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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Imitation learning (IL) is a simple and powerful way to use high-quality human driving data, which can be collected at scale, to identify driving preferences and produce human-like behavior. However, policies based on imitation learning alone often fail to sufficiently account for safety and reliability concerns. In this paper, we show how imitation learning combined with reinforcement learning using simple rewards can substantially improve the safety and reliability of driving policies over those learned from imitation alone. In particular, we use a combination of imitation and reinforcement learning to train a policy on over 100k miles of urban driving data, and measure its effectiveness in test scenarios grouped by different levels of collision risk. To our knowledge, this is the first application of a combined imitation and reinforcement learning approach in autonomous driving that utilizes large amounts of real-world human driving data.
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Designing a safe and human-like decision-making system for an autonomous vehicle is a challenging task. Generative imitation learning is one possible approach for automating policy-building by leveraging both real-world and simulated decisions. Previous work that applies generative imitation learning to autonomous driving policies focuses on learning a low-level controller for simple settings. However, to scale to complex settings, many autonomous driving systems combine fixed, safe, optimization-based low-level controllers with high-level decision-making logic that selects the appropriate task and associated controller. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap in complexity by employing Safety-Aware Hierarchical Adversarial Imitation Learning (SHAIL), a method for learning a high-level policy that selects from a set of low-level controller instances in a way that imitates low-level driving data on-policy. We introduce an urban roundabout simulator that controls non-ego vehicles using real data from the Interaction dataset. We then demonstrate empirically that even with simple controller options, our approach can produce better behavior than previous approaches in driver imitation that have difficulty scaling to complex environments. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/sisl/InteractionImitation.
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High-quality traffic flow generation is the core module in building simulators for autonomous driving. However, the majority of available simulators are incapable of replicating traffic patterns that accurately reflect the various features of real-world data while also simulating human-like reactive responses to the tested autopilot driving strategies. Taking one step forward to addressing such a problem, we propose Realistic Interactive TrAffic flow (RITA) as an integrated component of existing driving simulators to provide high-quality traffic flow for the evaluation and optimization of the tested driving strategies. RITA is developed with fidelity, diversity, and controllability in consideration, and consists of two core modules called RITABackend and RITAKit. RITABackend is built to support vehicle-wise control and provide traffic generation models from real-world datasets, while RITAKit is developed with easy-to-use interfaces for controllable traffic generation via RITABackend. We demonstrate RITA's capacity to create diversified and high-fidelity traffic simulations in several highly interactive highway scenarios. The experimental findings demonstrate that our produced RITA traffic flows meet all three design goals, hence enhancing the completeness of driving strategy evaluation. Moreover, we showcase the possibility for further improvement of baseline strategies through online fine-tuning with RITA traffic flows.
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安全驾驶需要人类和智能代理的多种功能,例如无法看到环境的普遍性,对周围交通的安全意识以及复杂的多代理设置中的决策。尽管强化学习取得了巨大的成功(RL),但由于缺乏集成的环境,大多数RL研究工作分别研究了每个能力。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个名为MetAdrive的新驾驶模拟平台,以支持对机器自治的可概括增强学习算法的研究。 Metadrive具有高度的组成性,可以从程序生成和实际数据导入的实际数据中产生无限数量的不同驾驶场景。基于Metadrive,我们在单一代理和多代理设置中构建了各种RL任务和基线,包括在看不见的场景,安全探索和学习多机构流量的情况下进行基准标记。对程序生成的场景和现实世界情景进行的概括实验表明,增加训练集的多样性和大小会导致RL代理的推广性提高。我们进一步评估了元数据环境中各种安全的增强学习和多代理增强学习算法,并提供基准。源代码,文档和演示视频可在\ url {https://metadriverse.github.io/metadrive}上获得。
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Reinforcement learning (RL) requires skillful definition and remarkable computational efforts to solve optimization and control problems, which could impair its prospect. Introducing human guidance into reinforcement learning is a promising way to improve learning performance. In this paper, a comprehensive human guidance-based reinforcement learning framework is established. A novel prioritized experience replay mechanism that adapts to human guidance in the reinforcement learning process is proposed to boost the efficiency and performance of the reinforcement learning algorithm. To relieve the heavy workload on human participants, a behavior model is established based on an incremental online learning method to mimic human actions. We design two challenging autonomous driving tasks for evaluating the proposed algorithm. Experiments are conducted to access the training and testing performance and learning mechanism of the proposed algorithm. Comparative results against the state-of-the-art methods suggest the advantages of our algorithm in terms of learning efficiency, performance, and robustness.
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End-to-end autonomous driving provides a feasible way to automatically maximize overall driving system performance by directly mapping the raw pixels from a front-facing camera to control signals. Recent advanced methods construct a latent world model to map the high dimensional observations into compact latent space. However, the latent states embedded by the world model proposed in previous works may contain a large amount of task-irrelevant information, resulting in low sampling efficiency and poor robustness to input perturbations. Meanwhile, the training data distribution is usually unbalanced, and the learned policy is hard to cope with the corner cases during the driving process. To solve the above challenges, we present a semantic masked recurrent world model (SEM2), which introduces a latent filter to extract key task-relevant features and reconstruct a semantic mask via the filtered features, and is trained with a multi-source data sampler, which aggregates common data and multiple corner case data in a single batch, to balance the data distribution. Extensive experiments on CARLA show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of sample efficiency and robustness to input permutations.
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ML-based motion planning is a promising approach to produce agents that exhibit complex behaviors, and automatically adapt to novel environments. In the context of autonomous driving, it is common to treat all available training data equally. However, this approach produces agents that do not perform robustly in safety-critical settings, an issue that cannot be addressed by simply adding more data to the training set - we show that an agent trained using only a 10% subset of the data performs just as well as an agent trained on the entire dataset. We present a method to predict the inherent difficulty of a driving situation given data collected from a fleet of autonomous vehicles deployed on public roads. We then demonstrate that this difficulty score can be used in a zero-shot transfer to generate curricula for an imitation-learning based planning agent. Compared to training on the entire unbiased training dataset, we show that prioritizing difficult driving scenarios both reduces collisions by 15% and increases route adherence by 14% in closed-loop evaluation, all while using only 10% of the training data.
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由于互动交通参与者的随机性质和道路结构的复杂性,城市自动驾驶的决策是具有挑战性的。尽管基于强化的学习(RL)决策计划有望处理城市驾驶方案,但它的样本效率低和适应性差。在本文中,我们提出了Scene-Rep Transformer,以通过更好的场景表示编码和顺序预测潜在蒸馏来提高RL决策能力。具体而言,构建了多阶段变压器(MST)编码器,不仅对自我车辆及其邻居之间的相互作用意识进行建模,而且对代理商及其候选路线之间的意图意识。具有自我监督学习目标的连续潜伏变压器(SLT)用于将未来的预测信息提炼成潜在的场景表示,以减少勘探空间并加快训练的速度。基于软演员批评的最终决策模块(SAC)将来自场景rep变压器的精制潜在场景表示输入,并输出驾驶动作。该框架在五个挑战性的模拟城市场景中得到了验证,其性能通过成功率,安全性和效率方面的数据效率和性能的大幅度提高来定量表现出来。定性结果表明,我们的框架能够提取邻居代理人的意图,以帮助做出决策并提供更多多元化的驾驶行为。
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自主驾驶有可能彻底改变流动性,因此是一个积极的研究领域。实际上,自动驾驶汽车的行为必须是可以接受的,即高效,安全和可解释的。尽管香草钢筋学习(RL)找到了表现的行为策略,但它们通常是不安全且无法解释的。安全性是通过安全的RL方法引入的,但是它们仍然无法解释,因为学习的行为在没有分别进行建模的情况下共同优化了安全性和性能。可解释的机器学习很少应用于RL。本文提出了SAFEDQN,它允许在仍然有效的同时使自动驾驶汽车的行为安全可解释。 SAFEDQN在算法上透明的同时,在预期风险和效用的效用之间提供了可以理解的语义权衡。我们表明,SAFEDQN为各种场景找到了可解释且安全的驾驶政策,并展示了最先进的显着性技术如何帮助评估风险和实用性。
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