We develop theory and methods that use the graph Laplacian to analyze the geometry of the underlying manifold of point clouds. Our theory provides theoretical guarantees and explicit bounds on the functional form of the graph Laplacian, in the case when it acts on functions defined close to singularities of the underlying manifold. We also propose methods that can be used to estimate these geometric properties of the point cloud, which are based on the theoretical guarantees.
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在本文中,我们研究了与具有多种激活函数的浅神经网络相对应的变异空间的近似特性。我们介绍了两个主要工具,用于估计这些空间的度量熵,近似率和$ n $宽度。首先,我们介绍了平滑参数化词典的概念,并在非线性近似速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths上给出了上限。上限取决于参数化的平滑度。该结果适用于与浅神经网络相对应的脊功能的字典,并且在许多情况下它们的现有结果改善了。接下来,我们提供了一种方法,用于下限度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间,其中包含某些类别的山脊功能。该结果给出了$ l^2 $ approximation速率,度量熵和$ n $ widths的变化空间的急剧下限具有界变化的乙状结激活函数。
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Consider $n$ points independently sampled from a density $p$ of class $\mathcal{C}^2$ on a smooth compact $d$-dimensional sub-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ of $\mathbb{R}^m$, and consider the generator of a random walk visiting these points according to a transition kernel $K$. We study the almost sure uniform convergence of this operator to the diffusive Laplace-Beltrami operator when $n$ tends to infinity. This work extends known results of the past 15 years. In particular, our result does not require the kernel $K$ to be continuous, which covers the cases of walks exploring $k$NN-random and geometric graphs, and convergence rates are given. The distance between the random walk generator and the limiting operator is separated into several terms: a statistical term, related to the law of large numbers, is treated with concentration tools and an approximation term that we control with tools from differential geometry. The convergence of $k$NN Laplacians is detailed.
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本文研究了基于Laplacian Eigenmaps(Le)的基于Laplacian EIGENMAPS(PCR-LE)的主要成分回归的统计性质,这是基于Laplacian Eigenmaps(Le)的非参数回归的方法。 PCR-LE通过投影观察到的响应的向量$ {\ bf y} =(y_1,\ ldots,y_n)$ to to changbood图表拉普拉斯的某些特征向量跨越的子空间。我们表明PCR-Le通过SoboLev空格实现了随机设计回归的最小收敛速率。在设计密度$ P $的足够平滑条件下,PCR-le达到估计的最佳速率(其中已知平方$ l ^ 2 $ norm的最佳速率为$ n ^ { - 2s /(2s + d) )} $)和健美的测试($ n ^ { - 4s /(4s + d)$)。我们还表明PCR-LE是\ EMPH {歧管Adaptive}:即,我们考虑在小型内在维度$ M $的歧管上支持设计的情况,并为PCR-LE提供更快的界限Minimax估计($ n ^ { - 2s /(2s + m)$)和测试($ n ^ { - 4s /(4s + m)$)收敛率。有趣的是,这些利率几乎总是比图形拉普拉斯特征向量的已知收敛率更快;换句话说,对于这个问题的回归估计的特征似乎更容易,统计上讲,而不是估计特征本身。我们通过经验证据支持这些理论结果。
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In this work we study statistical properties of graph-based algorithms for multi-manifold clustering (MMC). In MMC the goal is to retrieve the multi-manifold structure underlying a given Euclidean data set when this one is assumed to be obtained by sampling a distribution on a union of manifolds $\mathcal{M} = \mathcal{M}_1 \cup\dots \cup \mathcal{M}_N$ that may intersect with each other and that may have different dimensions. We investigate sufficient conditions that similarity graphs on data sets must satisfy in order for their corresponding graph Laplacians to capture the right geometric information to solve the MMC problem. Precisely, we provide high probability error bounds for the spectral approximation of a tensorized Laplacian on $\mathcal{M}$ with a suitable graph Laplacian built from the observations; the recovered tensorized Laplacian contains all geometric information of all the individual underlying manifolds. We provide an example of a family of similarity graphs, which we call annular proximity graphs with angle constraints, satisfying these sufficient conditions. We contrast our family of graphs with other constructions in the literature based on the alignment of tangent planes. Extensive numerical experiments expand the insights that our theory provides on the MMC problem.
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众所周知,进食前馈神经网络的学习速度很慢,并且在深度学习应用中呈现了几十年的瓶颈。例如,广泛用于训练神经网络的基于梯度的学习算法在所有网络参数都必须迭代调整时往往会缓慢起作用。为了解决这个问题,研究人员和从业人员都尝试引入随机性来减少学习要求。基于Igelnik和Pao的原始结构,具有随机输入层的重量和偏见的单层神经网络在实践中取得了成功,但是缺乏必要的理论理由。在本文中,我们开始填补这一理论差距。我们提供了一个(校正的)严格证明,即Igelnik和PAO结构是连续函数在紧凑型域上连续函数的通用近似值,并且近似错误渐近地衰减,例如$ o(1/\ sqrt {n})网络节点。然后,我们将此结果扩展到非反应设置,证明人们可以在$ n $的情况下实现任何理想的近似误差,而概率很大。我们进一步调整了这种随机神经网络结构,以近似欧几里得空间的平滑,紧凑的亚曼叶量的功能,从而在渐近和非催化形式的理论保证中提供了理论保证。最后,我们通过数值实验说明了我们在歧管上的结果。
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了解随机梯度下降(SGD)的隐式偏见是深度学习的关键挑战之一,尤其是对于过度透明的模型,损失功能的局部最小化$ l $可以形成多种多样的模型。从直觉上讲,SGD $ \ eta $的学习率很小,SGD跟踪梯度下降(GD),直到它接近这种歧管为止,梯度噪声阻止了进一步的收敛。在这样的政权中,Blanc等人。 (2020)证明,带有标签噪声的SGD局部降低了常规术语,损失的清晰度,$ \ mathrm {tr} [\ nabla^2 l] $。当前的论文通过调整Katzenberger(1991)的想法提供了一个总体框架。它原则上允许使用随机微分方程(SDE)描述参数的限制动力学的SGD围绕此歧管的正规化效应(即“隐式偏见”)的正则化效应,这是由损失共同确定的功能和噪声协方差。这产生了一些新的结果:(1)与Blanc等人的局部分析相比,对$ \ eta^{ - 2} $ steps有效的隐性偏差进行了全局分析。 (2020)仅适用于$ \ eta^{ - 1.6} $ steps和(2)允许任意噪声协方差。作为一个应用程序,我们以任意大的初始化显示,标签噪声SGD始终可以逃脱内核制度,并且仅需要$ o(\ kappa \ ln d)$样本用于学习$ \ kappa $ -sparse $ -sparse yroverparame parametrized linearized Linear Modal in $ \ Mathbb {r}^d $(Woodworth等,2020),而GD在内核制度中初始化的GD需要$ \ omega(d)$样本。该上限是最小值的最佳,并改善了先前的$ \ tilde {o}(\ kappa^2)$上限(Haochen等,2020)。
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本文通过引入几何深度学习(GDL)框架来构建通用馈电型型模型与可区分的流形几何形状兼容的通用馈电型模型,从而解决了对非欧国人数据进行处理的需求。我们表明,我们的GDL模型可以在受控最大直径的紧凑型组上均匀地近似任何连续目标函数。我们在近似GDL模型的深度上获得了最大直径和上限的曲率依赖性下限。相反,我们发现任何两个非分类紧凑型歧管之间始终都有连续的函数,任何“局部定义”的GDL模型都不能均匀地近似。我们的最后一个主要结果确定了数据依赖性条件,确保实施我们近似的GDL模型破坏了“维度的诅咒”。我们发现,任何“现实世界”(即有限)数据集始终满足我们的状况,相反,如果目标函数平滑,则任何数据集都满足我们的要求。作为应用,我们确认了以下GDL模型的通用近似功能:Ganea等。 (2018)的双波利馈电网络,实施Krishnan等人的体系结构。 (2015年)的深卡尔曼 - 滤波器和深度玛克斯分类器。我们构建了:Meyer等人的SPD-Matrix回归剂的通用扩展/变体。 (2011)和Fletcher(2003)的Procrustean回归剂。在欧几里得的环境中,我们的结果暗示了Kidger和Lyons(2020)的近似定理和Yarotsky和Zhevnerchuk(2019)无估计近似率的数据依赖性版本的定量版本。
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我们提出了一种基于langevin扩散的算法,以在球体的产物歧管上进行非凸优化和采样。在对数Sobolev不平等的情况下,我们根据Kullback-Leibler Divergence建立了有限的迭代迭代收敛到Gibbs分布的保证。我们表明,有了适当的温度选择,可以保证,次级最小值的次数差距很小,概率很高。作为一种应用,我们考虑了使用对角线约束解决半决赛程序(SDP)的burer- monteiro方法,并分析提出的langevin算法以优化非凸目标。特别是,我们为Burer建立了对数Sobolev的不平等现象 - 当没有虚假的局部最小值时,但在鞍点下,蒙蒂罗问题。结合结果,我们为SDP和最大切割问题提供了全局最佳保证。更确切地说,我们证明了Langevin算法在$ \ widetilde {\ omega}(\ epsilon^{ - 5})$ tererations $ tererations $ \ widetilde {\ omega}(\ omega}中,具有很高的概率。
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We consider the problem of estimating a multivariate function $f_0$ of bounded variation (BV), from noisy observations $y_i = f_0(x_i) + z_i$ made at random design points $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^d$, $i=1,\ldots,n$. We study an estimator that forms the Voronoi diagram of the design points, and then solves an optimization problem that regularizes according to a certain discrete notion of total variation (TV): the sum of weighted absolute differences of parameters $\theta_i,\theta_j$ (which estimate the function values $f_0(x_i),f_0(x_j)$) at all neighboring cells $i,j$ in the Voronoi diagram. This is seen to be equivalent to a variational optimization problem that regularizes according to the usual continuum (measure-theoretic) notion of TV, once we restrict the domain to functions that are piecewise constant over the Voronoi diagram. The regression estimator under consideration hence performs (shrunken) local averaging over adaptively formed unions of Voronoi cells, and we refer to it as the Voronoigram, following the ideas in Koenker (2005), and drawing inspiration from Tukey's regressogram (Tukey, 1961). Our contributions in this paper span both the conceptual and theoretical frontiers: we discuss some of the unique properties of the Voronoigram in comparison to TV-regularized estimators that use other graph-based discretizations; we derive the asymptotic limit of the Voronoi TV functional; and we prove that the Voronoigram is minimax rate optimal (up to log factors) for estimating BV functions that are essentially bounded.
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In this paper we prove Gamma-convergence of a nonlocal perimeter of Minkowski type to a local anisotropic perimeter. The nonlocal model describes the regularizing effect of adversarial training in binary classifications. The energy essentially depends on the interaction between two distributions modelling likelihoods for the associated classes. We overcome typical strict regularity assumptions for the distributions by only assuming that they have bounded $BV$ densities. In the natural topology coming from compactness, we prove Gamma-convergence to a weighted perimeter with weight determined by an anisotropic function of the two densities. Despite being local, this sharp interface limit reflects classification stability with respect to adversarial perturbations. We further apply our results to deduce Gamma-convergence of the associated total variations, to study the asymptotics of adversarial training, and to prove Gamma-convergence of graph discretizations for the nonlocal perimeter.
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在此备忘录中,我们开发了一般框架,它允许同时研究$ \ MathBB R ^ D $和惠特尼在$ \ Mathbb r的离散和非离散子集附近的insoctry扩展问题附近的标签和未标记的近对准数据问题。^ d $与某些几何形状。此外,我们调查了与集群,维度减少,流形学习,视觉以及最小的能量分区,差异和最小最大优化的相关工作。给出了谐波分析,计算机视觉,歧管学习和与我们工作的信号处理中的众多开放问题。本发明内容中的一部分工作基于纸张中查尔斯Fefferman的联合研究[48],[49],[50],[51]。
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我们详细介绍了一种开发Stein方法的方法,该方法是针对Riemannian歧管$ \ Mathbf M $界定的概率度量界定整体指标的。我们的方法利用了$ \ mathbf m $扩散的生成器与目标不变度度量及其表征Stein运算符之间的关系。我们考虑了一对具有不同起点的扩散,并通过对两对之间的距离过程进行分析,得出了Stein因子,该因子将解决方案绑定到Stein方程及其衍生物。Stein因子包含曲率依赖性的术语,并减少到当前可用于$ \ Mathbb r^m $的因子,此外,暗示$ \ Mathbb r^m $的界限在$ \ Mathbf M $时保持有效
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在本文中,我们研究了针对泊松方程的解决方案的概率和神经网络近似,但在$ \ mathbb {r}^d $的一般边界域中,较旧或$ c^2 $数据。我们的目标是两个基本目标。首先,也是最重要的是,我们证明了泊松方程的解决方案可以通过蒙特卡洛方法在sup-norm中进行数值近似,但基于球形算法的步行略有变化。这提供了相对于相对于相对于相对于有效的估计值规定的近似误差且没有维度的诅咒。此外,样品的总数不取决于执行近似的点。作为第二个目标,我们表明获得的蒙特卡洛求解器renders relu relu深层神经网络(DNN)解决泊松问题的解决方案,其大小在尺寸$ d $以及所需的错误中大多数取决于多项式。和低多项式复杂性。
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Deep neural networks can approximate functions on different types of data, from images to graphs, with varied underlying structure. This underlying structure can be viewed as the geometry of the data manifold. By extending recent advances in the theoretical understanding of neural networks, we study how a randomly initialized neural network with piece-wise linear activation splits the data manifold into regions where the neural network behaves as a linear function. We derive bounds on the density of boundary of linear regions and the distance to these boundaries on the data manifold. This leads to insights into the expressivity of randomly initialized deep neural networks on non-Euclidean data sets. We empirically corroborate our theoretical results using a toy supervised learning problem. Our experiments demonstrate that number of linear regions varies across manifolds and the results hold with changing neural network architectures. We further demonstrate how the complexity of linear regions is different on the low dimensional manifold of images as compared to the Euclidean space, using the MetFaces dataset.
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我们考虑了一个通用的非线性模型,其中信号是未知(可能增加的,可能增加的特征数量)的有限混合物,该特征是由由真实非线性参数参数化的连续字典发出的。在连续或离散设置中使用高斯(可能相关)噪声观察信号。我们提出了一种网格优化方法,即一种不使用参数空间上任何离散化方案的方法来估计特征的非线性参数和混合物的线性参数。我们使用有关离网方法的几何形状的最新结果,在真实的基础非线性参数上给出最小的分离,以便可以构建插值证书函数。还使用尾部界限,用于高斯过程的上流,我们将预测误差限制为高概率。假设可以构建证书函数,我们的预测误差绑定到日志 - 因线性回归模型中LASSO预测器所达到的速率类似。我们还建立了收敛速率,以高概率量化线性和非线性参数的估计质量。
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Lipschitz Learning是一种基于图的半监督学习方法,其中一个人通过在加权图上求解Infinity Laplace方程来扩展标签到未标记的数据集的标签。在这项工作中,随着顶点的数量生长到无穷大,我们证明了图形无穷大行道方程的解决方案的统一收敛速率。它们的连续内容是绝对最小化LipsChitz扩展,即关于从图形顶点采样图形顶点的域的测地度量。我们在图表权重的非常一般的假设下工作,标记顶点的集合和连续域。我们的主要贡献是,即使对于非常稀疏的图形,我们也获得了定量的收敛速率,因为它们通常出现在半监督学习等应用中。特别是,我们的框架允许绘制到连接半径的图形带宽。为了证明,我们首先显示图表距离函数的定量收敛性声明,在连续体中的测量距离功能。使用“与距离函数的比较”原理,我们可以将这些收敛语句传递给无限谐波函数,绝对最小化Lipschitz扩展。
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