时间特征估计。
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This paper revisits the work of Rauch et al. (1965) and develops a novel method for recursive maximum likelihood particle filtering for general state-space models. The new method is based on statistical analysis of incomplete observations of the systems. Score function and conditional observed information of the incomplete observations/data are introduced and their distributional properties are discussed. Some identities concerning the score function and information matrices of the incomplete data are derived. Maximum likelihood estimation of state-vector is presented in terms of the score function and observed information matrices. In particular, to deal with nonlinear state-space, a sequential Monte Carlo method is developed. It is given recursively by an EM-gradient-particle filtering which extends the work of Lange (1995) for state estimation. To derive covariance matrix of state-estimation errors, an explicit form of observed information matrix is proposed. It extends Louis (1982) general formula for the same matrix to state-vector estimation. Under (Neumann) boundary conditions of state transition probability distribution, the inverse of this matrix coincides with the Cramer-Rao lower bound on the covariance matrix of estimation errors of unbiased state-estimator. In the case of linear models, the method shows that the Kalman filter is a fully efficient state estimator whose covariance matrix of estimation error coincides with the Cramer-Rao lower bound. Some numerical examples are discussed to exemplify the main results.
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This paper proposes a novel multivariate definition of statistical dependence using a functional methodology inspired by Alfred R\'enyi. We define a new symmetric and self-adjoint cross density kernel through a recursive bidirectional statistical mapping between conditional densities of continuous random processes, which estimates their statistical dependence. Therefore, the kernel eigenspectrum is proposed as a new multivariate statistical dependence measure, and the formulation requires fewer assumptions about the data generation model than current methods. The measure can also be estimated from realizations. The proposed functional maximum correlation algorithm (FMCA) is applied to a learning architecture with two multivariate neural networks. The FMCA optimal solution is an equilibrium point that estimates the eigenspectrum of the cross density kernel. Preliminary results with synthetic data and medium size image datasets corroborate the theory. Four different strategies of applying the cross density kernel are thoroughly discussed and implemented to show the versatility and stability of the methodology, and it transcends supervised learning. When two random processes are high-dimensional real-world images and white uniform noise, respectively, the algorithm learns a factorial code i.e., the occurrence of a code guarantees that a certain input in the training set was present, which is quite important for feature learning.
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在许多学科中,动态系统的数据信息预测模型的开发引起了广泛的兴趣。我们提出了一个统一的框架,用于混合机械和机器学习方法,以从嘈杂和部分观察到的数据中识别动态系统。我们将纯数据驱动的学习与混合模型进行比较,这些学习结合了不完善的域知识。我们的公式与所选的机器学习模型不可知,在连续和离散的时间设置中都呈现,并且与表现出很大的内存和错误的模型误差兼容。首先,我们从学习理论的角度研究无内存线性(W.R.T.参数依赖性)模型误差,从而定义了过多的风险和概括误差。对于沿阵行的连续时间系统,我们证明,多余的风险和泛化误差都通过与T的正方形介于T的术语(指定训练数据的时间间隔)的术语界定。其次,我们研究了通过记忆建模而受益的方案,证明了两类连续时间复发性神经网络(RNN)的通用近似定理:两者都可以学习与内存有关的模型误差。此外,我们将一类RNN连接到储层计算,从而将学习依赖性错误的学习与使用随机特征在Banach空间之间进行监督学习的最新工作联系起来。给出了数值结果(Lorenz '63,Lorenz '96多尺度系统),以比较纯粹的数据驱动和混合方法,发现混合方法较少,渴望数据较少,并且更有效。最后,我们从数值上证明了如何利用数据同化来从嘈杂,部分观察到的数据中学习隐藏的动态,并说明了通过这种方法和培训此类模型来表示记忆的挑战。
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Interacting particle or agent systems that display a rich variety of swarming behaviours are ubiquitous in science and engineering. A fundamental and challenging goal is to understand the link between individual interaction rules and swarming. In this paper, we study the data-driven discovery of a second-order particle swarming model that describes the evolution of $N$ particles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ under radial interactions. We propose a learning approach that models the latent radial interaction function as Gaussian processes, which can simultaneously fulfill two inference goals: one is the nonparametric inference of {the} interaction function with pointwise uncertainty quantification, and the other one is the inference of unknown scalar parameters in the non-collective friction forces of the system. We formulate the learning problem as a statistical inverse problem and provide a detailed analysis of recoverability conditions, establishing that a coercivity condition is sufficient for recoverability. Given data collected from $M$ i.i.d trajectories with independent Gaussian observational noise, we provide a finite-sample analysis, showing that our posterior mean estimator converges in a Reproducing kernel Hilbert space norm, at an optimal rate in $M$ equal to the one in the classical 1-dimensional Kernel Ridge regression. As a byproduct, we show we can obtain a parametric learning rate in $M$ for the posterior marginal variance using $L^{\infty}$ norm, and the rate could also involve $N$ and $L$ (the number of observation time instances for each trajectory), depending on the condition number of the inverse problem. Numerical results on systems that exhibit different swarming behaviors demonstrate efficient learning of our approach from scarce noisy trajectory data.
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基于近似基础的Koopman操作员或发电机的数据驱动的非线性动力系统模型已被证明是预测,功能学习,状态估计和控制的成功工具。众所周知,用于控制膜系统的Koopman发电机还对输入具有仿射依赖性,从而导致动力学的方便有限维双线性近似。然而,仍然存在两个主要障碍,限制了当前方法的范围,以逼近系统的koopman发电机。首先,现有方法的性能在很大程度上取决于要近似Koopman Generator的基础函数的选择;目前,目前尚无通用方法来为无法衡量保存的系统选择它们。其次,如果我们不观察到完整的状态,我们可能无法访问足够丰富的此类功能来描述动态。这是因为在有驱动时,通常使用时间延迟的可观察物的方法失败。为了解决这些问题,我们将Koopman Generator控制的可观察到的动力学写为双线性隐藏Markov模型,并使用预期最大化(EM)算法确定模型参数。 E-Step涉及标准的Kalman滤波器和更光滑,而M-Step类似于发电机的控制效果模式分解。我们在三个示例上证明了该方法的性能,包括恢复有限的Koopman-Invariant子空间,用于具有缓慢歧管的驱动系统;估计非强制性行驶方程的Koopman本征函数;仅基于提升和阻力的嘈杂观察,对流体弹球系统的模型预测控制。
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The framework of variational autoencoders allows us to efficiently learn deep latent-variable models, such that the model's marginal distribution over observed variables fits the data. Often, we're interested in going a step further, and want to approximate the true joint distribution over observed and latent variables, including the true prior and posterior distributions over latent variables. This is known to be generally impossible due to unidentifiability of the model. We address this issue by showing that for a broad family of deep latentvariable models, identification of the true joint distribution over observed and latent variables is actually possible up to very simple transformations, thus achieving a principled and powerful form of disentanglement. Our result requires a factorized prior distribution over the latent variables that is conditioned on an additionally observed variable, such as a class label or almost any other observation. We build on recent developments in nonlinear ICA, which we extend to the case with noisy or undercomplete observations, integrated in a maximum likelihood framework. The result also trivially contains identifiable flow-based generative models as a special case.
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我们合并计算力学的因果状态(预测等同历史)的定义与再现 - 内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)表示推断。结果是一种广泛适用的方法,可直接从系统行为的观察中迁移因果结构,无论它们是否超过离散或连续事件或时间。结构表示 - 有限或无限状态内核$ \ epsilon $ -Machine - 由减压变换提取,其提供了有效的因果状态及其拓扑。以这种方式,系统动态由用于在因果状态上的随机(普通或部分)微分方程表示。我们介绍了一种算法来估计相关的演化运营商。平行于Fokker-Plank方程,它有效地发展了因果状态分布,并通过RKHS功能映射在原始数据空间中进行预测。我们展示了这些技术,以及他们的预测能力,在离散时间的离散时间离散 - 有限的无限值Markov订单流程,其中有限状态隐藏马尔可夫模型与(i)有限或(ii)不可数 - 无限因果态和(iii)连续时间,由热驱动的混沌流产生的连续值处理。该方法在存在不同的外部和测量噪声水平和非常高的维数据存在下鲁棒地估计因果结构。
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We develop an optimization algorithm suitable for Bayesian learning in complex models. Our approach relies on natural gradient updates within a general black-box framework for efficient training with limited model-specific derivations. It applies within the class of exponential-family variational posterior distributions, for which we extensively discuss the Gaussian case for which the updates have a rather simple form. Our Quasi Black-box Variational Inference (QBVI) framework is readily applicable to a wide class of Bayesian inference problems and is of simple implementation as the updates of the variational posterior do not involve gradients with respect to the model parameters, nor the prescription of the Fisher information matrix. We develop QBVI under different hypotheses for the posterior covariance matrix, discuss details about its robust and feasible implementation, and provide a number of real-world applications to demonstrate its effectiveness.
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量子哈密顿学习和量子吉布斯采样的双重任务与物理和化学中的许多重要问题有关。在低温方案中,这些任务的算法通常会遭受施状能力,例如因样本或时间复杂性差而遭受。为了解决此类韧性,我们将量子自然梯度下降的概括引入了参数化的混合状态,并提供了稳健的一阶近似算法,即量子 - 固定镜下降。我们使用信息几何学和量子计量学的工具证明了双重任务的数据样本效率,因此首次将经典Fisher效率的开创性结果推广到变异量子算法。我们的方法扩展了以前样品有效的技术,以允许模型选择的灵活性,包括基于量子汉密尔顿的量子模型,包括基于量子的模型,这些模型可能会规避棘手的时间复杂性。我们的一阶算法是使用经典镜下降二元性的新型量子概括得出的。两种结果都需要特殊的度量选择,即Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori度量。为了从数值上测试我们提出的算法,我们将它们的性能与现有基准进行了关于横向场ISING模型的量子Gibbs采样任务的现有基准。最后,我们提出了一种初始化策略,利用几何局部性来建模状态的序列(例如量子 - 故事过程)的序列。我们从经验上证明了它在实际和想象的时间演化的经验上,同时定义了更广泛的潜在应用。
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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its exponential family extensions have three components: observations, latents and parameters of a linear transformation. We consider a generalised setting where the canonical parameters of the exponential family are a nonlinear transformation of the latents. We show explicit relationships between particular neural network architectures and the corresponding statistical models. We find that deep equilibrium models -- a recently introduced class of implicit neural networks -- solve maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimates for the latents and parameters of the transformation. Our analysis provides a systematic way to relate activation functions, dropout, and layer structure, to statistical assumptions about the observations, thus providing foundational principles for unsupervised DEQs. For hierarchical latents, individual neurons can be interpreted as nodes in a deep graphical model. Our DEQ feature maps are end-to-end differentiable, enabling fine-tuning for downstream tasks.
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指数族在机器学习中广泛使用,包括连续和离散域中的许多分布(例如,通过SoftMax变换,Gaussian,Dirichlet,Poisson和分类分布)。这些家庭中的每个家庭的分布都有固定的支持。相比之下,对于有限域而言,最近在SoftMax稀疏替代方案(例如Sparsemax,$ \ alpha $ -entmax和Fusedmax)的稀疏替代方案中导致了带有不同支持的分布。本文基于几种技术贡献,开发了连续分布的稀疏替代方案:首先,我们定义了$ \ omega $ regultion的预测图和任意域的Fenchel-young损失(可能是无限或连续的)。对于线性参数化的家族,我们表明,Fenchel-Young损失的最小化等效于统计的矩匹配,从而概括了指数家族的基本特性。当$ \ omega $是带有参数$ \ alpha $的Tsallis negentropy时,我们将获得````trabormed rompential指数)'',其中包括$ \ alpha $ -entmax和sparsemax和sparsemax($ \ alpha = 2 $)。对于二次能量函数,产生的密度为$ \ beta $ -Gaussians,椭圆形分布的实例,其中包含特殊情况,即高斯,双重量级,三人级和epanechnikov密度,我们为差异而得出了差异的封闭式表达式, Tsallis熵和Fenchel-Young损失。当$ \ Omega $是总变化或Sobolev正常化程序时,我们将获得Fusedmax的连续版本。最后,我们引入了连续的注意机制,从\ {1、4/3、3/3、3/2、2 \} $中得出有效的梯度反向传播算法。使用这些算法,我们证明了我们的稀疏连续分布,用于基于注意力的音频分类和视觉问题回答,表明它们允许参加时间间隔和紧凑区域。
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